#scam brokers list
wlgdqnl · 8 months
List of Scam Forex Brokers https://goldengiven.net/list-of-scam-forex-brokers-2024-essential-awareness-for-beginners/
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teuqlkagb · 8 months
scam forex brokers list https://goldengiven.net/top-20-scam-forex-brokers-list-toavoid-in-2024/
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loosingmoreletters · 7 months
Your s classes fics aew so good they've pulled me into the fandom again. Now gonna have to see how far the manwha is along! Hahha
(Also since I love your fics so much, I'm not sure if you read fics for fandom you write (I know some authors don't) but if you have any recs... 👀
Thank you!!!! I'm glad you enjoyed it and I hope you had fun with the current chapters!
And yes, I always have recs for fandoms I write because I usually only start writing once I'm truly obsessed or couldn't find a fic that hit quite the vibe I wanted.
Anyway! Fanfic recs! This list has a little bit of everything, I think!
never leave a trace by armed_teddy_bear The Han parents haunt Han Yoojin.
Last Forsythia’s Bloom by Lazlo (hinagikuhaven) Yoojin is hit by a fuck or die curse. Daunted by the knowledge of the cure that will force Yoohyun to make a terrible choice, Yoojin chooses to run away. warning for incest and dubcon
Slumbering Stars by FeltLikeWritingAndHereIAm The world ended when Han Yoojin’s brother died between his arms. Nothing will ever be the same, not even with a second chance.
Behind A Smile by Lazlo (hinagikuhaven) In hindsight, Yoohyun should have long suspected it. The abyss that laid behind his brother’s happy smiles.
does that mean by Frill Sung Hyunjae and Han Yoojin knew one another before the dungeons.
S-Rank Skill Poison Nullification! by chamsie Rather than getting famous for his taming skills, Yoojin accidentally becomes infamous for his ability to eat any and all poisons without dying.
and tomorrow may be something to look for by wovenstarlight Han Yoojin time travels instead of regressing. This causes some problems.
the ghost of you (will never leave me) by Sorbus Han Yoojin has skills geared towards the mind and lending or borrowing power. It only makes sense that if he has a skill to receive the memories of others alongside their power and skills, he could sacrifice his memories of others in return for some strength. Han Yoojin has a skill that lets him give up memories of someone he holds dear in exchange for more power. Things change, but ultimately stay the same.
Now We Have by Frill Han Yoojin can tame monsters. He meets Bak Yerim and Yoo Myeongwoo in a dungeon.
but i have promises to keep (and miles to go before i sleep) by Anonymous Of all the possible ways the Awakening broker could’ve scammed her, Bak Yerim never considered abandoning her in a dungeon as one of them. Stealing her money and never actually bringing her to a dungeon? Definitely. Taking her money and then reporting her to the authorities? Yeah. Going through the effort of bringing her here and leaving her? Wasn’t even a thought in her head. And yet here she was, completely alone in a dungeon. Well. Fuck. or, bak yerim ends up stuck in a dungeon and meetings a certain someone
My Sweetheart by armed_teddy_bear Bak Yerim finds the Han family’s home videos, featuring a young Han Yoojin and baby Han Yoohyun.
Isolation Training by armed_teddy_bear Han Yoojin kept a diary to deal with the stress of his separation with Yoohyun. While moving his brother’s things, Yoohyun finds it.
The Ghost That Lives With Us by Anonymous Hatred comes to Yoohyun as unnaturally as love, and just as intensely.
If love is the answer could you please rephrase the question? by theladyofcamelias Yoojin goes on a date with an old high school acquaintance. Everybody is perfectly normal about this in case you were wondering.
travel logs to you by flyingintherainclouds In which Han Yoojin has decided to live a quiet life, as requested of him by his dear brother, who anonymously deposits money into his bank account. He goes traveling two years after Yoohyun left, determined to come back whole. Still, he can't bear to leave without telling his brother, so he sends recordings of himself on his travels to him. secondary title: recordings to you, from my heart to yours
love me, love me not (love me) by Yersina “Hi,” Yoojin croaks into his phone. His stomach had been churning from downing too many healing potions in a row, so he’d been experimenting with just letting the coughs happen. Now he’s starting to regret that a bit. “I’d like to make an appointment.” He gives the nurse his information and stares out the window of his apartment while she looks up his records. “What are you coming in for?” “Hanahaki surgery.”
new dog's old tricks by snipsnap In which Yoojin doesn’t wake up at the broker. This changes everything. Or: being from the future gives you a lot of strings to pull. Yoojin is studying the harp.
[Final Repayment] by Frill “I…” Yoohyun let go of Yoojin’s hand. The curly-haired man stood there awkwardly before asking, “May I come in?” Yoojin stepped to the side quickly. “Come in, Yoohyun-ah. You’re always welcomed.” Yoojin was very confused when his dongsaeng appeared on his doorstep after 3 months of silence.
convention no. 138 by Yersina Yoojin strokes through Yoohyun’s hair once, and the clumps of dirt that fall from the action remind him of where they’re currently standing. “Yoohyun, why are you in a crater? What happened?” At this, Yoohyun untwists himself just enough from Yoojin’s hold to raise a handful of flames in Yoojin’s direction. “Hyung, I think I have magic powers,” he says solemnly. Yoojin stares for a long moment, long enough that Yoohyun clenches his fist, extinguishing the fire, and looks up at Yoojin worriedly. “Okay,” he manages eventually. “Okay. Sure. Yeah.” He was attacked by dinosaurs and his eleven year old brother has magic powers. That’s… this is fine.
Fighting with Fear by Turacin (Turacoverdin) When a raid of an S-class dungeon goes wrong and a conspiracy is revealed, the only option Yoojin has is to take care of it all himself. Unfortunately, he must violently kill fourteen people and an S-class snail boss to do so. The consequences of this are not what he expected.
You Before Forever by Vehemenace When Han Yoojin regresses, he isn't sitting in one of Haeyeon Guild's guest rooms. Instead, he finds himself in the middle of the streets of Seoul, disoriented, with the feeling of his brother's corpse imprinted on his hands.
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marigoldwitch · 2 years
So I saw the viral story about the young woman being scammed out of over $2,000 on FB, for an apartment, and I wanted to share some of my tips to help keep you and your money safe when apartment hunting:
🏠 Never transfer money into a personal account. Better yet, never transfer money period
For one, most reputable landlords and property management companies will usually request a check or money order when paying your security deposit, first months rent, and any other move in fees (pet fees, broker fees etc). Secondly, if it is a scam a check / money order (from your bank) usually takes 3 business days to clear, giving you the time needed to cancel it and ensure the money makes its way back to your account or isn’t taken out at all. This also creates a paper trail that you can share with investigators. It also ensures that the person you are renting from is legitimate and not a grifter (as you’d need their full name or business name in order to write the check or money order).
🏠 Insist on paying each fee with a separate check or money order
Security deposit, first months rent, pet fee etc. always pay these things with separate checks/money orders. This is to make sure that 1) they can not claim you didn’t pay these fees at any point. And 2) when you eventually move (and want your security deposit back) they can’t claim it’s less than you agreed on.
🏠 Make 2 copies of everything!
The landlord usually keeps the original lease agreement, that you sign, but you want to make sure they have an extra copy and you have a copy. Same with your money order and checks. Make 2 copies of each before giving it to them. Give them the checks or money order along with the photocopy of them too and say “I made copies of all the checks and made sure to make a copy for you too, for your records.” A good landlord or property manager will appreciate that you’re looking out for everyone’s best interests.
🏠 Don’t sign any agreement or pay anything until you’ve seen the unit you are going to be renting
Too many times I’ve heard horror stories of someone looking at a model unit, signing a lease and then moving in only to find that the unit they’re renting looks nothing at all like the model.
🏠 Take pictures of everything!
Before you move anything into your new apartment take pictures of everything. And if there’s something like a loose faucet, or a window that won’t open make sure to take a video too. Save these in a Google Drive account. This is to make sure that when you move the landlord or property manager doesn’t try to hold your security deposit based on problems that were already there before you moved in.
🏠 If you find a listing on FB Or Craigslist, and the photos are watermarked with the property management company’s name or the apartment complex’s name, Google search them and see if they have a website or is listed anywhere else online
Scammers are known for stealing photos of real listings, re listing them and changing the contact info to their own personal info. People don’t tend to question it because “why would a scammer leave the real company’s name on the photo?” it’s because they think it makes them look more trust worthy, and when they scam you they’re hoping you’ll blame that company instead of seeking out the real criminal. 
🏠 If it’s too good to be true, it probably is
Sometimes there really are some hidden gems out there. To avoid being put in an unsafe situation be sure to:
📍 Make sure your phone is fully charged
📍 Ask a friend or family member to accompany you when you go to look at a potential apartment
📍 Never give out any personal information like where you currently live until after you’ve seen the apartment and have verified that it isn’t a scam. And only give this information for application purposes.
📍 Tell at least 2 other people where you are going and when your going — better yet text them when you arrive there “I’m at the place now, I’ll update you in about half an hour” and text them when you leave “I’m leaving now” (be sure to actually update them too, if you say you’re going too lol).
📍 Don’t bring cash, don’t wear expensive jewelry and definitely do not bring anything expensive like a laptop or tablet, even if you plan to leave it in your car. This is mostly for if you’re going to look at a private property/listing.
Here are some red flags that I’ve noticed when apartment hunting:
🚩 Won’t even show you the unit until you’ve paid an application fee : This is a big red flag for me, because when I see that a listing has had 70 people apply and they still want me to pay them an app fee knowing damn well the unit probably won’t even be available. They’re using application fees to get more money. If an application fee is $50 and they have 70 applications— they’re making $3,500 on fees alone. Btw these background and credit checks only cost an average of about $5 - $10.
🚩 Will only communicate with you via personal texts or emails : Unless you’re renting a room in someone’s house or from a private landlord, there is no reason why you shouldn’t be able to contact the property management company via phone.
🚩 They only have 1 photo on the listing and it’s a Google maps screen shot or a screen shot from another website : I think this one is pretty obvious but this is a scam. A very lazy scam lol.
🚩 Doesn’t have the address listed
🚩 Requires you too send them money before they’ll even give you the address or let you tour the property
🚩 Suggests you send them money via wire transfer or other electronic means like Chime, Venmo or Cashapp.
Hope these are helpful for anyone looking to move into a apartment :)
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nityarawal · 7 months
Sent to legal:
Aloha! Happy Presidents day! I spoke to my handyman about bullying from my landlord Daniel Hall for his lazy sauna bedroom bill. He and my other 7 handman feel he's giving men a bad name smearing our best moms as a gay man. His X Cougar gf Melody Gray lured me here to testify against her nurse IEHP mom in medical malpractice lawsuit with Dr Natalya. They treated me for Tick, lymes, and a brain cyst then coldly blocked me from any follow up since and try to mentally abuse me. Melody caught her mom on this phone number listed above smearing her and I. She's failed to procure screen shots she promised in June! Darlene worked at Dr. Browning office & Idyllwild Health Center with Ukranian Dr. Natalya murdering thousands of colleagues and clients since covid. My atty was Ken Carlsson but he's been found guilty of committing foul play with brokers & courts too for murder. America First Legal is handling refunds from Elon Musk now. I cc'd them. We just need all your testimony for Dr Adam Cash- he wrote "Psychology For Dummies." Thankyou.
This is the culmination of my work. Integrity. Lol A new president and my kids are coming home today to play with puppies. Make that happen. Melody also busted PNC Bank for harvesting clients with Pfizer and BBVA AI scams. She filmed pnc Pfizer executive office on record- caught them lying etc. Could y'all hurry and send in your testimonies so I can close out? Truth is I need heat and Daniel has been a selfish substandard landlord. I was soaking wet cold all winter and he kept unplugging electric because he's having bi-bolar, manic, schizophrenic episodes at all the tenants. Melody claims he violently broke her leg. I work on comission as a journalist for justice & housing rights as a realtor of 25 years. Melody took a bribe from her Idaho sugar daddy big pharma pimp and got a black Mercedes over Christmas- tampering with Elon Musk cybertruck give away for distressed moms. Melody also claims her step dad molested her and her 3 daughters. He's 10 years younger than Darlene and she's sold out to pedophilia agenda. Melody also said Daniel's step-dad Martin tried to molest a tenant. Could you explain what happens to men that molested children Dennis. I'll send the country club murder article about Adrian Denada so we're crystal clear what happens and please advise Martin not to come back to California. Robert Dreyfuss's dad was murdered from Aguanga on that addiction too. They'll put the gun in Daniel's hand and force him to pull the trigger. Only a 2.5 year charge for the child victims in self defense. Does that play book work for step-dad? It seems Sheriff Parsons is circling our home to set the groundwork? We'd rather Vegas handle charges humanely.
Thanks for cleaning up the hill. Please don't hurt Daniel or his pets & dogs or my x! Just get our kids. Melody has a 15yo Anjali molested by Darlenes pimp too.
All Love,
Nitya xo
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paydayquid · 1 year
How much may I borrow with a Short Term Loans directly from a lender?
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Short term loans request for a sum between £100 and £5,000 is acceptable. You can see how simple it is to customize a loan to your needs when you combine the amount's flexibility with the complete variety of repayment alternatives.
When money was tight, you might acquire a short term loans UK direct lenders on your income, and then your employer would withdraw the sum immediately from your paycheck. This is how short term loans direct lenders first came to be known. Payday loans are a logical development of this kind of lending, but they typically give you immediate access to the money.
A short term cash loan could be a lifeline for you if you are short between paychecks but have bills that need to be paid. Because of our brokers' speedy application process, you will receive a decision right away, and we will shop around for the best rate among their lender partners.
Your loan can be used however you see fit. However, the majority of people who apply for short term loans UK direct lender do so because they are in a difficult circumstance. This kind of loan can be ideal for you if you have an unforeseen emergency and need a little additional money to stay afloat.
You Just Need To Follow A Few Steps That Are Detailed Below To Get Short Term Loans UK Finances:
1) Confirm Your Capability to repay - To determine your capacity to repay the amount you are considering borrowing, you must first look in your wallet. To make sure you can make repayments without placing yourself in deeper trouble, it is crucial to assess your affordability.
(2) Narrow down the Legal Online Lenders with the Needful Service - After determining your capacity to pay back the short term loans UK, it's time to narrow down the legal online lenders who can provide the necessary service. To lower your risk of falling victim to a scam, it's critical to grasp the difference between legitimate lenders and dishonest ones.
(3) Compare the Quotes - Once the short list has been created, it is necessary to compare the same day loans UK quotes in order to select the most cost-effective service. To make sure you have chosen the cost-effective solution, compare the terms and prices at the same time.
 (4) Complete And Submit The Application - As soon as you locate the proper service, all you need to do is complete and submit the online same day loans UK application. Simply a few minutes will be needed for this as you simply need to submit some basic information.
(5) Sign the Agreement and receive the money. Your lender won't annoy you with faxing or providing collateral. Before approving you, they only verify the accuracy of your information and your capacity for repayment. If they think you might be a borrower, they will ask you to sign their electronic contract. You only need to read it and sign it in order to receive the same day loans UK in your bank account.
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Mandich Property Groups Explains How We Buy Houses Works
Marietta, Georgia -
Marietta, GA based Mandich Property Group has shared new insights on how the ‘We Buy Houses’ business model works. These insights are available in an article that the company has shared on their official website, and it also covers why this option may be especially intriguing for sellers who are tired of the conventional real estate market. See more here: We Buy Houses In Decatur.
Most are already familiar to some extent with the traditional model: using a real estate agent to market the house in question via the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) or through the agent’s own networks. While this method does have its advantages, it is not the only way to sell a home, and Mandich Property Group is pleased to offer their community an excellent alternative: selling a house directly to the buyer for cash. This process is often the faster of the two, with customers at Mandich Property Group experiencing sales that take place in a matter of days or a couple of weeks, as opposed to months or years (which is a more common time frame in the traditional method).
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The company observes here that many people prefer to sell their property quickly once the decision has been made — to minimize stress, address whatever financial emergency may have required them to raise funds as fast as possible and so on. Whatever their reasons may be, quicker is usually better, and this is exactly what Mandich Property Group and other ‘Sell Your House Fast for Cash’ businesses offer.
One reason for delays in the traditional method is that buyers often need to secure financing. The wait to find a buyer is only the first stage. Once a buyer decides to purchase the house, they will need to talk to a mortgage broker and so on to ensure they can afford it. This process takes time, and the buyer can always change their mind at any time prior to closing, which would leave the seller back at square one. We Buy Houses businesses, however, tend to cash on hand simply by virtue of the way they conduct business. Since they purchase and sell houses regularly, they should have cash ready to facilitate a quick transaction, especially since speed is now a hallmark of the industry.
In their article, Mandich Property Group acknowledges that, “No investor will pay top dollar for a property, after all they are in business to make money. While true you will not receive the full retail price for your house, you will not be asked to spend money on anything. No repairs or upgrades will be needed and to most the best benefit is there is no need to clean. The reason the investor is not able to give top dollar is that they will need to put money into the house for those repairs and upgrades.”
However, it is crucial that sellers do some research to ensure they are working with a reputable We Buy Houses company. No industry is safe from scams and fraud, and the same is true here, though the company notes that most of their peers are simply looking to make a profit rather than outright take advantage of the customer. Further, not all companies are made equal, and customers will typically find a better experience with those that have more experience in the industry, have worked with various kinds of people already and so on.
For instance, given the nature of the business, sellers will often find that they may not get the full retail price of their home. However, they will also not have to invest in upkeep, renovations or beautification (for curb appeal), and most We Buy Houses companies do not charge any manner of fee for their services. The sole transaction that takes place is the cash provided for the sale, and the company should take the responsibility of handling all the paperwork as well. Since the ultimate decision is always in the seller’s hands, this means they are free to ask such companies for their best offer and then turn them down if it is not to their liking — with zero consequences. It is all part of the service being provided.
As a respected company that buys houses throughout the Metro Atlanta area, Mandich Property Group is pleased to offer an exemplary We Buy Houses experience to the communities they serve. The company invites all interested parties to get in touch with their team to schedule an appointment or pursue any further inquiries.
Source: Mandich Property Group Press Advantage
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Does anyone make money with binary options?
The binary options industry has been generating a lot of buzzes lately. Some people claim to have made a lot of money with binary options, while others say they've lost money. So what's the truth? Does anyone actually make money with binary options?
What are binary options?
Binary options are a type of investment where you bet on whether the price of an asset will go up or down in a set period of time. If you predict correctly, you make money. If you don't, you lose it.
Binary options are popular because they're easy to understand and because there's always the potential for making money. But they're also risky, and many people have lost money betting on binary options, more info here Forex Scammer List
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If you're thinking about investing in binary options, be sure to do your research and only invest what you can afford to lose.
The risks of trading binary options
A binary option is a financial product where the buyer receives a payout or loses their investment, based on if the option expires in the money. They are called binary options because there are only two possible outcomes - either you make money, or you don't.
Binary options are considered high risk because there is always the potential to lose your entire investment. In fact, many people consider binary options trading to be more like gambling than investing.
Before considering whether to trade binary options, you should first understand the risks involved.
Why do most people lose money with binary options?
Binary options are a type of investment where you predict whether the price of an asset will go up or down in a set time period. If you are correct, you make money. If you are incorrect, you lose money.
Binary options are often advertised as an easy way to make money, but this is not true. You can make money with binary options, but it is not easy. To be successful, you need to have a good understanding of the market and know what factors can affect the price of an asset.
A few people who have made money with binary options
Anyone who's been involved in the financial markets for more than a few days has probably heard of binary options. A binary option is a type of option where the payoff is either some fixed amount of some asset or nothing at all. The two main types of binary options are the cash-or-nothing binary option and the asset-or-nothing binary option.
The key question we will be addressing today is: does anyone make money with binary options?
Before we answer that, it's important to understand what binary options are and how they work.
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Most people lose money with binary options because they do not understand how they work. Binary options are a risky investment and most people do not have the knowledge or experience to make successful predictions.
When it comes to making money with binary options, the key is to know what you’re doing. There are a lot of scams out there, and it’s important to be aware of them. That being said, there are also a lot of legitimate ways to make money with binary options.
The key is to find a reputable broker that offers a good platform and educational resources. Once you have that, it’s important to practice with a demo account before investing any real money. And finally, don’t invest more than you can afford to lose.
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fraudcomplaints · 2 days
Planoff Investment review
Is Planoffinvestment.com a scam or legit? We know the answer. Check out our Planoff Investment review to learn about the facts related to Planoff Investment. Let us explain why we included it in our list of scam brokers 2024.
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propertyscroll · 3 days
Find the Best Property Listing Sites in India: A Comprehensive Guide
Are you in search of the best property listing sites in India to buy, sell, or rent properties? With the Indian real estate market booming, it’s more important than ever to use the right platform that can showcase your property to a larger audience. Whether you're a buyer, seller, or real estate agent, choosing the right property listing site can make all the difference. In this blog, I’ll walk you through some of the top property listing websites in India.
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Why Choose Property Listing Websites?
In today digital world, more people prefer browsing real estate online before visiting in person. With property listing websites, you can search for homes, plots, apartments, commercial properties, and more with ease. These platforms provide you with detailed information, images, and even virtual tours, helping you make informed decisions from the comfort of your home.
Now, let’s dive into the best property listing sites in India that can help you find your dream home or help you sell your property faster!
1. Property Scroll
If you're looking for a user-friendly and reliable platform to list your properties, Property Scroll is the perfect choice. This website is quickly gaining traction in India, thanks to its easy-to-navigate interface and extensive property listings. Whether you are searching for a flat, a villa, or commercial space, Property Scroll ensures that buyers and sellers have a smooth experience.
Key Features:
Free Listing Options for new users
Verified property listings to ensure reliability
Easy-to-use filters for specific property searches
Regularly updated listings, ensuring up-to-date market data
Property Scroll is an emerging name in the real estate listing market, and it’s definitely worth checking out if you want fast and effective results.
2. 99acres
One of the biggest players in the real estate industry, 99acres has a massive database of properties for sale, rent, and lease. It is one of the most highly searched property listing sites in India, boasting millions of monthly visitors. Whether you're looking for residential, commercial, or industrial properties, 99acres provides an array of options.
Key Features:
Detailed listings with HD photos and virtual tours
Thousands of verified listings across the country
Neighborhood insights and nearby amenities
Customized alerts for new property listings
3. MagicBricks
MagicBricks is another highly ranked real estate platform in India. Known for its intuitive interface and extensive listings, this site is a favorite among homebuyers, sellers, and real estate agents. It has everything from affordable housing to premium villas and office spaces.
Key Features:
Property evaluations and price trends
Extensive listings in both metro and rural areas
Buyer’s guide for first-time property investors
Real estate news and market updates
4. Housing.com
Housing.com has quickly become one of the most popular real estate websites in India. With its innovative features such as 3D models and real-time tracking, it’s a great choice for tech-savvy buyers and sellers. Their platform offers a clean and streamlined interface that’s perfect for discovering both residential and commercial properties.
Key Features:
3D visualization of properties
Comprehensive neighborhood data
Verified listings to avoid scams
Mobile-friendly experience for on-the-go users
5. PropertyWala
PropertyWala is a solid option if you are looking to list properties with high-quality visuals and detailed descriptions. This platform allows users to post photos, maps, and videos, giving potential buyers a clearer idea of the properties.
Key Features:
HD images and video uploads for property listings
Maps and detailed locality insights
Low-cost listing plans for budget users
Fast and easy listing process
6. NoBroker
If you're tired of dealing with brokers and their commissions, NoBroker is a great platform. This innovative website eliminates the middleman by allowing buyers and sellers to connect directly, which is a huge advantage in saving on brokerage fees.
Key Features:
No middlemen, no brokerage fees
Direct communication with property owners
Extensive search filters and alerts
Verified listings to avoid scams
Conclusion: Choose the Right Property Listing Site
Finding the best property listing site in India depends on your specific needs—whether you're looking to buy, sell, or rent. Platforms like 99acres, MagicBricks, and Housing.com are great for extensive listings and market analysis, while NoBroker is ideal if you want to avoid paying brokerage fees. For a fresh, user-friendly experience, Property Scroll offers a great mix of functionality and convenience.
With Property Scroll, you can explore a variety of property types, whether you’re looking for residential homes or commercial spaces, all with transparent listings and a straightforward process.
So, what are you waiting for? Start exploring your options today and make your next property transaction a breeze!
Q1. What is the best property listing site in India for affordable homes? For affordable homes, Housing.com and 99acres offer excellent filters to find properties within your budget.
Q2. Is Property Scroll good for commercial listings? Yes, Property Scroll offers a wide array of commercial property listings alongside residential options.
Q3. Can I list my property for free? Yes, platforms like Property Scroll and NoBroker offer free listing options for sellers and landlords.
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qocsuing · 18 days
Top USA Forex Brokers: Your Guide to the Best in the Market
Top USA Forex Brokers: Your Guide to the Best in the Market The forex market is the largest financial market in the world, with a daily trading volume exceeding $7.5 trillion. For traders in the United States, finding a reliable and trustworthy forex broker is crucial. This guide will help you navigate the top forex brokers in the USA, ensuring you make an informed decision.To get more news about forex broker, you can visit our official website.
Regulatory Environment In the United States, forex brokers must be registered as Retail Foreign Exchange Dealers (RFED) with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and regulated by the National Futures Association (NFA). This regulatory framework is designed to protect traders from scams and ensure a fair trading environment.
Top Forex Brokers in the USA OANDA: OANDA is renowned for its competitive spreads, extensive range of currency pairs, and top-notch trading platforms. It is considered the best overall broker for US-based traders due to its combination of low trading costs and excellent customer support.
Interactive Brokers: This broker is ideal for professional traders due to its advanced trading platforms and low fees. Interactive Brokers also offers a wide range of financial products, including forex, stocks, and options. tastyfx: Tastyfx is highly trusted and offers a user-friendly platform, making it a great choice for beginners. It is known for its transparency and reliability. TD Ameritrade: An award-winning broker, TD Ameritrade offers a robust trading platform and a wide range of investment products. It is well-regarded for its customer service and educational resources. IG: IG is known for its competitive fees and spreads. It offers a comprehensive trading platform and a wide range of currency pairs, making it a popular choice among US traders. Factors to Consider When Choosing a Forex Broker When selecting a forex broker, consider the following factors:
Regulation: Ensure the broker is regulated by the CFTC and NFA. Trading Costs: Compare spreads, commissions, and other fees. Trading Platforms: Look for user-friendly and feature-rich platforms. Customer Support: Choose a broker with reliable and accessible customer service. Educational Resources: Opt for brokers that offer educational materials and tools to help you improve your trading skills. Conclusion Choosing the right forex broker is essential for a successful trading experience. The brokers listed above are among the best in the USA, offering a combination of reliability, competitive trading costs, and excellent customer support. By considering the factors mentioned in this guide, you can make an informed decision and find a broker that meets your trading needs.
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24newspressblogs · 5 years
Golden Brokers review – Is goldenbrokers.my scam or good forex broker?
Golden Brokers is a Malaysian broker, offering a fine selection of currency pairs and various other CFDs, with a single account type, leverage of up to 1:100 and the MetaTrader5 platform. Golden Brokers is regulated by the local Labuan Financial Services Authority. For more information about their offer please check the following review.
Golden Brokers Advantages:
Regulated in Malaysia
We will credit Golden Brokers for their license. The broker is owned and operated by Golden Brokers Ltd., which is licensed and authorized by the Labuan Financial Services Authority (LFSA) – the official regulator in Malaysia, which similarly to well known institutions like the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK, the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) or the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), by far the three most popular regulators in the industry, oversees forex and CFD brokers by requiring them to follow certain fiscal and ethical rules, to file regular reports and to allow external audits.
With brokers regulated in the EU or by the FCA in the UK however, you will even get additional protection by special client compensation funds, which in the case of FCA will cover up to 85 000 GBP of your trading account even in the unlikely case your broker files for bankruptcy. So here you may check as well our list of brokers, regulated in the UK:
Over 60 currency pairs, a good selection of CFDs
Golden Brokers offers 63 currency pairs, many of which minor or exotic like USD/ZAR, USD/TRY, USD/SGD, USD/SEK, USD/RUB, USD/PLN, USD/NOK, USD/MXN, USD/HUF, USD/HKD, USD/DKK, USD/CZK, USD/BRL and USD/CNH, as well as CFDs on silver, gold, platinum, oil, natural gas, cocoa, coffee, cotton, sugar, corn, wheat, aluminum, copper, nickel, zinc, a selection of indices, futures and stocks – all in all well over 700 trading instruments. 
As we do not see any crypto assets however, here you may check as well our list of brokers, trading with bitcoin CFDs: 
MetaTrader5 supported
Along the venerable MetaTrader4, MetaTrader5 ranks among the most widely used trading platforms on the market. Similarly to the MT4 it features numerous market indicators – well over 50, and customizable trading robots with the help of which one can easily run automated trading sessions. Here you may check the platform on the screenshot below.
And besides, MT5 comes with a very useful set of advanced charting tools, so here you may also check the link with our brokers, which support the platform as well:
Golden Brokers Disadvantages:
High spreads
As tested with a demo account the benchmark EURUSD spread floated above 3 pips and this is about twice the spread traders would usually find attractive with a standard account, without a trading commission. So here you may check as well our list of brokers, offering tighter spreads:
Does not seem to accept payments with Skrill
The broker accepts payments with bank wire transfers and major credit cards like VISA and MasterCard, but does not seem to accept Skrill, so here you may also check our list of brokers, which do accept Skrill:
No information about the minimum deposit requirement
Just bear in mind that most broker would ask for an initial deposit of about 250 USD, while some big and well known names like FBS and IG will let you start trading with just 5 USD or even less.
A definite advantage about Golden Brokers is that they are both regulated and able to offer relatively higher leverage – 1:100. And they also support a professional trading platform – the MetaTrader5 with a good selection of currency pairs and plenty of CFDs. Unfortunately the spreads are far form attractive, and for an experienced trader this is not a minor issue.
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sudrien · 1 month
On the third fake-USPS texting scam this month
Used a .ly redirect in their link. Yeah. Nothing against Libyans, something against people who think mail form a government institution would or should ever come with that redirect
Accidentally left a + 44 number on the reply list
Attached a malicious PDF to the text
I know this is probably due to that on information broker leaking half the world's information
Guess my credit reports are staying frozen for the foreseeable future
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nityarawal · 7 months
Sent to legal:
Aloha! Happy Presidents day! I spoke to my handyman about bullying from my landlord Daniel Hall for his lazy sauna bedroom bill. He and my other 7 handman feel he's giving men a bad name smearing our best moms as a gay man. His X Cougar gf Melody Gray lured me here to testify against her nurse IEHP mom in medical malpractice lawsuit with Dr Natalya. They treated me for Tick, lymes, and a brain cyst then coldly blocked me from any follow up since and try to mentally abuse me. Melody caught her mom on this phone number listed above smearing her and I. She's failed to procure screen shots she promised in June! Darlene worked at Dr. Browning office & Idyllwild Health Center with Ukranian Dr. Natalya murdering thousands of colleagues and clients since covid. My atty was Ken Carlsson but he's been found guilty of committing foul play with brokers & courts too for murder. America First Legal is handling refunds from Elon Musk now. I cc'd them. We just need all your testimony for Dr Adam Cash- he wrote "Psychology For Dummies." Thankyou.
This is the culmination of my work. Integrity. Lol A new president and my kids are coming home today to play with puppies. Make that happen. Melody also busted PNC Bank for harvesting clients with Pfizer and BBVA AI scams. She filmed pnc Pfizer executive office on record- caught them lying etc. Could y'all hurry and send in your testimonies so I can close out? Truth is I need heat and Daniel has been a selfish substandard landlord. I was soaking wet cold all winter and he kept unplugging electric because he's having bi-bolar, manic, schizophrenic episodes at all the tenants. Melody claims he violently broke her leg. I work on comission as a journalist for justice & housing rights as a realtor of 25 years. Melody took a bribe from her Idaho sugar daddy big pharma pimp and got a black Mercedes over Christmas- tampering with Elon Musk cybertruck give away for distressed moms. Melody also claims her step dad molested her and her 3 daughters. He's 10 years younger than Darlene and she's sold out to pedophilia agenda. Melody also said Daniel's step-dad Martin tried to molest a tenant. Could you explain what happens to men that molested children Dennis. I'll send the country club murder article about Adrian Denada so we're crystal clear what happens and please advise Martin not to come back to California. Robert Dreyfuss's dad was murdered from Aguanga on that addiction too. They'll put the gun in Daniel's hand and force him to pull the trigger. Only a 2.5 year charge for the child victims in self defense. Does that play book work for step-dad? It seems Sheriff Parsons is circling our home to set the groundwork? We'd rather Vegas handle charges humanely.
Thanks for cleaning up the hill. Please don't hurt Daniel or his pets & dogs or my x! Just get our kids. Melody has a 15yo Anjali molested by Darlenes pimp too.
All Love,
Nitya xo
@elonmuskparody @elonenthusiast @elonmuskfanslounge @elon-daddy
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Forex.com Review: Forex Broker & Trading Markets, Legit or a Scam?
Forex.com Review: Forex Broker & Trading Markets, Legit or a Scam?
Introduction to Forex.com
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Company Background and History
Forex.com is operated by GAIN Capital, a company founded in 1999, and it has since developed into one of the largest retail forex brokers globally. GAIN Capital is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, providing transparency not always seen with other brokers. Forex.com has clients in over 180 countries, offering access to global markets and competitive trading conditions.
Forex.com Trading Platforms
MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5)
Forex.com supports MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5), two of the most widely used trading platforms in the world. Both MT4 and MT5 provide robust charting tools, automated trading systems (Expert Advisors), and the ability to customize indicators and scripts. This makes them perfect for both beginners and seasoned traders. MT4 is highly preferred by forex traders, whereas MT5 expands into CFD trading, offering more advanced features like multi-currency strategies.
Forex.com’s Proprietary WebTrader Platform
For traders who prefer a platform tailored to Forex.com, the WebTrader platform offers a customizable user interface with powerful charting tools and technical analysis. The WebTrader platform is accessible directly through any web browser, making it convenient and easy to use without the need to download any software.
Markets and Assets Available on Forex.com
Forex.com provides access to 80+ currency pairs, indices, commodities, precious metals, and cryptocurrencies. This wide range of markets ensures traders can diversify their portfolios and hedge positions across different asset classes. The platform supports leverage of up to 50:1, although it varies based on regulatory jurisdiction. While leverage can boost profits, it also comes with higher risks, making it essential for traders to manage positions cautiously.
Currency Pairs
As its name suggests, Forex.com focuses primarily on forex trading. Traders can access a wide range of major, minor, and exotic currency pairs. The major pairs such as EUR/USD, GBP/USD, and USD/JPY come with tight spreads, while the exotic pairs like USD/ZAR or EUR/TRY may have wider spreads due to their volatility and liquidity levels.
Commodities and Indices
Forex.com offers commodities like gold, silver, oil, and natural gas as well as popular indices like the S&P 500, FTSE 100, and DAX. These instruments are highly liquid and provide a good opportunity for diversification. Commodities like gold and oil, in particular, are known to react strongly to macroeconomic events, offering potential trading opportunities in volatile market conditions.
While many traditional brokers are hesitant to offer cryptocurrency trading, Forex.com includes a limited selection of major digital currencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. Though it’s not as extensive as crypto-dedicated platforms, it still offers ample opportunity for traders looking to capitalize on the growing popularity of cryptos.
Fees and Costs Associated with Forex.com
One of the key aspects that traders look at when choosing a forex broker is the fee structure. Forex.com uses spreads, commissions, and overnight financing fees to earn revenue. For most accounts, spreads are the primary cost, and Forex.com provides competitive rates compared to other brokers.
Spreads at Forex.com are highly competitive, starting from as low as 0.8 pips for major currency pairs. This is an attractive offering for traders who deal with high-frequency trading or scalping strategies. Spreads can fluctuate depending on the market conditions and liquidity.
Commissions and Account Types
Forex.com offers different account types, including Standard Accounts and Commission-Based Accounts. With the standard account, traders only pay spreads. However, for commission-based accounts, the spreads are much lower (starting at 0.2 pips) but come with a commission fee of $5 per 100k lot traded.
Overnight Financing Fees
Traders who keep positions open overnight are subject to overnight financing fees (also known as swaps). These fees vary depending on the currency pair or instrument being traded, as well as the interest rates of the currencies involved. It’s crucial for traders to be aware of these fees, especially for long-term trading strategies.
Forex.com‘s Regulation and Security
When choosing a broker, regulation and safety are vital considerations. Forex.com is regulated by top-tier authorities including:
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) in the US
Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC)
Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)
These stringent regulations ensure that Forex.com operates with high standards of financial integrity and offers a secure trading environment. Client funds are kept in segregated accounts to protect against insolvency risk, and Forex.com employs advanced encryption to safeguard personal and financial information.
Customer Support and Education
Forex.com offers 24/7 customer support via live chat, phone, and email, ensuring that traders can receive assistance at any time. Additionally, the platform provides a comprehensive education center that includes webinars, video tutorials, articles, and market analysis to help traders enhance their skills and stay informed about the latest market trends.
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maximuswolf · 1 month
AMA: Built a New Fan-to-Fan Ticket Platform
AMA: Built a New Fan-to-Fan Ticket Platform Hey everyone! Hope it’s cool to share this here (if not, I’ll take it down no problem). I’m Will, and my cofounder Michael (u/Handshake-Michael) and I have been working hard on a new ticketing platform made for real fans. We launched last month, and we’d love to hear your thoughts and answer any questions!Honestly, we were just fed up with how the current platforms cater to brokers and scalpers instead of actual fans, and we were tired of getting scammed trying buy/sell on social media, so we decided to build something better, and we’re really proud of what we’ve created!Some things we do differently:Selling:- No card collateral, instead, sellers must transfer tickets upfront.- No seller fees.- Sellers can PIN protect their listings and share them as links anywhere.- Sellers get paid out within 2 business days of saleBuying:- All tickets are verified through an algorithm and guaranteed for instant delivery.- Only a 5% secure processing fee.- Payment options include PayPal G&S, Card, or Apple Pay.Here is our site: https://ift.tt/HcBLjqT here is an intro about us: https://ift.tt/JZc80QG feel free to poke around and ask away! 🎟️ Submitted August 11, 2024 at 10:09AM by Handshake-Will https://ift.tt/ioODkVS via /r/Music
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