#same thing with Roxie except I put her hair down (her pigtails I’m still trying to figure out in my style..
emily-mooon · 4 months
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Stacey Pilgrim’s Disaster Love Pentagon (guest starring Wallace Wells as the emotional support. He’s obviously not apart of this Disaster Love Pentagon™️. He’s got his own to deal with off screen!)
Close ups ⬇️
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(Alright since I ran out of tags I just wanna take a quick moment to thank whoever called a Stacey a malicious white girl cause it’s so true. I love my malicious gossip girl <3)
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
The Lost Princess Chapter 68
Warnings: I think it’s fluff/angst
Rating: SFW
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In the Badlands on the outskirts of the Keyblade Graveyard, two figures stood atop thirteen pillars of earth. Both in black cloaks, the man with blue hair spoke first.
“Humanity is a precious gift. And yet you desire to return to the Organization?” he said. 
“Oh, yes...of course. One eradication at Axel's hands was enough to learn where NOT to place my trust,” the second figure said. 
“He gave you a second lease on life.” 
“He ripped me away from the one thing I care about. I don't require humanity. Give me my research. I must see it to fruition, no matter the cost.”
“The replicas.” 
“Yes.” The hooded man laughed. “Soon they will replace, not just replicate. Given a heart, they can become just as real as any human.” 
“What excellent tidings. I would hate to think we invited you back into our ranks only for you to fail to deliver our final vessel...” The man takes off his hood, revealing the yellow eyes and ashy blond hair of... “Vexen.” 
“But remember...” Vexen said. 
“Of course.” 
“Protect the royal bloodline,” the both of them said. 
You and the others sailed the Gummi Ship to a world of doors and monsters. The stars twinkled in the night sky as you all walked towards a large factory building taking in the sights. Sora stopped, turning around...There was something different about you all. As you and the others finally got a glimpse of one another, you all jumped back in fright, summoning your weapons. Sora held his Keyblade tightly, facing you and the others. He took a moment to distinguish the features of you and the others. But the thing was, you and the girls looked normal. 
‘Right, they’re Spirits. They can’t change forms that quickly,’ he said in his head.
“Wha...? D-Donald...Goofy...Sora...Vanitas...Why do you guys look like monsters?” you asked.
“Yeah, you’re really creeping us out,” Roxy said. 
“Although, Sora and Vanitas look kind of cute,” Rumi said. 
“Yeah, you got a point there,” Yui said. Sora had sports gray striped fur all over his body, a brand new tail, claws and spiky ears. Vanitas was the same way but had a darker color. Donald walked forward, lowering his wand. His feathers were now blue skin, his webbed feet now three-toed claws. His beak showed two fang-like protrusions as his tail ended in a spike, and two small purple wings stuck out from his back. He peered at Goofy from his single large eye. Goofy, on the other hand, now had two different sized and colored eyes, teal spotted skin and huge claws. Sora looked down at himself.
“Seriously? Is THIS how we blend in here?” he asked. 
“That's right. It's about time you caught on,” Donald said. You all walked closer to Sora, who scratched his face.
“Could you guys take a few steps back? You're givin' me the heebie- jeebies. Except you girls. You’re not creepy,” he said. 
“Yeah. Especially you Goofy. You’re really freaking me out,” Vanitas said. 
“YOU take a step back!” Donald yelled. Sora cowered, sparking a chuckle from Goofy.
“Come on, I think our new look could turn out to be lots of fun!” he said, causing Rumi to hide behind you. Sora and Vanitas shrugged and looked back up at the building. A large symbol of a M with an eye inside was stamped on the outside of the factory.
“Wonder what kind of weirdos live here...” Sora said. Goofy crouched next to Donald to whisper in his ear.
“Who'da thunk he'd get so creeped out?” he asked. Donald and Goofy giggled as you, Vanitas, Sora, and the girls read the words above the entranceway. There was scaffolding set up over the left side of the message.
“It says, ‘We Scare Because We Care’?” you asked. 
“That's odd,” Yui said. 
“Doesn't sound very caring,” Rumi said. 
“If they look like us, then they could be trouble. I think we'd better investigate,” Vanitas said. You and the others entered the factory doors and in the large lobby, you all saw two strange creatures. One very large and fuzzy and the other small and green. The larger one was holding a young toddler, causing you all alarm.
“Oh no!” Goofy said. 
“Weeee!” the toddler said. The girl poke out from over the monsters arms. She was wearing an oversized pink shirt and had tiny pigtails.
“Boo!” she said. The big monster turned around and saw you and your team, the little girl squirming in his fluffy claws.
“Hmm? I wonder who those guys are. And I wonder why there’s four human girls with them,” he said. The little green monster looked up at the big one through his single giant eyeball.
“What?! Careful, Sulley. If they see the K-I-D...” he said. 
“It's fine. We got nothing to hide.” 
“But you're the CEO! You set the example.” Sulley caved and set the girl on the floor as the green thing ran over to you and your team, waving his little arms.
“Guys! Guys, it's not what it looks like. Okay, listen. That kid over there just popped out of nowhere!” he said. He slammed his fist into his hand and you all gave him disapproving looks.
“We gotta call the CDA. Uh... It's a...uh... Oh yeah, a Code 835!” the monster said. Sora and Vanitas pointed his Keyblade at him causing him to clam up.
“Are you trying to scare that little girl?” Sora asked. Sulley raised an eyebrow.
“Yes! I mean, no no no!” the green monster said as he waved his arms frantically. “We're done with scare power. Nobody's gettin' scared.” 
“Mike, take it easy,” Sulley said. 
“You should too, guys. Ya see? She's happy!” Rumi said as she allowed the toddler to play with her bunny ears.
“Bunny!” she said. The toddler giggled and ran up to Sulley and bounced in front of him, who pet her on the head, making her giggle.
“Oh,” Vanitas said. He and Sora chuckled sheepishly as they and Donald put away their weapons. They walked up to the girl and crouched down.
“Hello. My name is Sora.” 
“And I’m Vanitas.” 
“Boo!” the girl said as she trotted over to them. 
“Oh, is that your name? Nice to meet you, Boo,” Sora said. She screamed excitedly, making Rumi’s heart melt. 
“Hold on! You guys really aren't afraid of humans?” Mike said. 
“You do see us, right?” Roxy asked. 
“Mike Wazowski,” Boo said. She pointed at Donald, who jumped in surprise, staring at her with his cyclops eye.
“Come on, Boo! I'M Mike Wazowski,” Mike said. 
“Mike Wazowski.” She continued pointing at Donald, waving her arm up and down. Sulley laughed.
“Well, you can see the resemblance. That googly bear eye,” he said. 
“What's going on? I'm Donald Duck!” 
“Mike Wazowski!” Boo said. Sora and Vanitas smiled as she started chasing Donald around the room.
“A-hyuck! I'm Goofy.” 
“I’m (Y/N).”
“The name’s Roxy.”
“I’m her twin sister, Yui.” 
“And I’m Rumi!” 
“We’re Spirits!” you and the girls said. 
“Well, my name's Sulley. And this is--”
“Oh, we know. Mike Wazowski, right?” you said. 
“How come you girls look normal?” Sulley asked. 
“It’s part of our Spirit powers,” you and the girls said. Boo jumped out from behind you as you all laughed, but soon hid behind Sulley nervously.
“What's the matter, Boo?” he asked. Behind Donald, Negaverses appeared. You and your team rushed to the danger, summoning your weapons.
“Negaverses!” Donald and Goofy said. 
“Why do these always have to ruin the moment?” Roxy asked. 
“‘Cause they’re bad guys and that’s what they do,” you said. Sulley and Mike hid Boo behind the lobby desk.
“Stay here. Kitty will be back,” Sulley said. Boo nodded and hid.
“Those guys are right, Sulley. This has got ‘bad news’ written all over it,” Mike said. 
“Yeah, we gotta keep Boo safe.” 
“I’m on it!” They ran back to you and your team in the fray, quickly disposing of the troublesome creatures. Sulley gave Mike a high-five.
“All right!” Sulley said. 
“Nice, Sulley. Even with those extra pounds you put on,” Mike said. 
“Heh, still runnin' circles around you, butterball.” Boo poke out from her hiding place.
“Kitty!” she said. Sulley shuffled over to Boo as you and your team kept vigilant.
“So, any idea who those guys were?” Mike asked. 
“Those are called Negaverses. They’re creatures that try and possess Spirits such as us,” you said. 
“Yeah. But they can also possess non-Spirits as well,” Yui said. 
“Uh-huh. A while back, the King fought a whole bunch of battles against 'em with the three missing Keyblade wielders,” Goofy said. 
“Wait, really?!” You and the girls asked. 
“Yeah, you didn’t know?” Vanitas asked. 
“Well, no one told us!” you said. Sulley and Mike exchanged glances and Mike shrugged.
“The same three that we're looking for? Aqua, Terra, and Ventus?” Sora asked. 
“Uh-huh. We need more dependable help than YOU!” Donald said. 
“Hey!” Vanitas noticed how you looked down and ruffled your hair.
“You doing okay?” he asked. 
“Yeah. I’m just worried about Aunt Aqua,” you said. 
“Wait, Aunt Aqua?” Roxy asked. 
“Not so much of an aunt, but more of a babysitter.” 
“I know that’s not all that’s bothering you. Is it...her?” Vanitas said. 
“Who?!” Roxy and your friends asked. 
“I’ll tell you later.” 
“Still, how come the Negaverses are showin' up now?” Goofy asked.
“Is it because they use scream power?” Donald asked. 
“No. They must be after us. But then again, they can possess non-Spirits. So maybe they are using scream power,” Yui said. She looked over at Mike and Sulley and Mike stamped his foot.
“Hey, I told you we're through using that!” he said. Sulley nodded in agreement. “Besides, we have no idea who or what you're talking about.”
“Oh, you'd really like the King--” Sora said but you covered his mouth.
“Uh-oh!” Goofy said. 
“Order!” Donald and the twins said. You let go of Sora, who tried to rectify the suddenly awkward situation.
“Ummm...basically...we've come from far away to get rid of those creatures causing trouble. We're like...exterminators?” he said. You and your team nodded in agreement. 
“Just HOW far away?” Mike said. 
“As far as you can imagine,” Rumi said. Mike scratched his bald green head.
“Hmm... Okay, okay, let's just say we buy all that. Are those creeps dangerous?” he said.
“Extremely!” Donald said. 
“They sure gave Boo a scare,” Sulley said. Boo rubbed his fur and nodded. Mike turned to face Sulley.
“Sulley, I know you've missed her, but it's time to postpone our playdate,” he said. 
“You're right, Mikey. Let's get our girl home,” Sulley said. Mike nodded in agreement.
“What are you planning to do?” Vanitas asked. 
“It's kind of a long story...but Boo's from another world...and we gotta send her back there...to keep her safe,” Mike said. 
“Okay, then. We're gonna help you,” you said. 
“What?!” Boo reached for the floor and Sulley let her down.
“Well, obviously you can’t take down those Negaverses by yourself. If you did, you probably would get possessed by one,” Roxy said. 
“Yep. And they might try to cause more trouble, so, we wanna come along,” Sora said as he extended a hand.
“Great!” Mike said and shook his hand. “We could use a couple of exterminators around here!”
“Yeah, thanks!” Sulley said. Boo started running past the lobby and Sulley and Mike joined her, playfully roaring. Donald crossed his arms.
“You've always gotta help,” he said. 
“Hey, they need us. Besides, we need to figure out how all those Negaverses got here,” Sora said.
“I agree with Sora,” you said. 
~Le Time Skip b/c I’m Lazy AF~
“And that takes care of that!” Donald said. 
“Uh-huh,” Goofy said. You, Vanitas, Sora, and the girls gave a sheepish chuckle. Later, you all finally found Boo's door and jumped up to it, Mike and Sulley hanging from the rails.
“Okay, Boo. Time to go home. You must be tuckered out, but we'll play together real soon,” Sulley said. The rail buckled and began to slide the door along, with you and your team following on your own red door. You each gave your own excited shouts.
“What NOW?!” Mike asked. The doors arrived at the Laugh Floor, and you all jumped off as you all locked in your terminals. A hooded figure stepped toward them, sending you and your team on the defensive. The person took their hood off to reveal... 
“Mom!” Rumi said. 
“Gotta say, that strange facade had me fooled at first,” Elena said. 
“This is the part where you spout some mumbo jumbo and disappear, right?” Sora asked. Elena walked through one of the workstations.
“This whole world...was powered by scream. They converted the screams of human children into energy,” she said as she picked up one of the scream canisters. “And this very company was what made it all happen. It's as rich a source of negative emotion as we'll ever find.”
“For the last time, we already stopped doing that!” Mike said, angrily.
“Did you? Then how do you explain all these canisters of surplus scream?” Elena held up a canister. “This facility was everything I could hope for. And I was lucky enough to find a pawn whose heart was darkened by thoughts of revenge.”
“You mean Randall.” 
“All Randall ever cared about was winning. And this guy took advantage of that weakness,” Sulley said. 
“My heart is made of just one thing. And the Negaverses collected enough screams and sadness from those children to reconstruct it.”
“Yeah, and the whole time they were trashing our company in the process!” Mike said. Sulley held Mike back from rushing at Elene, but Mike struggled against the grip on his head.
“But, even with all this negative emotion, my heart is still incomplete. I need something else,” Elena said. She dropped the canister. It clanged to the ground before screaming off into the air.
“Whoa!” You and Sora said. Sulley dodged away, taking Mike and Boo with him. You all watched as the canister flew around the expansive room, bouncing off the walls until it ran out of scream and crashed to the floor. Mike and Sulley scowled as it rolled to Sora's feet.
“You know, I just realized something. The half of Vanitas that sleeps on...inside of your heart,” Elena said. Sora and Vanitas turned around and gasped as Elena held her bow and arrow just inches from them. Before she could attack, someone landed in between them.
“No...” Elena said. 
“Missed me?” the person asked. She stood up and you recognized her. 
“It’s her,” you said. 
Her outfit (but picture it black):
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“I thought that you were trapped in the Realm of Darkness!” Elena said. 
“Yeah. Well, let’s just say I had a little help,” the woman said. 
“Grr, this isn’t over!” Elena then disappeared through a dark corridor. The woman sighed and turned around.
“Alright, which one of you is (Y/N) and Vanitas?” she asked. Sora and Roxy quickly pushed you and Vanitas towards her. 
“I thought so. Nice to finally meet you. The name’s Celina. I’m a Spirit. And also Xehanort’s daughter.” 
“Huh?!” you all asked.
To be continued...
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