heinous-desiree 1 year
(also what do I refer to you as馃毠 like do i just call you with your username or like aaaa nickname.....?)
This is such a good but difficult question cause my PCs don't practice avoiding the red flags. The people they want and the people they should be with... Yeah, gosh.
Jas the Wildcard
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Ideal: Her ideal type would be someone that makes her feel strong. She has been beaten down, degraded, and mistreated when she started to pay her debt. She felt weak and pathetic, she is still ashamed for some of the things she did in desperation to make ends meet. To have someone treat her like an equal, respected, and more than some orphan? She craves that. She also wants someone that is her equal. Someone she isn't desperate to save, someone that can hold their own and she could even rely on. Best: Her best match is probably someone as caring as her since she is someone that tries to help everyone. She couldn't bear to let others suffer; her partner must understand that and support her. Her partner needs to be understanding in general. Jas has done a lot of things she's not proud of and can be seen as a slut, criminal, or simply bad. Her heart is good and she wants to be so much more than who she currently is, if someone dismisses her true self and focuses on the superficial stuff, she'll hate herself. Someone strong doesn't hurt too, she gets into a lot of trouble, and having someone protect her would be appreciated.
Hunter the Allrounder
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Ideal: Hunter wants someone fun above all else. Someone that can keep up with him and make every moment exciting. He is always searching for his next high and if that's his partner, all the better! Personally, he would want someone that is weak and would depend on him. He likes being the one people trust and look to for help, he feels capable and needed when that happens. He also likes the innocent types, not necessarily pure, but the people who are trusting, sweet, and maybe unaware of certain things that most people normally know. He just finds innocent types cute, and if he can be the one to ruin that innocence........ Best: His best match would probably be a gentle soul. Someone sweet and soft, definitely less wild and daring than him. Someone that would pour their whole self into loving him so he would want to pour back as much of himself back to them. Someone sensitive and would feel scared or sad each time they worry for him or see him hurt. He needs a gentle hand to tame him, and he needs to feel guilty enough to start caring for himself for their sake.
Celeste the Righteous
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Ideal: For Celeste, the person she wants to settle with would be someone strict, kind, and safe. She wants someone with great self-discipline, someone that isn't easily swayed by temptations and able to be their best self by a rigid lifestyle they can be proud of. She works hard every day to be the best person she can be and she wants the same kind of person to be her partner. She knows she can be... Difficult and she struggles to get along with most people. She wants someone that is naturally kind, that can easily smile at her even if she comes off as apathetic, and who would treat her sweetly even when she's not the best talker or she acts intensely. Also, with how many messed up people are in this town, she wants someone she can feel safe with. Someone she knows would never hurt her and she can let her guard down around them.
Best: Her best match is someone that an easygoing social butterfly that won't leave her alone. Celeste doesn't know how to enjoy life, she also has a very narrow-minded worldview from her lack of exposure to the rest of the world. Someone that would go to her with stubborn determination and cheerful smiles would wear down her walls and slowly bring her out of her shell. Someone that will make her relax, enjoy, and experience life fully instead of going through it like a chore. Where she can bring stability and book smarts to someone's life, she needs someone that would bring enjoyment and street smarts to hers.
Maeve the Trap
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Ideal: ...Maeve is simple. He wants to be kept. He wants someone possessive, someone that would claim him. Sometimes, Maeve dreams of having someone that would obsess over him and just kidnap him from the world. He doesn't mind being locked in a basement, attic, or even just chained somewhere for that person's convenience. He doesn't care if it's out of love, insanity, or just because they want him as a personal sex slave. He would prefer it if it's out of love, but if the person deemed him good enough to keep, that is good enough for Maeve. He needs to feel validated, he needs to have someone that would tell him he's theirs. He needs that constant reminder that this person wants him. Best: His best match is someone patient. Maeve has a lot of issues to work through and to get through to him would take a lot of time. Maeve is so severely insecure that reassuring him would be frustrating to most people, so someone that would calmly explain to him each time he has a breakdown why he's loved till he can work through his insecurities himself is needed for this relationship to last. His partner would also have to be self-assured, to know what they want and stay true to it, cause only then when this person says they want Maeve, Maeve can believe it readily. If the person is too wishy-washy, Maeve would feel even more insecure about the relationship. Maeve needs a person who is full of love and is willing to love this broken boy.
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t1thi 1 year
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So...whatcha lookin' for?
dol blog: @savepc2023
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heinous-desiree 1 year
Hunter the Allrounder
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You are hunted.
You run through the forest as fast as you can. You can hear the twigs snapping behind you and the growls that follow.
Where's the exit? Where is it?!
You hear a howl and feel your heart clench at how close it sounded. You had to get out. You had to-
Was that a chuckle you heard?
"Gotcha!" The words were spoken right into your ear as arms wrapped around your waist. You felt your world spin as you were lifted off the ground, legs swinging as your captor twirled you in a circle.
You nearly stumbled when you were set back on your feet, but strong arms held you up. You turned to see a wolf boy grinning wildly at you. You flinched at how close his fangs were.
"Ah, sorry, sorry. Bit much, yeah?" The boy backed off a bit with a much more gentle smile, teeth carefully tucked under his lips. "But these areas are dangerous! You shouldn't play around the forest too much...
"You might find a big bad wolf." The boy said lowly, you shivered at his tone though you aren't sure out of fear or something else.
"Anyways! Let me lead you out! Come on, little one!"
Species: Demon Wolf Boy
Body Size: Large
Personality: Wild, Considerate
Occupation: Student, Farmer
Interests: Thrills, Dogs, Self-improvement
A demon and a wolf, Hunter is the definition of wild chaos, though you might not know it from his clean student record.
Hunter lives his life wanting to do everything, just for his own entertainment. He mingles with other students, learns how to pick locks, dives into the lakes and sewers, rides horses, fucks, groom dogs, dances, and more. All for fun.
He's very friendly to the people he meets, as long as they pass the 3 second rule. Which is don't be an asshole in the 3 seconds he locks eyes with you. If you pass, you have an affectionate dog (wolf) friend. Fail, and... Well... He likes to punt Whitney for fun.
Despite the whole sex demon thing, he rarely tries to fuck people he meets. To be fair, he rarely has to make a move... He doesn't want to make anyone uncomfortable, and he KNOWS he's hot enough to attract a fling if he needs to satisfy his urges.
He is usually interested if someone's offering, though. (Absolutely has a mild corruption kink. Virgin killer right here.)
He's active, smiley, and basically a puppy boy. Please don't be scared of him, he doesn't bite! ...Much! ..........
Unless you want him to-
Oh, and he wants to kill Bailey, I mean, what?
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Hunter and Angel @/savepc2023
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