pwlanier · 4 years
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Charles Schorre
(American, 1925–1996)
Acrylic on canvas
signed Charles Schorre (lower right)
36 x 48 inches.
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ratnasih · 7 years
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😘😘😘 #weddingring #sandsigns #beach #honeymoon #pasirpanjangbeach #singkawang #lovelymomment #instalove #instabeach (at Singkawang, Pasir Panjang)
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Languages of Prazhnia
The languages of Prazhnia are broken up into five categories, these being regional, racial, elemental, power, and secret. There is some overlap between these categories though.
Regional languages
Thespar: this is probably the most commonly spoken language in Prazhnia, due to the broad influence of the Thespar Empire, and then of the Thispacen Navy. Effectively common.
Thespara: another quite common language, which is oddly similar to Thespar. In fact, if you know one, and concentrate on what someone is saying in the other (DC 15 linguistics check), you can mostly understand what they're saying.
Bentran: the language of traders. This language is phenomenal at conveying distance and scale, and is frequently used in negotiations due to the accuracy inherent to the language. The only approximate or indeterminate word in the language is “approximately”.
Baraba: while technically a racial language of the Baraban race, it is used by the entire northern reaches, Barabanis and Iscalíote. The language is quite difficult to rhyme in.
Ivoran: the regional language of Tordemar, and racial language of the Ivorans. It is a very vowels heavy, tonal language. A number of words just involve vowels at various pitches.
Benoran: the language of the southern coast. It is often considered a harsh language, but those that speak it think it is regal.
Tribian: the language of the desert and the sea. It is spoken in Desertrib, Deserfïr, and Saytrib. It is often considered a lighter language, and lends itself easily to poetry because of the inherent rhythm and rhymes of the language.
Sylvan: while also a power language, it is also the regional language of the Lorth Peninsula.
Shiao: the official language of Uza. It is spoken nowhere else in any prominence.
Necril: language of the undead lands of Sqorell.
Racial languages
Elven: the language of the elves. Official language of Thespan Forest.
Underven: language of the drow, a twised version of elven.
Drow sign language: a language made up out of hand signs, designed to be easily seen using dark vision.
Dwarven: language of the dwarves. Official language of Thorgnash
Tengu: the language of the Tengu, and most commonly spoken language of Algeb.
Iscalo: language of the snow elves, though spoken all throughout the far north. It minimizes opening the mouth to avoid heat loss.
Draconic: while also a power language, it is the language of dragons.
Gulletin: the croaking language of the gulletins.
Gnoll: language of gnolls. To many, it sounds like a lot of laughter, much like a Hyena's call.
Percussive Ivoran: a form of Ivoran designed to be used over great distances. It involves beating the chest while shouting at various pitches.
Blubulub: the language of octovites. It involves only the vowel U, and then consonants.
Giant: language of giants and Half-giants. Often used in a monotone, for unknown reasons.
Sandsign: the hand language of lizardfolk. It is used during the day to minimize opening the mouth and losing important hydration.
Swamptalk: a bastardised hybrid of Thespar and draconic. If you speak both languages, and concentrate on what is being said (DC 15 linguistics check) you can make out words, and be completely lost as to the overall meaning. (A DC 20 linguistics check will let you know what is being said in this case)
Halfling: language of the halflings, and official language of Tretop.
Gnomish: language of the gnomes and official language of Wadge. Shares a few words with Sylvan.
Orc: the rough language of the orcs. Often shouted when used.
Goblin: the language of goblins and hobgoblins. 
Catfolk: language of the Catfolk. Vowel heavy, and filled with rolled consonants.
Ratfolk: language of ratfolk. Filled with squeek-like vowel sounds.
Elemental languages
Auran: language of air. An uncommon language.
Aquan: the language of water. The official language of Gulfra, but also spoken in Saytrib.
Ignan: the language of fire. Spoken throughout Desertrib and Deserfïr.
Terran: the language of earth. Less common, but most commonly spoken among the dwarves of Thorgnash.
Power languages
Draconic: language of the dragons.
Sylvan: language of fey
Celestial: good language of angels. Often spoken in the Grand Dutchy of Bonoroviosaria.
Abyssal: chaotic evil language of demons.
Infernal: lawful evil language of devils.
Secret languages
Druidic: spoken only by druids. They are forbidden from teaching it to others.
Necril: language of the undead. Official language of Sqorell, making it a regional language as well. Is not subject to any rules on teaching it, like druidic is.
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gcldensands · 6 years
❪ how was your night? ❫
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Sandy’s delight at seeing Bunny use sign language was obvious, bright smile lighting up the Starling’s glowing face and hands waving excitedly. It was so rare for someone to indulge him in such a way: his sandsigns could be impractical sometimes, open to misunderstanding or - in the case of younger, less practiced spirits - leaving him with no way to communicate.
Yet signing? Signing was so much easier!
Hands flying through words as quickly as one might flick through a book, Sandy was unaware of how his excitement led to ‘stammering’, which led to rushed, half-formed, probably intelligible words. Yet still he continued to tell Bunny every detail of his last evening; last, as it was always evening at some point in the world, and the Sandman always had work to do.
How he flew over Ohio and filled the sleeping heads of two young brothers with airships and contraptions which could sail the skies, not unlike Sandy himself used to, back in his days as a Star Pilot. He hoped the dreams would lead the boys to invent great things.
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Nations of the Great Desert of Abdullan: Desertrib
Desertrib is the largest nation in Prazhnia, occupying most of the Great Desert of Abdullan. The nation is low on water, being in a desert, but has an abundance of precious metals and gemstones. This has led to the ruler, Sultan Azhomodish the 3rd, to be widely believed to be the wealthiest single person on the planet. They export various metals constantly to many other countries, and import wide varieties of fruits and spices. While the country itself is large, it is not as densely populated as some others. It's population is almost a million, including settled and nomadic peoples.
The capital, Al-Corinth, sits towards the south of the country, just to the Northeast of the Dry Sea. It is actually on the shore of a large lake, one of only a couple in the entire region. Laws in Desertrib revolve around water access rights, hospitality, and mineral ownership.
Desertrib was founded nearly 9 thousand years ago, when a man named Corinth Abdullan was exiled to the great desert for the crime of theft. He wandered the desert for weeks, when the sand shifted, and suddenly he was in an oasis, overflowing with not just water, but precious gems. He set up a house there using the palms growing around the oasis, and then traveled back to Tordemar, where he'd been exiled from. Once there, he gathered a few people, and went back to his little house in the desert, where they established the town of Corinth, which eventually became the City of Corinth, capital of the desert tribes of Abdullan. The country eventually became Desertrib, and all of his descendants explored more of the desert, amassing more and more wealth from the desert, and establishing fast roads through it, reducing the risk of never being seen again. Mines opened throughout the country, with cities popping up on them. While Desertrib hasn't been in any wars since it's creation, it's metals have been used in many of them.
Information of interest:
Languages: Tribian. Sandsign, Thespara and ignan are all also frequently spoken.
Currency: Tribian Dinar, a variant on the gold standard used by many countries. How it's a variant is in the materials used. It varies in the materials used. Instead of copper, silver is used, instead of silver, gold, instead of gold, mythril, and instead of platinum, adamantine.
National Sport: cross country relay races, usually involving starting at one city, racing to and acquiring something from another city, and racing back to the first city.
National Motto: The Sands Do Not Deter Us
Regional trait: does not begin to suffer from dehydration for a number of days equal to con mod+1 (minimum 2)
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gcldensands · 6 years
Wash— sort of— Sandy’s getting his hair preened whether or not he wants it, and Nini is pleased to see him either way.
nonverbal starters. (acc.)
Sandy never got many visitors up on his Dreamsand cloud, especially not when he was so obviously busy working. Once or twice Jack had followed his sand back to him and flopped down beside the starling, expression speaking of loneliness and a want for attention for a little while, and Sandy had always been glad to help, but this was something new entirely.
Then again, it was awfully hard to refuse Nightlight, especially when his long fingers were already carding through golden, wind-swept locks, scratching as his scalp and melting him like butter in a pan.
A secret weakness of the ancient Sandman!
☆ I have work to do. ☆ Came the reluctant reply, yet the tone of his sandsigns proved work was far from his relaxed, suddenly very sleepy mind.
Ah well, the dreamsand knew what to do, and could be left to its own devices for a little while, right? No harm would come of that.
☆ ...that spot right there, please, Moon Bug. ☆  
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