#say you won't let go [ itaryū || historiasmultorum ]
kusunokihime · 3 years
@historias-multorum​ whispered: “Now I have something I want to protect. It’s you.”(Itachi)
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     This is still a rather...novel notion. So Itachi’s open words about his position - about holding her dear, wanting her safe - still makes her cheeks go a flustered, happy pink. Will she ever get used to this...?
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     “Guess I’m not usually on a shinobi’s level, am I?” she replies with a light laugh. Still...she doesn’t want to be a burden. As endearing as Itachi’s words are, part of her feels a small flicker of guilt. “...well, I’ll...try not to need saving too often, ne? I’d rather we be able to focus on the good things than worry about the bad. Right...?”
[ Studio Ghibli Sentence Meme ] [ Accepting ]
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kusunokihimea · 5 years
★ Cooking them their favorite meal and feeding them. (Some ItaRyu)
[ Acts of Affection ][ @historias-multorum ][ Accepting ]
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     It’s always such an odd thing to consider: a medic falling ill. But that’s exactly what’s befallen Ryū this Fall season. In all her bustling about to treat patients as the flu sets in and keeping her children healthy, she’s forgotten one key ingredient: her own health.
     Which is why she’s currently bed-bound, sleeping and letting her body rest against the illness making its rounds. Pallid and yet flushed with a fever, she forces her eyes to open at the sound of the bedroom door.
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     Foggy greys take a moment to focus before beholding her husband. Wait…isn’t he supposed to be working…? Brow furrowing, she then notices the bowl in his hands, temporarily set on the bedside tablet as he takes to fussing. As stuffy as her nose is, there’s no mistaking the classic smell of chicken broth.
     Seems it’s he who will be playing the medic today.
     Mustering an exhausted smile, she doesn’t argue as he props her upright with spare pillows, not wanting her lying down as she eats. “Good morning, doctor,” she can’t help but tease, a brief cough flaring as she speaks. “Come to deliver my medicine, have you?”
     But when he doesn’t hand over the bowl, only offering the spoon, she can’t help but go a flustered pink. “Itachi…I can feed myself,” she attempts to refute, weary tone clearly saying otherwise. There’s a stubborn pause as they both stand their ground before she sighs with a wilt. She already knows who’s going to win this battle. So, she opens up to let him deliver soup spoonful by spoonful.
     He better realize he’s going to get the same treatment the next time he winds up ill.
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kusunokihime · 4 years
     [ Quick ship tag dump cuz I don’t have ones for ALL of them and I am...not organized kjfdhgj (also if I don’t have yours here plz tell me cuz I’m a dumb) ]
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kusunokihime · 4 years
@historias-multorum​ whispered: 💋‍ : your muse kissing mine on cheek (Itachi to Ryu)
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     Shinobi are always so...so...sneaky!
     Sensor or not, Ryū knows by now that if Itachi wants to go unnoticed...she’s not going to know he’s there. Especially when she has no reason to suspect he’s around. So when she’s out watering the peonies along the front of her house, she jumps at a soft feeling along her cheek! Who ? What -?
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     Spinning around and holding her palm to the skin, she spots a rather cheeky-looking Uchiha, and quickly puts two and two together. Flustered pink floods her face as she sputters at him.
     “You almost gave me a heart attack!” The reprimand, of course, is hardly serious. But darn it, he’s too stealthy for his own good! Or hers, for that matter. “Can’t you just say hello first? Like a civilized person?” Her lips curl in a pout as she lets herself wallow in her embarrassment for a moment. “Jeez...”
[ Send my muse an emoji and they will react to ] [ Accepting ]
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kusunokihimea · 4 years
Itachi and Ryuu!
[ Send a ship and I’ll tell you who: ][ @historias-multorum ][ Accepting ]
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Gives nose/forehead kisses: Itachi’s gotta have the forehead…but I think Ryū would too, honestly
Gets jealous the most: I mean…he’s an Uchiha boy, so…am I allowed to say Itachi? xD
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive: Probably Ryū lol
Takes care of on sick days: Ryū 98% of the time. Except those rare occasions where SHE’S the sick one. I think Itachi could handle it
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day: Hm…almost wanna say neither. They’re both chilling under the umbrella x3
Gives unprompted massages: Ryū!
Drives/rides shotgun: Itachi probably drives most of the time
Brings the other lunch at work: I’d say both, but maybe Ryū a bit more so
Has the better parental relationship: (I still dunno which this means OTL) I don’t think there’s any parents left, and they’re both p good parent types, I’d say!
Tries to start role-playing in bed: Hm…maaaybe Itachi?
Embarrassingly drunk dancer: Ryū doesn’t drink, but I don’t really see Itachi doing that…BUT I could be wrong!
Still cries watching Titanic: Ryū lmao
Firmly believes in couples costumes: Ryū prolly
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas: Probably more so Itachi?
Makes the other eat breakfast: Probably both?
Remembers anniversaries: Both! Unless one or the other is super busy
Brings up having kids: I’d say Ryū cuz she’s such a mom, lmao
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kusunokihimea · 5 years
❛ There’s a look in your eyes, I know just what that means. ❜ (Itachi to Ryuu)
[ sentence prompts ➝ in this moment ][ @historias-multorum ][ Accepting ]
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     Having been a bit spaced out, Ryū blinks, realizing she’s been inadvertently staring at Itachi as her mind drifted. Like they have to travel through water, it takes his words a moment or two to truly sink in.
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     Once they do, her brows wilt a hair. “A look in my eyes…?” In all honesty, she wasn’t exactly aware of her expression. She was just…caught up in a bit of daydreaming. But as she considers it, a possibility kicks in. Given who she’d been looking at, and her thoughts about life and family as of late…it’s quite possible she’d looked a bit dreamy-eyed.
     Which, of course, she tends to get when looking at him, anyway.
     Still, she goes a bit pink, a little sheepish. “Ah, sorry…” she replies with a hint of a laugh. “Guess I just got a little…lost in thought.”
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kusunokihimea · 5 years
❋ Cuddling in bed. (Itachi and Ryuu)
[ Cuddle Memes ][ @historias-multorum ][ Accepting ]
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     In an event Ryū finds far too rare for her liking, she and her husband actually manage to wake up together this time around. No early shifts, no prying children…just an aging morning to rouse slowly and enjoy a warm, comfy bed.
     And very pleasant company.
     Quite content, she doesn’t waste any time once awake to roll over and shrink what little space there is between them, settling herself against his form with a happy sigh and a smile.
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     “Good morning,” she sleepily croons, letting her eyes fall shut again. “I hope you don’t have any pressing business this morning…because you’re now required to stay here for at least fifteen more minutes while I enjoy this.”
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kusunokihimea · 5 years
Itachi clutching his children like some kind of protective Mama bird. "Don't talk to me, or my children EVER AGAIN!" (Ivsdjkdshdjslfs)
[ @historias-multorum ]
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     Cue a perked brow.
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     “...um, who carried your children for nine months each and birthed them? That would be me.”
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     “...whaaat is happening?”
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     “...I have no idea.”
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kusunokihimea · 5 years
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     Husband? What husband? She’s not married, these three kids just kinda...showed up. Magically. Without anyone named Uchiha Itachi involved in any way shape or form whatsoever.
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kusunokihimea · 5 years
Itachi voice: ;}
[ @historias-multorum ]
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     There’s just a smidge of apprehension, regarding him with a hint of suspicion. What is that supposed to mean, exactly...?
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     “...should I be worried...?” she asks slowly. That kind of tone could have a myriad of intentions behind it, after all. Either way, color creeps into her cheeks, a flustered apprehension making her heart flutter and her stomach do a wee flip flop. 
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kusunokihimea · 5 years
087: "Sh…they’re asleep." (Itachi to Ryu)
[ 101 fluffy prompts ] [ @historias-multorum ] [ Accepting ]
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     Having just come back from running errands, Ryū wilts sheepishly - it’d been a bit hard to close the door quietly with a bag in each arm. “Whoops...sorry!”
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     Carefully setting down her burdens, she then asks, “You mean you got both of them down for a nap at the same time...?” A miraculous thing, indeed! The twins are hardly ever on the same schedule, it seems. 
     She gives a small sigh of relief. “Oh, good...maybe I can get a few quiet things done around the house, then.” It’s a lot easier to do housework without having to turn around and check on two trouble-finding toddlers every five seconds! 
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kusunokihimea · 5 years
kiss prompt #1 (Itaryu)
[ Full Kiss Prompt List ] [ @historias-multorum​ ] [ Accepting ] [ 1. “Good morning” kiss ]
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     With the pair of them sporting busy schedules, it’s rarer than one might think for Ryū and Itachi to have any spare time to spend in bed in the morning. Which, of course, means it’s all the more treasured when it happens.
     Especially when it’s unexpected!
     Lying atop her stomach and hugging her pillow, Ryū awakes on a day off from the hospital rather slowly. In all honesty, she’s far more a night owl than an early bird, and today is no exception. And given her groggy rousing, it takes her a moment to realize...she’s not alone!
     Perking up, she braces up atop her elbows to watch Itachi sleep for a moment. Once her surprise fades, she can’t help a soft, warm smile. Seems he has a day off she wasn’t made privy to!
     But...as much as she likes to sleep in...there’s still things to be done. And the clock beside her tells her the morning is already aging.
     “Itaaachiii,” she quietly sing-songs, leaning over his form. “It’s time to get uuup, anata~” Lips gives a press to his own, smiling as he gives a groggy groan of obstinance. Seems he’s not quite ready to rise.
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     “Come on, sleeping beauty...we’ve got a day to get up and meet,” she teases gently, giggling and brushing hair from his brow. “You want your breakfast to still be warm when you eat it, ne?”
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kusunokihimea · 5 years
❤ = kissing them . (From Itachi to Ryuu~)
[ Send me the emoticon and my muse will react to your muse ] [ @historias-multorum​ ] [ Accepting ]
     Who says married couples can’t still get butterflies? 
     True, the pair of them are busy with their own roles, both professional and domestic. Which, yes, means there isn’t always time to get snuggly and just...have some uninterrupted “them” time. But every once in a while, there’s still a spare moment here or there to indulge.
     This one happens to come about as Ryū nears putting the finishing touches on dinner. Little Reika is still down for a nap, and uncle Shisui is currently on twin duty, play-sparring with the pair in the backyard. Humming absently to herself, Ryū turns to switch tasks only to nearly run into her husband!
     Greys reflexively widen in surprise, followed by a brightening. He’s home early? “Ita-!”
     Before she can manage a verbal greeting, he gives her a physical one instead. Lips meet lips, and the matriarch can’t help a flustered heat in her cheeks between her shock and sudden joy. She even gets a long-buried flutter in her stomach.
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     Once he lets them part, she manages a dazed blink before beaming at him. “You snuck up on me!” she jokingly chides. “And here I thought marriage meant running out of surprises, ne?” An eye winks before offering, “Hope you’re ready for supper!”
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kusunokihime · 4 years
@historias-multorum​ whispered: Here he is, nervous as all heck. "I-... Wouldn't mind kissing you again i-if that's alright with you" , Love Itachi
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     Sensing Itachi’s chakra approach, Ryū turns to him curiously. There’s little forgetting the events of yesterday, so she’s already a little pink when he arrives. And the pink intensifies at his question.
     “W-well, I...I certainly don’t see why not,” is her reply, demurely glancing aside. It seems the little act of affection wasn’t meant to be a one and done now, was it? That’s not a problem.
     So after a momentary pause, she looks back up, shyly closing the distance between them before brushing her lips against his once more.
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     The heat in her face seems to grow, but maybe that’s just because he’s so close. A happy sigh escapes her, letting hands carefully cling to his front.
     Yes...she could certainly get used to this.
[ Unprompted Asks ] [ Always Accepting ]
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