#sammi yaffa
mae80scerrig · 2 years
Hanoi rocks deciding to reunite with the fully original lineup for Michaels 60th birthday concert in Finland 🎉🎉
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deucesarewildchild · 5 years
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there are so many hanoi rocks pictures like this (and more) where i just wish i knew the context because it’s like what hap is fuckening. a lot of them look like they’re mucking about for the camera (although how many other bands did this that often) but the huggy ones look for real and candid and it’s always michael hangin onto razzle.
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labradoritedreams · 7 years
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💖 My boys forever. 💖
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thespacecowboyyy · 5 years
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itsgaga · 3 years
Who I Write For:
Guns N’ Roses:
Axl Rose
Izzy Stradlin
Duff Mckagan 
Steven Adler
Mötley Crüe
Nikki Sixx Tommy Lee Vince Neil Mick Mars
Hanoi Rocks
Michael Monroe Razzle Nasty Suicide Andy Mccoy  Sami Yaffa
James Hetfield Lars Ulrich Kirk Hammett Jason Newsted
Steven Tyler Joe Perry
Jani Lane Jerry Dixon
Skid Row
Sebastian Bach  Rachel Bolan
Bon Jovi
Jon Bon Jovi Richie Sambora
Van Halen
Eddie Van Halen David Lee Roth Sammy Hagar
Bret Michaels
Freddie Mercury Roger Taylor Brian May
Sex Pistols
Johnny Rotten Sid Vicious 
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psych0-str1ngs · 3 years
Sammy, yup that's who I ship you with
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jaynedolluk · 3 years
Got latest issue of Vive Le Rock which had a big feature on Billy Idol (I used to have such a thing for him in the 80s - I maintain that he’s very under-rated) plus interrviews with Al Jourgenson of Ministry, Vivien Goldman + Sammi Yaffa.
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fueradefocomagazine · 5 years
 Presenta su nuevo single “Leni”
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“Leni” es el nuevo single de la banda argentina COVERHEADS, que formará parte del nuevo álbum del grupo que verá la luz en octubre de 2019.

La grabación, mezcla y mastering de “Leni” estuvo a cargo de Damián Colaprete, quien además participó en la producción artística junto a Daniel Chino y Walter "Chupete" Ramírez. La producción ejecutiva estuvo a cargo deDaniel Chino y Level Music.
Link a "LENI" en Spotify
El viernes 16 de agosto a la medianoche, COVERHEADS presentará este y otros temas que formarán parte del nuevo disco en THE ROXY – LVB (Niceto Vega 5542, CABA).
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Coverheads es una banda argentina que rinde tributo al
 sonido vigoroso del rock interpretando temas propios del
 grupo y versiones de clásicos del rock internacional.
 El grupo está formado por Daniel Chino en bajo, 
Gaby Zero en guitarra, Walter "Chupete" 
Ramírez en guitarra, Sergio Dukke en batería, Pablo Mantiñan en teclados,
 Fernando "Carucha" Podestá  y Germán
 Trippel en voces.
Con tres discos editados,
 Coverheads compartió escenarios con artistas internacionales de renombre como Slash & Myles Kennedy and The Conspirators, The Cult, Aerosmith, Duff McKagan's Loaded, Gilby Clarke,Dizzy Reed, Tracii Guns, Phil Lewis, Sammi Yaffa, Campino, John Corabi,Faster Pussycat, y Brent Fitzy participando como banda residente de laGlamnation Party, un ritual rockero que cada vez convoca más seguidores.
En mayo de 2019 protagonizaron una gira junto a Slash & Myles Kennedy and The Conspirators con la que recorrieron las ciudades de Santiago de Chile, Mendoza y Córdoba, finalizando en el Estadio GEBA de Bs. As..
Próximamente la banda de rock liderada por Carucha Podestá y Germán Tripa estrenará un nuevo video que se filmó en la zona de Potrerillo - Mendoza, bajo la dirección de Anabella Campanella.
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occfzv · 9 years
Hanoi Rocks in concert 1985 (vía https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqqhOIgtgeo)
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mae80scerrig · 4 years
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Japan 1983 Hanoi Rocks - Motivatin’ 
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craigedits · 12 years
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thespacecowboyyy · 5 years
Frog baby
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metallic-hair · 11 years
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morganyevans · 13 years
My interview with The Compulsions for "Been Through Hell"
THE COMPULSIONS by Morgan Y. Evans
Hell. Unless you are Ned Flanders from The Simpsons, you probably will admit to feeling like you've been there at some point in your life (and Ned is seriously in denial after having lived next to crazy Homer and the gang for so long). The thing is, life is always gonna throw some odd pitches, often quicker than you can say CC Sabathia ten times fast. The strong-willed and those who can, to quote the wise-marine raider Bobby Shaftoe from Neal Stephenson's epicCryptonomicon, "display some adaptability" are gonna be the people who persevere. Life will try and grind you down but you have to roll with it because it is all part of the big galactic recipe we live within. You don't have to love everything about life, but you are gonna go down like a ton of bricks if you can't thicken up your skin (unless you were lucky enough to be born with a silver spoon in your ass and then you won't relate to anything we're talkin' about here anyway). As both the singer Jarboe and kindly sage Pema Chodron (the latter of which I could swear I met at a health food store once no matter how unlikely my ex-girlfriend finds that) have said, "Pain is not punishment. Pleasure is not reward." It just is what it is and you gotta deal with it matter of factly or you'll always be buffeted by the stronger winds of life. That said, it is still ok (and very rock’n’roll) to bitch a little...or a lot, as the case may be. Heck, anyone who ever read Grant Morrison's The Invisibles knows that the "future buddha" character Jack Frost cursed like a sailor.
Basically, it helps to have a sense of humor about the dark side of things. Sometimes it's the quickest route to getting back on your feet again and not letting heavy shit bog you down. Read Frank Miller's Sin City collection Hell And Back. But yeah, satire or cynicism is a great tool, as long as you don't let it rot your heart out. This fucking BP oil spill is so depressing and was so avoidable if Bush and then Obama had done their homework instead of propping up the security-addled BP and babying them just because they are such big contributors to the military, but what are you gonna do? You can give up all hope or try and keep fighting. My friend Eric and I wanna start a game show (sort of loosely inspired by The Running Man) called "Cash Court", where we mock the modern hypocrisy of the justice system by showing up at a court and giving away $15,000 to the worst criminal. The theme song of the show is gonna be "Send Me Your Money" by Suicidal Tendencies and the rules are if you do whatever it takes and somehow get your sentence reduced to just a fine, you get to keep whatever is left of the prize money after your legal and criminal fees. Not so different from corrupt rich folks always getting off scott free, is it? Cheers.
Anyway, New York City is surely one of the best places in the world for a trip on the rock’n’roll wild side. Despite the blandization campaign and development of much of downtown Manhattan, there is always gonna be some grimy rock’n’roll living to be found beneath the sidewalk cracks. Rob Carlyle's always terrific band, The Compulsions, have documented this truly and well on The Compulsions’ "Hell" series of EP's, the Unholy Trinity of Laughter From Below, Demon Love& the grand finale of the series Been Through Hell. Carlyle's band are that rare diamond in the rough who are rooted securely in the archetypal blues based traditions of rock music, but who forage forward with machetes into the unknown future wilderness so they can then welcome us to the jungle. Simply one of the best things going in music these days, I had to catch up with the always affable Carlyle and hear his thoughts on life, his band's current line up (which includes Sami Yaffa as well as current members of Guns’N’Roses), music these days, plus maybe get an odd survival story or two.
MORGAN Y. EVANS: How've you been, man? What's been goin' on in your rock’n’roll adventures lately? Were you just in the Netherlands, lucky bastard?
ROB CARLYLE: Things are going great Morgan, thanks for asking. Amsterdam has treated me well. Of course there’s always new “rock’n’roll adventures” as you say, but I’m gonna save those stories for the next Compulsions record.
MYE: I love the "Nasty Bitch" song from Been Through Hell, man. It reminds me of dirty R&B meets, like, Dire Straits or something, a cool walk on the dark side. What's the score on creating that tune?
RC: “Nasty Bitch” was the last song written for the EP. We wanted it to sound like “Hypnotize” by The Notorious B.I.G. mixed with like ‘70s or ‘80s porn music. It didn’t take long to put that track together. If I remember correctly, it was recorded and mixed in about six or seven hours. MYE: You've just kicked out three very concise and bad ass EPs that can make one great extra long player or each can stand alone. I dig the series of EPs thing. One of my very favorite hardcore bands, The Hope Conspiracy, is doing that too. I think it is cool for evolution, and also your EPs really satisfy as full works as well. Would you elaborate on this? RC: All three Compulsions EPs work together as a series. If you read between the lines there’s a good verses evil theme on all of them and they all have six songs. So it’s 666, get it? Think of it as The Compulsions' Unholy Trinity.
MYE: [laughing] Devilish. I love Frank Ferrer's contributions. It's also cool to have him in Guns’N’Roses ‘cuz he has the sort of arena skills of Matt Sorum but is rawer like Adler. I just found out he played for Dripping Goss with my friend, the great New York musician Brian Goss, for a while in the past. He's just such a great player and can nail takes and precise fills and energetic shit. You've also got Richard Fortus from NuGuns involved, who also did some stuff on Demon Love. There's just a great blues and straight-up no pretensions rock side to you guys. I love The Compulsions or two of my favorite New York bands Stalkers or The Bamboo Kids, just real bands that can nail rock songwriting... I won't say without even trying, but you guys are all naturals. What's it like to play with them?
RC: Frank and Richard are amazing players. I’ve tried working with other guys in the past but it’s a lot easier with them. They’re the real deal and that’s hard to find.
MYE: I like that The Compulsions have a strong identity but you are always pushing it outwards and trying new things within that to build on the old. There's risks, but it all ends up making sense. How are you thinking about guitar in your life these days? Every time you play it continues a relationship with the instrument, ya know?
RC: I love playing guitar. I always have a few laying around the house for when the mood strikes and you’re right, you can never stop learning your instrument. There’s always more to know.
MYE: "Rock'N'Roll Johnny" is another tops newer Rob Carlyle song. Can you talk about that? It has some classic sleaze rock qualities. I feel like they should make a film of the Don Delillo book Great Jones Street and that has to be in there somewhere! Artist and crowd out for blood! [laughing]
RC: The “Rock‘N’Roll Johnny” riff is a bastardized AC/DC riff played with more of a punk feel. The story is basically “Johnny B. Goode” gone horribly wrong.
MYE: Did you ever use Digidesign Eleven? I guess Motley used that on Saints Of Los Angeles to great result. Or did you stick with classic Amp/Tubes on Been Through Hell? Do you do Re-Amping?
RC: We only used real amps and we put great effort into getting the right sound for the song the first time. Re-amping wasn’t necessary.
MYE: Man, I bet you guys would just kill in outside venues or amphitheaters. I wanna see you guys tour with Tom Petty. But then, you could play with bands of many genres. I could even hear you on a bill with The 69 Eyes or other glam/goth dudes like that because while you are more blues grime rock with some glam influence, you still have this cool darkness to the band that has a genuine feel. Do you prefer outdoor venues or seedy late-night vampire rock dens?
RC: Tom Petty with The Compulsions would be classic and I agree, a lot of our material would fit comfortably among the glam/goth bands. To answer your question: the “seedy late-night vampire rock dens” are fun but The Compulsions are more than ready to play for 82,000 people at Meadowlands Stadium.
MYE: How did Sami Yaffa become involved with the band? He's been kicking so much ass lately. Of course, he always is a legend and just adds yet another amazing level to what you're doing. Anyone who thinks that real rock based on a historical yet forward thinking viewpoint doesn't exist anymore needs to hear you guys fuckin' immediately.
RC: Thanks for all the positive energy. Richard suggested Sami and I’m glad he did because Sami’s a great musician and a lot of fun to be around.
MYE: Been Through Hell, huh? I know it's a war out there, but it can't be that bad being somebody as talented as you, dude! Right? And playing all those killer Compulsions shows... [laughing]
RC: That’s funny. But if you notice, I’m talking about Hell in the past tense, as if the tough times are behind us.
MYE: What are your next plans now that you have finished the three EPs? Any ideas on releasing them all in one package or are you gonna do a standard full length next?
RC: I don’t want to reveal too much but I’ll say this: there’s a new Compulsions release coming soon and it’s called Lucky Devils. I’ll definitely keep you posted. Thanks so much for the great questions!
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mae80scerrig · 4 years
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Hanoi rocks smiling 
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mae80scerrig · 4 years
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A collection of Hanoi Rocks articles.
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