#school in hgsn is kinda just where the kids talk or i think a show of normalcy. we dont see them do too many school activities
entertext · 7 months
HGSN 25-1
Chapter (Japanese)
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Rough translation by me
Folktale: The Farmer's Head
A long long time ago, there was a greedy farmer and a kind farmer who went to the mountain to forage for food.
There, the greedy farmer found a big mushroom.
"This one is all mine!" said the greedy farmer.
Trying to hide the mushroom, he poked his head into a hole on the mountain. When all of a sudden...
Pop! His head fell off and into the hole!
Afraid, the kind farmer returned to the village as fast as he could.
When he got there, he found that at some point...
His basket had been filled with a ton of rice and delicious food!
Dad: "That hole had been the mouth of the hungry mountain god."
Dad: "and in thanks for filling its stomach, the god had given the kind farmer a reward. And so the farmer lived happily ever after."
(sfx: close)
(sfx: cicadas)
Yoshiki: What kind of story is that...?
(sfx: cicadas)
Dad: Dad doesn't know either...
(sfx: RAIN)
Dad: ...
Yoshiki: ...
(sfx: RAIN)
Dad: ...How's school lately?
Yoshiki: ...It's fine. Normal.
Dad: I see.
Dad: Is there...something you're worried about or...?
Yoshiki: Actually, I want to ask about Hikaru's dad.
Dad: About what...?
Yoshiki: What did the Indou family do in the past?
Yoshiki: What's their "sin"?...
Dad: Who did you hear that from?
Yoshiki: I found out on my own...
Yoshiki: It's something I need to know right now
(sfx: RAIN)
Dad: Why?
Yoshiki: ...
Dad: ...
Dad: ...Kouhei and I, we had talked about it and agreed
Dad: that we didn't want to burden our sons with that though...
Dad: The men of the Indou family go to the mountain once every 5 years or so
Dad: To apologize...and to ask the god not to come down the mountain
(sfx: RAIN)
Yoshiki: Because the Indou family did something during the mass deaths in the past...?
Dad: ....Once, I asked Kouhei what the Indou family had done.
TV: {...after the bubble burst...clubs in Ginza...}
Kouhei: The reason the Indou family is hated is 'cause...
Kouhei: The young head of the Indou family at the time had a wife, who fell sick during an epidemic and was made into a "head"
Kouhei: So he went to the mountain and offered up her head
Dad: Uh-huh...
Kouhei: And what do you think he asked for?
Kouhei: He said, "Bring my wife back to life!"
Kouhei: "You can have whatever head you want, just not the Indou family!"
Dad: Ah...whoa...that's already kinda...
Kouhei: Haha! And then...
Kouhei: She really did come back to life!!
Dad: Huh? No way
Kouhei: And in exchange...
Kouhei: Within the day, a third of the village had died bizarre deaths
Kouhei: Deaths by hanging, cutting the throats of their family members and then themselves, having their head be trampled by horses, even cases where someone's head disappeared the moment you turned around
Dad: Wh...oa...All "heads"...
Kouhei: Right! And of course, the Indou family had zero deaths
Kouhei: The wife who had come back to life...
Kouhei: Was still a severed head
Kouhei: So she suffered and died that night
Kouhei: Then, the strange deaths stopped as well
Kouhei: Strangely, after that, the harvests got better, and the epidemics became fewer.
Kouhei: Well, I guess my ancestor was also pretty unlucky...Apparently, up until that point, no matter how many heads you offered, nothing in particular would have happened.
Dad: How much of that is true?
Kouhei: Dunno. But the head of that wife is still around.
Kouhei: So guess that's why they make the Indou family go up the mountain.
Dad: Huh!?
Kouhei: She's called "Indou Hichi"-san
Kouhei: Seems like even if you return her to the mountain, she comes back again somehow.
Dad: You're always...
Dad: Don't say stuff like that like it's nothing...You don't think anything of it?
Kouhei: No, it's not like that at all...
Kouhei: It's something I have to bear after all...
Kouhei: And it's something we have to pass down to our kids as well...
Kouhei: Oh right!! That's why I wanna get married to Yuki-nee* quick!
Dad: Yuki-chan again?
Kouhei: In the Indou family, 'cause there was an incident like that, they say "If you have someone precious to you, you'd better get married quick and bring them into the Indou family."
Kouhei: 'Cause if they're a member of the Indou family, then that angry Unuki-sama won't take them away.
Kouhei: I gotta protect Yuki-nee!
Dad: Even though she turned you down 11 times? You creep.
Kouhei: Aw, shut up! Why do you even remember that!?
* -nee - affectionate suffix for an (older) woman
Next chapter: 2024/03/12
Twitter Extra (link):
If you had to pick one, Yoshiki resembles his mother more.
Both siblings inherited the tendency for moles from their father.
Yoshiki: *sigh*
Dad: Huh!
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Dad: So it bothers you that much...?
In chapter 14, Kouhei calls Yoshiki's dad "Toshi", but I'm not sure if that's his full name or a nickname, so leaving him as "Dad" for now.
The term used for "head" (kubi) can also refer to the neck specifically, so if you're wondering why deaths by hanging and cutting the throat count as "heads" here, that's why.
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