sandwitchstories · 4 months
Twin Flames : Chapter 1
Time for something a little different! I hope you enjoy the story of my OC, the Gravity Hashira, Bri Rengoku as she and her beloved husband, Kyojuro Rengoku, learn to play the hand fate has dealt them. Together they will work hand in hand with Lady Tamayo to find a cure and continue their fight to purge the land of the scourge of evil demons. But nothing comes easy, and the Twin Flames will have to burn brighter than they ever have before. For each other, for their friends, for the world.
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Tagged explicit on AO3 for eventual Smut.
Several days after the Gravity Pillar Bri Rengoku and her family had held a funeral for her husband, Kyojuro, she received an urgent summons to the Master’s house. She hoped it was information on where Upper 3 was so that she could end that miserable bastard’s life with her own blades. It had been something far different.
She was not sure if it was for better or for worse but it turned out that the reason her family had not had a body to bury was that there had not been a body to bury.
Akaza had turned Kyojuro into a demon.
CW: First two chapters are Angst and Comfort
Chapter 1: One Foot Infront Of The Other
Chapter Text
Bri glanced at the young man walking next to her, like so many of the members of the Corps, he seemed far older than just 16. Tanjiro was a pleasant enough young man. He reminded Bri of Senjuro. Bubbly, happy, talkative. Her heart twinged at the thought of the condition she had left her young brother in law. But, if all worked out, soon things would be better. It killed her not to tell him and her father in law where she was going in such a hurry, but no one could know outside the few who already did. 
Several days after Bri and their family had ‘buried’ her husband, Kyojuro, she received an urgent summons to the Master’s house. She hoped it was information on where Upper 3 was so that she could end that miserable bastard’s life with her own blades. It had been something far different.
She was not sure if it was for better or for worse but it turned out that the reason her family had not had a body to bury was that there had not been a body to bury. 
Akaza had turned Kyojuro into a demon. His blood had mixed with Kyojuro’s when his arm impaled him. Muzan, thrilled to have a pillar turned, allowed the transformation to happen. 
Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu had decided to save his life, fashioning a basket like Tanjiro had for Nezuko and a bamboo muzzle like hers as well, and getting him to a demon doctor named, Tamayo, who the Master had heard of for many years. 
Tanjiro had come back to the mansion and told the Master what had happened. He had come to tell the Master as well what Kyojuro had said when he thought he was speaking his final words. 
If the Master decided that it was better for no one to know that the Flame Hashir was still alive, Tanjiro wanted his loved ones to at least have his final words for comfort. 
Bri had asked to hear them, even knowing now that he was alive. His last words to her had been that he loved her and to remind her to keep living for the both of them. 
She was startled from her thoughts when the cat they were following disappeared. “Uhm, Tanjiro… I think we lost the cat.”
“Nope, we follow him through. Come on,” he said, taking her hand and pulling her through after placing a talisman on his head. 
Bri was stunned when a giant, several story home came into view. Complete with cherry blossom trees surrounding it. “What is this place?”
“This is Lady Tamayo’s house. It’s hidden with Yushiro’s magic,” Tanjiro explained. 
“Wow… this is blood demon art?” Bri asked, in absolute awe.
“It is. Lady Tamayo’s is a scent blood demon art. It’s toxic to humans so if she ever casts it near you make sure to cover your mouth. She would only do it in an absolute emergency, I promise,” he reassured. 
Bri realized her hesitancy must have shown on her face. “I’m just… This is insane… There’s so much more to blood demon art than we understand…” She paused as she thought of something. “Does Kyojuro have blood demon art?”
“Not that we know of yet,” Tanjiro said. “It took Nezuko time to figure it out. But then again, she was asleep for 2 years. Mr. Rengoku was only asleep for 10 days.”
“Yes, you said that’s how you were able to muzzle him and transport him so easily. Is he… still wearing the muzzle?”
“No, he bit threw it the second he was awake.”
“Was he… trying to feed?” Bri asked as they drew closer to the house.
“No. He just wanted to talk,” Tanjiro said with a huge smile.
Bri laughed, “That was my next guess. The first was only because Kyojuro is normally starving when he wakes up so I assumed this would have been like that but many times worse with what I have come to understand a demon goes through upon waking from their transformation.”
“Lady Tamayo was very impressed by how much of his faculties Mr. Rengoku held on to this early on in his change.  Including his adamantness that he would not eat humans to survive,” Tanjiro paused. 
He looked at Bri with a concerned look upon his face. “Remember… he cannot remember what anyone looks like… he started remembering names of those most important - you, Senjuro, Mr. Shinjuro and Lady Ruka. He only remembered us so quickly because we had been on the mission with him. But he could not recall more than your names and your relationships to him.”
She surprised Tanjiro with a hug, pulling him tight. “I am prepared, but thank you for the reminder. As hard as it will be for my husband to not recognize me when he sees me, I am hopeful he will remember me clearly in other ways. The important ways. Like how much I loved him and treasured him. If he can recall even that, then I will know that I loved him even half as well as he has loved me. If he can recall that, I know we will be okay.”
Tanjiro hugged her tighter. “I understand now why the Master said you needed to come. You’re soul mates. I can feel it.”
Bri sniffled. She pointed to a small nichirin pendant she wore that was the same shape as Kyojuro’s sword guard.  “Twin flames is what his mother used to call us. Mr. Kanamori, the swordsman who crafted Kyojuro’s nichirin sword and my nichirin tessen made one of these for each of us when we got married. The first time we had gone to the village together, we had told him that story and he had remembered it.”
“How long have you known each other?” Tanjiro asked as they neared the porch.
“All of our lives. My family moved in next door to his when he was 9 months old and I was 6 months old,” she said softly. She sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly, steeling herself. Her husband was alive. That was all that mattered. “Alright, let's do this.”
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