#sarah j maas simping for elain archeron
athena-85 · 1 year
🌼🌹Sarah J. Maas simping for Elain Archeron through her characters POVs🌸🌺
✨A series ✨
Part 3: Rhys
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I think in this chapter we get a look inside, Sarah J Maas’ head. specifically I think she is ,through Rhysand, addressing all the hate Elain is getting for her gardening.😡🤬
Sarah likes gardening so we can only imagine what she thinks of her “fans” that bash Elain for doing it. 🗑️🚮
The fact that she has Rhys defending Elain with a smirk on his face, most likely to represent his pride in her😏. My guess is that the relationship between Elain and Rhys will be that of a brother and a younger sister. It may even have some exploration of the sister that Rhysand lost.🥺
We should also take notice of the fact that Sarah once again pointed out how Elain chooses not to accept Lucien’s gloves, earrings, and most likely, and eventually mating bond.🦊🙅🏼‍♀️
This chapter solidified the fact that the next book would be about Elain we were dealing with Nesta and the next book the next sister, who we help is Elain. 🌸
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surrealsuriel · 2 years
Bound with Fire, Forged in Flames (Elucien Fic)
Summary // Masterlist // Next Chapter
Disclaimer: Girl, I know nothing about the regency era and I am so sorry for how obvious it is that everything I learned is from the Bridgerton show. Pls have mercy on me. 
Chapter 1 -- Purple Columbines
Word Count: 2201
Elain first heard his name while simultaneously feeling a sharp, stabbing sensation in her right index finger. She hissed at the pain, curling her hand towards herself to hide the drop of blood that sought after its attacker– the ever menacing rose. Her father hardly took notice, nervously adjusting his shirt as he relayed the news to her. 
“--and he’s a good man... From what I’ve heard. But your sister speaks highly of him and I trust–”
“Which sister?” Elain cut in, internally cringing at the show of disrespect. He gets enough of this from Nesta and Feyre. He doesn’t need it from me. 
… He deserves it from me right now. 
Her father’s sharp look at the disruption cut over her, assessing if he was about to answer her or correct her. “Feyre…” he said uneasily. 
“Lucien Vanserra… ,” Elain rolled the name off of her lips, biting back the burn she felt at the odd emotion of knowing this was the man her father deemed good enough to sell her off to. Like a whore, a wretched voice whispered right back to her. 
“And you said he arrives…?”
“Tomorrow, yes,” her father cringed. God, he has had to have known about this for at least a month, maybe more. Elain felt that burn again, but this time she swallowed down bile, rather than the name of some Lord a town over. “But as I said, he will be staying at our estate for a month before any wedding. We will have plenty of time to vet him and make sure he isn’t just some rogue off the street.”
He tried to add this sentence with a wink but she heard what he wasn’t saying. I won’t let him near you like the last one, not until I am sure. Elain appreciated the sentiment but she felt the sting far more. “I won’t be letting him out of my sight while he is here– that way we will be plenty introduced long before he can even think to say ‘I do’”. 
Once again, what her father wasn’t saying felt much louder than what he was. I will not let him out of my sight. 
Despite her perfectly modest and ladylike attire that covered her chest to toes, Elain felt wholly exposed by the new horizon that was rising before her. She felt the dim soul of innocence within her dance through the breeze of hope that passed. Hope for a new day with a new knight in shining armor. Elain stifled the extra beat of her heart before it could gain any new encouragement. 
She straightened her back with a resolve as she made a promise to herself. 
She would marry this man for her father and for her duty. She would not trust him and under no circumstance would she allow him to have her heart, or what remained of the tattered shreds of it. Those shreds were shards she protected herself with now. Even as they made her palms bleed and tears trickle from her eyes, she would hold onto them. Her heart was no one else’s. Especially Lucien Vanserra’s. 
“Go on Elain,” her father said, trying to avoid eye contact with her. Good, he should feel guilty.
“Go get washed up for supper. You’ll head straight to sleep after to ensure you are ready for Lord Vanserra’s arrival tomorrow. Come.” 
And like always, Elain dutifully followed. 
Lucien was pissed and rightfully so. He was expected to meet his betrothed today but instead he was standing off beside his carriage while his team of idiots scuttled around trying to get it to unstick from the mud. 
Gods… betrothed. He scoffed. Even in his mind the word spat out and splattered against his skull, ricocheting through the worst parts of him. 
He had heard of Elain and her beauty, of course. A woman does not look like that and not get talked about, especially a Lady. But he wasn’t the first to go after her, and knowing he was going to be the last dulled any excitement or pride he may have felt about wedding the Elain Archeron.
He barely knew the girl, so they weren’t going to be a love match by any means. As if I’d ever have one, he internally sneered.
Another one, a quieter, darker part of him reminded. 
He shook his mind loose of those thoughts, thinking instead on the tedious month ahead. All he had heard about Elain was that she was pretty and liked to garden. Classic. Gods, he just hoped she didn’t throw herself at him the second she saw him. 
Lucien knew he was good looking and he knew he was cocky about it, but such should be expected from a notorious rake. Unfortunately, he was cursed with enjoying the chase, although women never seemed to run too far from him. He hoped Elain would be interesting, as once he married he did not intend to stray from his marriage bed. He was a rake, sure, but not a rake without honor. 
Here’s hoping she doesn’t try and shorten my last month of freedom by asking to wed early, Lucien’s mind supplied bitterly. Maybe it was a bit cliche to consider Elain some sort of prison, but Lucien had no interest in marriage, a fact he had made clear plenty of times to his father. The cruel man probably just wanted to get rid of him and gave him to the most convenient match– a match rich enough to advance their own name but near enough geographically that Lucien still remained under his father’s thumb.
His driver signaled the cart was unstuck and ready to get a move on. 
“About an hour till we reach the estate, my Lord,” the yell muffled by the walls of the carriage rang in his head. 
One hour till the rest of my life, Lucien thought with no excitement. 
Elain wrung her hands out nervously in front of her as the clopping and jangling gave away the approaching carriage to her position on the front law of her home. Have carriages always moved that fast? This one seemed REALLY fast. It does not need to be going THAT fast. 
She took a steadying breath and glanced towards her father who looked just as nervous as her for the approaching carriage. Elain was suddenly reminded that he had never done this before either. Both her sisters had met their now husbands on their own and fallen in love with little arranging or meddling. 
Although Feyre had faced her fair share of nightmares with her first love who had tried to steal her away from the family before being married(long story), Rhysand had been a sort of savior to both Feyre and their family after they fell in love. 
Sure, Elain’s father was a duke with land and resources, but when Feyre had her first season out as a lady of society, the family had been secretly struggling with debt and the weight of their own lifestyle. They didn’t have enough money to keep pretending they were wealthy, but if they stopped acting they could have been rejected from society, a worse fate than starvation for them. 
Rhysand and his crown had saved their family from poverty, and Feyre got to be disgustingly in love so win-win-win. Shortly after Feyre and Rhys celebrated their union, Cassian, Rhys’ brother, and Nesta had been found in a spare closet in a compromising position to say the least. To maintain his honor, Cassian proposed and Nesta didn’t have much of a choice but to say yes which pissed her off to no end. She had despised their predicament for months before finally admitting that yes, maybe she kind of liked Cassian.
To the shock of the ton, Nesta and Cassian were now even more in love than their siblings. Despite Elain’s constant blush and horror, they were always all over each other. Elain simply did not understand. Whatever happened between a man and his wife could not possibly be that good or warrant that much noise. 
Even throughout the backwards ways her sisters had ended up with love matches, she knew her father was secretly pleased that two of his three daughters married well-off and to men they loved and who loved them. It was quite the shock when Elain had been the last sister left amongst the three. It wasn’t her fault that man after man had come knocking and all ran for the hills when they discovered she wasn’t as docile as their ideal inanimate doll of a woman was supposed to be. 
But here she was–anxious and awaiting an arranged marriage that she had no say in. This wasn’t supposed to be her fate, but she supposed that 3 out of 3 daughters finding their own love matches was a bit too lucky to hope for. 
The sound of crunching gravel beneath boots shook Elain from her thoughts, and she looked up to see Lucien Vanserra in all his glory. He towered over the men beside him both in stature and in looks. His red hair blazed under the afternoon sun, and Elain swore to herself that the fire of his hair was all that was causing her to heat up. His forest green attire did wonders for his tan complexion and his deep gaze penetrated every pore of her body as he glanced over her. 
Elain couldn’t help but think, This is the most gorgeous man I have ever seen in my entire life. 
And that pissed her the fuck off. 
Lucien would be a fool to deny the fact that talk amongst the ton did not do Elain Archeron justice. The woman was ethereal. She had the essence of a spring breeze dipped in honey and sprinkled with gold. It was an effort to only graze his appreciative stare over her once. 
When he did finally bring his gaze up to meet hers, he was startled to find a fire behind her eyes. What on Earth could I have possibly done in the past 10 seconds to already piss her off? He inwardly groaned. 
He tentatively stepped forward and, who he presumed to be Lord Archeron, met his step. 
“Lucien, it is an honor to have you as a guest in my home and as a future son-in-law. I look forward to getting to know you and you getting to know our family, although as I have heard, you are already familiar with my youngest… ?” he asked.
Lucien’s years as an emissary kicked in as he charged up his charm. Best to avoid the silly little fact that he actually met Feyre while still best friends with the man who tried to literally steal her from the father standing before him. His friendship with Tamlin had long ended since he saw his true colors, but it was still probably not the best introduction. 
“Yes, yes! Feyre and I met a while back when she first started her courtship with Rhysand. They have been all too kind to me over the years, and I am lucky to consider them both friends,” Lucien lied easily. This seemed to set Elain’s father at ease as he slowly stepped aside to present his daughter. 
She looked at him and making eye contact with her nearly had him on his knees. 
Gods what is this woman doing to me? He cursed internally. 
Lord Archeron spoke, “It is my privilege to present you my daughter, Lady Elain Archeron, your betrothed.” 
She curtsied, leaning down before him and it took every bit of self-control in Lucien’s body to quell his inner-rake that yelled at him to look slightly south, but he kept eye contact with her as she held out her hand. 
Lucien swears he meant to innocently kiss the back of her hand, but as her hand approached him and his head dipped, he couldn’t help but wonder if she was as immediately intoxicated by him as he was by her. A millimeter from his lips hitting her hand, Lucien flipped it over, placing a delicate kiss against the pulse point on her wrist. He let his lips settle against her for a moment, feeling for her heartbeat.
Beat. Beat. Beat Beat. Beat. Lucien felt her heart sing for him and he couldn’t suppress the smirk that rose on his face at the thought that he was affecting her as much as she was affecting him.
By gods, please let her feel this, too, so I am not crazy and pathetic. 
Before he could make his home on her pulse point, she snapped her hand away, a slight frown above those same, blazing eyes as she set her mouth into a hard line. 
“Pleasure to meet you, Lord Vanserra,” Lucien felt his own traitorous heart lean in towards her as he finally heard her voice, melodic underneath her clipped words that held absolutely no pleasure for meeting him. 
His euphoria was quickly severed as she turned, rushing out that she must be going before disappearing into the gardens beside them. What to make of this. 
So there would be a chase after all… he thought gleefully. 
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walnutart · 2 years
Ranking the main characters of ACOTAR
Nesta Archeron - so nesta is one of the most realistic characters sjm has ever written. her depiction of mental illness and PTSD is something i relate to a lot. The way she was treated in ACOSF is bs and i will never forgive the inner circle for pulling that shit :) (my queen my love my boo thang
Gwyn and Emerie- they're perfect angels. I love emerie and i hope sjm actually takes the fucking time to explore her characterization and sexuality. i need ONE GOOD DEPICTION OF A WLW WOMAN IN THIS SERIES PLEASE GOD PLEASE.
Feyre Archeron- uhh she's sexy? idk I'm really sad about what SJM did with her character. much like nesta she kind of tamed her? instead of being this strong amazing feminist icon she just kinda became a glorified secretary/desk lady for Rhys? idk domestic feyre gives me the bit of an ick. However, on the rare occasion when Feyre is not with Rhys, i fucking adore her.
Lucien- he's the only male character i can tolerate in this book. even though after he found out about elain he became a bit of a possessive little bitch.
Amren (minus Acosf i still haven't forgiven her)
Morrigan- She's mid. Based on her characterization I feel like SJMaas has never actually talked to a queer woman. or a queer period. like wtf do you mean her coming out scene was a chapter long. shut up?? anyways hasty bad lgbtq rep as per usual
Elain Archeron- I feel like her character has a TON of potential and I honestly don't have anything against her. I just wish Sarah tapped into her character more
Cassian- the shit he pulled in acosf is unforgivable. I only ever like him when he's with nesta.
Azriel- stop treating this man like he's the next coming of christ. he's boring. he never talks. he simped for a woman who clearly didn't like him for like a billion years. as a lesbian i simple Dont Get It
Rhys- Stop treating this man like he invented feminism. he did not. he sexually assaulted feyre under the mountain, coerced her into a shady ass deal, and treated nesta like shit for something that wasn't really her fault? Also hid the fact that FEYRE COULD FUCKING DIE. WTF DUDE??? LIKE SORRY???
Tamlin- uh i mean goes without saying. BUT also Sarah J Maas is SHITTTTT at depicting toxic relationships. seriously Feylin had the most cartoony ass 2D ass abusive relationship like wtf
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athena-85 · 1 year
🌼🌹Sarah J. Maas simping for Elain Archeron through her characters POVs🌸🌺
✨A Series✨
Part 6: Amren
It’s still a mystery to most of us why Sarah J Mass chooses to diminish Elain’s role in regards to killing the king of Hybern. This is mostly relayed in the books through the inner circle members not acknowledging Elain’s contribution to the war.  ( Nesta not even mentioning that she was saved by her sister, who killed the king and then Nesta took credit)
Amren seems to be the only one that gives Elain credit, maybe even subconsciously only. 
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Remember, Amren is an ancient being in this scenario. She sees beyond the superficial. She knows Elain is strong. She doesn’t write her off the way the other characters in the inner circle are doing. The reader should be taking note of what Amren says given her role in this series. It’s very interesting that this hasn’t been discussed more.
I also really like the following scene because it shows Amren noticing stuff beyond the other members of the inner circle. In A Court of Frost and Starlight, Amren noticed Azriel’s attention to Elain. She already knew that these two had a thing for each other. 🦇❤️🌸👀
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Although Amren was a little bit harsh with Elain, we don’t see Elain backing off. I also like this scene because Sarah is trying to show us that Elain is not as meek as everyone think she is . She is standing up to Amren, who before this book has been described as someone that is terrifying to most Fae in this world. 
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I included Azriel’s ‘s reaction to Elain at the end, because Sarah consistently associates Azriel with the Elain throughout the first four books. Any time Elain is described Azriel has some association in the next sentence. These two have been set up from book number two. 
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athena-85 · 11 months
Dying for Rhysand to compliment Elain or dote on her is so weird …Like focus on Az please, Leave Feyre’s man out of your guys’ fantasies with her LOL it’s odd
Hello Anon,
Hope you are having a good day. Although I am concerned you are not because you chose to deliberately misunderstand the point of my posts “ SJM Simping for Elain Archeron” and be negative.
So I can only assume that me showing screen shots of canon scenes pointing out how all the characters have scenes caring about Elain, causes you distress. Maybe you are distressed because you can’t imagine a character caring for anyone other than their LI? Or maybe you don’t like that Elain’s character gets a lot of love in canon?
I am not sure why the author of these novels continuously has her characters compliment Elain, or show a lot of love for Elain.
I started those posts because ultimately we are reading books and I assume there is a reason that the author is doing this. This is a story that is written by SJM and she continuously chooses to point out how lovely Elain is. Why? That is what interests me.
In the scene that you are clearly upset about Sarah chooses to make Rhys complement Elain, but it seems a little bit out of place. He’s not going around throwing out compliments to all the other characters. Why? Is it because in future books, Elain and him will be close. Maybe he considers Elain a sister that he’s never had the opportunity of protecting or caring for . Maybe SJM just wants to remind us again she really is so lovely that characters just can’t help but remind her. We don’t know yet but that scene stood out to me.
Please don’t get your panties in a twist from what i am pointing out. If you really have a problem with the scene then maybe write to SJM 🤷‍♀️ you can express your frustration at the fact that you only want the MC’s (Feyre) love interest to show love for Feyre and no one else. Maybe you can even tell her that you don’t want Elain’s character to get so much love. ultimately, you have to figure out what’s causing you the most distress about those scenes. 
Have a great day , and really, if you don’t like seeing this type of canon please block me. ❤️🌹
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athena-85 · 1 year
🌼🌹Sarah J. Maas simping for Elain Archeron through her characters POVs🌸🌺
✨A series✨
Part 4: The Cauldron
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I know that most fans of Elain understand how important the scene is. But, it shocks me that the majority of the fandom does not understand how important this scene is.‼️
Sarah J mass has described the caldron as a very powerful object, basically giving it God like powers🌞🌛✨🔥🌬️🌱. She also gives it a human side when Elain is around. ❤️
Elain is the only character that this object cares about, as far as we know, and we don’t understand why. That is more important, then who is going to end up with who for a ship 😎
People commonly miss that the Cauldron didn’t just give Elain one power, like Nesta took one power, Elain received powerS, meaning more than one. 1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣4️⃣5️⃣🤷‍♀️
It’s very interesting that the Cauldron was willing to kill Nesta or to do anything to get its power back, but won’t hurt Elain ! 🙅‍♂️if that isn’t something that screams important character then you haven’t been reading the books correctly.
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Considering that Sara is the creator of this universe, it’s kind of like her own words when she says how lovely Elain really is. I feel very sorry for fans, who think that Elain is not going to be treated with the utmost respect in the next books .
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athena-85 · 1 year
🌼🌹Sarah J. Maas simping for Elain Archeron through her characters POVs🌸🌺
✨A series ✨
Part 5: Cassian
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I believe this was another tactic of Sara J mass to remind the fandom that we’re all making assumptions about Elain and most likely they are not true.
I do think Sara is sick and tired of these people bashing a character that is feminine and kind. It has to be weird for an author to see a bunch of young women hate kind/ feminine women characters.
The “girl boss” that banters with her love interest character is over done. I think it’s refreshing that Elain has been called strong and kind and still able to form a meaningful relationship to a character that seems so lost, Azriel.
Sometimes I don’t know whom I feel more sorry for the people who can’t see the loveliness of this up coming plot or for Sara to deal with these shitty fans.
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Scarlet was an important character, but Millie was equally important, and was strong in her own way. She brought much-needed happiness and loveliness to a terrible situation and I believe that both characters are important. Imagine, staying strong and kind in a situation you have every reason to be nasty and hateful but choose not to. That is a different type of strength.
Milly also chose to look beyond the exterior and see the goodness in Scarlet And love her for who she was. And see that she truly loved Rhett.
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athena-85 · 1 year
🌼🌹Sarah J. Maas simping for Elain Archeron through her characters POVs🌸🌺
✨A series ✨
Part 1 : FEYRE
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I actually cannot think of another character IN ALL of the SJM series (TOG, ACOTAR, CC) that has been portrayed as positively as ELAIN ARCHERON has .
Who else ( other than Rhys) has Feyre been proud to know? Also this is from book 1.
Sarah is such a simp.
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athena-85 · 1 year
🌼🌹Sarah J. Maas simping for Elain Archeron through her characters POVs🌸🌺
✨A series✨
Part 2: Nesta
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Elain is described so poetically, and really what other characters in ACOTAR have such care devoted to describing them in awe inspiring light.✨🌸🌺✨
Nesta makes a point that Elain is stronger than her, that Elain didn’t need what Nesta needed. ❤️
Also ELAIN is the prettiest 😝
But it was also important that SJM make sure everyone knew that Elain did NOT boast about it NOR was she full of herself .
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