#savaş sargun
r69manova · 2 years
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Savaş's company receives a new cooperation and one day a representative of the transaction came to meet to discuss the transaction.
— Savaş bey, have the representatives of the «Sandal ağacı» Hotel come to you? — Let them go to the meeting room.
Entering the room, he saw a girl who turned to the sound from behind. — Hello, my name is…. — Meryem?
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askdiyebirseyyok · 7 years
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Uyum fışkırıyor  ❤
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djemsostylist · 3 years
Favorite Dizi man?
Okay so this one is super hard and I know @lolo-deli is just trying to torture me by asking this, but I have circumvented the madness by choosing a Top 3. Well, it's really a top 4 kind of but the first two are the ones that matter and then the other two are wildcards depending on my mood and how one of them ends up.
First is Savaş Sargun bc he is basically perfect even the times he isn't perfect bc he always knows when he messed up and apologizes for it every time and then does better. Also he is very large and this is honestly sort of essential to my love of him, which seems shallow but if you watch you will understand.
Second is Cihangir Tepeli, and he comes in at number 2 because his story was incomplete, but anyway he is an actual whole disaster but is also completely brilliant and overwhelmingly competent and while I do find him breathtakingly gorgeous, it's honestly the fact that he's so fucking good at like, literally everything he puts his mind to that is the most attractive to me? Also he radiates like, quiet nerd dad tendencies but also drives a muscle car and beats the shit out of people on the regular and tbh it's a really overwhelming combination that keeps me awake at night. Also he has amazing hair.
Third is Akgün Gölkap Taskin, and he ranks up here because despite being the biggest disaster a human being could possibly be, he is also literally the worlds biggest marshamallow who just wants to be loved and to love the people who love him. What he lacks in intelligence and forward thinking skills he makes up for in heart, and while I loved him from minute 1, I was lost the minute he said his future dream is to be a stay at home dad to two little girls. How am I supposed to handle that kind of information just being casually thrown at me? (As a sidenote, I've been headcanoning Cihangir as a stay at home dad since watching Halka and now the image of these two dummies taking their daughters to ballet while all the moms drool is burned into my brain permanently.)
Fourth is probably MKC. I love all of Kerem's characters to varying degrees, but MKC has this unique combo of soft, stupid, smart, paranoid, and anxious that is frankly really appealing. I think I might actually love him the most because of his intense OCD and anxiety issues, but also his tendency to walk everywhere like life is a runway or something. His story was also cut super short, but watching him talk to his son in a soft hoodie was worth it tbh.
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vizyonliste-blog · 7 years
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Sitemize "Meryem 5. Bölüm- Cenk , Oktay'ın yalancılığını Meryem'e kanıtladı!" konusu eklenmiştir. Detaylar için ziyaret ediniz. https://vizyonliste.com/meryem-5-bolum-cenk-oktayin-yalanciligini-meryeme-kanitladi/
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r69manova · 2 years
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Furkan Andıç & Ayça Aysin Turan
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djemsostylist · 4 years
Reasons why you should watch Meryem
(I swear these are not all just Savaş).
1. Savaş Sargun
2. Meryem Akça
2. His absolutely superb collection of winter wear
3. The size of his hands
4. The size of his hands on her teeny tiny little body
5. His sweater collection
6. Height. Difference.
7. Savaş is the world's best comfort squatter
8. His swooping and ducking tendencies
9. Burcu and Güçlü are the best friends you could have
10. She is very Small and he is very Big and it is excellent
11. He always wears soft things and looks very huggable
12. She is essentially sunshine in a character and I love her
13. The villains are honestly great, and you love to hate them
14. Side characters exist to support and enhance the main storyline
15. The character development and relationships are all fantastic
16. It's predictable but also surprising
17. I love the main quartet so much--truly flawless foursome
18. One of the most unexpected and heartwarming redemptions
19. Arguably the best dizi moms ever
20. The way he has to bend in two to hug her
21. The way they look at each other
22. Her smile
23. The way the story is told exactly as it's meant to
24. The costuming
25. Furkan and Ayça's ability to cry
26. Their size difference
27. Satisfying ending
28. Did I mention his hands?
29. His ability to gaze adoringly while also being a very safe driver
30. The way she has to go allllll the way up on her toes to reach him
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