#sassy lost child // coco
robotomy96 · 2 years
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i need to remind myself of this site's existence
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igotanna · 4 years
Heyy bb!! I hope you're taking care of yourself and aren't too busy🥰 So I thought of this and I wanted to ask if you could this: GOT7 reaction to dating someone who is very polished and polite (elegant even) in public but is very adorable and rambly when they're alone together. Do it only if you're free and willing, no pressure love💜
Ah honey thank you so much for this request! I know it took me looong but I really enjoyed it (also appreciate the open hand date tysm)💚💚 it was refreshing ~ also I hope I maintained to stay on topic bc this was a bit tricky😅 if not then sorry for that🙏
“MaRk!” you cried out of your bedroom with the highest level of despair.
“Yeah!” sounded Mark from the other room, not shortly after looking at you, standing on the doorstep.
“I can’t find my purse,” you pouted and threw another pillow on the floor hoping your tonight purse is hidding between the sheets.
Mark chuckled and shrugged, sat down on the bed you were currently digging a hole into.
“What are you laughing at? This isn’t funny!” your voice got all lost between the blankets and pillows. Mark laughed and pointed down under your vanity table “Did you tried to look there?”
As soon as you endend another episode of Mark’s fav series - you searching for your lost things - you headed to the award night. In the car with two of other members you kept the conversation floating nicely and maintained all glossy, Mark had to laugh as he just remembered how you looked few minutes ago.
“What is so funny?” Bambam noticed his amusement. Mark shook his head and held your hand tighter “I remembered something.”
You felt he’s implying to you and you turned your head to face him, raising your eyebrow.
Bambam and Youngjae wouldn’t leave him get off that easily but they had to get out of the car. Just before it was your turn you faced him again “What was that?”
“Oh nothing,” a soft apologetic kiss on your cheek “You just give so mature and even bossy vibe when we’re out, but when I shut the door at home, you-”
“I turn into a child??”
“You turn into the most adorable lost sweetheart I saw.”
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You knew JB sometimes doesn’t know what he wants himself. You got used to that sometimes he prefers you as elegant powerful woman, and sometimes he wanted to be the one seen and he wanted you to back a little. You had to learn when to do what.
After one night on public, just after you kicked of your high heels, high enough to see top of JB’s head, he leaned on the door and asked very random question “Where is this two sidedness coming from?”
You just put down your earrings from which your head was aching and turned to him “What do you mean?”
JB kept observing you like it’s the first time actually seeing you.
“What?!” you incited him with shaky voice. You felt like he was reading your mind. When he didn’t answer at once you sighed and turned back at him, starting to unzipp your dress as you made your way to the bathroom.
After a while he came in to lean on the doorframe and watch you getting ready to go shower.
“Can you just pretend we’re not alone?” his voice was at least disturbing.
You shook your head “I’m really tired - can you talk normally?”
“I wanna see your lady self.”
You blinked and got to the shower, giving him blank looks through the glass.
He changed position to see your face better and played with the hem of dress you left on the basin. A thought came on your mind that maybe he’s preparing to say something he’d never say out loud because he thinks you can’t hear him through the splashing water. His voice was low and he sighed a little like he was picking up courage. A nervousness poured you over with cold sweat.
“You...’ve got such a presence.. and power.... and beauty...I never told you... how proud I feel...when we’re on public and you’re so.. impressive.” and he gave you surprisingly long look “I just wish you’d sometimes be your lady-self before me as well so I know ‘m also worth your effort.” how he paused between the words and barely looked at you when he talked you knew he meant every line. And your heart dropped as you felt his emotions through his hesitating voice. He thought he’s not worth the effort!
You turned the water off and looked at him properly, this time with the softest look “Babe I thought you wanted me to be like that on public. I  did always what I thought you needed at that time.”
“Come here,” he pleaded with cracked voice so quiet and tender eyes. His hands were opening to you like a invitation for the warmest hug ever.
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“...and so when I got there I drank all his coffee by mistake!”
“By mistake? Jacks how can you drink somebody’s coffee by mistake?!” you cried with laughter. Actually you were rolling on the sofa laughing your ass off because Jackson was just finnishing his story from the other day.
Jackson was maintaining his poker face, but corners of his lips were dancing zumba. He always got so happy when he saw you enjoying his stories and jokes. Ofc you were all about his stupid sense of humour.
That stands until you both are facing cameras, reporters or other celebs. Jackson was still the same, throwing jokes, unrequiered stories and weird looks to make someone laugh. But he gave up on making you laugh on public long ago.
“Why aren’t you laughing was it not funny?” he asked the first time you gave him bitch face on public. You shook your head and because knowing others can hear you shrugged “Maybe next time.”
He got used to that when he makes joke on public you are far from amused and he has to earn your attention. He called it your “jinyoung time” with the distinction you actually never cracked once you decided to be your sassy self.
Jinyoung himself sometimes even praised you for being so calm with Jackson on public (he didn’t know how you were really loosing your shit when you’re alone).
“Stop that Jinyoung crap now I really need a support tonight, please?” Jackson squeezed your hand while you got out of the car. You knew this time he has no friends around since it’s foreign music festival and he is insecure af. You pecked his cheek “Okay maybe you’ll make me laugh today.”
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“Okayy soo.. I guess Bahamas??” your face went from nervous to quizzical. Planning holiday was on you and Jinyoung got specific reason for that. He loved how hesitant and insecure you were given that big task. It was funny watching you wandering finger on the map in front of you and not being able to make a firm decision.
“Oh I don’t knoooow,” you cried and rubbed your forhead.
“Do you want to go and have some sun or not?” he tried to help but held back laughter. He knew it’s not going to be any help.
You threw hands “I want both! I want to sunbathe and swim but I know I get fed up with heath after few days so unless you want to fly around the Earth with me for the whole 3 weeks I suggest you to YOU choose the destination.”
“Oh nono no you’re not making your way out of this. We agreed.” he gave his  uncompromising serious face and pointed at the map you were leaning away from “Go on.”
“Oh screw it.” you closed your eyes and randomly stick your index finger on the map “MADAGASCAR!”
Jinyoung held this memory before his eyes the whole family dinner you were currently having with his family.
As all of them were admiring his girlfriend’s determined spirit. His mum was asking you what are your plans for future after you finnish your post graduate. He held his breath as you gave her detailed plan you were obviously making up on place. He knew very well you have no plans bc the same question by him was unanswered the day before. Next his father praised you for being so sure of your steps in life and asked whether you’ve always been so sure and mature.
Jinyoung didn’t held it this time and burst out with laughter he quickly covered as cough. But after dessert time he catched you in the kitchen alone and took you by your hips to face him “What was that?? I didn’t know you are going to be a lecturer!” he laughed.
“Stop it you know I was obviously lying!” you tried to get out of his embrace but he had to get a kiss before he let you go with “And I was obviously enjoying that.”
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Youngjae had to move aside as you threw your high heels away “dAmn YoU!”
“Stop it - look Coco’s scared.” he warned you and picked his dog up. You threw the other shoe to through the hallway and cursed more.
“What’s wrong anyway?”
“I hate high heels!” you hissed and tried to get rid off those riddiculous dress as well “I hate walking in those I hate being in those! So unstable.. I’m all woblly and.. going to fall any minute. I’m just waiting to cause you some scandal like stumble over my own feet on the stairs and showing everyone my underwear! I feel so stupid when I wear those!” you practically cried the last words.
You burried your face in your hands with your dress halfway unzipped and your hair messy. Youngjae held his breath while you were talking.
You’re so stunning on high heels! He never knew you feel that way. He put down Coco and softly held your shoulders, fondling your naked skin.
“You never told me.”
When you didn’t reply he hugged you tightly “If you would I could tell you how elegant you look on high heels and how you seem like you were born to do it.” his words were half lost between your collarbone as he rested his chin there “I love it how you handle being in the spotlight.”
“Ohkay,” you sobbed and smiled a little “But I still prefer socks.”
He laughed “Oh, who doesn’t?”
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“Yes this is Dior’s fall 2020 season gown,” you nodded to the interviewer who just admired your dress “It’s actually the one’s that..” and you went into deep detailed story of the gown as Bambam proudly held your hand and smiled all around.
He had in mind the first moment he gave you these very dress.
“hoW mUcH?!” you freaked out when he showed you the most beautiful expensive looking dress you ever saw. He laughed and repeated the price he payed for those.
“whY?!” you were afraid to even touch them. He had to take your hand and let the fabric slipping through your fingers.
“Love that’s..” you gasped when you saw the bag in which it arrived “tHat’S FuCKinG DioR! BaM ThoSE Are FucKInG diOR’s DResS!”  and the whole evening went with you freaking over those, being shy, embarrassed, grateful and not being able to express wheter you’re glad he did something nice for you or angry he spend so much money on dress.
He just had to smile how serious and elegant you were now. No one could tell you know only what he tells you about the current fashion and that you were even scared to put the dress on. And exactly that’s why you were his queen.
“Oh tell me more when’s the new fashion week darling?” he pressed his cheek on yours and laughed to your ear.
“Shut up you.”
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“I knooow honey it’s tough!” you nodded with your voice dripping with empathy as your friend was almost breaking down on a face time with you. She was sick to death of her busy life and you gave her almost hour of advices and support what to do when she’s stuck at home etc.
“Thank you y/n, I really appreciate that... see you soon.”
“Take care love, bye!”
You sighed at how desperate she looked. You knew Yugyeom is in the living room probably watching some series. But when you got up to go and do something his voice stopped you “Is she okay?” his head appearing in the door, peaking to see if you’re finnished.
“Yeah I hope she’s better now.”
You both agreed on what you’re going to cook for lunch and Yugyeom helped out a lot. But after he ate last bite he disappeared to his studio to do some work. You managed to kill time with tidying up after cooking, but what to do next? Feeling urge to do something productive you wandered around the flat. You had the “do nothing and everything” mood and it was exhausting.
Yugyeom came out of his room like three times to use bahtroom, get some water and so on and every time he saw you going from nothing to nothing. Everytime he smiled to himself and went back to work.
You hated this state of mind but you couldn’t help it. You couldn’t start anything and you felt desperate for keep yourself busy. Finally a sleep came like a solution and you passed out on the couch.
“Babe sorry it took me longer.” Yugyeom woke you up with soft kiss on your cheek. He snuggled down almost at you and digged his head on your chest.
“What’s the time?” you mumbled looking around.
“About 5pm..”
“Oh shit haven’t done anything!” you started to move quickly trying to get up.
“Stay still.. it’s fine, let me rest a while and your duties are done for today.” he hugged you tight to stay down “also you were adorable today.”
“What do you mean?” fingers runnng through his hair.
“Just like an ad for cuteness. Wandering around not knowing what to do.. you were just adorable,...” he almost whispered his words as he was falling to sleep “you just gave a whole therapy session and there you are.. not knowing .. what to do with yourself.. so cute.”
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kumkaniudaku · 5 years
Family Reunion
A/N: This is throwback Chad and CoCo. I queued this however long ago because I’m currently knee deep in research, so please forgive me if I don’t respond to comments immediately. Thank you so much for reading. 
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The outdoor area of Charleston’s most historic community center buzzed with the perfect storm of sun, food, and family as Bobby Brown blasted from nearby speakers. Children ran freely across a grassy patch that kept them in their parents’ sight without bringing them close enough to listen to grown folks’ business. Older men crowded around the large charcoal grill, engaging in friendly debates and spirited conversations about past experiences. Teenagers gathered at the park equipment to escape the watchful eye of the adults for harmless mischief. Several bodies in the area donned vibrant white t-shirts decorated in a whimsical script that read ‘Boseman Family Reunion,’ noting that any person in possession of the garment were certified members of the family.
“Co, you got soda on your shirt,” Chadwick pointed out as his friend’s eyes darted to the front of her clothes in horror.
Tasha had spent all day praying she kept the reunion t-shirt clean. It was presented to her as a gift the weekend before the event, and she spent countless hours listing the activities and foods that should be avoided to end the day with no stains. So, when CoCo looked down to find the hem of the shirt free of debris, her sigh of relief was joined by a loud huff.
“Would you stop playing so much! If I get something on this shirt, your aunt is gonna kill me.”
“No she won’t,” Chadwick laughed, the sound muffled behind the burger filling his cheeks. “It’s just a shirt.”
“That’s where you’re wrong Sherlock Homeboy. This shirt is an invitation into the family. I’m actively trying to take your spot.”
Chadwick scoffed before taking a sip from the soda can in his hand, “You could never take my spot. My folks love me.”
“You sure about that?” Chadwick lifted his eyebrow at Tasha’s smirk, prompting her to turn her styrofoam to go plate in his direction to reveal its contents.
“Man! How’d you get that!”
When he reached to grab the golden brown piece of pound cake from her tray, Tasha quickly smacked Chadwick’s hand away. “I got it from your favorite auntie. You know, the one you said loved you more than anybody in the world and always let you have the first slice of her man getting pound cake.”
“You think you special, huh?”
“Oh, I know I am!”
Chadwick watched CoCo plop a piece of cake into her mouth, and he smiled. Truthfully, he didn’t mind losing out on the first slice. He was excited that his family had embraced his best friend from the first moment she came to visit the previous summer. Chad was convinced everyone loved Tasha because she was every good thing wrapped into one sassy package. CoCo was sure that her friend’s family only liked her because they loved him. The truth was that they welcomed her in like a long lost family member because they knew that one day she would become one.
The pair continued to eat in relative silence, throwing in a joke about the other every once in a while. Tasha’s eyes scanned the play area as she chewed the last bits of her hotdog. When her gaze landed on the worn basketball court, she smiled and turned to Chadwick.
“I’ll give you the rest of my cake if you beat me on the court.”
Chadwick’s eyes twinkled as he laughed, “You couldn’t think of a better way to lose that pound cake than to challenge me to something we both know I’ll win.”
“I mean, there’s two of us sitting here, and only one is a MEAC champ.”
“Oh, there goes the championships! It is gonna feel so good when I beat you and eat your cake.”
Chadwick and Tasha looked at each other with similar goofy smiles. A competition of some sort was a weekly occurrence between them, and a summer gathering wouldn’t ruin tradition.
“Play to 11? Every basket one point. No shots beyond the arc,” CoCo explained. Chadwick nodded as he always did and they made a mad dash to the concrete slab on the far edge of the playground.
Underneath the white tent at the center of the festivities, a collection of Boseman women turned their bodies to watch the show in front of them.
“So, how does it feel to have a daughter-in-law so soon,” Chadwick’s aunt questioned as she turned to his mother.
Mrs. Boseman smiled before laughing, “They aren’t quite there yet.”
“Yeah, but they ain’t too far off either. Pretty soon you’ll have to get some family reunion onesies!”
“If Miss CoCo keeps whooping his ass like that in basketball, I might have to introduce her to my Michael. He needs a woman with some sense.”
Once the conversation shifted to focus on another cousin and his tumultuous relationship, Mrs. Boseman turned her attention to the action on the court. She smiled to herself as Tasha emphatically scored her game-winning basket and started an animated running man around Chadwick.
The scene before Mrs. Boseman began to shift in her imagination as a happy child came running between the pair of friends. Tasha bent to lift the little girl into her arms and position her on her hip as Chadwick made silly faces for entertainment. Their interaction became symbolic of what Mrs. Boseman hoped would be future versions of her son and his friend.
With a smile, Mrs. Boseman shook her head before turning to rejoin the tabled conversation.
Maybe family reunion onesies weren’t so bad.
@k-michaelis  @wakandanmoonchild  @idilly  @texasbama  @afraiddreamingandloving  @inxan-ity  @daytimeheroicsonly  @onyour-right  @sisterwifeudaku  @killmongerdispussy  @90sinspiredgirl  @willowtree77785901  @maynardqueen101 @heyauntieeee  @halfrican-heat  @purple-apricots  @lalapalooza718  @blue-ishx  @profilia  @ljstraightnochaser  @girl-wtf-lmao  @oceanscorazon  @royallyprincesslilly  @melaninmarvel  @thiccdaddy-mbaku  @lavitabella87  @purplehairgawdess  @unholyxcumbucket  @airis-paris14  @uhlxisback  @oshasimone  @maliadestiny  @drsunshine97  @zxddy-panther  @queentearra  @skysynclair19  @retro-melanin  @mermaidchansons  @misspooh  @melanisticroyalty  @babygirlofwakanda  @wakanda-4evr  @sarahboseman  @karensraisns  @wakandankings  @kaykay4454fan  @ororowrites  @awkwardlyabstract  @mixedmelanin  @brownsugarcocoabutterwildflowers  @cosmicmelaninflower  @justanotherloveaffair @jaeee-http  @iliketowrite1996  @blackpantherismyish  @soldierandawar  @msincognito67  @reignsxjackson  @yaachtynoboat711  @syreanne  @minim236  @yoyolovesbucky
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tessxomarie · 6 years
Saving You - Part Seven
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*TRIGGER WARNING: This scene discusses self harm as well as sexual assault. If you need to skip this part, please do so. Please remember if you or someone you know have suffered from sexual assault, there is a link for if you want to reach out: https://www.rainn.org/about-national-sexual-assault-telephone-hotline
Also, if you’d like to message me to talk – I am always here to talk and listen!*
Things go from bad to worse. I promise, things will all fall into place after this part...just have to go through some ugly stuff to get those rainbows.
The 4th of July, a wonderful day in our country. We all get to eat unhealthy foods, blow shit up, drink and party to celebrate our independence. I started this holiday by working a 12-hour night shift. Kendra was walking in as I was walking out, she wasn’t on the clock until Noon, but someone was a no show and that girl is always about making an extra dollar.
It’s now 7:45am, I eat a bagel and drink some chocolate milk because deep down, I’m still a five-year-old at heart.
“Hey, I may be out of here at 3 but if that’s the case I’m going home to nap and I’ll just meet you at the clubhouse later on. I’ll be there for the fireworks.” Kendra texts me right before I go to bed for the day.
“Sounds good, love.” I text back and then I fall asleep.
It’s now 4pm, I literally slept all day - I must have needed it.
I wake up to a bunch of texts, a dozen from Kenz as she was bored at work. She did get off early but now she’s taking her own nap.
Coco texted me asking what time I was going to be there, mentioning Letty was going to be hanging around today and wanted me to keep her company at some point. Lastly, Bishop texted me saying he’s excited to see me.
I manage to get myself out of bed, I look at my mirrored closet and I’m disgusted with my current appearance.
“Jesus, did I go to rave in my sleep?” I ask myself as I survey the bird’s nest on my head. I take a rinse off shower and opt for the dry shampoo look as this is a simple clubhouse party; I’m not impressing anyone tonight.
“Do I try to go all Miley for this holiday or do I try to be the good wholesome All-American Girl?” I ask myself as I stare at my closet pondering life.
After a half hour of sitting in my towel and browsing social media, I opt for a red and navy light weight flannel, white tank and a pair of jean shorts, converse to complete this casual look - “I’m patriotic AF.” I say as I pose in my mirror.
As I’m go to do my hair, I notice my Claddagh ring on my dresser - the sparkle of the emerald is catching my eye, “Okay Grams, I’ll wear the ring. 4th of July is special, I guess.” I say to myself as I slip my ring on. 
I put my hair in a weak side braid, gather my purse, phone and the pasta salad I volunteered to bring because doesn’t every 4th of July party involve some sort of pasta salad? - and then I make my way out the door. 
I pull up to the scrapyard, and Chucky is directing traffic.
“Nurse Aleeah! I’m so happy to see you! Plus, you’re not here for work, that must be a first.” He says to me as he opens my Jeep door.
“Hey Chucky, I think you’re right - this just might be the first time I’ve been here not on nurse duty.” I say to him as he helps grab my pasta bowl and hands it to me. In the distance I hear shouting of some sort, I look over by the fighting cage and my favorite victims are already going at it.
“I may have spoken too soon.” Chucky whispers.
I look at Chucky and quirk a look, “I’m going to take care of this right now.”
I strut right over to the Reyes brothers, pasta salad bowl in hand and all.
“Hey, Dumb and Dumber, can’t we get along for one fucking day?” I shout.
Both boys look away from me, “Oh I’m sorry, was I interrupting? Was I being rude?” I say with sass.
“It’s fine, Lee.” EZ says and shrugs his shoulders looking at his brother. “Yup, we’re fine Leah.” Angel spits back.
Angel takes a step and walks briskly past me, but I’m not in the mood for that today.
“Hey, douchebag.” I holler going after him, which causes him to spin around as quickly as he started walking.
“What?” He spits again.
“I don’t appreciate your attitude towards me these last few days. All I do is save you time and time again, Angel. Don’t treat me like some biker slut when I ask how you’re doing - I fucking stitch you whole again and again, I think I’ve earned a little bit of respect; especially if you tell others I’m the only one you trust.” I end with a whisper.
“Who told you that?” He asks with a nervous look.
“You’re wonderful girlfriend.” I say with another attitude, and just as those words leave my tongue, he turns back and heads towards the clubhouse.
EZ then comes up behind me, “What EZ?” I ask in a grouchy tone.
“He and Adelita are done, broken up or whatever. That’s what he and I were discussing over there. I asked him where he’s been lately, and that’s when he said he told her he was done, and he left her a few days ago.”
I stare at EZ and back towards the Clubhouse with my jaw dropped.
He dumped her...why?
Is she going to come after him?
So many thoughts race through my mind.
“I need to get this pasta inside.” I stutter and before EZ can even respond, I’m on autopilot to the clubhouse.
I’m greeted by Gilly and Riz, Riz takes my pasta bowl and puts it on the table with the other dishes.
It’s already getting busy up in here, a lot of families are hanging around inside and it seems as they are prepping to take most of the party outside in the yard. “Remind me again, why the hell is the clubhouse the hosting spot this year?” I ask Gilly.
“Well, last year we may or may not have sparked a little fire at Bishop’s place, so it was that night he declared next year’s party would be held at the clubhouse and here are.”
“Ahh, I see. Nothing says independence like having a party with outlaws.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing, Leah.” Gilly jokes as he gives me a half hug.
“Aleeah!” I hear Bishop shout as he enters the room. “How are you, sweetheart?” He asks as he kisses my cheek.
“I’m good. Survived my night shift, slept all day, pasta salad was made and now I’m here.” I say with a smile.
“I’m glad you’re here and it’s not for medical reasons.” He says with a laugh.
“Shh, the night hasn’t even begun. There’s plenty of time for fuckery.” I say with a cautious smile.
I chat with a few of the guys for a few moments, I then see Angel emerge and our eyes lock.
The spark that was there, it’s gone now.  I so badly want to talk to him, but I don’t even know how to start a conversation with him without straight for a sassy comment.  
“Hey Bish, Oakland will be here in a little bit.” I hear Hank say from the bar.
I look over at Hank’s way and back at Bishop…Oakland...Erik...fuck fuck fuck.
“Oakland is coming?” I nervously question Bish.
“Oh yeah, some of them called asking what we were doing so I invited them down to join our big fiesta. It’s going to be great, right?” He says as he gives me another half hug.
I stand there frozen and I just nod my head.
Erik is coming. I just know it.
I reach for my phone and text Kendra. I know she’s still sleeping, but maybe I’ll get lucky. My nerves are now in high gear.
That is when Coco comes to my rescue for the time being. “Lee Lee!” He shouts as he comes in for a hug.
“Coco, how are you doing? Everything healing up alright?” I ask doing a once over.
“Yeah, I’m feeling good. Leg is a little sore, but I’m fine. Leticia is in the office, I had her finish up some filing shit – keeping her busy. She always enjoys chatting with you, so if you could go say hi to her, that would make me super happy.” Coco says with a small smile.
“Oh my gosh, of course Coco. I could use a distraction right now actually, so I’ll go visit her right now.” I say ready to head out the door but Coco holds me back, “Angel has been an asshole to everyone lately, don’t take it too personal, Lee. He broke it off with Adelita right after we got the clear to leave the clubhouse, I guess he’s taking it a little harder than he had planned.”
I wasn’t even referring to Angel, but the explanation does justify his attitude – it still isn’t acceptable.
“Thanks of the heads up.” I say with a small smile as I head out of the clubhouse and head to the office.
“Knock Knock.” I say as I slowly open the door to find Letty at the desk.
“Leah!” She says with excitement.
“How are you Letty?” I ask as she gets up and greets me with a hug.
“I’m alright, as you can see my dad is keeping me busy.” She tells me as she shows the piles of folders on the desk.
“He’s just keeping you safe.” I assure her.
“That’s what they keep telling me.” She says as she sits back down.
“So, how is everything going? I’ve heard EZ and Angel have kept you busy.” She says with a small giggle.
“Boys, nothing good comes from them.” I respond shaking my head. 
“I mean, some good things come from them.” Letty says with a wink.
“Jesus child, you’re not even legal to vote yet. Calm down.” I reprimand with a laugh.
Letty and I continue to catch up on life, she asks me a lot about the clinic and hospital.
I get lost in a daze and find myself snapping my ponytail on my wrist and then Letty snaps me out of it, “Leah are you alright?” She worriedly asks.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m good.” I say with a flat face, still snapping my pony-tail.
“Can I ask you something?” Letty asks sharply, yet eagerly.
“Of course, shoot.”
“I don’t want to upset you or anything, I’m genuinely curious about this and that’s why I’m asking; why do you snap that pony tail holder so often? Is it like a therapy thing?”
I’m a bit taken a back by her words, only because I’ve never had anyone question the ponytail before.
“Huh, that is a good question, Letty. Umm, I guess there is no easy way to come out and say this so here it goes; I use to cut myself when I was around your age. I was one of those teens that used this as a stupid coping mechanism when my mom was too drugged out to give a damn, or when her drug dealer boyfriend would knock me around – the last time I cut myself was last year and that’s because I was hurt really bad. Before that, I think I was around 21 when I last cut myself. I snap the pony tail whenever I feel nervous or anxious, figured it’s safer to snap elastic than use a blade.” I say with some humor because I hate serious talks, they just never end well in my history.
Leticia just stares at my wrist and then up at me, “Fuck, Leah. I’m so sorry – I had no idea.”
“Oh no, don’t apologize. You asked, I wanted to give you a truthful answer.” I reply with a smile.
“So, the hair tie prevents you from making the choice to cut yourself?” She asks.
“Yeah, it does. In rare moments when I’m not wearing one, it’s not for long. Just remember this, if you see a naked wrist for more than an hour,– that usually means something horrible happened and I’m being an idiot.”  
I leave Letty to finish up the work Coco had left for her.
As I walk through the yard, I see a lot more people are here. Women, their kids, other friends of the club are all here for a big 4th of July bash.
I see a few of the boys on the grill, prepping for the big feast. Everyone is smiling, laughing, music is playing; it’s perfect, in a very dysfunctional biker way.
I make my way to the door of the clubhouse and that’s when I hear a roar of bikes.
Oakland is here.
I rush inside as if it’s my safe zone.
I see EZ and Gilly by the pool table, Angel is on the couch with a few whores hanging on him. I go by EZ, I know he’ll keep me safe.
My stomach is in knots, as I know Erik is here. I haven’t seen him, but I just know it. I don’t want him to walk in here, but I almost want him to so I can get this over with.
Jesus, I need Kendra.
As I watch the guys play pool, I reach in my pocket for my phone so I can text Kendra yet again.
“When will you be here? I need you.” I type out and press send.
“I just woke up, I’ll be there in a little.” Kenz replies.
I let out a sigh, wishing my best friend would just hurry her ass up.
“Everything alright, Lee?” EZ asks as he heard my sigh.
“Yeah, I just want Kenz to be here already.” I admit.
“I think she’ll be here in a little.” He says.
“Oh will she now? You know her schedule now?” I tease. EZ just flashes me a big smile.
“Hey guys, food is ready!” Riz comes in and announces. Most of the crowd inside heads outside, some remain inside and snack on what is remaining at the table.
I opt to stay inside because no Oakland guys have come inside yet.
I’m safe.
EZ is still in here.
I’m protected. 
I do not have to be afraid.
I pick at my pasta salad, the nerves are still there.
You know that feeling you get when you just know something is about to happen, you just want that moment to happen and get over with already? That’s me, right now.
Just let Erik walk in, let me see him and then I can make my exit, I think to myself.
I get up to throw away my plate and that is when the clubhouse door opens and my stomach drops.
He’s here.
I look to the door, and a handful of the Oakland guys have now entered.
I’m about to head back by the pool table, but I see EZ heading towards the door.
“I’m gonna be outside for a bit, Kendra is coming now.” He informs me and then as quickly as he informed me, he’s out the door.
A handful of MC friends are now inside, and Angel, He’s at the bar.
I figure this is my chance, I can go make nice with him and use him as my distraction to keep Erik away.
“Hey Angel.” I say as I shimmy between the bar chairs.
“What do you want?” He spits.
“Can’t I just say hi?” I ask.
“Come on, Leah. That’s never the case with us, we never just say ‘hi’”.
He has a point, but I don’t have the time for his logic right now.
“Okay, I umm…I just wanted to talk to you, I first wanted to say I’m sorry to hear about you and Adelita and to also apologize for going off on her the last time we were all in here.”
Angel looks at me, I’m looking at the ground nervously and I feel his gaze on me. I slowly look up, and he’s searching for words.
Just as he’s about to say something, an arm snakes around my waist.
“Aleeah, mami. Is this where you have been hiding? Why you hiding baby? You should be out there partying with everyone else.”
“Erik, leave me alone.” I say as I remove his arm from my waist, but he then places his arm there again.
“That’s not so nice, baby. Why you gotta be so rude?” He asks as he rubs my cheek, and I backhand his arm.
“Ooo, still feisty I see.”
“Erik, you’re being rude. Can’t you see I’m talking to Angel?” I motion.
“Oh, we’re done talking.” Angel interjects.
“Angel wait, we need to finish talking. Please, I’m begging you.” I plead as Erik’s grip on my waist gets tighter.
“I love to hear you beg, Mami. Come on, let’s take this party to the next room.” Erik says low, but it’s loud enough for Angel to hear.
“It appears you have someone else wanting your attention, Leah. Have fun.” He says as he walks away and that is when all hope of mine is gone.
I look around the clubhouse and there is not one familiar face around, and now Erik has tightened his grip on my wrists.
“That’s better.” He whispers in my ear.
“Erik, no. Please, please stop whatever this is. I’m not interested.” I beg as I try to push him off of me.
“You know the more you say no, or the more you beg for me to stop, it just turns me on more, baby. Come on, let’s have some fun. I need to show you what you missed out at the last party.” He creepishly says as he runs his finger along my jaw.
I can feel tears forming in my eyes, “No, Erik. Please, stop. Let’s go outside.” I try to suggest.
It’s then when he grabs my face and whispers in my ear, “Nobody gets to see what I’m about to do to you. That’s a private matter, mami. C’mon, lets go.” He says as he now his hand over my mouth to keep me quiet.
I want to scream, but I’m frozen in fear.
He then guides me to one of the rooms down the hall, I drag my feet but he then pulls my hair.
“Let’s go slut, I need to remind you of a few things.” He says as he closes the door. I try to scream but he slaps my face before a sound escapes.
“Don’t be stupid, Leah. Don’t fight me, baby.” He tells me as me touches my face and traces my body with his slimey fingers that makes my body quiver in the worst way.
“Erik, no. please, stop.” I beg as the tears start rolling down my cheeks.
He laughs. He fucking laughs.
He’s holding my wrists so tight, I can’t move if I tried - I’m frozen.
I want to fight, I try to wiggle around him, I try to knee him, I try to hit him. That only results in more bitch slaps and hair pulls.
My poor effort to escape is fading, I almost wish he would just kill me instead, at least I wouldn’t have to relive this pain again.
I then hear a zipper unzip, and I feel his breath on the back of my neck.
It’s happening. Again. 
My worst nightmare is happening again, and I’m helpless. 
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gyeommine · 8 years
GOT7 As Roommates
So I was reminded of the one I did for BTS (which you could find here) and I thought this would be a cute thing to do <3
(gif credits to the original owners)
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(hot ass)
he strikes me as a dad type
like he’ll be kinda protective of you, making sure you don’t stay out too late and come home at the right time.
he’ll say that it’s to keep a watch on you but he lowkey misses you.
typical dad always ends up falling asleep on the sofa.
so you always have to shake him to get him to actually go to bed.
you’ll feel really awkward when you accidentally call him dad bc he basically is
“is this a new fetish or something?” “shut up im jaebum”
also just another gross male that you have to deal with.
“leader of got7 or president of the US i don’t care, just wash the dishes”
people often mistake him for your boyfriend bc you guys are weirdly comfortable around him.
he’ll probably just walk around half naked with no shame
you’ll just throw his dirty laundry to get him to put clothes on.
does get a lil’ awkward if you’re ever upset.
will shyly admit he ordered take out to cheer you up and you chill for the rest of the evening.
he’ll get quite angry if someone has upset you or work is giving you a hard time but won’t show it.
since he’s a dad for thot7 as well, just expect the guys to often be over.
reliable dad friend roommate beom ™
you always make him cringe or make fun (in a friendly way okay)
you’ll be over sitting in a weird position on the sofa you’ll just be like “the a teaser, amirite” and poor boy would die of cringe.
with that weird dinosaur laugh he has
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(oh wow i am blind from staring at the sun)
he’s so quiet you’ll honestly forget he’s home.
he’ll just be coming out the bathroom and you’ll jump out of your skin bc when the heck did this boy get back from tour ??
it’d be a strangely quiet house.
he’s more often than not tucked away in his room on his phone.
ngl, he’d probably text you instead of shout out.
but when you guys do stuff together, there’s so much giggling than can be heard from 2 flats above and below.
you guys are organized and on it.
you got that chores and housework rota down and you both know who cooks on what days for the two of you.
you’ll be best buddies with jackson
sleepovers with the three of you !!!
he’s quiet, but boy’s trustworthy and reliable (aka the perfect roommate)
no milk ?? mark’s probably already spotted and bought 3 more cartons.
you’ll be film and music buddies.
you’ll just both be in the kitchen and you’ll hear.:
“hey (y/n) listen to this!”
and you’ll be jamming around for a few hours
you guys will also have a list of movies you wanna watch together.
and when he comes back from tour: a movie night ensues. 
overall you guys would have such a chill vibe.
if you had had a hard day at work, even just entering into your apartment would relax you completely.
if you were ever stress, he’d probably suggest going on a drive.
so at like 3 am, you’d get your guys’ chill playlist up and just drive for a while.
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(the purest)
such a caring roommate and best friend.
he’s always checking on you and asking whether you need anything.
he’s always the first guy there to give you a friendly ear or a shoulder.
he sometimes just goes on for 30 minutes with random life advice.
it’d be super endearing.
the flat would be super loud.
it’s bc he’s so excitable about everything which makes him the cutest friend to have around.
everyone knows you guys have the liveliest flat.
and you’d always wonder how this idol that works all the time has SO much energy ??!
but such charisma wow - can charm his way out of anything.
if he breaks something, he knows exactly what to do.
fills the fridge with random organic shit.
you literally pull 3 new organic smoothies out of the fridge each day.
“where the hell are you buying all this?”
he won’t even need to label it bc you know it will always be his.
he’s also kinda protective of you.
he’ll send you like a million texts bc he’s super worried that you’re not home yet and you need to be safe
it’d be a stern side that you’d rarely see from jackson, but he cares about you a lot.
he sort of feels like it’s his duty to take care of you, bc you live under the same roof an’ all that.
“jackson you’re more strict than my real dad sometimes.”
but he’d prefer it if you saw him more as your big brother or something greasy like that.
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(should i be offended by this ??)
he acts like a stressed middle aged mum with 5 small kids 24/7
but it’s just you along with the 5 kids he has with jb
the flat will always be perfection, spotless, 10/10, flawless.
he’ll live passive aggressive / sassy sticky notes to remind you to close the cupboard door or something like that.
sometimes you’ll wonder why he’d ever wanna share a flat with anyone bc he could easily thrive alone.
but he lowkey loves the company you give him.
y’all could be sitting in a room together for hours and not speak and he’d love it.
idk i could also see you guys going on walks together.
but if you ever ask him anything he’s just give you a sassy response - as if it’s a chore to live with you.
dw doods, he’s lying. that’s the middle aged mum sass.
he’ll tssk, roll his eyes a lot. 
but he’s a v good listener, and would happily let you rant about your days’ work @ him and he’ll have no complaints.
you guys will have deep convos all the time.
you’ll wake up bc the kitchen light’s on at 3 am and there’s jinyoung, sitting with a glass of water.
“what are you doing jinyoung?” “i can’t sleep.” “lol neither. so what’s the meaning of life?”
and you’ll be talking until like 6 am, by which point the glass of water has magically turned into a strong mug of coffee.
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this is another loud apartment when it comes to the thot7 bois.
he honestly just needs protecting, someone to keep an eye on him.
he laughs a lot and it literally lightens the flat, it’s such a good vibe.
but sometimes you don’t see him for days.
he’s either writing some sweet ass music or playing video games.
but he always appreciates you checking on him, even if he gets too shy and bumbly to admit it.
he always knows how to make you feel better even if that means just smiling and curing the world of its sins
probably wants to include you with got7 outings
he doesn’t want to make you feel left out or leave you at the flat by yourself.
and if you lightly scold him for something once, he’ll be careful to always do it and he’d be such a sweetheart.
you probably do the most work within the flat but he tries every once in a while.
he’ll get super nervous if he breaks or loses something and you’ll receive an odd text from him.
so you call him to make sure he’s okay, and he’s like “oh no, i just lost your headphones” and the relief you’ll feel.
you’re always there to reassure him if he ever feels insecure about his career or anything in life.
and it’s chill bc you know he’d do the exact same for you, it’s all around a pleasant and healthy environment.
you’ll also sneak in coco even if the apartment block doesn’t allow it.
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(he looks so soft here. i highkey loved this hair on him)
do i even need to say that this flat is gon’ be loud as fricking heck
he’d just make random loud noises most of the time and you’d have to give him a “??? wtf” look.
don’t even get me started when yugyeom comes over.
ear muffs come free with the roommate.
i joke, but its’ actually always a hella good mood boost.
our resident meme cannot stand the thought of you ever being down in the dumps so is running around the flat doing dumb shit.
you can’t go anywhere with him bc he spends 3 hours getting ready.
“bam pls we’re only going to the grocery store just wear-” “NO”
then you contemplating going to the grocery store by yourself because bam “flawless model” bam needs to like 10/10.
but you always tell him you’ve seen him without makeup or high brow clothing and he still looks great.
pranks, pranks and more pranks.
did i mention inside jokes? plenty of those.
you guys will be like kids with your own secret handshake and a password you yell before entering the apartment.
“bam why’s the door locked?” “password.” / “but bam i-” “passWORd”
and you’d sigh, and yell “I like to dab with moose” and you’re in.
let’s just imagine the mortified look mum and dad (jjp) have when they come over for the first time and you yelling that.
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(omg it’s me @ kim yugyeom aka the loml)
just accept the fact you’re going to be hearing music all the time.
you guys will have like a playlist of your fave songs and you end up just stupidly dancing and singing around the house.
sometimes he’ll clear the space in the living room and just dance.
he’ll get hella blushy and shy when you walk on him though.
that’s basically how the hit the stage dance got spoiled for you.
he’s so loud as well.
he’ll probably just yell “PABO” really loud from the other side ot the apartment to get your attention.
and you run over asking yourself why you moved in with such a child.
he’ll smile wickedly as you ask him “what’s wrong”
“nothing!!” he’ll say cutely. “KIM YUGYEOM I SWEAR TO-”
oho you guys will do a lot of childish shit, prank each other.
one of those roommate situations that everyone questions why you ever moved in together bc you’re both a bad influence on the other.
but you guys are obvs like the best of friends for sure.
it’s not fun for mum and dad (jjp) when you call them dumb names and get your ass beat.
you guys are partners in crime and it’s the cutest sHUT UP NOBODY TOUCH OR TALK TO ME.
you better believe you’ll be sitting right next to each other and still be screenshotting memes, giggling your asses off.
but you’ll be so proud and gushing over his performing and how far he’s come and awwww.
but you guys will be having the 10th pillow fight before you could admit to such mushy feelings.
HONESTLY GUYS ! i got so warm and fuzzy bc i wanna be best friends with bambam and yugyeom like you have no idea. also, i am also jinyoung. i write passive aggressive sassy notes to my brother all the time bc he does dumb shit. hope you guys enjoyed ! <3
SIDE NOTE: one of my closest friends and are I are sort of like bambam / yugyeom cross friendship. but i am so done with his shit, and he’s so done with mine  - it’s chill.
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musubiki · 2 years
the image of the white canvas being like a 13 year old kid who can kick ass is just so funny to me.
one of the Guild, probably Lime or Coco: "this is just a kid??? you know you're just a kid, right???"
the kid in a battle stance: "yeah, a kid that can knock you the fuck out"
the Guild: "sure thing, kiddo"
"who is this sassy.....lost child?!"
i have a mind image of his evasive ass being so good against everyone because hes underhandedly using potions and is the most evasive character i have, and when fucking lime gets his hands on him and none of the potions work its just (oh no no no no no song plays)
just imagining lime holding the kid up by his collar with his legs kicking and dangling like "put me down!!!" and lime is like "should i yeet his ass mochi?"
OR against coco. cuz he can dodge all he wants but cant out-speed her
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