I'm sorry to bother, but are you going to update your cc hairs?
G'day! You mean for the new EA colours? Right now I have no immediate plans, as I'm still taking a break from making CC, but I might at some point in the future. I'm not really sure yet, sorry 😕
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r0ttedg1rl · 4 years
can someone tell me what pro shipping is and why it’s bad? cuz is it not supporting others’ ships and not shaming them cuz they don’t have the same ship? that’s good right?
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sandwichasks · 6 years
hello! regarding your missing download links, maybe someone already told you; but the rowan hair is also missing! have nice day!
Hiya! I’m not sure which missing download links you’re referring too but all versions of my Rowan Hair are still available in my Download Directory under Hair Meshes on page 3 =)
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the update broke default skins as well, which is what I'm super bummed about
It did? I’m using @lamatisse‘s BARE skintones and @escapingpotplant‘s Override: Dark Skintones Fixed and both of them still work.
The only thing I’ve found that’s broken so far is Nyloa’s Pucker Up Lip Replacement, which REALLY sucks because I don’t think Nyloa is around anymore 😭
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How many matriarchs do you think it will take you to finish the challenge? :)
Hiya! If the next few generations follow Lacy’s lead and end up with at least 25 kids each, it should only take 4. But I’m planning to try to make things a bit more difficult for future matriarchs/patriarchs just to shake things up a bit and make it bit more challenging, so it could very well be a few more than that lol 
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Hello I wanted to ask, have your eye colors had an update or do they not work yet? Best regards
Hello! I’ve updated them myself and they work but based on others testing them, they don’t seem to work for everyone for some reason. So I’m waiting for @sims4studioofficial to be updated before officially releasing them, just so I know for sure they’ll work for everyone.
But it seems to be taking a really long time for them to update and I’m starting to think they might not even be going to update for Eco Lifestyle so... I don’t know. If it’s not updated by the end of this week I’ll just release the version that works for me as is and hopefully not too many people will have issues with them? There isn’t really much else I can do unfortunately 🙁
Note: Just before anyone suggests it, I’ve tried both this way and this way, and neither work for 100% of the people that tested them.
86 notes · View notes
regarding the 100 baby challenge, Rylee met that gorgeous lady at the bar and i was really rooting for them together!! even if it undermines the challenge. but then more recently she got pregnant and was wondering whose it was? does this mean shes not gona have a further relationship with maia now that shes pregnant with a man's baby? D: Love your story btw, youre excellent at storytelling!!
Hello! The most recent baby (that hasn’t been born yet) is Maia’s, there has been no other sim after her yet. In my challenge both masuline and feminine sims are eligible to be donors as all potential donor sims in my save have the option “Get others pregnant” selected in CAS. It does however mean that Rylee’s relationship with Maia is over for now. All matriarchs/patriarchs in my challenge are not allowed to use the same donor twice and not allowed to settle down into a long term relationship until they’re an elder and the next heir takes over 😊 
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Hi, after the current patch unfortunately the Little Sad Eyes- Default EA do not work anymore. It would be great if you could update them. Since these are my favorite eye colors... Thanks a lot
Hiya! Yup all CC default replacement eyes stopped working with the new patch. I’m not sure why considering there was nothing in the patch notes about anything to do with eyes but I’ve bought it to the attention of the Gurus who are looking into it. However, seeing as it’s not on them to make sure CC works I expect they won’t do anything to fix it but I’m hoping they can at least tell me what changed to break them so I can at least know where to start looking into fixing them. I’m not holding my breath though as there are quite a few other things the patch broke that are more important.
So the most I can do at the moment is either wait for the Gurus to fix what they broke, wait for S4S to update and hope they figured out why things broke and add a batch fix, or hope another creator figures out how to fix them and shares their knowledge. In the meantime the non-default colours work. I know that’s not ideal but it’s what I’m currently using and it’s better than using EA’s defaults lol
I wish I could do more but I have no idea how all of the game coding and everything works so I don’t know how to dig into it and look at what might be wrong, sorry 😕
69 notes · View notes
Sorry if this sounds rude, but do you not randomize traits for the 100 Baby Challenge? How do you select traits then? I'm thinking of following your adapted rules for my own gameplay.
Didn’t sound rude at all! I do randomise their traits and aspirations, it’s mentioned in the “rules”:
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If you’re referring to Rylee, I didn’t randomise hers because I wanted to test out the new traits and aspirations that came with Eco Lifestyle. If the pack hadn’t come out before her generation started I would have randomised hers too 😊
64 notes · View notes
Hi, can I please ask if you already got your copy of gamechanger Eco Lifestyle? I have seen some simtubers already exploring the city :) I get it, if you dont have time to explore it yourself, but was just curious. Have a wonderful day!
Hiya! Nope, only a select few high value content creators got super early access; the rest of us have to wait until much closer to the release.
Speaking of having time though, the early access timeframe the rest of us have been given is SUPER short (like 24 hrs) and it’s right around my birthday, so I may not have enough time to explore everything before the game officially releases but I will definitely be doing my usual CAS and Build/Buy reviews and then gameplay exploration in the form of the 100 Baby Challenge 😊
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Can you confirm whether Morgan is a boy or girl? I can't tell from the trailers >.
I believe Morgyn is actually gender fluid. Their custom gender settings in CAS look like this:
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And they have several clothing options that are distinctly feminine-leaning.
I asked SimGuruNinja personally and he said “I would definitely think Morgyn would identify as nonbinary or gender fluid.” but until we have a backstory for them, nothing is 100% confirmed. Though it is definitely now my head canon that Morgyn is gender fluid and I will only ever refer to them as they/them from now on 😊
887 notes · View notes
Hiya! I have a few quick questions for you. Do you know how many GBs it would be if I downloaded all of your hair recolours for every single pack? Also, is there anyway you would be able to make a zip file that contains all of your hair recolours in it so I don’t have to download each recolours for each hair separately? Finally, can we expect knifty knitting recolours soon? I don’t mean to come off as pushy or disrespectful, if I do I apologise, feel free to tell me no. Love your blog so much! X
Oof that would be A LOT of GBs lol There are merged files for each recolour set but not one big file for all of them, I’ve done it that way for two reasons. 
The first reason is because I live in a very remote rural area of Australia where there the internet is absolutely atrocious; the upload speed on a very good day is 5Mbps and currently takes me a couple hours to upload just one of those merged files (which are usually under 300MB) from the recolour sets. 
So to upload a file that big would take me literally weeks and make it impossible for both myself and my husband to use the internet at all during that time, which is not something we can realistically do since there’s no cell reception here and the internet is our only way to communicate with family and friends, buy food and essentials during lockdown, etc. That may change in the future if we ever move anywhere that has better internet but for now it just isn’t feasible.
The second reason is that I haven’t finished recolouring all the hairs. I would have to update that file every time I release new recolours which isn’t possible because of the first reason. But as I said before, hopefully by the time I finish recolouring all the hairs we’ll be in an area that has better internet and I’ll be able to upload a big ‘ol file with every single recolour in it 😊
I’ve already done the Nifty Knitting hairs but since it took me so long to get to your message (sorry, i’m crap at keeping up with my inbox), I assume you already know that lol 
29 notes · View notes
hey! something i haven't really saw addressed is if the university degrees are updated or not for the new career in eco lifestyle? i was just wondering if you had heard anything about it, or had even looked at it in your game. thanks :)
Hiya! I believe so. With the Civil Designer career I think communications degree is for the Civil Planner branch and Physics is for the Green Technician branch. There’s no associated degree for the Freelance Maker career and I believe that’s something the team are looking into 😊
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hey, whenever I start a new save file I always end up spending ages deleting or editing the townies because they're so damn ugly lol. do you know if there's a way to permanently change the way they look?
Actually, I just discovered the other day that MCCC has a setting that when enabled will force your game to replace generated townies with sims that are saved in your library!
I’ll put the rest of the info under a cut because it’s gonna get kind of long lol
So if you click on a computer in game and go to MC Population > Populating Settings > Import Tray Settings you’ll get this little menu:
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Go into each of those and play around with the settings, it’s pretty easy to figure out what they do. I’m still playing around with my settings so they might not be right and they might change but I have everything set like this:
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As you can see there are a lot of different ways to set it up but essentially what my settings will (hopefully) mean is that when I save a sim to my library, if I make sure it has the tag #mccc_include in it’s description it will show up in my save at some point.
There are a few things to keep in mind when using this part of MCCC though:
In my experience this does not replace townies or premades that are already in your save. So if you don’t want to edit them just delete them.
This does not import the ACTUAL sim, just it’s appearance, clothes, name. The sim that shows up in game will not have the same skills, traits or aspiration as the one you saved. Relationships don’t carry over either.
Speaking of relationships, I don’t think it works for households with more than one sim in it. I’ve tagged a couple of larger households with the tag to see what would happen and so far none of them have showed up in my game so I’m guessing it only works for single sim households, which would make sense because relationships don’t carry over so why bother having a whole family tagged.
And that’s about it! As I said, I haven’t fully tested my settings but from what I’ve seen so far, these settings seem to be pulling many of the hundreds of sims I have tagged in my library with the #mccc_include tag so I’m pretty happy with it! 😊
319 notes · View notes
How would you have the 100 baby challenge with a guy?
It’d be very similar to how it normally works with a female sim, with the exception that the babies wouldn’t be born in the Castle household. I have MCCC telling me every time a baby is born in my game so it would be as simple as having the patriarch try for a baby with another sim and then waiting for the pop up to say that sim had given birth. Then I would go out into the household management tab and transfer the baby only over into the Castle household to live with it’s father. Simples 😊
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Hi Becca! hope you and mr. Sandwich are doing alright! Your crocheting (is that the verb?) looks so cool :) quick ques about your 100 baby: will the new heir move into a different house? like a clean slate and to give Lacy some space? I sure hope she gets to live to a happy old age with lots of grandkids :) anyway, have a nice week!
Aww thank you, you’re too kind! Yup, Rylee will be moving not only to a different house but to a completely new save once I have access to Eco Lifestyle. It’s a lot easier with a new pack to start a fresh save just because of broken mods and such 😊
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