#saw saltburn today and it was really good i think. i had a great time watching it
chalkscrub · 10 months
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bonus content from da main blog of fruxton with more accurate colours
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simmos-blog · 4 years
Buck, Lion, Fox
Monday 5th October 2020
A Desperate Dan size breakfast at the Buck. No cow pie but everything else you can think of in abundance. I ate quickly as I wanted to be on the road as early as possible. I left at 8.25 just before the other residents who were gathering for their lifts back to Clay Bank Top where they rejoin the trail.
I set off up Onto Urra Moor. It’s a bleak place at the best of times but the dark low sky added real atmosphere, I love it up there. The views down the valley are great but after a while all you can see is heather.
I was motoring and got to Bloworth Crossing ahead of schedule. I chatted to two guys doing the Coast 2 Coast who had just two days left of their adventure. One of them was limping after stepping into a boggy hole on Nine Standards Rig but he was determined to press on. They told me they were operating the rule of 6. That is six pints each every night. He did say they had only had 4 one night but had 8 the next day to correct the slip up.
I soon left them behind and saw no one else until I reach the famous Lion Inn. I made a classic error here and missed the exit for the Lion so had to retrace my steps for about 250 yards. It wouldn’t have mattered much but it started to rain heavily and I managed to get quite wet before I dived into the pub. Colin arrived at the same time as me (we had arranged to meet at 12.00) and we were shown to a table. It was fairly quiet, I think the number of Coast 2 Coasters is dying off at this time of year and we were ahead of most of them. By now I had covered about 10miles so I was ready for a sit down and a coffee.
No half portions at the Lion. I just had a starter of chicken goujons but I could hardly eat the five great chunks of chicken and large salad that was delivered.
We left as soon as the rain cleared. Colin had brought along Archie, a very friendly if slightly disobedient Cavapoo. He was firmly on the lead as we walked along the road which runs along Blakey Ridge but then as we stepped off along a track through the heather he was off dashing around with excitement. We were having to watch our step as the path resembled a stream after recent rains and it was challenging walking. We dropped down into Danby Dale and into Botton Village (home of the Camphill Trust). Colin then took me past an old vicarage which he had recently done some planning work for. His local knowledge helped us shave a good mile off the walk and in total I did 17.5 miles today. For the first time my legs are stiff, I think because I was walking too quickly early in the day.
We arrived at the Fox and Hounds at 3.30 with one bedraggled and dirty dog. At 3.45 it rained really heavily so we were dead lucky. I’ve had a shower and a beer and Mary and I (my lovely wife has travelled up today) are heading down for a meal shortly.
Quite a tough day just because it was long I think. There was less uphill and overall the weather was ok. I enjoyed Urra Moor and it has been great walking and chatting with Colin.
I’m heading to Saltburn tomorrow and Mary will meet me there. It’s a nice but quite challenging walk particularly if I go up Roseberry Topping which I plan to do provided the weather is not too bad.
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