#an owl and a toad [ jirareika || frogprinceus ]
kusunokihime · 4 years
     [ Quick ship tag dump cuz I don’t have ones for ALL of them and I am...not organized kjfdhgj (also if I don’t have yours here plz tell me cuz I’m a dumb) ]
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kusunokihimea · 4 years
Jiraiya x Reika
[ Send a ship and I’ll tell you who: ][ @frogprinceus ][ Accepting ]
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Gives nose/forehead kisses: Jiraiya does nose kisses, Reika does forehead!
Gets jealous the most: Reika, probably xD
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive: Reika, lol
Takes care of on sick days: Reika - or Jiraiya when she’s being stubborn x3
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day: Jiraiya for sure!
Gives unprompted massages: Jiraiya. I think he’d be rather handsy 👀
Drives/rides shotgun: Jiraiya drives
Brings the other lunch at work: Both!
Has the better parental relationship: Well, if you mean THEIR parents, I think all of them are deceased ^^; If you mean AS a parent, I think they’re both good! Tho maybe Jiraiya because Reika is strict x3
Tries to start role-playing in bed: Jiraiya 👀
Embarrassingly drunk dancer: Jiraiya xD
Still cries watching Titanic: I’d say both, haha
Firmly believes in couples costumes: JIRAIYA
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas: Both xD
Makes the other eat breakfast: I’d say both
Remembers anniversaries: Probably Reika lol
Brings up having kids: Well, Ryū wasn’t exactly…planned xD BUT if they wanted to have more…I dunno who would ask first! That’s a good question lol
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kusunokihime-a · 6 years
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                                                 [ 𝕩 𝕩 𝕩 𝕩 𝕩 𝕩 𝕩 𝕩 𝕩 ]
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kusunokihime · 4 years
@frogprinceus​ whispered: ☼ Cuddling on the sofa next to each other. // Reika
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     If there’s one thing Reika has learned to do since settling down with Jiraiya, it’s to take time for herself. Whereas before, she rarely let herself rest unless a severe limit had been reached...anymore, she’s far more likely to take evenings for her family rather than her work. Unless it’s an emergency, she’s learning that some things can just...wait until morning.
     Which is why this particular end of the day is being spent in the manor’s main sitting room, nestled up against her husband and lax in relaxation.
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     Ryū is playing quietly with several of her toys in the middle of the room, lost in her little world of make-believe while her parents watch from their perch.
     ...sometimes she forgets how lucky she is to have what she has.
     So, with a contented sigh, she adjusts herself a little closer, head resting against Jiraiya’s chest with a soft smile. She wouldn’t trade this for anything. And she’d defend it to the death.
     All she can hope for now is that she’ll never have to. Until then...she’s happy just exactly as she is.
[ Send in a symbol from YOUR muse to see how MY muse will react to yours ] [ Accepting ]
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kusunokihime · 4 years
@frogprinceus​ whispered: Jiraiya x Reika
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Mun’s rating: One True Pairing! - ❤❤❤❤❤
     Sooo I’m a little biased on this since in my own lore (which of course no one else needs to accept), Jiraiya and Reika are “canon” insomuch as they have a brief time together which gives us...Ryū! It’s just something that, as I made the original story, made sense to me. But I honestly never expected to RP it given how snippy some people are about OC x canon ships. But we love them around here xD While canonically it’s not a very...happy ship, it’s gotten to be so during some RP, which has been really fun to write n_n
Muse’s rating: One True Pairing! - ❤❤❤❤❤
     “As...complicated as things may be at times, I still love Jiraiya very much. Even when things don’t work out, that never changes. He has his flaws, but so do I, so...in the end, we end up meshing anyway.”
[ Match Maker ] [ Accepting ]
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kusunokihime · 4 years
@frogprinceus​ whispered: 💗-💗 // Reika
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     At the question, Reika can’t help a perk of her brow, lips lifting in amusement. “Something attractive about Jiraiya...? Hm...surely I can think of something...”
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     She mulls it over for a moment. In truth, quite a few things come to mind, but she’s not sure which is the most worth mentioning. Surely they expect something about him physically, but...
     “...his laugh. He has his big, booming laugh that fills up a room whenever something strikes him as funny. It might seem like an odd choice, but I...really like it. While he can be serious...he’s a lighthearted person. And, well...let’s just say that was quite the contrast to me when we met. But he’s helped me relax. Learn to stop and just...enjoy things. So now when I hear him laugh, it just makes him seem all the dearer to me.”
     A hint of a coy grin then spreads across her face. “And...well, let’s just say he has quite the throaty chuckle when he’s both amused and...excited.”
[ Send “💗-💗” and my muse will tell one thing they find attractive about yours ] [ Accepting ]
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kusunokihime · 4 years
@frogprinceus​ whispered: ❧ // Reika
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     One nice thing about living in her ancestral home? The end of a bad day is just a short walk to a hot spring away.
     The volcanic vents and springs throughout the valley are one of the biggest factors of health around. Just one of many reasons why Suigin chose to settle here in the first place. So whenever Reika has a day she’d rather leave behind her, all she has to do is take a short jaunt in...just about any direction from her front door to find one of the steaming pools and soak her worries away. Which is precisely what she’s done today. After a bath to cleanse herself, of course
     Damp hair up in a bun, she lounges for a time before finding herself joined by none other than Jiraiya. “Not here to peep, are you?” she can’t help but tease, mood and expression both relaxed.
     But after a while, Jiraiya urges her to turn around, earning a questioning look, but...in the end, she acquiesces.
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     Long white strands are then freed from her bun, and instead he starts...braiding them? At first she thinks to question him, but...then just shrugs and lets him do what he likes. It actually feels...rather nice.
     “Trying to make my hair wavy like our daughter’s? Good luck - mine’s always straight as a board.”
[ Send a ❧ to braid my muse’s hair ] [ Accepting ]
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kusunokihime · 4 years
@frogprinceus​ whispered: ♕: Holding hands // Reika
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     Sometimes, it’s the little gestures that can make all the difference.
     Leaning folded arms atop a bridge railing, Reika finds herself watching the early bustle of the village this morning. Most pass by the same way every day. Farmers heading out to their fields, keepers to their shops, children to their lessons. Usually it brings her a sense of peace to see Kusunokizan going through the motions of yet another day.
     But for some reason, there’s disquiet in her mind this morning.
     While there’s no official ruler of the village, her clan has always been looked to for guidance. And when none of them are present, Suigin herself oversees the people of the valley. When Reika returned, that responsibility fell to her. And she reveled in it. Helping people, leading them...it fills her with pride, as exhausting as it can be. 
     And yet, at times...doubts nag at the back of her mind.
     So preoccupied is she, Reika doesn’t notice a presence joining her on the bridge until Jiraiya moves to stand beside her. Spine straightening, she opens her mouth to greet him...only to pause as he holds out an expectant hand.
     For a moment, she isn’t sure what he wants. But then her shoulders soften, and she lets a hand - dainty, and yet calloused - rest within his own.
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     Greys stare at their intertwined fingers for a long moment. “...there’s no hiding my heavy thoughts from you, is there?” she asks, lips twitching into a smile. “...do you ever have days where creeping shadows seem to lurk at the edge of your vision? Have you ever questioned the path you’re on, Jiraiya?
[ Nonsexual acts of Intimacy ] [ Accepting ]
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kusunokihime · 4 years
@frogprinceus​ whispered: 👄 a kiss on the lips // Reika
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     Some days you just wake up in a good mood.
     That’s precisely what Reika’s done today. The sun is shining in the valley for once, and she woke up promptly without any hints of grogginess. Leaving Jiraiya to sleep in, she instead busied herself with her morning routine and set of chores before sitting to have a cup of tea. Ryū is also still sleeping, so she gets to enjoy a little quiet to herself this morning.
     But eventually her husband rises, coming down the stairs with a yawn as Reika smiles at him. “Morning,” she offers, a teasing glint at her eye at his oversleeping. “I thought I might have to have breakfast by myself today.”
     Finished with her tea, she rises and puts her mug away to wash, passing Jiraiya on his way to the table. But on his way by, she surprises him with a tug to her level in order to give him a kiss.
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     Reika lingers a long moment, feeling Jiraiya stiffen a bit in surprise. But just as he seems to get into it, she pulls back and moves to start making breakfast, giving him a cheeky look over her shoulder.
     “Don’t want to ruin your appetite,” she teases with a wink.
[ Send one for a kiss from my muse ] [ Accepting ]
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kusunokihime · 4 years
@frogprinceus​ whispered: Jiraiya walked over to Reika and handed her a big bouquet of flowers. "I remembered that it was so long ago when I last gave you flowers. It seems that it was last week. So I want to invite you on a date."
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     At first, Reika has to do a bit of a double take - it’s still early enough in the season that few things are blooming outside of the greenhouses, and the sight of so many flowers takes her aback. Where...?
     Then she sees Jiraiya behind them, listening to his words until a coy grin shapes her lips. So, they’re an offering, are they?
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     “A date, hm...?” Her eyes shine with a hint of mischief. “I suppose I could agree to a date. What exactly did you have in mind...? I’m a busy woman, after all. It would have to be quite the temptation to tear me away,” she teases.
[ Unprompted Asks ] [ Always Accepting ]
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kusunokihime · 4 years
@frogprinceus​ whispered: "Need a hug from my princess and queen"
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     That earns a chuckle from Reika. “Well, I’m certainly always happy to oblige,” she replies. “I could get used to you calling me queen, hm?”
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     She wraps arms around Jiraiya’s neck, giving him a warm smile (and making sure to leave room somewhere for Ryū.
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     "Me too, me too!” their daughter insists, wasting no time in zipping right up and clinging to her father tightly. Little arms don’t exactly reach very far around him, but she gives it her best effort nonetheless.
[ Unprompted Asks ] [ Always Accepting ]
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kusunokihime · 4 years
@frogprinceus whispered: ♥ // Reika 
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Relationship Status: “Last I checked, this man was lucky enough to be my husband.” Cue a cheeky grin.
Feelings toward them: “As much as he can drive me crazy, I adore Jiraiya. He’s sweet, maybe a little goofy...and steadfast. He and I bonded over visions of a world in peace. His qualities make me believe that might someday be possible.”
Fantasies about them: “Fantasies, hm...?” Reika takes a moment to think. “I don’t indulge in thoughts like that often, but...we visited some rather interesting places while we traveled. Might have been fun to have a little fun while we were there...”
Trait they like: “His sense of humor. Even if, sometimes, it has me rolling my eyes to the heavens.”
Trait they dislike: She has to think for a moment. “...I think he puts too much pressure on himself. That old toad’s prophecy linked him to this ‘child of destiny’. His role is important, but it shouldn’t consume him.”
Favorite thing to do to bug them: “I don’t know if it’s bugging, per se, but I’m known to be quite a tease when I want to. I like flustering him~”
Favorite thing to do to cheer them up: “Just some quiet time alone. No words, just being together and trying to bring him comfort.”
Nightmare they had involving them: “I have bad dreams about him being killed. It’s the reality of anyone who loves a shinobi...”
Dream they had involving them: “I had one once where we wanted me to ride with him on a toad that could jump to the moon. Nevermind that there’s no air on the moon...it was weird, but that’s dreams for you.”
Desire from them right at this moment: “Hm...I wouldn’t mind a back massage. He’s got those big, strong hands after all~”
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kusunokihime · 4 years
@frogprinceus​ whispered:“I set up the blanket fort. The password to get in is three words.” // Reika
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     Well this is...one thing to come home to. At first she assumes the culprit to be Ryū. Blanket forts are a bit of a kid thing, after all. But no! Upon getting closer to inspect it, she finds not a Ryū...but a Jiraiya peering out at her cheekily.
     She can’t help a snort.
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     “Three words, hm?” She lays a thoughtful hand against her chin. “How about...‘let me in’?” Reika’s just teasing him, of course. The answer is more than obvious. But if he’s going to be a dork, she has to have some way play along.
     “No? That’s not it? Hm...” Her finger taps her chin. “Well...gosh, if that’s not the right answer, I have no idea. What three words could you possibly want to hear, Jiraiya?”
     It’s her turn to look at him smugly, letting him stew in it for a moment before pretending to realize. “Ohhh, I know!” She gets down to her hands and knees to be at his level, hovering her lips just over his as she offers, “Is it...I love you?”
[ Cute Valentine’s Day Starters ] [ Accepting ]
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kusunokihime · 4 years
@frogprinceus​ whispered:“Good morning~ I love you.” // Reika
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     For once, Reika has managed to sleep in, sunlight slowly growing in their room as the day ages. The only thing that rouses her is a weight settling beside her, and words being rumbled in her ear. Before her eyes even open, her lips curl in a smile. “Morning,” she replies, a bit muffled into her pillow before she peeks an eye at her husband.
     Only then does she remember what day it is today!
     Sitting up, she rubs at her eyes with the heel of a palm before giving a fuller smile.
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     “I love you too,” Reika affirms, stretching arms toward the ceiling. “I know it’s a lovey dovey holiday and all, but...I still mean that just as much as any other day. First, before anything else...I need some breakfast.” Goodness knows it’s going to be a full day.
[ Cute Valentine’s Day Starters ] [ Accepting ]
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kusunokihime · 4 years
frogprinceus whispered: "MY GIRLS! " Jiraiya hugs Reika and Ryu
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     There’s little escaping Jiraiya when he’s in a huggy mood, so Reika doesn’t even try. Not that she particularly wants to, but once the sannin makes up his mind, there’s little changing it either way.
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     “Hello to you too,” she manages to reply, held quite firmly in his grip. “Just reminding us where we belong, hm?”
     Ryū, of course, is always happy to receive a hug, and does her best to wrap tiny arms back around her father. She doesn’t really succeed, but she gives it her best effort.
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     “Tōchaaan!” she offers loudly in response, grinning widely.
[ Random Asks ] [ Always Accepting ]
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kusunokihimea · 5 years
Date? // Reika
[ Send me “Date?” and I’ll answer ][ @frogprinceus ][ Accepting ]
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Who asks for it:
[x] Your muse asks mine
[x] My muse asks yours
Type of date:
[ ] Platonic Date
[x] Romantic Date
[ ] First Date
[ ] Double date with: ____ & ____
Location for the date:
[x] Movies  
[x] Romantic Comedy
[x] Adventure Movie
[ ] Animation (Pixar/Disney)  
[ ] Horror
[x] Drama
[ ] Buddy Movie
[ ] ___ (other options)
[x] Restaurant
[x] Expensive/High Class
[x] Small and familiar
[x] Fast Food
[x] Nature
[x] Beach
[x] Park
[x] Forest
[x] …and having a picnic
[x] Visiting a Museum
[ ] Visiting an amusement park
[x] Visiting a haunted location
[x] Staying at home
[x] Watching movies
[ ] Playing Video Game
[x] Reading
[ ] ___ (other options)
The date might hopefully end with…
[x] …holding hands
[x] …a kiss
[x] …in bed
[x] …knowing each other better
[ ] …sleepover between friends
[ ] …a marriage proposal
[ ] ___ (other options)
Should you reblog this?:
[ ] Yes. I want to send you one.
[ ] Yes.
[ ] No.
[x] …sure? lol
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