#same time lmfao like who could've fucking prepared for all of their fixations to die unnaturally and simultaneously
masonscig · 3 years
i know i’ve posted this a lot before, but i actually think my time in this fandom and on this blog is pretty much done :/ (rambling and feelings under the cut ew)
i’ve finally gotten to a place where i should be happy and i’m anything but :/ i have a job at a place that’s good for me on paper, i finally moved in with my boyfriend, i am financially comfortable and physically in a place where i feel safer and more comfortable. i’ve had nearly two months to adjust and i don’t feel any less depressed than i’ve been for literal years (and it’s my fault)
i feel like i’m lost and i’m stuck and the only things that distracted me are now like. nothing to me anymore and that’s so stupid to act like a literal tumblr account is a burden but at this point? it really feels like it lmao. i feel like i don’t fit in here and i shouldn’t be here and the friendships i’ve made might mean more to me than they actually are (and this is no one’s fault but my own). i miss writing and being creative and engaging with people and making friends and feeling good about myself i guess
it’s so frustrating because i spent the past two ish years throwing myself into choices, litg, and interactive fiction fandom to combat irl shit (which, surprise, i’ve never recovered from) and that same place is a place i dread logging onto because i don’t feel like i’m a part of anything anymore
idk! this shouldn’t be this long but i don’t have a therapist and i’m tired of being exhausted and unhappy all the time. (so instead of being a normal person who’d.. idk.. reengage with things and try to make friends and create again, i’m just leaving)
i also shouldn’t be upset that people are moving on and having fun without me while i’m struggling, bc again that’s completely on me, but i am! and i don’t think i should make it everyone’s problem so i’m just gonna go for now
#ok dump dump dump dump dump trying to make the tags long so you can completely avoid this post if you don't wanna see it#something something life sucks and i'm self sabotaging like usual blah blah blah#something something seasonal depression in full fucking force like just as bad if not worse than when i was in college#okay anyways if you're still here here's my tag ramble lmao#it doesn't even make sense i'm just flinging my feelings at everyone because i don't know how to handle them#/////// stupid tag ramble //////#idk something about going home for the ho lidays really makes you really fucking depressed huh#i should be happy!!!! i should be working towards being happy!!!! instead i feel isolated and miserable and friendless and unwanted#i have literally cried every day for the past like 4 days and i never do this and i shouldn't be operating this way#i really just needed a place to vent because there's only so many times you can complain about being a lonely fucking loser#like it's crazy because i knew this day would come but i didn't think the THREE main fandoms i indulged in would all burn out at the –#same time lmfao like who could've fucking prepared for all of their fixations to die unnaturally and simultaneously#i just !!!!! really wish i was fucking normal and functioned like a well adjusted adult. wish i was anyone but myself !!!!!!!#there's lots i'm not getting into in this post but. it's for the best honestly#i'm already cringing at this post but. oh well! i'm a loser it's normal for me to look stupid#is this a cry for help? hmm. probably but i won't read too far into LMAO#i'll be scheduling drafts and commissions but i'm logging out for the forseeable future#if you've read this far i'm sorry if i've never replied to you or if i haven't talked to you in a while#gonna queue this so i'm not here when i hit post lmfao#// mental health#jade.txt
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