unfug-bilder · 8 days
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Wer Schiffmann NICHT "kennt", läßt es bitte dabei. Das lohnt nicht mehr.
Und wer Schiffmann "kennt" hat nun Gelegenheit, seinen Gefühlen freien Lauf zu lassen.
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mycstilleblog · 1 year
"Die Konsensfabrik" von Chomsky/Herman erstmalig auf Deutsch - Rezension
Da ist es nun endlich, 35 Jahre nach der Veröffentlichung in den USA – und zwar erstmalig auf Deutsch. Keine Ahnung warum es so lange dauern musste bis es in deutscher Übersetzung erschien. Der Titel: „Die Konsensfabrik“. Herausgegeben vom Westend Verlag. Michael Schiffmann hat es übersetzt. Nachdem er früher bereits Angela Davis und Noam Chomsky ins Deutsche übertragen hat. In einem dreiviertel…
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umseb · 1 year
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bmw sauber test driver sebastian vettel shows off his paddock pass, turkey - august 26, 2006 📷 günter schiffmann / picture-alliance.com
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meret118 · 2 months
Anew AI wearable is set to hit the market soon: Friend. Designed by Avi Schiffmann, a Harvard dropout, Friend is a necklace pendant that acts like its name suggests: a friend. The user simply has to touch a button, and a Friend will listen in via Bluetooth, evaluate, and then send a text to their phone. However, Friend also listens in all the time. The AI chatbot is capable of sending messages unprompted, offering encouragement or opinions based on conversations it hears.
They ran out of things online to scrape, so now they're moving to conversations.
ETA: They claim nothing it records will be retained or us d. Yeah, we've heard that before.
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aglaydis · 1 year
In order to experience the natural joy of Being—in order to be happy!—we do not have to fulfill any conditions that are contrary to our original nature of loving goodness. We especially do not have to be other than the way we are. In fact, it has been the lifelong attempt to be some way other than our natural being that has made us frustrated and unhappy. And of course! You cannot be anything other than you. Therefore, let yourself be yourself—be you!—and live your truth without inhibition. Discover the truth by letting go of old concepts. Make space for the new. Release every idea you have about who you are, and then be the you that remains. Being you is not a substitute for what you can never be. It is the gracious acceptance of what you have always wanted and have never been without. Yoga: The Spirit and Practice of Moving into Stillness by Erich Schiffmann
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classicfilmfan64 · 1 year
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Lauren Bacall, with daughter Leslie Bogart-Schiffmann, son Sam Robards, and son Stephen Bogart.
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datenarche · 1 year
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glauconaryue · 2 years
Glauconar Yue: List of works
2007    El Empalador. Novel. Bizarro, Lima.
2017    Crónicas del templo negro. Novel. Luis Arbaiza, Lima.
2020    Das Herz des Zahnradmädchens. Novel. Epubli, Berlin.
Other Literature
2003    Poems in Elisión. Año 1, Nº 1 y 2. PUCP, Lima.
2008    Poems in Fósforo. College of the Holy Cross, Worcester MA.
2008    Poems in Poetas y Narradores del 2008. 3rd place in a contest. Ricardo Calderón, Miami.
2010    "Amor Puro“, poem in Golgota. Año 10, Nr. 22. Lima.
2011    "Kürbis, Kürbis, hüpf herum!“. Hörspiel. NSW-Anime Radio, Weddendorf.
2013    Poems in Richtungsding. Ausgabe VI. Dichtungsring, Düsseldorf.
2013    "Eterno despertar", Short story in 201. Altazor, Lima.
2013    "Evocaciones Literarias", Short story in Altazor. Año 1, Nº 5. Altazor, Lima.
2013-2014    "El magnífico mago Mystére", Series in Heroclash.
2015    "The Taming of the Snake", Short story in Relatos increíbles. Año 1, N.º 3. Acuedi, Lima.
2016    "La iglesia del padre Samael", Short story in El Bosque. Año 3, Nº8. Lima.
2017    "La chica más blanca del primer ciclo". With Carlos Carrillo. Short story in Nictofilia. Año 1, N.º 2. Cthulhu, Lima.
2017    "Bichos". Short story in Tenebra. Torre de Papel, Lima.
2018    "Coloquio demonológico entre Lilith e Ishtar". Poetic dialogue in Nictofilia. Año 3, Nº 4. Cthulhu, Lima.
2019    "Midnight Radio". Short story in Richtungsding. Ausgabe XII. Dichtungsring, Düsseldorf.
2020    "Transmutación". Short story in Perro negro de la calle. Año 4, N° 40. Lagos de Moreno.
2020    "Tres sonetos en honor a Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz". Poems in Pluma Literaria. Año 1, N° 10. Buenos Aires.
2021    "Segunda caída del templo de Entheria en su quinta edad". Short story in Relatos Increíbles. Año 5, N° 20.
2021    „Das bleiche Mädchen von Übersee“. In Zusammenarbeit mit Carlos Carrillo. Kurzgeschichte im Sammelband Dämonenliebe. Twilight-line, Wasungen.
2021    "La leyenda del Llantapa". Short sotry in Titanes. Aeternum, Lima.
2021    "Rencuentro fatal". Short story in Eros en el Averno. Cthulhu, Lima.
2021    "Guerra con Chile: Campañas terrestres". Chapter in Hiztoria del Perú. Sakra, Lima. 
2022     „Der Letzte Chaufa des Grafen zu Lerchenfeld“. Kurzgeschichte in der Zeitschrift Stadtrevue. Köln. 
2022    Poems in Un hogar llamado cuerpo. Poetas trans de AbyaYala. Pez en el árbol, Oaxaca.
2023     „Der Flug der Titania“. Rollenspielabenteuer im Almanach für die Gratisrollenspieltage. Redaktion Phantastik, Essen, und Pegasus, Friedberg.
2023 Poems in Queer: Nun Reden Wir. Linn Schiffmann, Dortmund.
2013    „Die Verwandlung“. Dramatische Lesung. Regie und Performance mit Tänzerin Mihyun Ko. Treibsand, Bochum.
2013    „A day, a Session, a Performance“. Tanzstück. Performance unter Regie von Lihito Kamiya. The Roof, Duisburg.
2014    „The Grave Tragedy of the Kitty [...]“. Tanzstück. Dramaturgie und Performance mit Choreograph Yuta Hamaguchi. Kunstraum, Düsseldorf.
2015    „DanKe“. Tanzstück. Dramaturgie mit Choreograph Yuta Hamaguchi. Kunstraum, Düsseldorf.
2016    „Algodón“. Intervention und Tamzperformance. Dramaturgie mit Tänzerinnen Magda Agudelo und Kathye Molina.  Theater der Gezeiten, Bochum.
2018    "La llave del conocimiento". Obra teatral. Guión y actuación junto con Julián Brock, Omar Valencia y Emelyn Yábar.  Atelier Automatique, Bochum.
2019    "Artsy Fartsy Ficki Facki". Theaterstück. Schauspieler unter Regie von Caroline Königs. Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Zeitmaultheater Bochum und Kunstwerkstatt Dortmund.
2019    "La leyenda de la monja alférez". Obra teatral. Guión y producción. Atelier Rottstr Hof, Bochum.
2019    "Collective Clips of Body Motion". Intermediales happening. Dramaturgie mit Choreographin Mihyun Ko. K21 Ständehaus der Kunstsammlung Düsseldorf.
2019    "The Fragment Show". Soundperformance. Konzeption und Lesung mit Musiker Nicolo Sommer. Bücher Ober, Düsseldorf.
2023 "24 Hours". Tanztheater. Dramaturgie mit Choreographen Mihyun Ko und Junghwi Park. Tanzfaktur, Köln.
Film / Video
2014    „Here to There“. Dramaturgie. Kurzfilm unter Regie von Lihito Kamiya. Bochum, Duisburg, Düsseldorf.
2015    „Heidelberg Variations“. Darsteller*in. Kurzfilm unter Regie von Lihito Kamiya. Heidelberg.
2016    „Lesen aus der Trinkhalle.“ Intervention und Video am „Tag der Trinkhallen“. Organisiert von der Literaturzeitschrift Richtungsding. Bochum.
2022     „Three Broken Dolls“. Videoperformance als Teil der Installation Queering Documentation: 1. Materiality. Seoul.
2022     "Discurso de transmutación alquímica". Videolesung als Teil der Kölner Literaturclips. Literaturhaus Köln.
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korrektheiten · 10 days
Impfschäden vorbeugen und kurieren – nach Dr. Bodo Schiffmanns Formel
Ansage: »Heilnatura, der Hersteller hochwertiger Natur- und Nahrungsergänzungserzeugnisse in bester Bio-Qualität und Kooperationspartner von Ansage!, hat sein früheres Top-Produkt Dr. Schiffmann’s SpikeProtect nochmals von der Formel her verbessert. Das Resultat ist nun Dr. Schiffmann’s SPIKE–  die neueste Version von Spike, vormals SpikeProtect, mit verbesserter Bioverfügbarkeit und noch mehr gesundheitlichen Vorteilen! Die umfassenden und spürbaren Vorteile der […] The post Impfschäden vorbeugen und kurieren – nach Dr. Bodo Schiffmanns Formel first appeared on Ansage. http://dlvr.it/TDD3xT «
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unfug-bilder · 6 days
Aus der Welt der Verkehrsteilnehmer
Wenn ein "Journalist" * der Impfgegner rausfindet **, dass der Mann ungeimpft ist, stehen uns mind. 2 Wochen mit
ins Haus. Ganz abgesehen von den Spendenaufrufen! Nicht alle haben ein Haus, das man beschlagnahmen kann wie Schiffmann oder Füllmich.
(*) Betreiber eines Telegram- oder YT-Kanals. Früher: Antreiber einer Drückerkolonne. (**) Behaupten und rausfinden sind in dem Milieu Synonyme.
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Dave Antrobus Inc & Co - Balancing AI Innovation and Privacy
A staggering 63% of consumers worry about how companies use their data with AI. This highlights the challenge tech leaders face. Dave Antrobus, the Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer of Inc & Co., leads this important discussion. He advocates for a balance between AI innovation and privacy.
His efforts in the UK technology sector show how to grow technology while protecting privacy. Dave works to push AI capabilities and prioritises data protection and ethics. This shows the careful balance between technological advancement and privacy.
Introduction to Dave Antrobus and His Work
Dave Antrobus is a well-known AI thought leader with a big impact on tech innovation. He focuses on combining artificial intelligence with digital ethics. His aim is to make sure AI advances without crossing ethical lines. He turns theory into real advancements, shaping the future of technology.
From the start, Dave has focused on blending AI innovation with privacy. He takes digital ethics very seriously in all his work. Dave explores how AI and data privacy can work together. He shines a light on using AI responsibly.
Dave is more than a tech innovator; he also promotes learning about AI ethics. He shares his knowledge through talks, writing, and attending events. His goal is to spread the word on creating ethical AI technologies.
Dave’s work touches many areas, like machine learning and AI in healthcare. He works hard to create a world where AI helps society both technologically and ethically. He aims for progress that respects ethical values and helps everyone.
The Importance of AI in Modern Technology
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is swiftly becoming vital in today’s tech world. It greatly impacts sectors like healthcare and finance. These fields have seen huge improvements thanks to AI. One highlight is Reddit’s $60 million deal with Google for AI training. It shows AI’s big role in pushing tech further.
AI faces hurdles like the need for strict data privacy. Despite this, its impact is massive. Reddit’s steps against unauthorised data use underscore this. They block AI firms from freely taking data. Incidents with companies like Microsoft show the need for a balance between innovation and privacy.
The AI effect on start-ups is clear too. For example, Avi Schiffmann’s Friend, a wearable AI, got $2.5 million in funding. This not only shows financial support but also the tech improvements it brings. The device promises constant support and strong data privacy for users. This shows AI’s key role in making life easier and safer.
AI is changing our lives in many ways, from big deals to new gadgets. It’s making technology and society better all the time. As AI grows, its importance in modern tech will only increase, proving it’s fundamental to our future.
Understanding the AI and Privacy Debate
The debate on AI and privacy is drawing widespread attention. Experts and everyday people are both intrigued. With AI becoming a big part of our lives, worries about privacy are growing. Keeping data safe is at the heart of this issue. If we’re not careful, personal information collected by AI could be misused.
Big names like Taco Bell and McDonald’s show how businesses are using AI. Taco Bell has Voice AI in over 100 spots in 13 states, aiming to reach more drive-thrus soon. McDonald’s tried AI for ordering at 100 drive-thrus but stopped due to many mistakes in orders.
This shows a key point in the AI privacy debate. While firms are keen on using AI to work better, they must also protect customer data well. Companies like Yum! Brands have big plans for AI. But, they need to tackle privacy worries carefully.
The discussion on AI privacy emphasizes the importance of clear rules and moral guidelines. As AI grows, keeping personal information safe remains a key issue. This will keep sparking talks in the tech world and beyond.
Innovations Led by Dave Antrobus in the UK
Dave Antrobus is a leader in the UK’s tech scene. He’s pushing the limits of AI, focusing on innovation and privacy. Under his direction, projects aim to be cutting-edge while following strict privacy laws.
One key Dave Antrobus innovation is using AI to improve healthcare diagnostics. This approach helps patients greatly and keeps their information safe. His commitment ensures AI can be used reliably in healthcare, where privacy is crucial.
Dave Antrobus’ work has been a boon for the UK’s tech industry. He promotes ethical AI, urging for privacy to be built into AI from the start. His approach helps set a standard for tech companies in the UK to follow, blending technology’s potential with ethical practices.
Antrobus’ leadership in AI also affects policy and regulations. He stresses the need to balance tech advances with protecting user privacy. His efforts point the way for responsible and sustainable AI innovation.
In conclusion, Dave Antrobus‘s contributions are key to the UK tech industry. He champions AI projects that are safe, private, and comply with laws. This sets a high standard, ensuring innovation is ethical and responsible.
Challenges in Balancing AI Innovation with Privacy
It’s a challenge to balance AI innovation with privacy. This balance involves rules and ethics. As AI grows, it’s vital to protect privacy rights. The end of third-party cookies by 2025 shows organisations must change. They need to fit new privacy rules and keep innovating.
The adtech sector depends on AI for ads. Soon, AI ads will make up 91.5% of digital ad spending. It’s crucial to use first-party data and build direct user relationships. This helps meet changing ad practices and privacy standards.
AI’s role in making ads better is huge. It tweaks ad content and bids based on user actions and trends. This boosts ad spending efficiency. Yet, doing this within privacy rules is a must. Solutions like Privacy Sandbox help tackle privacy in creative ways.
For firms like Cobra Puma Golf, mixing AI with new manufacturing is key. Their use of the Limit3d iron is a prime example. They show pushing tech forward must keep user trust.
Finding the balance between AI innovation and privacy is tough. A strong plan is needed to match tech progress with privacy needs. With careful thought in innovation, companies can face AI challenges well. This promotes a future where tech and privacy live together well.
The Impact of UK Data Protection Regulations on AI
The start of strict UK data protection rules, including GDPR, deeply affects AI tech. Organisations in the UK must follow tight data privacy rules. This shapes how AI systems are made and used. AI applications must respect user privacy and follow data protection laws because of this.
These regulations change many things, from training AI models to how they’re used and managed. With GDPR, any data for AI must be got legally, kept safe, and handled openly. Companies must work hard to make sure their AI doesn’t break privacy rights.
Also, UK data laws affect AI research and making new AI tools. Privacy has to be thought of from the start. Methods like making data anonymous and differential privacy are used in AI to protect user information. This helps reduce risks like data leaks and illegal access.
Another important area is how open and responsible AI systems must be. Companies have to keep detailed records of how they use data and be ready to show these records if asked. This makes sure AI is clear in its actions, and any problems are fixed quickly. This keeps people’s trust in AI.
To wrap it up, UK data protection laws have made companies change how they look at AI. Following GDPR isn’t just about following the law; it encourages a more ethical, user-friendly AI world. By sticking closely to these rules, companies can lead in creating safe, private AI innovations.
The Role of Ethics in AI Development
Creating AI systems needs a strong ethical base to build trust and social acceptance. Principles like fairness, transparency, and accountability are key. They make sure AI innovations are responsible.
AI ethics is a must for today’s tech and legal changes. Starting with ethics in AI can cut down risks and make AI better. It stops misuse and lessens biases that impact decisions.
Schools and universities have a big role too. They can prepare future experts with the skills to tackle these ethical issues. Yet, we must watch out for too much dependence on AI tools. This might hurt students’ critical thinking and research skills.
Real-world practice is also crucial for understanding AI ethics. Activities like internships and legal clinics offer this experience. They also provide mentorship and foster collaboration between schools and the legal world. This helps train experts who care about ethics in their work.
Legal firms and experts offering training help a lot. These programmes teach about ethical AI. They help students and ensure the industry grows responsibly and creatively.
Future Tech: Predictions from Dave Antrobus
Dave Antrobus, a key figure in tech, makes fascinating forecasts about future tech trends. He believes AI will bring big changes in many fields. The blend of AI in daily tasks will boost efficiency and solve ethical and privacy issues.
Antrobus highlights the growth of smart nanomaterials systems as important. These innovations tackle drug delivery challenges, greatly improving treatments. pH-responsive nanocarriers in cancer treatment show how smart design changes healthcare.
He also sees AI as crucial in genome sequencing advancements. Technologies like NGS lead this shift, offering faster speeds than older methods. Despite challenges like short reads and high costs, the potential for genomic research grows.
Antrobus is optimistic about AI’s future, especially in gene delivery and nanoparticle use in medicine. These methods protect and accurately deliver drugs to specific cells. This precision in treatment is a breakthrough.
Antrobus believes it’s vital to harmonise tech progress with ethical standards. This balance will ensure technology improves lives while protecting privacy and data. His insights offer a guide for the complex future of tech.
Lessons from the NHS Data Protection Challenges
The NHS has faced big challenges in protecting data. These problems teach us how to guard sensitive healthcare info better. With AI becoming a big part of healthcare, it’s critical to have good security and design strategies that respect privacy.
Handling loads of patient info was a huge task for the NHS. This step is vital for improving AI in healthcare. They spent a lot of time cleaning data, a must for getting reliable results from it.
Data munging fixes errors in raw data. It’s crucial for the NHS. Even though it takes a lot of work, the benefits include better data quality and easier decision-making. These efforts teach us how to handle complex data protection issues.
Cyber threats, like ransomware, pose big risks to the NHS. Such dangers force the need for stronger security rules. Attacks on groups like OneBlood show how widespread these problems are. It shows how important it is to guard against cyber threats effectively.
Adding more data can also improve healthcare insights. This step, called data enrichment, adds value to the NHS’s data sets. It’s part of their journey to better manage and protect data.
The story of the NHS shows how data privacy, security, and AI in healthcare are all connected. Learning from their experiences, future AI healthcare projects must focus on strong data protection. This ensures the privacy of patient info is never at risk.
Public Perception and Trust in AI Systems
Getting the public to trust AI systems is key for their wide use. People’s view of AI depends on clear communication about its benefits and safety. As AI becomes more important in our lives, it’s crucial to make sure people react well to new AI ideas.
Surveys give us interesting facts. Over half of the UK’s 21 million adult content viewers would avoid sites if they didn’t trust the age checks. This shows how important trust in technology is for its acceptance. Keeping trust in AI is vital for keeping users confident in using it.
Building trust in tech isn’t just for one industry. IT bosses are now focusing on teamwork in security, not just doing it alone. They’re using this approach to better handle today’s tech challenges together. This shows how working together builds trust in AI and more, helping us face big problems.
How we see AI isn’t just about what it can do. It also matters how it’s put into use and how well it’s explained to people. Adding new tech to important areas like energy and transport needs clear communication and honesty.
To improve how people see AI, we have to address their worries and give clear, truthful info on how AI works, its safety, and its real-world benefits. This helps build trust in tech. Doing this ensures AI is viewed as helpful, safe, and good for society.
The balance between AI progress and privacy rights is always changing. Tech growth, shown by companies like Nvidia, Micron Technology, and Arm Holdings, keeps moving fast. Nvidia’s stocks rose by 11.4%, Micron’s by 7.7%, and Arm’s by 6.6%. These increases show how much people trust new technology in our lives.
Dave Antrobus Inc & Co emphasises the need to protect privacy as AI develops. It’s vital that tech advances do not step on our rights. The UK is working on this balance with its rules and data protection. Firms like Microsoft and AMD thrive under these conditions, merging innovation with privacy.
The tech future looks bright but demands ethical attention. AMD’s projected AI chip sales of $4.5 billion signals growth and the need for ethical vigilance. We must learn from our present to ensure a future where tech benefits everyone without harming liberty or trust. This journey highlights the need for balance in AI and privacy, aiming for a future where technology and ethics unite.
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granlibroderefes · 2 months
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hotnew-pt · 2 months
Companheiro de Friend, como 'Black Mirror', tem fundadores de startups de IA brigando #ÚltimasNotícias #tecnologia
Hot News A Friend revelou seu companheiro de IA vestível na terça-feira, nos levando cada vez mais fundo em nossa Espelho preto-distopia tecnológica de estilo. Agora, o fundador da empresa, Avi Schiffmann, e outras duas startups de IA vestível estão brigando sobre suposta cópia de marca. Assim como o Friend, a startup Based Hardware oferece um dispositivo de colar surpreendentemente similar…
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sutrala · 2 months
Tech entrepreneur Avi Schiffmann is developing a "Friend," an AI-powered pendant that promises to be the latest breakthrough in artificial companionship. The post $99 AI “Friend” Pendant Promises High-Tech Solution for Loneliness first appeared on Valuetainment.
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isfeed · 2 months
Your new AI Friend is almost ready to meet you
It’s the new-age Tamagotchi, only it talks back. | Image: Friend A few minutes before Avi Schiffmann and I get on Google Meet to talk about the new product he’s building, an AI companion called “Friend,” he sends me a screenshot of a message he just received. It’s from “Emily,” and it wishes him luck with our chat. “Good luck with the interview,” Emily writes, “I know you’ll do great. I’m here if…
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wachendlichauf · 4 months
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