isleharriet · 6 years
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full name
Harriet Jones
preferred name/nickname
Captain, Harriet, Ettie
SEX: Female
HAIR: Mid back length, chestnut brown when uncoloured, ombre with blond when coloured SKIN: Pale, soft except her fingertip which are callous from fixing up the ship on the Isle EYES: Dark brown almost black, which see assumes are from her mother. SCARS: A couple of scars on her arms and shoulder from fights on the isle. A scar across her stomach from a fight she took part in when her fathers ship was attacked - healed with magic but left a scar. CLOTHES: Enchanted forest - pirate, Isle/Storybrooke - jeans,
ACCENT: Scottish VERBAL TICKS: None LANGUAGE: English LAUGHTER: She has a sweet laugh, almost musical, but it’s fake GRUMP: Grumping, sneering, growling, moaning, groaning BREATHING: Sighing
FACE: She tends to wear a poker face, but she can also be extremely expressive with her irritation HANDS: Folded arms EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS: Her default mode is angry/irritated HABITS: Eye rolling, biting her lip PERSONAL SPACE: She is standoffish, and will keep a distance.
DIET: Poor - whatever they could get their hands on during her time on the isle, and she’d feed her crew before herself. SLEEP: Prone to nightmares, especially since the isle. CLEANLINESS: She maintains good hygiene ODOUR: She maintains good hygiene ILLNESS: None INJURIES: None OTHER: N/A
GENDER: Female SEXUALITY: Bisexual ROMANTIC: Never experienced it MEMORY: Good memory PENSIVE: Not her actions, but people she’s lost INTUITION: She is quick witted and has good gut instinct. GOALS: For the world to fear her name INSECURITIES: She hides all her insecurities, but most revolve around people leaving her ACHIEVEMENTS: Learning sword fighting, beating her papa at chess ANXIETY: Her family SELF-HELP: A good bottle of rum never hurt COMFORTS: Hugs from family, a bottle of vodka, being on the ocean
BAD HABITS: Sarcasm, eye rolling, imitating, slapping, punching, shoving, insulting
the past.
PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Killian Jones @cvptvinhook, her papa, she never knew her mother. She figured she was some bar wench who couldn’t look after a kid. SCHOOL: She excelled in homeschooling with her father, she did pretty well in Dragon Hall asides from Selfies 101 and Advanced Vanities (shout out for Evie for being her tutor @thefcirest) LEAVING HOME: She only left home because a curse took her aware (side eyeing you Regina @reginahqs) LIFE EVENTS: The curse that took her away form her father. Becoming a Captain. WORST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: Her family being split up with the curse. BEST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: TBA LESSONS: [What are the most important things they have learned through experience?] LOOKING BACK: YOLO, no regret, jk, she’d stop Harry from leaving her crew.
FAMILY: Killian Jones (father), Harry Jones (brother) @firstmateguyliner, Calista Jane Jones (sister), Ginny Gothel (crew) @gvthcl, Anthony Tremaine (crew) FRIENDSHIPS: She doesn’t make friends easily. ENEMIES: To many to list. Whoever started the damn curse. Anyone that annoys her STRANGERS: She’s quick to insult anyone not classed as in her inner circle. BEST FRIEND: Ginny Gothel @gvthcl LOVE: N/A WORST ENEMY: All enemies are the worst
MINGLING: She doesn’t get on well with others COMFORT LEVELS: Talking to people is the worst PHYSICAL: She very much keeps to herself unless she’s fighting GROUPS: Her crew OPENNESS: Completely close, the only person truly able to get hr to open up is her papa GENEROSITY: Sharing is for losers. JEALOUSY: The only thing she is jealous of is Milah, how decades after her death, her father is still trying to avenge her despite having three children if other women TEMPER: Easily worked up EMPATHY: Very little empathy. AFFECTION: She doesn’t often show affection DISTASTE: Sneering, disgusted looks SELF ESTEEM: Very high self esteem CONFIDENCE: VERY Confident HONESTY: Depends who you are, honest with crew and family, will lie to others with ease. LEADER OR FOLLOWER: Leader PRAISE: Uncomfortable. FAILURES: Her temper, her violence, her need to insult people CRITICISM: How dare they? They end up on the end of her sword INSULTS: She laughs when people try to insult her EMBARRASSMENT: She isn’t easily embarrassed, but when she is, she will go into a blind rge. FLIRTING: She is very flirtatious, as she learned on the Isle, two things could get her what she wanted, fear and seduction. ATTENTION SPAN: She has a good attention span and can easily focus on multiple tasks at once SITUATIONS: She’s terrible in situations, she appears calm, but she stresses and subsequently angers easily.
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-align: center; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'; color: #454545} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-align: justify; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'; color: #454545} p.p3 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-align: justify; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'; color: #454545; min-height: 14.0px} p.p4 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-align: center; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'; color: #454545; min-height: 14.0px}
CAREER: Pirate Captain - she loves it. TECH: She’s never used any type of technology bar a TV on the isle. Completely useless. COMBAT SKILLS: Expert sword fighter, good in bareknuckle fight, but useless with guns. HOME: A ship, being on the water COOKING: She is adequate, but anyone eating her cooking runs the risk of food poisoning. She’s good with soup though. BUILDING: Basic DIY CLEANING: She likes things immaculate. SHOPPING: Shopping is only fun when it’s a five finger discount. MARRIAGE: Not currently seeing anyone. KIDS: Undecided PETS: Does Anthony count? WORRIES: Losing everyone. HOBBIES: She loves to read, go sailing, dancing
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furandfirewalls · 6 years
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full name
carlos oscar de vil
preferred name/nickname
carlos, los
SEX: cismale HAIR: white with dark roots; naturally curly and soft, although he straightens it from time to time when the mood strikes him. SKIN: carlos has heavily freckled skin, the pale and darker brown tone contrasting in an almost dalmatian-like fashion. with a friend like evie in his life, it’s natural that he’s taken her advice and looks after his skin, which remains youthful and surprisingly soft, given their lives on the isle. the only evidence of a harder life is on his hands; his fingers are calloused and marked from a life of playing with electronics and machinery. EYES: warm brown eyes; despite his heritage and years of trying to act like a true villain, carlos has always had warm, somewhat friendly eyes. he often has minor bags from late nights working on projects. SCARS: calloused hands; a few minor scars on his knees and legs from roaming the isle in fashionable but ill advised shorts. CLOTHES: carlos takes after his mother in the sense that he has a great sense of fashion; his clothes are exclusively black, white and red, with a heavy use of leather and the occasional fur. he has a tendency towards shorts because he feels they’re easier to run in, often layering his clothes. he will always find appropriate accessories, even if only his fingerless gloves.
ACCENT: in the land without magic, it would be described as american. the mun has no idea i’m so sorry. VERBAL TICKS: carlos has a tendency towards stumbling over his words when nervous or scared, his voice becoming higher-pitched in stressful situations. LANGUAGE: he only speaks english fluently, unless computer coding counts as a language, in which case he could potentially speak a few. he’s always admired the sounds of french and can recite a few words but can’t hold a conversation (mostly fashion terms). LAUGHTER: carlos has a slightly higher-pitched laugh, light and sounds rather young, even for his age. he doesn’t laugh often - there’s not generally a good reason to really laugh on the isle - but it’s loud and obvious when he does. GRUMP: carlos has a tendency to mumble under his breath, particularly when stressed or focused, words sounding more like a brook than actual sentences. BREATHING: carlos is remarkably good at being quiet when he wants to be; aside from the mumbling when he works, he makes few other unconscious sounds and breathes rather quietly.
FACE: out of all the core four, carlos has the hardest time hiding his emotions. his face is extremely expressive - eyebrows furrowed in confusion, eyes sparkling with curiosity, lip just slightly protruding when he’s pouting because something didn’t go his way. carlos tries, but he finds it incredibly difficult to hide his feelings. HANDS: carlos has to have something to do with his hands at all times, even if it’s simply carrying something. he keeps a series of nuts and bolts in his pockets to fiddle with when he has nothing else he can do. EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS: rather than having emotional outbursts (unless it’s in panic), carlos tends to do the opposite - he sinks into himself once he’s said his piece, preferring to keep his problems to himself. only fear or danger truly gets a rise out of him, making him speak out or, when scared, scream rather loudly. HABITS: carlos has to fiddle with something constantly, as previously stated. he also prefers to keep a clean space around him and tidies when he’s anxious. PERSONAL SPACE: despite preferring people to keep out of his personal space, he doesn’t have much sense of one in terms of being close to people. he does, however, generally avoid actually touching people unless stealing or if he knows them particularly well, in which case he will accept contact.
DIET: coming from the isle, carlos’ diet hasn’t been the best in recent years. he has a tendency towards a coffee dependency, but actually has quite a sweet tooth. he would happily live on sweets if he could. SLEEP: carlos is an early riser, contrary to popular belief; however, he doesn’t sleep particularly well and suffers from insomnia, meaning he doesn’t sleep anywhere near as much as he should. on top of that are nightmares; with an anxious mind comes many demons when he does sleep, and although he can never remember his dreams, they’re enough to have him jolting upright in the night. CLEANLINESS: carlos prefers to be clean at all times and bathes regularly; he takes great pride in his ability to take care of himself. ODOUR: no strong odours. he finds strong smells distracting. ILLNESS: none. INJURIES: none. OTHER: n/a.
GENDER: cismale. he has never had any issues with this and feels fortunate to have his gender and biological sex match. SEXUALITY: carlos is gay as all get out, although he does find himself imagining what it would be like to date a girl from time to time. then he tries it and remembers that he is, wholeheartedly, gay as hell. ROMANTIC: carlos loves the idea of romance, but doesn’t believe in it. for one thing, he’s the kid of a villain. he’s unlikely to be trusted enough to find someone who really would give him that chance, isn’t he? MEMORY: he has an outstanding memory for facts, figures and anything he deems relevant; this includes information about other people, as it helps keep him safe. if you need to remember an event and he was there, ask him - he could recite it word for word. PENSIVE: carlos is definitely pensive; he generally prefers a thought out approach over a sudden fight, and hates it when his friends drag him into madcap adventures without a thought. INTUITION: in terms of people, carlos can be somewhat hopeless. his intuition lets him down greatly. however, he’s pretty good at surviving; he’s not managed to screw any of those decisions up yet. GOALS: carlos has mostly decided he wants to live; beyond that, on the isle, there hasn’t been much else to aspire to. once he gets to storybrooke, though? well, things may well change. he’s likely to want to explore this world without magic, a world where technology is king... and he’s damn good with tech. INSECURITIES: his size, his friends, the skills he brings tot the table, his mother... there’s a lot carlos is insecure about. he’s not good at fighting for more than long enough to get away, he’s not magical, he’s not even really that scary or a real villain; yeah, he’s insecure about a lot. he keeps it to himself where possibly, though. no need to give people a reason to push away. ACHIEVEMENTS: the time he made a hole in the dome around them on the isle. it was mostly an accident, but he did it. ANXIETY: being around the unknown is the main source of carlos’ anxiety. he likes to know what’s going on and how to deal with things; he likes his routines. being thrown into a group of villains and heroes is likely to make it skyrocket. SELF-HELP: mostly by throwing himself into some form of work.  COMFORTS: his friends are probably one of the biggest comforts for carlos, but computers and video games are about to get pretty high up there too. BAD HABITS: forgetting to eat when working; a tendency to speak before he thinks despite his desire to, y’know, not be beaten to a pulp; picks at his skin when he’s nervous.
the past.
PARENTS/GUARDIANS: carlos has no idea who his father is. his mother never told him, he has no names that seem to relate to anyone else he ever met (the few he did), and he has no one else to ask. his relationship with his mother is... awkward at best. prior to the curse, he thought the world of her. yes, she kept him from going out as often as possible but she just wanted to keep him safe from the dogs and others who would want to hurt him. now that he’s awoken from the curse, he’s torn. he still adores his mother; those feelings are there, somewhere, but at the same time, she wasn’t doing the best for him and he’s pretty sure she knew exactly what she was doing. she was controlling him and he doesn’t want to see her right now so he doesn’t have to deal with that fallout. SCHOOL: carlos was great at school. he was always fit enough for the physical, and his brains left no room for competition. LEAVING HOME: well, he got cursed. wasn’t really by choice. LIFE EVENTS: the curse truly has been the biggest change to his life and it’s influenced him more than he knows. he’s braver than he was prior to the curse, stronger despite all his fears, and being around his friends only makes him more so every day. WORST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: the realisation that his mother might not love him as much as he previously thought. BEST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: meeting evie and making his very first friend. LESSONS: how to stand up for himself; that he’s braver than he thinks. LOOKING BACK: he’d probably have tried to sneak out more often. he didn’t really before the curse; too afraid of being caught by a dog.
FAMILY: carlos considers evie, mal and jay his family, even more so than his own mother. he loves the trio that make up his isle family; word’s still out on cruella. FRIENDSHIPS: again, eveie, mal and jay are his family as well as his best friends. he just wants people to like him for who he is. ENEMIES: uma’s crew, he supposes. harry is fucking terrifying. STRANGERS: carlos tends to be somewhat wary and defensive around strangers, anticipating that they’re more likely to do damage than not. BEST FRIEND: evie, jay and mal. he can have more than one. LOVE: do peanut butter cups count? WORST ENEMY: again, harry is fucking terrifying.
MINGLING: carlos is horrible at making new friends because he doesn’t try. it’s kind of hilarious to watch though. once he gets to know people, he’s much better at talking; deep down he’s a people person, he just needs time to get there. COMFORT LEVELS: anyone he doesn’t know, he doesn’t really like being around. once he gets to know someone, he’s alright with small groups and prefers them to large crowds.  PHYSICAL: carlos is not a huggy kind of person. he appreciates casual touches from those closest to him, though, and will hug them if requested. GROUPS: he prefers three specific people and hates large crowds.  OPENNESS: it takes him a long while to open up to new people. GENEROSITY: carlos would literally bend over backwards to help a friend. he tries to play off that he’s a proper villain, but the core four know better.  JEALOUSY: if people take something he considers his, he gets extremely over protective of the item or person in question. jealousy isn’t a colour that looks good on a de vil; it was what drove his mother to such extremes, and it’s jealousy that brings out the worst in carlos too. thankfully, it’s never really been a thing he’s had to encounter... yet. TEMPER: he’s surprisingly calm, but his temper is fiery when he’s angry. EMPATHY: while clumsy and definitely bad at expressing himself on occasion, carlos is very empathetic and is surprisingly good at giving advice; if only he’d realise he could give himself some too. AFFECTION: he hangs around a lot when he likes someone. comes to them for advice, smiles a lot more. DISTASTE: generally he just avoids them, although sometimes he does the less impressive thing and insults them. never a great plan on the isle. SELF ESTEEM: carlos has a very low amount of self-esteem. it’s getting better, but he just never had the chance to develop that sense of self while under his mother’s thumb, and he’s been repeating the same year for twenty seven years; give him some time and he’ll come into his own. CONFIDENCE: to a degree, yes. he likes people to think well of him (or badly, depending on how you look at it). HONESTY: he tends towards honesty, although when he does keep things to himself, it’s not for another person’s benefit; it’ll generally be for his own, whether for foul reasons or fair. LEADER OR FOLLOWER: more of a follower for sure. PRAISE: he’s not really comfortable accepting them, but it’s nice. FAILURES: the rambling and occasionally inane comments have been known to be irritating, yes. CRITICISM: carlos actually takes criticism remarkably well. he has cruella de vil for a mother after all; he had a lot of criticism to deal with. INSULTS: insults are not his favourite thing in the world, but he doesn’t generally react too badly. EMBARRASSMENT: carlos handles embarrassment badly. he won’t show his face for as long as physically possible. FLIRTING: oh my god, carlos is the worst at flirting. he can’t flirt. don’t do it. ATTENTION SPAN: he’s great at focusing on things; the problem is getting him to stop focusing. SITUATIONS: he’s not great with stress, no. he avoids it where possible.
CAREER: he’s been stuck as a teenager for twenty seven years. school is fun but that’s a lot. TECH: his tech skills are superb, especially considering how little tech they have on the isle. COMBAT SKILLS: he can defend himself, but he’s probably one of the weaker members of the group in terms of fighting skills. HOME: carlos likes things to be organised; his home makes a lot of sense and he abhors dirt. COOKING: burnt food is technically cooked, right? BUILDING: he’s pretty good with diy. built his own treehouse and everything. CLEANING: his house has always been tidy. perhaps it’s something he picked up from his mother when he did most of the chores at home, but even in the curse, he was a bit of a clean freak. he likes things in their place. SHOPPING: carlos shouldn’t be allowed to purchase anything ever. he’s impulsive as hell and regrets it later. MARRIAGE: no and he has no immediate plans to become so. KIDS: he’s never considered it. PETS: KEEP DOGS AWAY FROM HIM OKAY. he did have a cat called lucifer, however. WORRIES: the portals; his friends leaving; what will happen when he finally sees his mother again. HOBBIES: fiddling with technology, making machines, building really.
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