#saran kymysys tuokio
notashrew · 7 years
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Kysely-Perjantai jatkaa perinnettään :D (en muista ees onks viimisetki kyssät ollu perjantaisin lol xD)
Placement asks
Rising: How/what do people say you come off as?
If understood this right, people really often say I’m smart (*cough*) social (as if) and easy to talk to about things. Yeah people who often say these things are adults and clearly not knowing me much as it’s normal them who keep talking when meeting them and not me xD
Gemini: Are you introverted or extroverted?
I see myself more as introvert, but possibly occasionally as ambivert too. I guess the stage is more attached to what in mood and mental state I’m in.
Capricorn: What's the last book you've read?
A guide book about Bipolar Disorder.
Pisces: How frequently do you remember your dream?
I do remember my dreams somewhat often, not always, but most of the time. Never really the full dreams or full scenes of dream I saw, usually it’s just pieces and the oddest or other memorable parts.
Mood/feelings song asks
🎉 - Song to party to + 🎤 - Song I’ll sing out loud
Walk the Moon - Shut Up And Dance
Depeche Mode / The Saturdays - Just Can’t Get Enough
Capital Cities - Safe And Sound
These at least :D
Lovely Asks
🦄- List your three favorite things about yourself! 
Sometimes I feel like the most prettiest or handsomest person than ever, that counts right? :D Outcluding “the bad parts”, of course but they don’t matter wen feeling like this. Then uh, I can be very cheerful from time to time, and that’s good thing? Ummmmm idk [insert here whatever you like at me the most]
🌼- What are you attracted to in people personality-wise?
Like said before, it’s the whole picture of person that makes me attracted or attached to them. Yet, at least with fictive people, I’ve noticed that if they got overflowing amount of energy, cheerfulness, maybe slightly naive and lots of positive vibes, all these in just right way, they will be very fast my faves. The person that has ability to make me feel like them through emphaty, usually hyper and happy, are the greatest.
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notashrew · 7 years
Jee tiedon janoine sieluni on onneissaan :^D Haluun tietää nää tosta viimeisimmästä: 1, 8 ja 20(mitä mieltä oot polyamorisista suhteista ja oisitko ite avoin olee sellasessa auhteessa) Hehee kiitti ja hyvää yötä hassukka!!
1. the meaning behind my url
It’s short of “I am not a shrew” which was the title when this tumblr was still meant for roleplays and such. Never accomplished though :D
7. biggest turn off(s)
Being incapable of taking care of themselves because of excessive pampering (uusavuton), disrespect of people’s opinions and boundaries, being kinda ass in general, smoking + heavy drinking...dunno what else to list. It’s usually the whole person that makes me avoid or dislike them
20. anything you want to ask  
In my opinion, polyamorus relationship are all fine as long as they work as healthy relationship and all members are agreed to terms and boundaries8D Myself, I couldn’t be part of poluamorus relationship, as I am highly jealous person and desire for ownershipof something I like. Even if we all would love each others, but if they love themselves too I couldn’t share xD That’s not health poly relationship
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