#sam meets henry and hes enamored by his CLASS
shallowseeker · 9 months
now where IS that post about sam characterizing campbell as brawn, winchester as brain (literally he says these worlds omfg)
attack dog dean, attack dog cas, natural born killer mary, pet monster jack
poor faithful (dog) dean says lucifer
belphagor calling cas “the muscle”
british mol telling sam that hunters are unthinking beastly killer machines etc etc
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poindexters-labratory · 7 months
Could we please have all of the Michael lore. All of it.
Or hallucinogenic fear gas....
:0!! Not the fear gas... Not again...
Oh goodness, all of the Michael lore?? Well, you are indeed in for a storm (pun intended) :3 It will be in bullet points for optimal reading
Part One covers everything from Wild Cat to the end of Before the Storm <3
CW for mentions of trauma, emotional neglect, homophobia, assault, underage drinking, and child death
Michael is part of the early X generation, being born June 15, 1965.
Was a very sweet little boy growing up, making friends quickly and taking teasing not too seriously.
Was a momma's boy but was enamored with his father's inventions and ideas.
Hated getting a little brother, per trying to figure out all kinds of ways to get rid of Evan (he was seven years old and very jealous of the attention)
Getting a little sister was much easier because he was older and liked looking after her.
Had a permanent grudge against his mother because of his parents' divorce, her taking away his sister, and flying across the ocean, leaving Michael and his brother behind
Getting into those teenage years, he was definitely one of the town troublemakers and seemingly had a burning hatred for his family. His father was... odd, his mother abandoned him, and his brother was an annoying little shit.
He had two friends his sophomore year of high school, Percy and Tulio. Tulio was a kid kinda like Michael, an outcast of sorts, and Percy was a new neighbor from down his street who eventually made his way to the football team.
He met Tulio through his English class and William sent Michael to greet the new neighbors by himself with a pie, meeting Percy while introducing himself.
The three of them are seen together often at parties, restaurants, and school events, they are best friends, getting into trouble, disappearing for hours, the two boys becoming essentially a part of the Afton family. William cared for Percy and Tulio like his own kids. It takes a village.
The fourth member of their group was a boy from the next town over that Percy came from, named Sam. Sam was a member of the Church of Latter-Day Saints and Mike and Tulio were very unsure of him for a while. Sam and Percy's families were friends, but they were not. Very much not. But they pretty soon became friends after Sam's mother sent him to stay with Percy's family.
Michael often butts heads with people of authority, his father not really much of an authoritative figure in his life, but he doesn't do well in the presence of teachers, school officials, police, or Henry.
Michael was a very smart kid, but he just didn't like school. He was able to get his grades high enough to pass, but he never wanted to excel. That wasn't the sort of attention he desired.
He was an artist though, but through his teenage years, he kept that more on the downlow. Didn't really want anyone to know.
Mike might've been smart, but he wasn't a good kid to his dad. He would smoke, drink, badmouth William, steal his car, and bully a wide range of people, even his own brother and father.
After his father's accident, his behavior both got better and worsened. He started treating his dad with more respect and kindness, but also envied the attention he got.
William tried to combat Michael's emotions toward his lack of attention with love bombing him, including impulsively buying Michael a sports car for his seventeenth birthday.
Michael had gotten so talented at art at this point in time, to the point that his paintings and figure drawings had been shown in state fairs, so he had plans to attend college in California as an art major. Henry wanted him to stay in-state, but Will pushed for him to leave. Possibly some projection.
His senior year, Michael found out he was bisexual because of Jeremy Fitzgerald, a childhood friend of his that moved away to California and came back senior year of high school.
He found him very attractive and at first, he had no idea what to do or what the feelings were. So, for a bit, Mike ended up having a strange one-sided hatred for Jeremy. They ended up dating after that short bit.
Late that year, he discovered his dad was gay, and didn't really know how to feel about that information, confiding in Jeremy with the secret.
Sigggh, Jeremy then confided that information with the rest of their school. The problem with that is that there was already a lot of dangerous speculation that William is a gay man. He already got in enough hot water as a feminine person. If anything happened to Michael's father now, after his life-threatening accident, Michael's heart wouldn't be able to take it.
Jeremy and Michael break-up after Mike brutally physically fights him in school after finding out the source of the gossip. Jeremy gets sent to the hospital because of this fight. William pays for Jeremy's hospital bill and no charges are pressed against Michael.
Michael's attitude takes a sharp turn the second half of his senior year of high school. He felt betrayed and let down once again. He became increasingly aggressive, apathetic, unsympathetic, and had a general disregard for his own safety and the safety of others.
Henry wanted to send Michael to a military school to whip him into shape, but William strictly forbode it.
His friends tag along in his behavior, much too intimidated and fearful to say much of anything about it.
The main victim of this behavior was Evan, who became a fun target because of his elevated paranoia and anxiety after the events of his father's accident.
William was too gentle with Michael for his own good, and a bit terrified with Michael's recent behavior. He could've tried to mediate the situation better, but he was still recovering from his accident both physically and mentally. On top of that, he had to work in both Fredbear's and Freddy's interchangeably, managing the locations (Remember the tasks in FFPS, that's basically the jobs Will had to do, minus murderous animatronics).
The week leading up to Evan's twelfth birthday, Michael gets increasingly more jealous of the attention his little brother was receiving. Michael's behavior gets worse and worse throughout the week, William away, preparing for Evan's party, but able to keep an eye on his young son with the help of the Fredbear CCTVs.
It all comes to a head on Evan's birthday where he, Percy, Sam, and Tulio put him in the Fredbear animatronic's mouth, it's programming and the air pressure build-up causing Evan's skull to crack under said pressure, and he has a seizure while still in Fredbear's mouth.
A few nights later, Evan passes away from an inoperable brain aneurysm. William and Michael are devastated.
After Evan's death, Michael and his father only got into more heated arguments more often. Michael blamed himself for what happened and couldn't stand to be around his father much longer as he watched him deteriorate into a shell of a human being.
So, he stayed until just after he finished high school, per his father's request, and then he got the hell out of there. Packed up his necessities in his car and left his father to himself, alone in their home. And he drove all the way to Los Angeles.
He heard about Charlie's murder from his father that fall of 1983, but he couldn't bear himself to go back to that town for the funeral of another child he thought of as a member of his family. He should've never went back at all.
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