#sassafrassOcs Aleron Terrkell
pheonix-sassafras · 3 years
Subject Interview: Aleron Terrkell
Introduction: “It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Master Aleron Terrkell of the Ancient Order.”
Name: “Aleron Terrkell.”
Nickname: “Most people just call me Terrkell, old habits I guess.”
Preferred name: “Terrkell or Aleron.”
Age: “Immortal.”
Gender: “Male.”
Race: “Human.”
Sexuality: “Bisexual.”
Powers: “I have magic and immortality granted to me from my years of training in the order.”
Weapons: “I prefer use of a sword over anything, it offers a grace to an ungraceful thing.”
Personality: “I like to think I am kind to others and a gentle calm soul but I am not so arrogant to think that I am all that I think I am.” 
He is indeed a calm and gentle soul that has a very high moral compass. He wants to help people but is very protective and defensive of those he cares about without being smothering most of the time. 
Beliefs: “I believe in the teachings of the order, though the more I live after it’s fall the more I doubt they were completely true.”
Voice: He has a very soft tenor to baritone voice. 
Abilities/ skills: “I am a skilled sailor and swordsman. I make myself available to help and defend those that need it. I am skilled in my magic use and in healing arts.”
Inabilities: “For a long time I found it difficult to disobey an order, but I am working on that, after all there are not any left to order me around.”
Likes: “I love the quiet streams on land, peace, tranquility, but also the appropriate amount of chaos.” 
Dislikes: “I do not like confined spaces.” 
Treasures most: “My sword, it is a reminder of all that I had and the people I knew.”
Weakness: “I have a big heart, and often times it gets me hurt.”
Strength: “I often find my loyalty and resolve to never fail me.”
Bio:  “I grew up as one does in the order, training in controlling my magic as a young boy, then apprenticing under my master and learning to sail and fight. When I moved past that, I accelerated through the ranks to master myself, even ending up on the council. When the order fell, everyone I knew was hunted and killed. The few that lived have stayed hidden, slowly being hunted down by the new order. I live as I always have, and deal with the hunters when they come for me.”

Hair color: “Blackish Brown.”
Hair Style: “ Long but well kept.”
Hair Type: “Straight with some waves.”
Eye color: “Greenish Hazel.”
Skin color: “Tan.”
Body Type: “Decently fit I would say.”
Height: “I would say somewhere around 5’10 to 6’.”
Tattoos: “I have none.”
Scars: “I have many.”
Dad: “I did not know my father, though I was told he was the one to leave me with the order.”
Mom: “I cannot remember much of my mother, and what I do I wonder sometimes if it wasn’t the caregiver I had as a child.”
Brother: “Supposedly I had one brother, but he did not carry the same magic I did.”
Sister: “I did not hear anything of a sister so I have to assume that I do not have one.”
Lover: “I have had many partners but none that has lasted, for many reasons.”
Kids: “I have no children.”
Mentor: “I had my Master, but he died a few years before the fall of the order.”
Apprentice: “I did train a couple young apprentices, but I do not know where they are, and with the events that happened I do not let myself hope beyond a glimmer that they are still out there.”
Friend(s): “All my friends were in the order.”
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