The Problem with Religion
In my perspective religion is a problem. A major one given that we are living in modern era. In the Bronze Age when there was no law, religion did a nice job introducing the hell-heaven and karma concept which generated a fear of getting punished by God after performing unwanted activities. But now every country has Judiciary and police. The problem with religion is it’s another line that divides human race. Problem occurs when people poison their infant kid’s brain with their religion. Problem occurs when there are Hindu-Muslim riots that results death of thousands. Problem occurs when the book followed by a quarter of world’s population contains the word “jihad” which is result of many terrorist communities. In countries like India, Religion is a billion dollar industry. People don’t want to pay tax but don’t think twice before making a donation for temples. Do they really need more temples? Pouring milk on Shivling is a part of worshiping lord Shiva in Hinduism which leads to wastage of gallons of milk every day. Religious authorities develop fear in public to keep the business running. It’s a shame that a country with so much to develop is wasting a major part of its economy in building temples. Islam is 2nd largest religion in the world in terms of followers. There are only 3 Muslim noble laureates out of 625 in the field of Science. In 12th century an Islamic prophet Imam Ghazali interpreted the Quran by saying numbers is the language of the Devil. That put a cap on development of Science by Muslims. More than 25% of the world population follows Islam. Think about the inventions and discoveries Human race would have made by now if people wouldn’t have blindly followed their religion. Galileo Galilei was arrested because his discoveries contradicted Bible. Hippasus was drowned because he proved sq root of 2 is an irrational number. Even today we have terrorism as a gift from Religion. To be Honest, Religion have been and is slowing us down since the birth of mathematics. People find evolution and Big Bang hard to believe but Muhammad flew on flying horse to heaven seems believable, Hanuman being son of Air & human who once tried to eat the Sun in early age seems believable, Jesus walking on water and turning it into wine seems like the Truth. This is because people poison their kids brain with these stories and when they are grown enough, it’s hard for them to even think that whatever they follow from so many years may not be the truth. How do expect us to have flying cars and cure of cancer anytime soon with religion slowing us down.
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