fibszn-blog · 6 years
a starter for @sanguamnis​
        “ uuughhhhh—— !! ”
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        “  why won’t you leave me alone, freak ? ”  he turned his back to maki, making much of a display to show his distaste for her. “  you follow me around like a lost puppy !  i might as well start kicking you like one, too, if i wasn’t terrified you’d come and KILL me for it ! ”
4 notes · View notes
detectheirarchive · 6 years
maki comes out as shadow the hedgehog kin how does this make her f
kyouko supports her no matter what and say it’s okay to be whatever she wants to be
3 notes · View notes
auctes · 6 years
15-25 ;V
 OVERESTIMATING  MYSELF  ON  MAIN      //      @sanguamnis​ .
015 .     are  they  most  likely  to  fight  with  their  fists  or  their  tongue  ?
this  is  implicitly  linked  to  the  next  question ,   but  fukawa  knows  she’s  got  a  way  with  words .   while  she  can  fight  back  physically  if  necessary ,   her  most  natural  inclination  of  defense  is  to  insult ,   manipulate ,   to  deride ,   or  to  blaspheme .   fukawa’s  defense  is  the  offensive  :   when  she  feels  threatened ,   she  will  automatically  respond  with  what  she  knows  is  the  most  pointed ,   most  personally  hurtful  thing  she  can  say  to  a  person .   she  exploits  weaknesses  as  a  means  of  removing  herself  from  the  line  of  fire ,   and  she’s  bloody  good  at  it .
016 .     what  is  their  choice  of  weapon  ?
given  the  choice  ?   her  words .   her  novels .   what  i  find  so  interesting  is  the  absent  commentary  that  the  canon  makes  on  fukawa’s  career ,   and  upon  her  ability  as  a  writer .   we   know  that  she’s  universally  acclaimed ,   but  also  that  she  is  able  to  sway  public  opinion  on  even  asinine  topics  with  her  enormous  reach  ;   if  fukawa  has  an  agenda ,   her  demographic  becomes  her  greatest  weapon .   she  could  destroy  a  person’s  life  in  five  hundred  pages ,   if  she  so  wished .   probably  less .   drafts  not  permitted ,   she’d  still  take  a  verbal  crack  at  it .
017 .     when  does  your  character  think  that  violence  is  justified  or  deserved  ?
short  answer  ?   never .   fukawa’s  life  is  already  inundated  with  associations  of  violence  :   some  repressed ,   and  some  ungraciously  remaining  within  her  memory .   she  has  been  wrongfully  accused  of  being  an  inherently  violent  person  who  doles  out  a  distorted  measure  of  personal  justice ,   and  that  perception  has  ruined  her  life .   fukawa  is  more  of  a  pragmatist  :   she  believes  that  some  people  do  deserve  to  be  punished ,   yes ,   and  she  will  not  mourn  the  deaths  of  awful  people .   but  enduring  a  game  of  mandated  murder  for  survival  inevitably  alters  your  point  of  view  on  the  necessity  and  applicability  of  violence .   she  can’t  justify  it .
018 .     your  character  wakes  up  to  find  that  war  has  been  declared .   what  do  they  do  ?
go  back  to  bed ,   honestly .
019 .     if  they  could  have  a  super  power ,   what  would  they  choose ?
here’s  the  thing .   if  the  super  power  was  optional ,   fukawa  wouldn’t  choose  to  have  one .   super  powers  are  too  ingrained  within  the  world  of  fantasy  for  her  to  be  able  to  completely  buy  into  the  concept ,   or  commit  to  having  one .   she  would  rather  remain  a  mundane  person  who  is  grounded  in  reality  than  test  the  boundary  of  fiction .   but  if  i  had  a  choice   —————   and  i’m  discarding  quirk  discussion  here ,   because  that’s  another  dialogue  within  itself   —————   superhuman  suggestion  and  mind  manipulation ,   quite  honestly .   it’s  something  she  ...   has  more  or  less  mastered  as  it  is ,   so  it’s  not  too  farfetched  to  imagine  that  in  a  fantastical  capacity .
020 .     what  are  their  hobbies  ?
hobbies  ?   what  hobbies  ?   her  life  is  work ,   suffering ,   and  occasionally  sleeping .   i  would  say  writing ,   but  when  fukawa  is  writing  professionally ,   she  rarely  has  time  to  do  so  for  recreation .   she  reads  whenever  she  can ,   enjoys  going  to  galleries  and  museums ,   and  studying  humanities - wing  subjects  yields  some  measure  of  stress  relief  for  her .   syo ,   on  the  other  hand ,   is  a  more  practical  person  with  a  strong  spacial  awareness  :   she  enjoys  building  furniture ,   interior  decorating ,   high  risk  adrenaline  sports ,   and  carpentry .
021 .     how  do  they  display  affection  ?
affection  from  fukawa  is  highly  dependent  on  the  subject  and  the  nature  of  that  relationship .   she  can’t  offer  consolidating  words ,   and  physical  contact  is  a  process .   sharing  her  work   —————   her  honest ,   personal  work ,   and  not  her  professional  bibliography   —————   is  sharing  a  part  of  herself  that  fukawa  often  deems  unsafe  to  outwardly  express .   there  is  a  measure  of  deep  trust  involved  in  writing  a  piece  for  someone ,   sharing  her  poetry ,   or  telling  them  about  things  she  writes  for  herself  as  opposed  to  for  an  audience .   it’s  honestly  an  intimate  experience  for  her ,   as  fukawa  connects  with  her  own  humanity  through  writing  ;   she  can  perceive  when  those  closest  to  her  need  a  hug ,   or  their  hands  held ,   or  their  hair  stroked   —————   but  honest  affection  from  fukawa  is  simply  sharing  her  heart .
022 .     what  is  the  most  beautiful  thing  they’ve  ever  seen  ?
byakuya  togami .   i  actually  have  an  answer  for  this ,   because  i think  it  came  up  in  an  in - character  conversation  on  the  second ...?   killing  game  server .   the  most  beautiful  thing  fukawa  has  ever  seen  was  a  beached  trawler  wreck  on  a  stretch  of  sand  near  her  home .   understand  that  what  fukawa  perceives  as  beautiful  could  be  slightly  abnormal  :   the  imagery  she  employs  in  her  little  love  poems  is  ostensibly  macabre ,   and  she  is  inspired  by  personal  tragedies  and  trauma .   i  remember  waxing  poetic  about  the  rusted  hull ,   and  the  aquatic  plantlife  that  dried  and  rotted  into  the  bow ,   but  fukawa  is  most  profoundly  moved  by  things  we  would  find  ugly ,    or  depressing ,   or  confronting .   life  in  stasis ,   nature  reclaiming  appropriated  land ,   and  transcendentalism  moves  fukawa  unspeakably .   it’s  nice  imagery ,   and  was  deeply  symbolic .
023 .     what  do  they  consider  beautiful  in  others ,   physically  ?
fukawa  does  not  have  a  physical  type .   however ,   i  distinctly  remember  writing  something  once  in  which  i stated  that  she  falls  in  love  with  parts  as  opposed  to  the  sum  of them .   she  will  hyperfixate  and  romanticize  a  single  aspect  of  a  person  :   their  eyes ,   their  arms ,   their  voice ,   their  posture ,   and  for  as  long  as  she  loves  them ,   it  will  be  all  that  matters  to  her .
edit  :   i  found  it ,   and  i  chucked  it  under  a  read  more  below .   you  can  skim  it  if  you  want  to  see  what  i  mean .  
024 .     what  do  they  consider  ugly  in  others ,   physically  ?
exactly  what  she  fixated  upon  in  the  above  answer ,   usually .   consider  fukawa  falling  in  love  on  a  case - by - case  basis  :   when  she’s  attracted  to  someone ,   and  it  ends  horribly  for  her ,   she’ll  condemn  herself  by  demonising  every  precious  thought  she  had  about  a  person .   she’ll  curse  her  own  stupidity ,   her  frivolity ,   her   foolishness  for  thinking  another  person  could  ever  love  her ,   and  that  they  could  hurt  her  like  they  inevitably  do .   everything  she  found  beautiful  in  them  becomes  abhorrent ,   until  she  can’t  stand  to  think  about  them  a  moment  longer .
025 .     what  do  they  consider  beautiful  in  others  personality - wise  ?
this  one  is  easier .   fukawa  is  attracted  to  narcissists .   she  likes  self - assuredness ,   self  importance ,   and  the  incredibly  toxic  degradation  and  dehumanisation  to  which  a  narcissist’s  peers  are  subject .  
on  the  lighter  side ,   she  appreciates  courage  and  strength  of  character .   she  is  attracted  to  people  who  are  decisive ,   who  are  sure  of  who  they  are ,   and  who  are  not  afraid  to  stand  up  for  themselves  or  others .   intelligence  is  a  bonus ,   but  she  is  most  likely  to  swear  loyalty  to  a  person  who  engenders  their  values  into  their  entire  being .   bravery ,   occasional  recklessness ,   and  a  strong  drive  to  do  what  is  right  for  no  other  reason  than  it  is  the  right  thing  to  do .
it  just  takes  some  growing  up  on  her  part .
touko  fukawa  does  not  fall in  love  with  people .   she  falls  in  love  with  their  parts ,  as  opposed  to  their  wholes ;  the  attributes  of  which  come  as  freely  and  fondly  to  her  as  the  sweet  surrender  of  sleep  as  she  vanquishes  a  crucial  deadline .   love ,  as  a  tangible  epiphany ,  comes  to  her  first  within  the  pages  of  a  novel .   this  is  the  part  she  likes :   the  sweeping  grandeur  of  a  complex  indemnity ,  and  the  anticipation  of  knowing  it  for  herself .   ( she  doesn't  remember  the  rest .   but  LOVE  sticks  to  her like  yellow  wallpaper . )
she's  ten  years  old  when  love  first  draws  her  into  its  vices  —  in  the  pleasing  lilt  of  a  boy  whose  words  consume  her  heart  like  a  forest  fire .   his  voice  carries  the  implication  of  her  very  first  protagonist :  a  sweet - nothing  man  who  brings  the  first  of  touko's  hopeful - hearted  following  to  pieces .   it's  music  /  it's  magic  /  it's  more  than  her  very  beginnings  can  stand .   it  harshens  her  tone  by  virtue ,  and  underscores  the  idiosyncrasies  of  her  speech .   she  knows  the  words  to  this  elegy ;  they  fall  easily  onto  paper .
paper  she  finds  pinned  to  the  bulletin  board ,  beneath  the  book  club  sign - up  rota .   ( and  here's  when  she  remembers  the  other  side  of  love ,  and  why  she'd  submerged  it  in  far  more  saturated  sentiments . )   his  voice  still  burgeons  in  her  when  it  tightens  over  callous  condemnations  of  her  folly ;  touko  finds  it  searingly  sublime  when  he  laughs  at  her  heart's  punchline .   ( she's  sure  it  was  mesmerizing ,  still ,  when  he  was  BEGGING  her  wild - eyed  mr  hyde  to  put  down  the  scissors,  i'm  sorry ,  i'll  go  out  with  you ,  i'll  do  anything — )
she's  fourteen  years  old  when  love  flags  her  down  in  the  hallway  with  its  strong ,  safe  arms .   touko  fixates  upon  the  crook  of  his  elbow ,  languidly  inclined  against  the  locker ,  as  he  scribbles  a  number  onto  her  palm .  he's  a  swimmer :  broad  and  strong ,  to  her  frail  and  insubstantial .   she  falls  in  love  with  their  duplicity ,  with  bold  and  bashful ,  with  gallant  and  meek ;  with  the  idea  of  falling   ( and  falling ,  and  falling , )  into  those  arms ,  and  letting  them  alleviate  the  chill  that's  endemic  to  her  constitution .
constitution  that  grows  impedingly  more  frail  as  touko  sits ,  alone ,  at  the  back  of  a  dim  theater ;  falling   ( and  falling ,  and  falling , )  into  the  constricting  unease  of  the  dark .   she's  somewhat  thankful  for  the  amnesty  this  grants  for  her  tears  to  flow  freely ;  for  her  face  to  stain  with  the  dimming  remnants  of  hope  that  she'd  foolishly  allowed  herself .   her  own  arms  are  no  substitute ,  but  they  draw  her  into  herself ...  for  as  glorious  as  his  were ,  touko  is  certain  they  weren't  enough  to  overcome  the  monster  that  hung  him  like  a  portrait .
it's  a  silly  game  without  an  end .  a  game  of  bright  eyes ,  and  easy  smiles ;  of  lanky  limbs  and  chiselled  jaws .  again  and  again ,  she  lets  love  deceive  her .   yet  again ,  she  learns  its  true  name .   and  the  bodies  keep  turning ,  and  the  tally  keeps  striking ,  and  the  words  keep  flowing ,  and  it's  back  and  back  and  back  into  the  easier  parts  of  herself  that  make  love  seem  so  REAL .   she  will  never  trust  again .   she  will  never  LOVE  again .  except  that  she  DOES ,  as  her  empire  flows  from  her  fingertips  like  an  endless  rainstorm .
she's  nineteen  years  old   ( believing  she  is  seventeen , )   when  love  pierces  her  palms  and  seizes  her  against  the  wall .   she  likes  to  believe  it  was  earlier ,  in  the  graveyard  of  memories  she's  been  forced  to  disrepute .   she  is  held  captive  here ,  in  the  academy ,  with  her  love  for  him :  the  love  she  endures  for  the  quiet  turning  of  pages  in  the  library ;  for  his  relentless  precision  in  the  courtroom .   for  his  esteem ,  and  his  diligence ,  and  his  velleity  to  survive .   and  yes ,  she  thinks ,  THIS  is  the  love  she  has  intimately  named .
names  that  slide  from  his  beautiful  tongue  with  acridity  and  exactitude .   names  that  give  her  vile  personage  a  substance  she's  been  lacking .   touko  takes  these  verbal  beat - downs  with  vigor  —  and  it's  alright ,  really .   ( no ,  really !   she  doesn't  mind . )   he  only  means  to  villify  the  dispraising  nature  of  her  existence ;  to  give  her  leave  of  this  liminal  word  between  fact  and  fiction .   touko  feels  this  love  in  the  shy  callings  of  her  soul ,  and  in  the  hairline  cracks  of  what  little  composure  she  keeps .   really  —  it's  alright .
touko  fukawa  is  twenty  years  old  when  she  is  forced  to  relearn  her  definition  of  love .   in  TOWA ,  of  all  places ,  where  the  air  is  thick  with  despair - tinged  expulsions  of  god - knows  how  many  lungs .   where  the  skyline  alters  with  each  new   bout  of  destruction ,  and  RED  is  not  a  color ,  but  a  state  of  existence .   byakuya  is  gone .   a  more  cynical ,  more  resilient  touko  stands  in  his  place :  on  feet  that  save  her  from  falling ,  despite  the  debris  below  them .   on  legs  that  practice  perpetual  motion ,  despite  this  underwater - uncertainty  about  her .
genocider  keeps  their  body  intact ;  touko  holds  their  mind  together .   it's  an  empty  partnership ,  but  she's  bitterfly  thankful  for  the  aptitude  to  propel  herself  from  one  scenario  to  the  next .   thankful  for  the  motive :  not  to  KILL ,  but  to  perpetuate .   byakuya's  existence  awards  her  this .   and  she's  thankful ,  begrudgingly ,  for  komaru  naegi .   for  what ?   touko  isn't  sure  yet .   but  there  is  something  to  be  said  for  the  muted  whirring  of  her  mind  as  she  endeavors  to  amass  the  most  sensical  form  and  reason  of  their  narrative .
komaru  naegi :  so  bafflingly  simple - minded , so  ordinary  of  disposition .   little  in  the  way  of  courage ,  or  conviction :  a  bland  and  mediocre  excuse  for  a  woman ,  who  perplexes  touko  to  no  end .   mystifying ,  isn't  it ?   how  someone  so  ordinary  could  defy  express  definition .   perhaps ,   ( and  to  her  credit , )   it  could  be  because  touko  has  never  penned  such  a  baseless  protagonist  that  she  struggles  to  append  an  appropriate  adjective  to  komaru .   her  fingers  itch ;  she's  not  written ,  properly ,  in  months .   she  must  be  losing  her  touch .
touches  that  linger  long  after  the  initial  bristle  of  skin  against  skin .   casual  touches  that  are ,  at  the  time ,  overlooked  in  favor  of  surviving ,  but  later  tear  the  flesh  from  touko's  palms  as  she  considers  them .   komaru's  hands  are  rough ,  marred  by  tribulation ;  but  they  are  always  outstretched ,  always  wanting ,  always  seizing  touko's  own  at  the  penultimate  second  of  an  opportune  moment .   komaru  had  reached  for  her  amid  the  deluges  of  gunfire ,  the  onslaught  of  despair - crazed  assailants ,  and  it  had  only  meant  something  hours  later .
touko  attributes  this  to  the  absence  of  her  master ;  of  the  thunder  between  her  lungs . �� she  feels  this  absence  of  companionship  so  profoundly  that  she  wonders  how  despondent  she  must  truly  have  been  for  all  her  years  prior .   and  this  makes  no  sense :   because  komaru  is  RIGHT  HERE ,  beside  her .   behind  her .  always  within  arms  reach  —  she  is  everywhere .   and ,  in  the  wake  of  everything ,   as  touko  cards  her  fingers  through  komaru's  hair ,  and  komaru  drives  her  face  into  touko's  shoulder ,  touko  is  still  at  a  loss  for  words .
the  one  she  learns ,  and  settles  quite  neatly  into ,  is  ' together . '   she  and  komaru  are  two  tandem  pieces ;  they  are  no  longer  mutually  exclusive  after  all  of  a  day .   touko ,  who  has  never  really  been  included  in  anything ,  finds  immeasurable  solace  in  this  term .   ' we '  are  going  to  hold  the  sky  in  place ;  ' we '  are  finding  hope  at  the  fraying  edges  of  this  fitful  world .   together ,  they  are  unstoppable .   together ,  they  are  impenetrable .   ' together '  is  not  a  word  that  either  of  them  are  used  to ,  but  it  becomes  touko's  favorite .
because  she  realizes  amidst  the  chaos ,  quite  by  accident ,  that  she  does  not  want  to  lose  komaru  naegi .   ever .   touko  cannot  lose  this :  the  tentative  affirmations  passed  between  them  like  clean  air .   the  prevailing  truth  in  a  sea  of  lies  that  has  driven  touko  from  one  madness  into  another .   ( a  RINGING  in  her  ears :  even  in  the  static  of  her  fugue  state ,  she  remembers  komaru's  hand  latch  securely  onto  genocider's  arm .   the  trust  /  the  tears  /  the  TORMENT  of  it  all ... )   the  importance  of  this  moment  lingers  in  her  heart  as  she  finds  herself  again .
the  decision  to  stay  with  komaru  was  so  natural  that  it  mightn't  have  been  borne  of  conscious  effort .   touko  is  still  trying  to  find  the  words  —  the  only  thing  she  knows  —  to  lend  illumination  to  what  she  feels  for  komaru .   they're  eminent  on  her  tongue  —  until  she  loses  them  around  shadowed  corners ,  or  under  the  ruins  of  this  fallen  city .   hopeless  until  she  feels  komaru  at  her  side  /  hand  in  hand  /  back  to  back ,  and  the  inexplicable  lightness  in  touko's  chest  prevails .   for  all  her  works  &  accolades ,  how  strange  this  expression  feels  —
it  feels  unreal ,  at  times .   touko  fears  that  this  is  another  of  her  delusions ,  and  that  one  day  she'll  wake  to  the  peeling  wallpaper  of  her  room ,   ( more  her  prison  than  respite , )  and  the  woman  she  has  become  will  exist  only  on  paper .   but  komaru  is  real .   THIS  is  real .   and  when  touko  reaches  for  her  —  she  doesn't  burn .   she  doesn't  bleed .   and  komaru  doesn't  crumble  to  ash  &  waste  between  her  fingers ,  and  all  of  this  is  really ,  really  real .   fear  does  not  stop  touko  from  holding  on .   komaru  keeps  her  from  letting  go .
touko  fukawa  is  twenty  years  old  when  she  relearns  the  definition  of  love :  when  she  falls  in  love   ( not  with  people , but )  with  komaru ,  and  komaru  only .   she  falls  for  her  smile ;  its  unyielding  brightness  in  touko's  dark .   she  falls  for  her  embrace ,  which  takes  touko's  grey  world  and  propels  it  into  violent  technicolor .   she  falls  in  love  with  the  picture  of  innocence ,  and  how  it  lifts  the  burden  and  decay  from  their  shoulders .   she  falls  for  the  maddening  simplicity  of  her ;  even  for  her  absurd  taste  in  reading  material .
she  falls  for  this  new  concept  of  reality  that's  tinged  with  fiction .   it  holds  promise :  that  same  promise  that  comes  from  long  evenings  of  aching  joints  and  mottled  lighting  that  pursues  the  realization  of  the  kindest  places  within  touko's  mind .   komaru  feels  like  a  story  —  she  rarely  makes  sense ,  but  she  is  evocative  of  the  solitary  paradise  in  prose .   only  this  time ,  when  touko  folds  the  cover  of  this  story  over  its  dog - eared  pages ,  it  follows  her  past  the  afterglow  of  a  happy  ending .   komaru  is ,  quite  simply ,  her  hope .
she  falls  for  fragments :  cold  and  creeping ,  as  autumn  bows  to  winter's  whims .   it's  guided  steps  into  touko's  first  real  ' friendship , '  she  thinks ,  as  she  marvels  at  the  sun - steeped  renewal  of  each  day  with  komaru .   flowers  do  not  bloom  in  carnage ,  but  it  doesn't  stop  them  from  trying :  every  touch ,  every  word ,  every  abiding  gaze ,  become  parts  of  her .   parts  of  this  story  that  touko  will  never  surcease .   the  sum  of  komaru's  parts  is  inexplicably ,  inexorably  whole  —  and  it's  EVERYTHING .
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aqulus · 6 years
m o t h e r
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opulentos · 6 years
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“While I don’t doubt your skills in combat, intellectually, you and I are not on the same page. We’re not even reading the same book. So do us all a favor-- Mind your own business and stay out of mine. You will only slow me down.”
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blindedhope · 6 years
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“Come on, we’re almost there.” He feared he was asking her too much, if he was this exhausted already. He had spoken to her a few times since they had arrived at a place they cab, at least temporarily, call home. However for the past few days that dwindled down once his own depression and dissociation swallowed him whole. It took more than it needed to find her, now he’s struggling to stay on his own two feet. He would have stayed in his room, but this was important.
“Here.” He approaches a closed door, checking behind him to make sure she was following. Concern flashed in his eyes, silently asking if she was doing alright. Without another word he pulls out a hairpin and messes with the door lock until he heard a satisfying click. With one hand he reaches out and gently grabs onto her, and with the other he opens the door up.
Above were stars. Ones that brought in more comfort than the stars that had shown up during the game. Something must have blessed them for the sky to have been so clear. “Look, now we can be closer to him.” He lets go of her and picks a spot on the roof to sit down at, his eyes never taking off of the sky. “Do you think he’s watching over us, from up there? He always wanted to be a part of the stars.”
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fibszn-blog · 6 years
👀 + Why do you insist on pissing me off?
telling the truth
“  I don’t try to piss you off. Why would I? You terrify me. ”
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“  I do this to everyone. It’s not just you. ”
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blindedhope · 5 years
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alright so this is a bit of a tough decision, but for the sake of my comfort and health and the sanity of this blog im going to be dropping threads
not all of them; theres gonna be a few that im still interested in and willing to get back to when i can, but i personally think letting go of some of them will take some weight off
below are threads that i still wanna keep but also as a personal thread tracker. if youre not on here but we have smth going and u wanna keep it let me know ! but i am gonna post a starter call later so no worries
@mortisamen [ x ]
@drylicu [ x ] [ x ]
@omghoshii [ x ]  [ x ]  [ x ]
@auctes [ x ]
@sanguamnis [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] [ x ]
@lackchoice [ x ] [ x ]
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detectheirarchive · 6 years
Did Thanos snap you out of existence in Infinity War?
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tagging : u see it u do it tagged by : @sanguamnis love u
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eludum-a · 6 years
Did Thanos snap you out of existence in Infinity War?
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“...well, have fun with your continued existence, hinata-kun. bye-bye!”
tagged by @kiboumukou tagging @mediknight @blindedhope @sanguamnis @kibcu @gravames
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fibszn-blog · 6 years
🔪🗡 u stab me and i stab u,,,, pokemon
maybe it was’t the brightest idea for kokichi to be out in the kitchen so late at night, but the very last thing he expected was the sound of approaching footsteps until they stopped directly behind him. they were soft and calculated, and any ear that wasn’t listening carefully may not have even heard them. he knew who it was without a second thought.
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“  harukawa. ” 
kokichi knew his voice got caught in his throat. he kept his back turned. any other time, he may spew an insult or three and run off, yet now he felt cornered. he assumed any sudden movement could be the end of him. he didn’t often get caught up in his fear of people such as maki, but when no one else was around to save him, it didn’t feel like much of a secret that he was scared anymore.
he was unsure what to do from there. kokichi made no further attempts to move or speak, or question the woman behind him. the room was silent and still. tension was thick in the air. they both knew what was about to happen, there was no effort to hide it. 
that didn’t stop the terrified gasp from slipping past his lips as soon as maki grasped the back of kokichi’s scarf, effortlessly lifting him and nearly disarming him completely. 
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everything escalated so quickly. kokichi’s perception of the events that unfolded blurred. all he knew is he was scared. he was terrified of the power maki had over him when the cold blade of her knife pressed against the swell of his throat, and he was shocked when he managed to convince his fingers to move. his hand scrambled behind him, across the counter and into the drawer, grasping as soon as he felt something brush his fingertips with little care of grabbing the blade. surely he had more important things to worry about.
it was only self defense, he thought, yet the moment he swung the knife blindly in front of him, the most painful, sickening rush of guilt filled his stomach. he would have puked had maki not held his throat so tightly. he missed. he missed an attack on an assassin. the blade clattered to the floor. even the ever-stubborn kokichi ouma knew better to attempt any further tricks against maki, if her brooding expression had anything to do with it.
the knife pressed harder against his throat, he felt the skin under it begin to break. a sob suddenly broke through his still exterior, tears beginning to pour from his eyes. this didn’t seem like one of his facades---- he was shuddering in her grasp, beginning to hiccup as he tried desperately to wriggle away. he wasn’t sure what to do. was he really going to die now? was this going to be the end of any of his plans?
apparently so. 
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fibszn-blog · 6 years
🎃 @ the randomizer gods: make it smth good
halloween starters --- 2. our muses are going to a pumpkin patch 
Kokichi leaned over, picking up the biggest pumpkin he could muster and raising it to about his chest, arms practically shivering at the effort. He lifted it to his eyes by the time he was straight up, slowly rotating it as if he was examining it. Anyone with eyes could see he was doing nothing more than putting on a little show of caring, before he took a glance to his left, his right, and proceeded to drop the pumpkin into a sack with full intent on walking out like he didn’t just formulate a plan to steal it.  
He’d keep it with him, shaky arms and all, and say he already paid the man who was running the patch to the front desk worker, claiming he was MUCH too weak to carry it, drop it, and pick it up again to pay the desk-man. Or maybe he’d tripped and ruptured a brain vessel on one of the pumpkin stems, and need to be rushed away immediately! He was positive they’d much rather have one less pumpkin than one more lawsuit (or maybe two less kneecaps.)
Just as he was about to begin walking with a skip in his step, he found himself bumping right into a woman’s shoulders--- he was about to let our a shrill scream and fall to the ground and beg the witnesses to call an ambulance until he caught eyes with the offender.
“ Ah.... Harukawa. ”
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“  Funny seeing you hereeee---!! Just kidding. I had wished I’d never have to see your face ever again, but I guess wishes don’t come true for people like me, huh...? ”  Kokichi’s mouth was lopsided, somewhere on the fence between a sneer and grin. “  If you’ll excuse me, I really must be going, and I’d appreciate it even more if you stopped looking at me like I  killed someone.”
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fibszn-blog · 6 years
“I saw a trash bag on the side of the road today. Reminded me of you.”
hateful things
“  i’m soooo honored you’d think of me even when i’m not there !! ”
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“  do you have a crush  on me ?  sorry, my type isn’t MURDERERS. ”
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blindedhope · 6 years
📞 just kill me luna
final message [ x ] Selectively Accepting // @sanguamnis​
📞  for a VOICEMAIL.
“Maki? ….Maki? Please tell me you can hear this, they’re not telling me if you’re still alive or not. Please please please tell me you’re still here. Tell me you’re okay.”
“I ran into friends of yours. We had a little a.. conversation, so to speak. I’m not going to be specific with it because I don’t think you should hear it, but the point is-”
His voice gets interrupted with a harsh cough, sending him into a state where he was gasping for air.
“I’ll… I’ll be fine though. I don’t know where you are but don’t come looking for me. I’ll get out of here and I’ll be fine, I promise.”
He had been trying to keep his voice steady throughout the whole call, but now his voice starts to falter, he was struggling to continue talking with the pain he was in.
“If… If something happens, look after Kokichi and Kaito, okay? I know you don’t like him. But please, at least make sure he’s okay too.”
A thud can be heard as he drops to the ground. He clearly wasn’t going to make it, he knew this. But he didn’t want to end everything on a lie. Another cough emits, though this time it was closer to a sob.
“You’re…. You’re a good person. Nothing will ever change that. You’re-….You’re strong. You can do so much more good things in life, e-even with your stubbornness. Thank you for being a good friend to me. You don’t know how much I care about you. Please…. be safe and keep going for me, okay? I-………”
Then there was silence.
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