#sam witwicky megop fankid au
cyber-skeletons · 6 months
Omg Optimus finding out he was pregnant with Sam after not feeling well for a week and the mayhem that causes amongst his troops ( mainly Arcee and Wheeljakc having to be held back from kicking Megatron’s aft for their knocking up their commander bc they jumped to conclusions) and Megatron totally not trying to pass out form shock and then winds up scaring the pit of Knockout with the jubilant shouting from the warlord once the shock faded
"Optimus? What are you doing?"
Optimus froze and slowly turned towards Ratchet from where he'd been rifling through the medic's supplies. "...Searching," he said truthfully.
Ratchet arced a critical brow ridge. "For anything in particular?"
Optimus dropped his gaze, his finials sinking back. "...A carriage test."
Ratchet cycled his optics, then cycled them again. "Pardon?"
Optimus looked at his old friend pleadingly. "The increase in my core system temperature, the ache in my refineries, the way I've been purging every morning this past week... Ratchet, you know very well what this looks like."
"Sure, I know what it looks like, but I also know that sparklings don't just spontaneously manifest from nothing, and I know you, Optimus, you haven't interfaced with anyone for millions of years! It can't be a-" Ratchet froze at the look on Optimus's face. "Optimus..." he said slowly, "oh, Optimus, tell me you didn't."
Optimus stared dejectedly at the floor. "When Megatron held the peace summit last month, he invited me to his quarters, and we... Ratchet, there was highgrade-"
Ratchet immediately grabbed a wrench and hurled it to whistle past Optimus's helm. The Prime barely flinched.
"What are you, glitched?!" Ratchet shrieked. "That summit was a ploy to learn the location of our base, we knew it from the start, and what did he do at the end of it?! Said your terms were 'unacceptable' and TRIED TO KILL YOU!"
"Ratchet, please," Optimus tried, his voice breaking.
Ratchet rapidly collected himself and reset his vocalizer. "Right. Okay. I'm sorry. Eugh..." he groaned, dragging a servo down his faceplate. "Come on. A carriage test hasn't been available since Cybertron fell. I'll have to examine you."
Miko's voice suddenly sounded from the floor. "What's a carriage test?"
The two mechs whirled around to spot the human child in the doorway to the medical supply room, smiling innocently up at them.
"Miko..." Ratchet said gently, raising a servo as if he were in a hostage situation. "A carriage test is... a test... to determine if... a mech can transform into a carriage."
Miko tilted her head and scoffed, blowing her colorful bangs from her face. "But you guys can turn into cars and trucks and cool things like that! Besides, what use is a carriage without horses?"
"What is a horse?" Optimus asked.
Miko opened her mouth to answer with a bright smile, bouncing on her tip-toes, only to turn thoughtful and rub her chin. "What is a horse? We just don't know!"
Ratchet rolled his optics and drawled, "Yes, yes, very good, now run along, I have to examine Optimus for a very sensitive, private matter."
Miko snorted. "Yeah, whether or not he can turn into a buggy."
Optimus made a face. "I am not an insecticon."
"Wrong buggy, Prime."
"Shoo!" Ratchet barked, waving his servos, and Miko squealed and ran away with a giggle, leaving Ratchet to grab a medical scanner and herd Optimus to the Prime's private quarters.
Once Optimus was lying down on his berth, Ratchet swept the scanner over his abdomen to get a reading and then squinted at the results. He did it again, then again. He paled.
"Optimus," he said gingerly. "You're sparked."
Optimus laid there and stared up at the ceiling.
That was how he noticed Jack duck back away from the ceiling vent.
Optimus closed his optics and groaned, "Jack..." but the boy was already scrambling back towards the common area, creating frantic thumps in the ventilation system.
"I'll stop him," Ratchet said, determined, setting the scanner aside and marching towards the door, only for Optimus to catch his hand.
"Don't," Optimus said quietly, sitting up and setting his pedes on the floor. "I'll have to tell the team sooner or later. It may as well be now."
"Optimus, you have a right to-"
"It's fine," Optimus assured, standing up to his full great height, and Ratchet frowned, but made no further argument. "However, I must ask, old friend... will you stand at my side as I tell them?"
"Always," Ratchet swore, and with that the two mechs made their way to the common area.
"Optimus!" Arcee barked as soon as they came out of the hallway. The entire team was assembled around the children, including Wheeljack, looking shook to the core. "What is this? You're sparked? Can we afford this right now?"
"What Jack has told you is true," Optimus said gravely, coming to stand at parade rest in front of his soldiers and charges.
Rafael spoke up then, raising his hand. "What's 'sparked'? Is it bad?"
Bumblebee beeped at his human friend, and Raf balked.
Jack glanced worriedly between Raf and Optimus and asked, "What, what'd he say, what's wrong with Optimus?"
"He's uh... pregnant," Raf said slowly, looking perplexed.
Miko's jaw dropped. "Whoa, robots can get preggers? ...COOL!"
Wheeljack was the first to recover. "So who's the lucky bot?" he drawled with a forced smirk. "Is it Doc?"
Optimus and Ratchet shared a look. Ratchet immediately commed him, :Tell them it's me. They don't have to know.:
Optimus shook his helm and looked back at his team. He would not lie to his family. "No, it is not Ratchet. The sparkling's sire is none other than Megatron."
There was silence. Then:
"I'm going to kill him," Arcee snarled, curling her servos into fists and stalking towards the exit to the base. "I'm going to tear him apart!"
"I'll join you," Wheeljack said darkly, snapping his battlemask shut and transforming into his rally car alt-mode, roaring his engine.
"You will do no such thing," Optimus said sharply, quickly stepping between them and the exit. "Megatron and I's bonding was both consensual and enthusiastic."
Miko snorted and laughed, "Ewwwww!"
Jack furrowed his brow and held out his arms. "Optimus, how could you?"
Bumblebee beeped rapidly, and Raf translated, "What does this mean for the war?"
Optimus was getting overwhelmed, so Ratchet stepped in then, placing a gentle servo on his arm. Gathering strength from his friend, Optimus shot him a grateful look before turning to the others and intoning, "I will tell Megatron of this miracle that we have made, and hopefully awaken something in his spark other than hatred."
Knock Out was examining his claws when the Nemesis's communications array began ringing. When he saw it was from the Autobots, he groaned, "Ugh, fine," and stopped examining his claws long enough to answer the call. "You've reached Lord Megatron's line~ He's not inclined to waste time on Autobot filth at the moment, so how may I help you?"
Prime's system ID image stared at him disapprovingly from the holoscreen. "I have important news that I would prefer to give to Megatron personally. Is it possible to arrange a meeting on neutral ground?"
"What do I look like, his secretary?"
"I say again: I bear news that may alter the course of the war, and will certainly alter his functioning."
"Sure you do," Knock Out chuckled, finally letting his servo fall so he could seductively lean on the console. "And I'm the King of Velocitron."
"Are you saying you will not give me an audience with Megatron?"
"I'm saying you can shove it up your aft."
There was a weighted pause. "You would deny your Lord his sparkling?"
Knock Out's vents choked on air as he shrieked, "What?!" Bristling, he glowered at the holoscreen. "What evidence- I want proof! Our Lord would never lie with- Oh would you look at that," he said, tilting his helm at the still image of a second spark orbiting around the Prime's.
"I will not beg to see him," Prime continued, voice hard. "You may deliver this information yourself, if you so desire. This channel will remain open if he wishes to make contact afterwards. Goodbye."
And with that, Prime hung up.
Knock Out immediately scrambled to run through the hallways to find his Lord.
"Uh... Lord Megatron?" Knock Out prompted with a grimaced smile. "Nemesis to Lord Megatron, come in Lord Megatron."
Megatron just stood there, intake agape and flapping, his optics bulging as he stared at the second little spark cradled next to Prime's.
"YEEESSSSSSSSS!" Megatron suddenly bellowed, whirling on Knock Out and picking him up, and Knock Out saw his entire life flash before his optics as his Lord spun him around and set him back down so he could pump his fists in the air. "YES! YES! YES! YES!"
Rattling with terror and swallowing repeatedly, Knock Out gave a shaky thumbs up before walking away to go bury his face in Breakdown's amazing bosom, hearing Lord Megatron practically skip through the ship behind him and off into the distance, bellowing, "I'M GOING TO BE A SIRE!"
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cyber-skeletons · 6 months
Omg Sam in Earthspark meeting the terrans and Twitch is just so damn confused, terrified and also amazed at Sam’s abilities. She only gets scared when she sees Sam’s full wraith on display because someone hurt one of his parents and she witness him almost tearing a ghost goon to shreds until Bee stops him ( I still need to watch earthspark but it looks awesome lol) also the terrans just being confused by Sam being Optimus and Megatron’s kid lmao
EarthSpark is hands down our favorite Transformers continuity ever it comes fully recommended and ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you are coming for our HEART with this. Sam considering the Terrans his cousins because they're Aunt Dorothy's kids and he loves them to bits but seeing Twitch scared of him after losing control probably really rattles him
And the Terrans looking at Sam and squealing and going "So you're a Terran too?!" and Sam is just like "...am I a Terran???? Carrier? Sire?" and Optimus is like "Well, no, as you were created from me and Megatron, rather than from Earth and the Emberstone" and the Terrans immediately latch onto that and Thrash goes "Wait wait wait, you and Megatron can just BUILD new Cybertronians?! Why haven't you been doing that more?!" and Nightshade is like "Oh! Please explain in exact detail how you created Sam!" and Optimus and Megatron are both just like
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And ooooooh what if Sam has his human form because Dot touched his protoform when Megatron showed him to her? What if he and Optimus actually arranged for Dot to raise Sam as her own and hide his Cybertronian side so that GHOST and Agent Croft wouldn't get their hands on their sparkling, just like Optimus sent Bee into hiding to keep him safe? So that would mean Sam has Three Dads, a Mom, and Seven Siblings
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cyber-skeletons · 6 months
TFP!Megatron* walking with swagger as he’s commanding his ship* Baby Sam:* trying to copy the way his sire is walking and failing miserably*
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cyber-skeletons · 6 months
Ratchet:* standing outside catching a break and talking to Megatron* Was he this intense with Sam? Megatron* Wistfully sighs* dear medic the gods have shown you fortune, at least your bitlit was planned and not the result of overcharged drinking. And Yes, this is Prime being merciful for you. I have the battle scars to prove it. Ratchet* optics widening in horrified awe at the scars on Megatron’s back and chest were not from battle damage* Optimus in the background: Ratchet! I have a sudden craving for rust sticks!
Ratchet: ...I love my conjunx for not mAULING ME LIKE A DWELLER
Optimus: Sweetspark, that was Megatron-specific. I'd never so much as dent you.
Megatron: Great, greaaaat e_e
Soundwave, playing back a clip: 'I'm telling you, Soundwave, he was a beast! Millennia I spent in the pits of Kaon and never had I been so mauled! And the thing is: I think it awoke something in me. Why don't you try being more like that?'
Ratchet: [flatly] Wow. WOW.
Megatron: [hissing like a cat] SOUNDWAVE DELETE THAT I SAID I'M SORRY
Optimus, draping himself over Ratchet: Is anyone going to get those rust sticks...?
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cyber-skeletons · 6 months
Also Optimus winds up getting sparked again with his and Ratchets first kid giving Sam a half brother with bitty Smokescreen so poor Ratchet having a sparked Optimus pffft
OMG YESSSS SMOKESCREEN IS SO BABY and him being an Optiratch kid is a precious thought
And "poor Ratchet having a sparked Optimus" love the unsaid implications of that lskdfdlksjfs
Megatron and Ratchet finally bonding like
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cyber-skeletons · 6 months
Yeah Optimus was living with Megatron when he was carrying Sam/ Rodimus so of course there was some tension amongst the higher ranking Cons on the Nemesis at the time, though they knew better than to attack Optimus other Airarchnid and Starscream trying to take Optimus out to keep their positions secure but the Prime really surprises the Cons with how he just mangles the two cons due to his carrier protocols by ripping Starscream’s wings off and Megatron coming to his aid at the last minute
sldfjskdfjslfksdjslkfjs GET REKT STARSCREAM, and I see why Airachnid fled to go on the universe's worst solo road trip of war crimes now
Do NOT mess with a carrying Optimus holy shit
Megatron showing up to the sound of Starscream's and Airachnid's screams as they lay in a bloody heap at Optimus's pedes like
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cyber-skeletons · 6 months
Omg with Optimus and Megatron raising Sam on Earth whenever Sam goes on field with trips they usually chapareon with him and Megatron actually gets interested in history, especially about Roman gladiators lmao and Meg’s reinacting some of his fights for Sam’s class and the kids are enthralled while Optimus is like “ oh no”
slkfjnalkdjalskdjajlkd omfg 😭 Optimus and Megatron, field trip chaperones 😭 And if this is Prime!Megatron then he will be nowhere NEAR as responsible as his IDW1 counterpart 😭
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After half an hour of "Storytime with Megatron" the children are paired off trying to stab each other with sticks
Prime!Megatron is at the perfect midpoint between "MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS!" and "Pulls into drive-thru while kids cheer, orders a single black coffee, and leaves"
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cyber-skeletons · 6 months
also for the TFP AU after Optimus gives birth to Smokescreen as he lets his body heal and also letting Sam meet his baby half brother is really cute and Ratchrt cant help his sire protocalls as he becomes protective of the boy and one day Sam has a scary health episode ( he winds up having a seizure) and Ratchet goes full sire and medic mode as Optimus watching from his berth worried while holding Smokescreen
Ratchet has so much cosmically powerful Dad Energy like for real. Doctor Dad. Dadter. Sam probably calls him that once and Ratchet makes his "unghhhhhh" noise but he's smiling and he hates it.
Cue him having his first bitlet with Optimus and the sire protocols are in full swing and then that seizure happens and Optimus is scared, baby Smokescreen is scared, and hell Ratchet's scared too because that's his child (he's not the step-dad he's the dad that stepped up) but he's the best medic in all of Cybertron for a goddamn reason, so he pushes down the fear and stills the tremors in his servos and narrates in a calm, kind voice everything he's doing to help Sam.
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cyber-skeletons · 6 months
Omg Adult!Rodimus starting to get into the dating scene and which ever poor bot is dating him having to contend with not only Megatron but Optimus as well. “ Aye my creators will love you! You’ll be fine” Sunstreaker and Sideswipe hiding behind their boyfriend as he introduces them and the tow mechs are like “ HOLY shit those are your parents.”
“Carrier we’ve talked about this please don’t scare them off with your fushion cannon like the last time!”
Optimus is in active reform because he already got prickly about Bumblebee dating Breakdown and Bumblebee staged an intervention for him about adult boundaries
Meanwhile Megatron grew up under an oppressive regime and then created his own oppressive regime where everyone manipulated and backstabbed each other all the time so he's like "No sparkling of mine is going to stop me from giving their prospective partners the shovel talk. You hurt my progeny, I will end your bloodline."
Optimus cautiously approaches Megatron with a PTSD workbook.
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cyber-skeletons · 6 months
Five in the morning baby Sam is up, playfully biting Optimus’s ear fins: “ Before Sunrise he’s your son.” Megatron rolling over as Sam is gingerly placed on Megatron’s chestplate for him to deal with. “ Prime don’t you dare power down again ah frag you did” Megatron huffs as he gently lifts Sam by his scruff, the sparkling just blinking wide eyed, “ Your a pain in the ass but you get that from me” * happy baby noises as Sam tries to test himself back at Optimus•
Megatron, his grip firm on the squirming sparkling, looks back at his bonded and heaves a heavy ex-vent. Shaking his helm, he wearily rolls out of berth and softly mutters, "Let your sire recharge. He rarely asks anything for himself, you know. But you, little one?"
Sam coos up at his carrier expectantly, with all the love and trust in the world in his eyes.
Megatron's expression softens. Closing his optics, he presses their foreheads together. "...You're gonna rattle the stars, you are."
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cyber-skeletons · 6 months
Thoughts on TF AU where Sam witwicky is like Sari from TFA and is Cybertronian and his pops is Megatron ahd Optimus is his carrier and his robo form name is Rodimus. I get giddy whenever I get to write for this or role play with this AU ( fellow austic transformers fan too btw! Love your posts!)
Oh gosh oh man I think that would be so hecking intriguing and ANGSTY. We haven't watched the Bayverse films yet but we've watched tons of clips and video essays about them (and even read a couple fics), and the whole High Lord Protector Megatron and His Prime Optimus backstory has so much potential to tap into, this being a perfect example. We just watched the Sari Reveal arc in TFA the other day and oh gosh, like, would Megatron know Optimus was sparked? Does he know Sam/Rodimus is his, this tiny spunky little human-looking sparkling? If so does that change his handling of the war? No wonder you get giddy for writing and roleplaying that AU, that's so cool!! Also hihihihi fellow autistic transformers fan!!!!! Thank you for the ask, we love talking with kindred spirits about our special interests! <3
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cyber-skeletons · 6 months
For and Megatron:* experienced moms so they what to look for when taking care of the terrans and Sam, also Sam starts fussing Megatron is on it usually bc the bitlet is hungry or not feeling well,* Optimus trying to calm Sam down but the baby is still fussing “ Guess he really is a carrier’s boy” Megatron humms as he’s refueling while Alex tries to help Optimus lol
Earthspark!Optimus is just generally all around obtuse in the most autistic way possible so I'm having emotions about him Struggling as a sire to read his sparkling's needs because there's no script for this, he's failing terribly, he's HURTING his BITLET because he can't stop his fussing! Cue Optimus connecting with Alex, Professional Autistic Dad, who coaches him in baby 101 and gently reassures him that just because he's not clicking as naturally as Megatron is that he's still a great dad because he's willing to learn how Sam works and meet the babe at his level.
And maybe, just maybe, this also builds a bridge between Optimus and Thrash because I can see Thrash initially being too rough with baby Sam because he doesn't understand how fragile a baby is or getting jealous that his family's attention is on Sam, so while Twitch gets taken under Megatron's wing Thrash gets taken under Optimus's, and while initially Thrash gives Optimus the same "ok boomer" treatment he gives Megatron Optimus just laughs and proves he's not afraid to get down in the dirt because he WAS a scrappy young manual laborer once.
Orion Pax was out there picking fights with upper caste bullies like
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cyber-skeletons · 6 months
Just watched the first wpisode of Earthspark and omg I’m hooked and also lmao now omg with Dorothy helping Megatron when he’s having Sam and their dad trying to help keep Optimus from freaking during the birth pfffft “ My wife has gone through this twice so your mate will be fine” Mr Malto as Megatron is heard screaming from the Barn and Bee and Elita 1 wince in sympathetic pain
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Also slkfsldkjfslkdjfs the comedic timing of that scream omg. Alex has to coach Optimus to breathe more than Dot has to coach Megs. Megatron doesn't even do the "YOU DID THIS TO ME" thing it's Optimus going "How could I do this to you I'm so sorry" and Dot's like "OP either nut up or shut up."
I'm also cackling at the thought of Optimus and Megatron having a shotgun wedding where Dot has the shotgun and Megatron is miserable about his overprotective amica. "Dorothy. You're embarrassing me." "Family's embarrassing, Megs, get over yourself."
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cyber-skeletons · 6 months
Omg and when Optimus actually goes into labor Megatron feels himself low key panicking but also reassuring himself like “ Prime’s gonna be fine things are going to be fine it’s like how Sam decided to get stuck and cause internal bleeding” Yeah Sam’s birth was not an easy one lol so Optimus is already worried about something going wrong. Also Sam just staying at Jack’s house so he wouldn’t have to hear his carrier screaming and have his anxiety at peak level but still pacing everywhere until Jack tells him to chill out lmao
I love poor Sam and Megatron wringing their hands over all the things that could go wrong, meanwhile the bitlet's sire is RATCHET. OF ALL MECHS. I wouldn't be surprised if Ratchet is who saved Optimus when Sam got stuck. The alternative is Knock Out and sldkfjsklfjs at least he'd keep it comedic????? "You see, Lord Megatron, I'd love to stop the fuel line rupture and stop this sparkling from suffocating if I could hAVE TWO NANO-KLIKS OF PEACE TO FRAGGING WORK"
...Actually Ratchet would be the same level of snarky. Knock Out 🤝 Ratchet, being cunty gay doctors.
Also shout-out to Optimus for having a difficult first carriage and nearly dying in emergence and deciding he wants to do it again. And AGAIN possibly if I'm reading that "Optimus and Ratchet's first kid" right. My man might be a masochist. That or the baby fever's got him Bad. Possibly both.
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cyber-skeletons · 6 months
Omg those moments when any new parents overwhelmed by their new baby Optimus is getting stressed because he can’t calm Sam down until Ratchet gently takes him and reassured Optimus and tells him to get some rest and an hour later Optimus finds his spark mate on the couch passed out holding Sam close to his chest of course Optimus takes a picture of them and okg yesss Soundwave being Meg’s spark mate but he’s really protective of Sam too and Sam forms a bond with his strong bond omg
And gosh I'd love to see so many Sam baby pictures. Soundwave probably has an absurd amount of pictures and videos when Sam gets to be in his and Megatron's lives, and I bet Soundwave and Sam bonding time is way more chill than his sire's. Sam introducing Soundwave to Earth's grooviest tunes and Soundwave playing his favorite Cybertronian music for Sam and Laserbeak. Also I feel like Ratchet's love language is acts of service so he constantly does things like sneak supplements into Sam's lunch with a very grumpy note like "You seem paler than optimal so take this with food once daily or else you'll have to answer to me. <3"
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cyber-skeletons · 6 months
Yess also Sam after he has those episodes just being clingy to his step sire and carrier so Ratchet or Optimus keeping Sam close in a sling while Sam’s recovering and Optimus nursing both his sons as Ratchet cuddling his mate late one evening. Also Sam chronic pain flairing up late at night a lot so Ratchet often holding him as he’s going over data because he’s a night owl type of bot or just walking around the base to help soothe Sam back to sleep
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