#sana all may tablet/ipad
klien2000 · 4 months
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Nagchichismisan habang nagwawalwal ang mga bebecakes natin,,, sana walang mag-maoy 🙏🙏🙏
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pttwice · 11 months
may I request a baby SMC reqressing while on the tour bus with the group in America and fighting like siblings do and CG MiSaMo needs to scold them and put them in timeout
hi hi :) i know that little SMC would all be such troublemakers. they'd be so sweet but a handful when they're all regressed at the same time
|| little!dahyun, little!chaeyoung, little!tzuyu, cg!mina, cg!sana, cg!momo ||
"Mama, wanna watch movie." Chaeyoung leaned over in her seat and laid her head down in Momo's lap. She used her best puppy dog eyes on the older girl. Momo tried not to look down, but it was just too hard to resist a little Chaeng in her lap. Momo sighed and nodded. She pulled her iPad out of her backpack and pulled up Disney+.
"If you watch a movie now, then no iPad when we get to the hotel, okay? Straight to bath and then bed." Momo held her tablet above Chaeyoung who huffed but nodded, holding her hands out.
Once Chaeyoung leaned back in her seat to pick a movie, Sana pulled a headphone out, turning to look at Momo.
"What's that look for?" Momo squinted her eyes a bit, knowing fully well why Sana was looking at her like she had just made a huge mistake.
"You know that giving them your iPad was a terrible choice, right?" Mina chimed in from her seat beside Jeongyeon. She paused the YouTube video she was watching and Momo just playfully rolled her eyes.
"What was I supposed to do? If I didn't give her my iPad, then she was just going to keep looking at me like that. You two can't say no to that face either!"
Sana just sighed and shook her head, putting her headphone back in. "You're dealing with this if they get out of control."
Chaeyoung held Momo's iPad in her lap, scrolling through all the movies on Disney+. She had seen most of them at least twice, but there were a few she always went back to no matter how many there were she hadn't seen.
Dahyun and Tzuyu leaned against Chaeyoung's shoulders and watched as Chaeyoung endlessly scrolled. There were a few movies they each liked, but they knew that Chaeyoung wouldn't want to pick the ones they wanted.
"Doggies! Doggies!" Tzuyu got excited and pointed to 101 Dalmatians, but Chaeyoung just shook her head and scrolled past it.
"We watched dat yesterday, Tzu."
Tzuyu pouted and crossed her arms over her chest. Just because they watched it yesterday, that didn't mean they couldn't watch it again today.
"Oooh Pooh!" Dahyun excitedly pointed out The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, but Chaeyoung shook her head again and continued her search.
"No. Pooh too boring."
Dahyun just glared at her little sister and groaned. "You never wanna watch what we wanna watch, Chaeng."
Chaeyoung just shrugged her shoulders in indifference. After a few more rows of movies, she finally picked one she knew she'd never get tired of watching. "Cindewella!" She excitedly shouted the name out and bounced a little in her seat.
Dahyun and Tzuyu looked at each other and shook their heads. They had seen Cinderella with Chaeyoung and without her at least a bajillion times. They liked the movie enough, but with the amount of times they'd each seen it, it had gotten boring. There were so many more movies that were so much more fun!
Tzuyu only watched Cinderella for about five minutes before she got tired of it. She tried to exit out of the movie to try and force Chaeyoung to watch something else, but this only frustrated her older sister.
"No, Tzu! Wanna watch Cindewella!" Chaeyoung pulled the iPad away from Tzuyu, turning so her back was facing the youngest. Dahyun frowned at the action and tried to pull the iPad out of Chaeyoung's hand.
"Ya! You have to share!" Dahyun tugged at the iPad, accidentally changing the language to French from how she was grabbing it.
"Hyun! Stop!" Chaeyoung was more than frustrated now. She just wanted to watch her movie, but now she couldn't even understand what they were saying and she didn't know how to change the settings.
"Don' wanna watch!" Tzuyu started to pull on Chaeyoung's shirt, trying to get the older girl to turn around. She didn't even care about what movie they watched at this point as long as it wasn't Cinderella. She had seen it too many times and she was tired of Chaeyoung always picking the movies they watched.
Most of the girls had fallen asleep. The ride to the hotel was fairly long so they had more than enough time to catch up on sleep.
Mina, Sana, and Momo were fast asleep. They were enjoying the rare time to rest and relax before they had to get ready for the concert tomorrow.
As soon as the littles started to argue, Sana's eyes shot open. She pulled one of her headphones out and groaned. She threw her head against the back of her seat and rubbed her eyes. She did not want to be dealing with this right now. Especially not by herself.
"Ya you gotta deal with them." Sana smacked Momo on the arm a few times, successfully waking the older girl up. Momo groaned and opened one eye. She didn't know what Sana was talking about until she heard Chaeyoung's all too familiar whines.
"Why do I have to deal with them?" Momo rubbed her hands over her face and sat up a bit.
"You're the one who gave them the iPad in the first place!" Sana laughed in disbelief as she turned her body towards Momo. At this, Momo just gave her a guilty smile.
"Oh. Right." Momo sighed and threw her blanket off. She got up and stood beside Dahyun's seat. The three littles were too invested in arguing with each other that they didn't even realize that Momo had gotten up.
"I wanna watch Cindewella!" Chaeyoung was full on yelling at this point and Momo was afraid it was going to wake the rest of the sleeping members up or at least annoy the crap out of them.
"No! Tzu doesn't want to and we-"
"Ya! Why are you three yelling? I didn't give you the iPad just so you could fight over it."
They finally noticed Momo standing over them, three heads turning to look at their mama all at once. There was perfectly beautiful silence for about five seconds until all three of them decided to start talking all at once.
"What-hold on. I can't understand a single thing any of you are trying to tell me." Momo sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. She was in no way equipped to deal with three screaming littles, especially not when she had just woken up.
Sana turned around once they all started talking over each other and rolled her eyes. She got up and stood beside Momo, her hands on her hips. Her usually sweet and happy face was extremely annoyed.
"Hey! Please. One at a time. We can't figure out what's going on unless you go one at a time."
Dahyun grumbled but stopped talking. She crossed her arms and just pointed to Chaeyoung and then the iPad. Chaeyoung wasn't much help either as she just mocked what Dahyun was doing. Tzuyu... well, Tzuyu was just pouting. She turned so her face was against the window, eyes closed as she mumbled to herself.
"Okay, one at a time doesn't mean saying nothing. Chaengie did you share the iPad?" Sana sighed, trying a lighter approach to see if they would respond any better, but this just caused them to all start talking again even louder.
At this point, most of the bus was woken up, including Mina. The littles we well as Momo and Sana didn't notice as Mina sat up, turning to the noise that had drawn her away from her peaceful sleep. She stretched and got up, taking her headphones out before setting everything on her seat.
By the time the littles had finally gone quiet, Momo and Sana thought they had just gotten tired of talking over each other. They turned and high-fived each other, immediately jumping once they saw Mina standing behind them. The look the girl had on her face was far from pleasant as she stood there, arms crossed.
"You three. One, you're going to give me the iPad." Mina held her hand out and Chaeyoung gave it to Mina with a slightly shaky hand. "Two, you're going to stop arguing and apologize to each other and the rest of the bus." Mina waited until they said sorry to each other and everyone else. "Three, you're going to sit away from each other. No phones, no iPads, nothing. You're going to sit there and think about the commotion you just caused until we get to the hotel. Once we get to the hotel, you're taking a bath and going straight to bed. Understand?"
It wasn't often that Mina got upset, but when she did, it was scary. She didn't raise her voice, but her tone was so stern and commanding that it even struck fear into Sana and Momo who silently stood beside each other.
The littles grumbled but didn't dare do or say anything as they sat far away from each other. Dahyun sat at the front of the bus, Chaeyoung in the middle, and Tzuyu in the back beside Jeongyeon who had somehow stayed asleep through it all.
Once peace had been restored and the littles were in timeout, the three caregivers sat back down. Sana leaned over to Momo and whispered, "Remind me to never make Mina mad."
Momo just looked at Sana and nodded in agreement. Although she was scary, they couldn't deny that she got the job done. By the time the bus made it to the hotel, the littles had apologized to each other again and were happy enough to take a bath and go to sleep.
Too exhausted to continue their fighting at the hotel — too scared of Mina getting angry again as well — they all ended up wrapped up in each other, somehow squeezed into one bed.
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Bonding with “Ate Santa Claus”: A Maine’s Fan Generous Heart
I am a former silent fangirl of Maine since 2016 until she released the Open Letter. Recently around 3rd week of January 2018, I decided to be vocal about my support for Maine. Fangirling online is not a new thing for me so I am already familiar how to be objective, positive, and happy with my words. Rule of thumb is “Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate.” It worked for me all the times so I applied it as well here for the fandom of Maine. 
I started tweeting first and I created this dedicated fangirl blog entry for Maine. Few fans immediately appreciate my written works for the Phenomenal Star. What warms my heart is the joy and gratitude I am feeling whenever I write about Maine are the emotions they felt too when they read my blog entries or tweets. I continued doing this regardless of how varied my ideas are and how sudden these topics crossed my mind. When a writer like me is not silenced by my thought and heart, it means I have to write it down. Hence, this Tumblr blog becomes the platform for all the things I want to say about Maine.
Almost a month after I am vocal about my support for Maine, an unexpected DM (direct message) in Twitter caught me by surprise. A fan of Maine randomly sent this message:
“Hello ganda good morning, I saw your post, dont get offended ha but I wanted to give you a gift sana. A Microsoft tablet RT, with detachable keyboard. Ung specs nia oarang ipad 4th generation. Its a refurbished unit :).. natutuwa kasi ako how you love Meng so much.” [sic]
I did not know what to say. Even if I wanted to doubt, my gut feeling is loudly telling me she has a pure intention in giving that gift. Since I know how to read people’s aura either through words or pictures, it’s easier for me to separate the those with sincere intentions from a bogus. It’s a skill developed by keen and observant writers since I get inspiration from anything or anyone for my writing and not just what I feel. 
I simply know I can trust her.
She sent the DM last 3rd of Feb, 2018 through my only Twitter account (@rj1421). She offered me if she can send the tablet via shipping or we can meet personally. I chose the latter because when she said she’s an OFW working in an Asian country, I know how costly the shipping fee for a letter alone on international borders so how much more for a tablet. She said she will come home to her family soon and we can meet in that time. I agreed to her suggestion.
March 10, 2018 was the designated date for meeting Ate Santa Claus. I need to use a pseudonym to respect her wishes of staying anonymous. I was excited for that day because it will be the first time for me to have a cafe bonding with a fan of Maine. I want to hear her stories too.
She is very concerned about me. Ate Santa Claus keeps on sending me reminders about the security protocol of her AirBnB accommodation. On the day itself, she texted me to say that I must notify her if I am already nearby. She stayed nearby the busy district of Timog Avenue and Tomas Morato. I grabbed the chance to take a picture of Bahay ni Kuya. Also I hoped I can see the boutique of Francis Libiran (renowned designer of Maine’s majestic princess-like gown in Tamang Panahon) as I went there. I didn’t know it was a private compound and appointments should be held first. Few more minutes after, I reach the accommodation where Ate Santa Claus stays.
As soon as I saw her, I immediately thought she is around my age. I’m around late 20s. I was surprised when she said she’s way older than my guess. She has a youthful vibe. And to use my mama’s words in observing people, “maaliwalas ang bukas ng mukha niya.” I felt comfortable in an instant because of her warm and sincere aura. I just knew it but it is more than just the smiles, a genuine character simply exudes an authentic aura.
We sat down in Coffee Bean to have more bonding time. I wanted to pay for my order but she told me she will take care of it. I did not feel meeting  fan for the first time. What I felt in that moment is my own Ate came home to check on me. She is very caring even if she is not that much expressive.
I love our discussion about Maine. We are on the same page that Maine is the first Filipino mainstream celebrity we admire. Like me, she is also admires volleyball personalities. She shared her own story into which she said that she is thankful Maine reminded her that sometimes, we need to take care and decide for ourselves first. We cannot prioritize other things and people to the extent we are losing ourselves or we are just settling for mediocrity. 
This story is about how she made a brave decision that I am sure most girls will not do. Ate Santa Claus told me she ended a long-time relationship. It is so long that you can round off the number to 10. She felt they are not growing anymore because as she continues to aim for new goals and development, they guy is complacent and settled with what he has for the past years. The guy even told her that she changed completely. I respect how she told me change is inevitable and what we can do instead is to change for good. They separated on a good note as the guy respected her decision too. Ate Santa Claus is already within the supposed marrying age that Filipino culture suggests but there she is, telling me she will not settle for less and with hesitations in her heart despite how long they have been together and even if their families from both sides are ready anytime for their big announcement. My respect for her deepen. 
Another thing I admire about Ate Santa Claus is how much she loves her family. Like me, she wants to support her family in every possible way especially finances. Her heart is so huge that she did not mind allocating her salary for them and just keeping less for herself. OFWs really have a special spot in their hearts for their families. She wants to help them for as long as she can. I told her in the Bible, children who honors and respects their parents are favored and blessed by God.
To add more reminders from her, she told she wants to live her life to the fullest. This is why she balances her work and life experience. From time to time, she travels to different places. She is a wanderlust by heart. I was so amazed with all the local and international destinations she has been. She immersed in their culture too as she travels to connect more to the experiences more than what tourists want to do. 
As our discussion went back to Maine, she told me that FUNgirling (haha sorry for the pun) should be FUN. It must not be stressful or problematic. We already have our own personal challenges and we should not add up the negativity to it. I laughed with her when she told me funny anecdotes about her fangirling to Maine. She told me she is not the type to socialize but here she is, inviting a Maine core fan group to practice a dance number in her airbnb accommodation for a fan-organized party. She invited me too to her place itself and I saw there the Maine fan core group cheering for Maine in ACTually. They were very, very nice too and it felt like a college reunion for me. As I was going home, two of them even accompanied me to the elevator. Little did I know that as soon as Maine herself thanked the SMU for their exclusive party for Maine, Ate Santa Clause with her Maine fan core group also celebrated there. I was like “Hala ate ang cuuuuute!! Dun pala yun pinapractice nila!! They need to wait first for Maine’s post before Ate Santa Claus can tell me it was for that party which they are practicing for. 
Same like Santa Claus, I don’t like going to a crowd or a huge audience but she told me she just went to Broadway to see Maine, much to the laughter of her mom. haha! And recently she just shared how happy and worth it to be a part of the SMU birthday bash for Maine. Out of our love for Maine, we really do things we do not usually do before. Ganun talaga kapag pinahahalagahan mo. I love hearing all those stories about Maine from a fan whom I first met.
She grabbed the tablet and taught me the basics like how to detach the keyboard and how to use its stand. I am still amazed with this gift. Yes I know she is well off but as what I told Ate Santa Claus, not all those with the capacity to give has the willingness to give. Here she is, giving me the tablet wholeheartedly.
Sabi ko, “Ate how can I repay you?” She smiled, and said “Pay it forward”
I felt my tears forming at that moment. Thankfully my over-sized eyeglasses can cover my eyes. She has advocacy too and she wants me to continue doing my passion such as writing. In time, as she said, I will be able to help other people too. I planted her words in my heart so when the time comes I fell down again from failures and rejections, her words will be one of God’s assurance to remember my purpose. 
I will never forget that day for sure. Two strangers become sisters because God used Maine to be our bridge. So this is how it feels like when huge core fan group becomes united that despite of the diversity, we can be one.
Ate Santa Claus. as soon as you read this blog entry, you may have already been back as an OFW. Thank you so much for sharing your personal and fangirling stories with me. 
Just like you Ate Santa Claus, I will propel too in my career and passion as I support my family and strengthen my faith in God. And yes, I will continue reinforcing how much we all love Maine through God’s gift of storytelling in my heart, be it in creative writing or public speaking. Thank you po ulit from me, a happy kiddo RJ, your new little sister!
As for you Maine, look at what you have done. :) You become an instrument to remind us of the wonderful things Life has for us and to be always thankful to the Great Provider above. Thank you and God bless!
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