#same goes for erikur :
libartz · 1 year
The reaction of Perlas’ two brothers to the dragonborn stuff is just
Tilenn thinks it’s the coolest thing ever, not least because Perlas seems to be doing much better now (he had a few really crappy decades). Tilenn continues doing his own thing on the side, but sometimes comes along for a quest or two. He likes that things are getting achieved, trying to better society back home was an impossible task. And there are dragon friends now! It does suck a little that he’s ‘the LDB’s brother’ when he had a bit of his own reputation before that. But it makes it easier to do stuff behind the scenes.
Meanwhile Mojelmo is still in Anvil with his wife and kids, has heard nothing of Perlas other than Tilenn writing him to say Perlas turned up alive in Skyrim after going missing. After calming down from secretly being worried about him, he shakes his head about all the dramatics and goes back to his life and shady business practices. News travels of some chaos up north, but that largely calms down within a few years. On eventually finding out his estranged younger brother has become a dragon-eating demigod, he lives in a perpetual state of ‘what the actual fuck’
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crysdrawsthings · 2 years
Concerning Elanor's antics in Skyrim
Hopefully a little post for me to finally write down some notable events in Elanor's unending struggle in making life in Skyrim somehow worse.
The year is 4E 201. The cart is rolling towards Helgen. Ralof, Lokir an Ulfric have to deal with snoring and absolutely shitfaced Thalmor Justiciar sleeping in the same cart. Say hi to Elanor, age ~110 and her questionable life choices.
- And... who are you? - Oh, I am here for the execution. To watch it, I mean. Although with a headache like this, maybe it would be easier to just chop the whole thing off, you know?
Let it be known, that Elanor should be held responsible for at least half of property damage and casualties in Helgen, because half-drunk is not the proper state to sling around destro spells.
She initially goes to Whiterun just to hitch a ride to Solitude, taking a few detours on the way, naturally, while Delphine runs her own investigation into dragon issues, frustrated that someone has already raided Bleak Falls Barrow. And someone with a frustratingly familiar "woe, ton of atronachs and a chain lightning be upon ye" approach to problems.
Mostly sober now and hungry for a rematch Elanor jumps on a chance to join Irileth's dragon hunt, subsequently devouring her first dragon soul.
A rare moral W for Elanor is stopping vandalizing Talos' statue to give a few coins to Lucia and hear her story. Naturally proceeds to casually offer to go stab her aunt and uncle so the kid can have her farm back, taking a moral L for further traumatizing the child. Evens out by borderline bullying Balgruuf into giving her Breezehome so Lucia and Brenuin can move in there. Leaves Whiterun without elaborating.
Figures it won't take too long to check this out and ventures to High Hrothgar, naturally summoning a dremora lord to princess carry her up the mountain.
Actually has a lot of fun learning funny shouty language and being obnoxious yellow gremlin. Greybeards and their young acolytes less so, but they manage. She particularly aggravates one of their most promising pupils, Eivor.
This leads to him attempting to get the Horn in the Ustengrav before Elanor can get there and coincidentially running into Delphine there and them teaming up for the time being. Elanor meanwhile doing a very important sidequesting and terrorizing local populace.
Subsequently, Elanor also forgets about the whole Horn thing after getting yelled at by Elenwen (via letter) and summoned back to the Embassy to talk about the whole dragon problem. Finds her in the middle of some daedric quest aka "Oh, you are Sheo's kid, right? Can you help me a bit out there?"
Upon making it to the Embassy shows up exactly in time for another one of Elenwen's parties. While partying takes another rare moral W by disposing of Erikur. Immediatelly proceeds to take a ton of faction-typical moral Ls for what she does to get information on Esbern out of Etienne. Also gets roped into figuring out the whole Potema thing.
After gifting Potema (bound to the skull) to Elisif, Elanor proceeds to head for the Riften where the hunt for the Blades starts. Very fun and enriching! She hasn't felt that alive since the Great War! Certainly being very normal! Surely not terrorizing and driving her quarry borderline mad with the lack of sleep and constant attacks.
Eventually makes it to the Sky Haven Temple, gets run through by Delphine's katanas, excitedly asks if dear worstie would want those back or if she can keep them for the collection. Yes, she has a collection.
Gets the Horn from Eivor, finally remembers that she is supposed to bring it back to yelling grandpas. Takes a metaphorical selfie in front of Alduin's Wall and leaves to do just that. As a result gets yet again insulted by people giving her the same title as tiber fucking septim, but on the bright side of things - she gets to meet Paarthurnax. Imprints on him like a sad lost duckling.
Dragon problems continue to escalate while Elanor is trying to dig up an Elder Scroll somewhere. Along the way takes part in the College questline, annoys Psijics and takes another rare moral W by being actually decent to college kids. Dangerously unhinged, but decent.
"Hey, kid, do you know how to summon atronachs that explode? No? Do you want to?"
After acquiring the Scroll Elanor actually remembers to go to Paarthurnax with it and finds out she can't actually perform Dragonrend as the concept of mortality is, funnily enough, alien to a functionally immortal being. Still proceeds to beat Alduin to a stalemate using her cool new shouts and good old reliable "enough magic firepower to level a city" approach.
Peace talks? Gloriously failed.
Joins the Civil War on the side of the Legion, but causes so much problems Ulfric should have probably taken her on the payroll. In any case, eventually Whiterun's position is secure enough so Balgruuf agrees to the whole "capture the dragon" plan.
Final showdown with Alduin happens, the crisis averted, the dragons chill down a bit, Elanor goes back to being a menace, gets drunk with Sanguine to celebrate, ends up in Cindhna Mine as a result, you know, the typical stuff. Civil War rages on...
Dawnguard: Elanor joins the side of Dawnguard, offers Serana to beat up both Harkon and Molag Bal if it would cheer her up, casually drops the fact of being an artificially created "godling" in the conversation, adores her new cool bow. Promises to figure out some loophole to get Durnie out of Soul Cairn permanently.
Actually gets her "parents" to join her and in fact beat Molag Bal up. Cathartic experience.
Dragonborn: oh no, worsties are fighting. Elanor is absolutely head over heel about the prospect of finally fighting someone strong again, and ends up draggin Miraak back to the Nirn after Mora tries to pull a sneaky.
"Hey, maybe I should start a cult too, you know? I am cool and basically a goddess in the flesh, I deserve one"
The Dragon Cult 2: Electric Boogaloo. Now comes in girlboss.
A few years later Elanor is mostly known as Thurrahdaal, the Winged Majesty, and Paarthurnax is doing his damned best to keep her at least somewhat sensible. Somewhat succeeds. Sometimes it requires whacking her on the head with a wing or a tail, while in private.
Eventually, a century or so later, our horrible meow meow embraces the whole Alduin thing and devours this particular timeline, abusing her privileges to keep her horrible bf (Ancano, also the head priest of her fun little cult) around.
Following this "lives" at Akatosh and Co place and scheming something very dastardly to do to one divinely neighbour.
Ze end.
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cronegirl · 5 years
sometimes Elenwen is like ‘oh Jarl Idgrod why dont you bring your daughter along to one of my soirees :)’ & Jarl Idgrod will always say something along the lines of ‘i’m sorry, my daughter must stay home to look after Joric’
but the truth is: Idgrod the Younger refuses to go anywhere Jarl Siddgeir might show up. .. he wont leave her alone & she hates his fuckin guts
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There is a moment between the Then High King of Skyrim offering aid to the Dunmer after the Red Year and giving them Solstheim free of charge and Ulfric's bid at absolute ruling that shifts the Nords from their original, pre-skyrim culture into the more imperialized, more racist one we see in the 4th era, and I think we can pinpoint that to when they decided to abandon the old nordic pantheon to pass to a misplaced and poorly researched Belief that Tiber Septim, a Breton, was in fact Ysmir Wulfharth Stormcrown, ending up forgetting about the Stormcrown altogether.
Which is, like... super weird? Imagine a Skyrim where the choices on the Civil War weren't just "Racism and Awful Jarls and Open Talos" and "Imperialism and OK Jarls and Secret Talos," but gave you also other options...
The Nordic Pantheon, under Baalgruf, not lost to Todd's desire to dumb down and normify the lore as much as he can, but a active player in the fucking situation, Kyne being revered as the major god over Talos in most context.
Would the ban on Talos affect Ysmir? Maybe, but they'd be the "moderate" side of northern indipendence, the one who saw Morrowind on her knees and offered her help, lands, political asylum, suddenly the second biggest concentration of Dark Elves after the new capital is in Rorikstead, now a full on town.
We have 9 holds we can divide each in groups of three, Stormcloaks gets Dawnstar Windhelm and Winterhold, the most inhospitable ones, Empire gets Maarkarth, Solitude and Falkreath, the major production centers of wood, silver, and sea trade, while this new faction gets Morthal, Whiterun and Riften, two major trading hubs of exchanges between new people and shit and, well, a Swamp.
The Third Faction is neutral but both sides are still attempting to sway her to either side.
Morthal still got Idgrod in power by default, a solid jarl, but also has some internal dissent over her sheltering of mages and other such people as well as Ableism, so you can do a internal, apolitical quest where you either stop the conspiration against or you can sell her out (like you do already in Vanilla), but now it has consequences, selling Idgrod out, a well meaning ruler with literal prophetic powers, will put Sorli in charge, which will run the hold to the ground via the capitalist economic policies she's known for and the destruction of the welfare state, as well as a new opression on mages to gather support, and she will stay in power whatever Ulfric, Tullius, or Baalgruf win if that happens, while Idgrod will abdicate in case of Stormcloak Victory only.
Whiterun gets Baalgruf, obviously, and is the leader of the new faction. He's trying to keep things stable, and he's the one under which the old cult is gathered due to the temple of Kyne (the gildergleam is suddenly a more politically charged decision). You will still be thaned under him first, will be your major ally, and you'll still be able to convince him to join the empire (via speech checks and several side missions), but will not Join Ulfric regardless of what you do, both for religious reasons (Ulfric being a renegade greybeard is a point of contempt among the old nordic cult, as is his worship of Tiber Septim over Ysmir), practical reasons (Ulfric's holds are the worst kept and starving as it is, and are not capitalizing on their main advantages despite the fact the guy is controlling most of the coast already), and personal reasons (Ulfric is a dick).
The Mephala quest can still involve Baalgruf's son killing him for Mephala (in which case the closed room is not with the ebony blade in but a shrine of mephala from the dunmer husband of a previous whiterun jarl in the 4th era (Again, rorikstead is filled with Dunmer here)), in which case his brother comes to power, the coalition gets dissolved, and Whiterun goes into ruin, but you can also repair the fractured relationship between the Jarl and his son instead, get them closer together and make them a family and shit, in which case Mephala will still congratulate with you ("Everything mortals do, has already been accounted for in my webs. You did exactly what I expected you to do, and put my agent closer to the position of power I aspired him to one day get, in my name no less. You deserve a reward for your spirit of initiative"). Having Baalgruf son kill his father grants you the Ebony Blade, since its fitting since you gained his trust and betrayed it, while helpinv them out and gaining thus a subtler control and power over them and their faction gives you the Ring of Khajiit, which grants you a speech buff and the passive ability to become invisible while crouching till you stand up or activate something, more befitting to such a subtle agent of the spinner.
Hemskir isn't a Talos priest anymore but is still a raving lunatic shouting deranged lore on thd gods in front of the Kyne temple ("And then the hunter, who rent asunder men and heretic mer alike, who conspired with the wretched Alduin, Akatosh, Auri-El, thrice cursed, into reversing our warriors' time back into infancy, was tricked by the goddess of plots, swallowed whole within his bowels, and shat among their faithful, cursing and blessing them with their essence!").
In case you didn't convince Baalgruf of kill him, either side can depose him and put a Greymane or a Battleborn in power instead. His brother will swing either way, but will try to take control of the stormcloak faction over ulfric if swinging that way.
Riften gets Laila Law-Giver, who is still a weak willed ruler, but is a undecided one now, caught between her imperial and her stotmcloak sons, her housecarl and her steward, the mafia and her ideals, and also reveal a stunning ability to be able to read the writing on the wall she displays rarely in game (Like when you can ask her about Ulfric post stormcloak victory in Vanilla and she'll admit she knows he's power hungry and that things are only going to get harder for everyone now). Regardles, you can convince her to join any faction by supporting either of the sides vying for her attention, otherwise Maven gets in power regardles of faction.
By advising and helping her, YOU can become the new power behind the throne of this puppet ruler over all other people in her life.
The other 6 holds are pretty much the same, Erikur gets in power in solitude in case of Stormcloak victory, Elisif stays in case of the other 2 sides, Ulfric dies in all but the stormcloak victory, either in 1v1 duel with you, glorious battle or executed after capture, in which case his soul will not be in sovngarde and you will be able to steal his soul, free-winter gets in charge, and so on...
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Norway Uni Roomate AU
Headcanons discussed with @sternenfairy / @ask-medieval-nyo-morway
Okay so, first thing's first, the title is a work in progress because titles are freaking hard.
I'd absolutely love if anyone else had any ideas to share?
Anyway. This isn't everything I've got so far but the list was getting long. Names are colour coded for convenience~ Lukas, Lovise, Lokki, and Mildri - 1p, Nyo, 2p, and 2p Nyo
The four Norways are human and live in the UK. Because I know how the British education system works. And I know places they can go and stuff on account of living in the region it's set.
Lokki and Mildri are childhood friends who wind up going to the same university. They were joined at the hip as long as they could remember. Only natural they would choose to be roommates
Lovise, Mildri met in sixth form, Lovise having transferred in during their GCSEs. They only really got to know each other recently.
Nonetheless when Mildri invited her to share a flat with them, Lovise accepted.
Lukas also moved into that same flat for some reason I don't know yet, bringing many plush toys into their life.
Not that they recognize each other yet, Lukas and Lovise knew each other when they were very young
Lokki has a pet noodle, haven't quite settled on its' name. Their landlord doesn't allow pets. He doesn't care.
Lovise has many axolotls.
Lukas is taking History.
Lovise is taking a [redacted] course.
Lokki is taking Chemistry.
Mildri is taking Mathematics.
I have a prospectus here beside me so I guess I know which Uni they're attending.
Lukas has this cute shoulder bag that's well organized.
Lovise has everything you could possibly need in her bag, she's very prepared. First aid kit? Check. Sweets? Check. Emergency coffee supply? Check. Craft knife? Absofuckinglutely. And she will pull it out to scare people.
Mildri's bag is a rucksack which has everything she could want in too, only, in the sense that her bag is a bottomless void filled with chocolate bar wrappers. And Lokki's chemistry notes.
Lokki. Forgoes a bag entirely. He keeps his stationary in his pockets and bribes his roommates to hold onto his books and/or lecture notes. Sometimes he has his folder with him? Where he carries his paper is a mystery. I think he might have stashed it under his usual chair? Maybe? Either that or he got the person he sits next to to hold onto it.
They have a cork board in the kitchen for photos. It's full of pictures of their siblings.
Arguments about who has the cutest little siblings are not uncommon.
Witchy stuff all over their house. Books, crystals, incense, tealights, oil burners.
Their home becomes the go to place for like minded people on campus because between the four of them they can probably help you. Plus you'll probably befriend at least one of them.
After university they stay together partly (mostly) because they couldn't settle on how to divide up their library. They also take years to get a damn bookshelf. It's not big enough. There are still books everywhere.
Lokki and Mildri are Lokean. Jokes about Mildri worshipping Lokki and Lokki being self centered are commonplace. And annoying.
Lukas has adorable animal designs on a lot of his stuff
Lovise and butterflies.
Mildri wants everything in their kitchen to match and is upset that it doesn't.
Mildri is the main reason everything is everywhere.
Lukas is the reason things are put away.
Lukas and Mildri always forget to get a basket when shopping and end up trying to balance everything in their arms. It doesn't work.
Lokki and Mildri are always fighting over stupid things neither of them care about. Both have gotten black eyes over these things.
Lokki flirts with everyone.
Lovise is not impressed.
Lokki is the best at handling money.
Mildri's big brother Vegard (2p Nyo Svalbard) is at a big university somewhere else.
Coincidentally, it's the same uni Astrid (Nyo Sweden) goes to. After visiting Mildri and Lovise on the same day they met and ended up becoming fast friends.
Lukas has one brother, Emil (Iceland)
Lovise has two sisters, Erin (Nyo Iceland) and Astrid (Nyo Sweden)
Lokki has two brothers, Erikur (2p Iceland) and Silas (2p Greenland)
Mildri has the most siblings, Vegard (2p Nyo Svalbard), Annalina (2p Nyo Sweden), Ragna (2p Nyo Iceland), and Vanessa (2p Nyo Vinland)
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