#saw the screencap thought no way in hell double checked and on god
witchstone · 2 years
it is with great delight that i inform you that the tweet from misha collins calling the muskrat a snowflake is, indeed, real
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secondhand-trash · 3 years
There’s (supposed to be) only one bed
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A/N: lmao I wasn’t gonna write anything for bakugou’s bday but I was chatting with @redbeanteax​ about this prompt list idea I have and it just seems to fitting for him for me to pass on. I’m sorry for doing this to him on his bday I guess LOL
If you want more Bakugou, there’s a B(akugou).B(irthday).B(ash) goig on rn! You can find the other creator’s work here^^
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x reader
Warning: shamelessly suggestive but I won’t say it’s nsfw lmao
Word count: 1056
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“I am fucking gonna write a letter to their management,” Bakugou slammed the sturdy door shut and let out a displeased ‘tsk’ when it did not come out as loud and aggressive as he had hoped it would be, “no, I’m calling the head of the hotel company-”
“Baby, your PR team will cry,” you sighed as you sat on the smooth sheets of your hotel bed.
Note, yours, as in, you on your own.
“Fucking-” he sucked in a deep breath, running his palm down his strong jaw to stop himself from letting the string of curses that sat on his tongue run free.
You almost wanted to chuckle at his state. You did not think you had heard him cuss so much ever since he grew out of his hedgehog phase in high school but since you knew him well enough to know there would be no turning back if the giggle slipped through, you bite the inside of your cheeks and held it in.
“It’s fine,” you leaned over the mattress to tuck at his sleeve, “two beds aren’t that different to one.”
“Huh?” he barely let you finished before snapping his gaze towards you.
Bakugou Katsuki had a lot of plans on how his birthday was supposed to go.
He was not really one for birthdays in all honesty. Replying to messages and fan comments were a hustle he did not want to deal with and his head ached just from seeing the “99+” when his publicist sat him down every year because he needed to cash in on that parasocial relationship. Then work would have to continue like always, villains weren’t going to stay in for the day because it was your birthday. Actually, now that he thought of it, he was almost sure that there were people going out of their way to aggravate him more just because it was his birthday. Then he would have to work facing the mountain of presents and letters for the next several weeks until they finally found places in the storage unit to put them to the side. God knows how angry people would get if even just one letter addressed to Great Explosion Murder God Dynamite.
People only seemed to want to call him by his full hero name when it’s a special occasion which was another thing he held pettiness over, but that was a whole different story.
The thing was, he actually managed to get a day off hero work this year, finally, after years of packing schedules together only to have something tricky thrown to his hands when he was so near scoring that sweet sweet vacation. The first thing he did when he got the confirmation was to call that luxury hotel he knew you had wanted to book secretly for your anniversary in the coming month. He thought it was insanely cute how you wanted to surprise him but hell, why wait when it could happen now. 
He reserved the nicest room they had to offer, the one that was a suite and had a built-in massage tub in the bathroom. He had seen pictures of it before, the whole thing was right in front of a wall-length window and facing towards the sea. He paid the deposit immediately when he thought of all the things you could do separately or together in that tub, in front of the window, looking out towards the sea.
You screamed at him when he sent you the screencap of his bill without saying a word. “I’m supposed to be the one surprising you, not the other way around!” 
Your irritated voice from the other end of the phone made him smirk. “Now, I think I gave you plenty of hints on what to do for me already,” he laughed as you fell into silent, cutting the call right when you got the hint and started going off on him again.
He did not specifically bring it up again, but he was looking forward to the day. Bakugou knew that you made dinner reservations without telling him when he saw the confirmation text from the hotel in your notifications but remained quiet about it, humming a soft tune as he turned away like he saw nothing. He ordered for champagne to be sent to your room at night, the kind that both of you liked a little too much. You were clicking into your emails after you woke up one morning to see that you had been subscribed to an email list for a lingerie company you did not recognise.
‘Demanding,” you rolled your eyes with a smile before clicking into the link, going straight to the ‘all items’ page and started scrolling.
There was no way you did not get the hint, and he was thrilled about it.
Now imagine how he felt when he was told that the hotel had an error in his system and gave him the wrong room, one with two twin beds instead of a double bed.
He was so close to losing it at the poor staff who checked you in and had to tell him that they ran out of other rooms with a large bed.
As he stood between the painful space between the two beds, you were sure you could see steam rising from his head.
“Twin beds aren’t that bad,” you said, not with much certainty.
He huffed, “Is that so.”
“You can still fuck me into a twin-sized bed,” you suggested.
You could see the jump at his pulse point right below his jaw, and bite back the smile that was crawling up onto your face.
You got up and pouted dramatically before taking his hand again, swinging it back and forth as you step closer to him. “Besides,” you said, leaning into his face, “we still have the wall-length window.”
He gulped. You could hear him gulp. The scowl on his face slowly eased away, until the imagery you successfully coaxed into his head brought a sly grin onto his lips.
“I also got a new set,” you tilted your head when you felt his hand creeping onto your waist, “wouldn’t you want to see?”
The bed size suddenly didn’t bother him anymore when it was at just the convenient location for him to push you down on.
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