#scm messages
acefaun · 1 year
I was at work today, and I work in a snowball stand, but I was thinking how sad I would be if I ever brought Dui to work.
Dui's favorite thing in the world are cherries. And I was like "Man, I wonder if Dui would like a cherry snowball?" But then the sad hit me.
Because. Dui would never get to enjoy a cherry snowball. 🥺 Honestly, a cherry snowball looks like a cup of blood. And. Shadow Dui would come out immediately upon seeing it. And Dui would never get to enjoy his cherry snowball because Shadow's there!
I would have to go "Dui, close your eyes. I'm going to feed you a cherry snowball." And that would be the only way he could enjoy one without Shadow butting in!
🥰Of course I don't mind feeding my soulmate a snowball. ✨ I'll feed him anything he wants. 💕 I'll feed him an actual jar of cherries if he asked me to. 💖 My lovely little Gemini will get anything out of me.
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elmardott · 2 years
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fateinthestars · 10 months
Karno did it!!! He won the leading men awards! Dui came fourth!
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New 3-Part Karno story incoming!
(As for the other SCM chars in the final? They finished 24th (Leon), 25th (Zyglavis), 26th (Scorpio), and 31st (Huedhaut)
Just another 420 votes would have got Hue into the top 30 as well (and at exactly 30th he would have got a mini message wallpaper. Oh well))
ETA: … Just realised something. Not only did Karno win he won by 164,239 votes!
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star-crossed-mid · 11 months
voltage is doing their best man of the year award/voting election thing and karno and zyg are in the top ten. Time to vote so it shows that there are still scm fans sobbing (karno is #3 last time i checked Zyg keeps going from #5 to #9)
also lock screen papers are on sale again like the 2022 calendar lmao i might try to buy the gods text messaging lock screens we'll see
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fang-and-feather · 2 years
Love's Blessing
Star-Crossed Myth - Zyglavis/MC
Zyglavis plans a birthday surprise for his wife but not everything go as planned and he gets a surprise instead.
Written for Year of the OTP January Prompt: “Whenever I look at you…” from @yearoftheotpevent, FluffMonthly January's Prompt: January from @flufftober (where I live it was still January when I finished this, posting is what ran late) and Voltage Content Creation Callenge Prompt: Throwing them a surprise birthday party from @voltagefandomproject that served as a little extra inspiration to make this fic what it is, but mainly written for Feather's birthday.
So, Happy Birthday, Feather! (a little later because my computer and internet wouldn't let me post it on time) Here's a little gift for you! Thank you for running this blog with me and for being my inspiration to be here!
AO3 Version / SCM Masterlist / General Masterlist
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Zyglavis had never paid any particular attention to dates before he started dating and later married a human woman. He was aware of human holidays that made the gods’ work more difficult, but it wasn’t like he kept track of them before.
With her, though, these had become important events to remember. He was usually still busy, but Zyglavis made sure he could spend at least a few hours by the side of his beloved and picked out gifts when appropriate.
Not only holidays, but other personal dates. One of them the turn of the year that she insisted they spent together, and that also signaled the beginning of her vacation.
She made a point to take her vacation at the same time every year and spend the entire January with him so they could start the year together.
And that wasn’t the only reason the month was special, but also because her birthday was at the end of it.
Gods didn’t have the habit of celebrating birthdays, or of keeping track of them, but Zyglavis knew how important it was for his human partner. So he had already made plans for their date. Plans that were ruined from the morning by a message on her phone.
“Is it work?” Zyglavis asked, seeing his wife frown at her phone’s screen, then sigh.
“Three people called in sick today and they are understaffed. I was really looking forward to today but… sorry. At least it seems I won’t be leaving too late.”
She really looked down and Zyglavis was tempted to snap his fingers and solve the situation, but he knew what she would say about that. So he only hugged her.
“Work is work. You don’t have to apologize.” She snuggled in his chest and Zyglavis combed his fingers through her hair. “It is now what we were expecting, but I’ll pick you up after work and we’ll spend the rest of the day together.”
They stayed in each other’s arms until they realized she would be late.
As he watched her hurrying to get ready, Zyglavis thought of how ironic it was. Back when they were dating, and even sometimes after, it was always him who had to change plans or put them on hold because of work. She had never complained and was always careful of not asking too much from him. She never held it against him either, even if they spent months without seeing each other.
It wasn’t the first time the situation was reversed but, usually they didn’t have big plans when it happened.
Zyglavis used his powers to take his wife to work, then tried to decide on a new plan for her birthday.
Humans usually threw parties to celebrate these dates, but he didn’t want to share the little time they had with anyone, and she was outgrowing big gatherings herself.
But what about a small, private party? He didn’t know much about cooking by hand, but enough to bake her a cake. As long as he had a recipe, Zyglavis was good at following instructions and they had done that together a few times, enough for him to learn something.
Decorations he would have to do with his powers, but that didn’t seem like a problem. And he had already gotten a gift for her. He just had to choose a nice, romantic place. They couldn’t go far the human way, but Zyglavis believed she wouldn’t mind if he transported them there, considering the time they had.
So the major work was actually baking. He choose a recipe a little fancier than the one they used to bake together - which might have been a little ambitious of him, but Zyglavis was confident in what he had learned, living with her for two years, not counting the time they spent dating - which meant he had to use his powers to get some ingredients there weren’t in the kitchen.
The hard part was using kitchen appliances like a mixer. There weren’t proper instructions on how to assemble and use it, and working together meant his attention was usually somewhere else while his wife handled the contraption.
At least, since they started living together, Zyglavis had a kitchen in his room, so no one else needed to know how the first attempt went and the mess was cleaned with a snap. And Zyglavis learned fast from his mistakes, so the cake was ready with time to spare.
Zyglavis did some research on birthday party decorations and spots he could set their little party on and ended up settling for a place in the heavens rather than on Earth.
They usually lived in the gods’ mansion on Earth most of the year because it was easier for his wife to go to and from work on her own, so it was a good idea to spend the last moments of her vacation month in the heavens too.
When it came the time to pick his wife at work, Zyglavis was waiting for her but she wasn’t coming out, until he was informed she had passed out and was taken to the hospital.
Worried, Zyglavis snapped his fingers as soon as he was out of anyone’s sight, transporting himself to the indicated hospital to find her leaving and looking perfectly fine.
“Are you hurt? Why didn’t you call to me?” He immediately went to check her for injuries, but she hugged him instead.
“I’m fine, Zyglavis. I just got careless and ended up eating too many sweets in the last few days, and my blood pressure went down.” She laughed. “I didn’t want to worry you since it wasn’t serious.”
Well, she had complained about eating too much sweets a couple of days before, but she was complaining because she wasn’t exercising as much as she used to either and was afraid of gaining weight, not because it might make her ill, although he had advised her to cut a little on them, because he knew too many sweets wasn’t good for humans.
Although he could tell she wasn’t lying, there was a discreet tension in her eyes and voice.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. You don’t have to worry. Are we going home?”
“No. Since our plans had to be changed, I have a surprise for you. If you feel fine enough for it.”
She nodded and hugged him, which he took as an opportunity to transport them to a beautiful flower field in the heavens, where he had already decorated like he’d seen humans do.
“Wow! This is so beautiful.” She hugged him tighter. “Thank you, love.”
“It is our own private party. I used my powers to decorate, but I made the cake myself.”
“Cake?” She pulled away. “What cake?”
Chuckling, Zyglavis snapped his fingers before she could turn around, transporting the cake from his room and materializing a lit candle.
He’d made a small, three tiered chocolate ganache cake, not too sweet because she had been complaining about her recent eating habits.
“I know this isn’t half of what I promised you, but…”
“This is more than enough. Since I had to work, I was thinking we would just spend time together at home, but you threw me a party in a beautiful place. And you really made this cake without your powers! What else could I want?”
“But you are not entirely happy, my goddess. What is it?”
She didn’t think he hadn’t noticed the way her body tensed and her eyes only settled on him for a short time before darting around, did she?
“I just didn’t know how to bring it up…” She turned away, then back to him, but looking down, her voice low and cautious. “It is true that I had pressure problems because of the sweets, but that’s not everything…” She ran a hand through her hair and Zyglavis pulled her into his arms.
“Take a deep breath. Whatever it is, you can tell me.”
“I lost track of time for being in the heavens for a while and… I completely forgot to take my medicine on time…” Zyglavis knew where this was going before she finished and understood her nervousness all too well, so he hugged her even tighter. “Zyglavis?” She asked, surprised and worried.
“Are you happy?” was all he could ask, good and bad situations crossing his mind.
“I should be… no. I am happy. I’m going to have a child with the man I love. Why wouldn’t I be?” She pulled back just enough to look him in the eyes, nervousness being replaced by determination and delight, that reflected exactly his last thoughts. “I know demigods are taboo in the heavens and that having this child won’t be easy, but this is the ideal life I always dreamed of but tried to ignore because I told myself we couldn’t… but we have overcome so much together already. Our love was forbidden from the start, but here we are, married and happy. And, you know, whenever I look at you, I feel like everything will be alright. It will be difficult, but our love can overcome any challenge in the end.”
Her words reflected his exact thoughts, and Zyglavis couldn’t help but kiss her.
“Yes. We’ll get through this together as a family. It won’t be easy, but I’ll do everything in my power to take care of you and this child and make you happy.”
“I know you will, and I will be the one to protect you. Like a family should.”
A family! Zyglavis had never entertained the thought, even after they got married. Every little step of their relationship had been marked by dangerous challenges, and this one might, too. But, now that it was happening, he would fight to keep that new fragment of happiness in their lives.
To think he would go so far to break so many of the heavens’ laws for the love of that woman. A human he shouldn’t have even met, but now he couldn’t live without. It was truly a miracle they had gone so far, and they would continue doing so for as long as they lived.
“Oh, the candle is melting!” She suddenly exclaimed. “Can’t have this cake going to waste when you have gone to so much trouble to make it.” She laughed and kissed him.
“And now we have one more reason to celebrate.” He interlaced his fingers with hers and the two walked to the blanket he’d set down like it was a picnic.
“Yeah. Thank you for supporting me, my love.” She turned her attention back to the cake and blew the candle. “My only wish is for our future happiness. And I can tell you that, because I know you’re the only one who can make it come true.”
Zyglavis kissed her again, each kiss deeper than the other.
“Happy birthday, my goddess.”
“Thank you for making it a happy day, because it wouldn’t be that happy without you.”
“We are the same, then.”
Because he would never be so happy if he hadn’t met her. He was a better god and a better man with her and their growing family could only make him keep growing as both, so no matter how many challenges they faced, Zyglavis knew nothing bad could come of their love.
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SCM Masterlist / General Masterlist
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mairablue · 2 years
Hi!^^ I was wondering if you could write a fic where Scorpio walks in on the MC playing the violin💙❤️ (only if you want to, of course!)
SCM - Department of Punishment
Scorpio ♏- Sounds of Passion
A/N: Thank you for requesting anon. I had a lot of fun writing this. I hope enjoy reading this.
You came back from school , completed your homework and finally had some time to relax. Or you thought you did.
There was a knock on the door, connecting your room to the mansion. That was your sign to go to the mansion.
You opened the door and saw Dui standing there, waiting for you. He accompanied you to Zyglavis 's room.
" Zyglavis can i leave before 8 pm? I have school tomorrow. " you asked. " Yes you can leave after helping Scorpio with his work." he said.
" Dui, take her to Scorpio. After he is done administering the punishments, take her back to her apartment. " Zyglavis said.
Dui accompanied you to the reflecting pool where Scorpio was waiting. Scorpio and Dui started administering the punishments. You were exhausted by the time they finished administering all the punishments.
" As quickly as possible, I must adjust to this." you thought. This was your second day working with the zodiac gods.
Dui accompanied you to the door; he smiled and said, " Thank you for your help, ( name ). You smiled back at him, and entered in your apartment.
You walked over to your study table, put your books in order for class, and put them in your bag.
The next day at school.
" These assignments are important, so be sure to complete them on time. " physics teacher said.
The bell rang and the biology teacher came in. " Students, i have noticed some of you are not paying attention in my class. If this continues, i will call your guardians." she said in a stern voice.
" Do you understand? " she asked. " Yes ma'am. " all the students in unison. By the time classes were over, you had two physics assignments, two biology assignments, three chapters of maths homework and an essay. All of these had to be completed in 4 days.
You saw birds returning to their nests as you walked back to your house. The gentle breeze was reassuring those returning home as the sun slowly set over the river. For a brief moment, it seemed as though nothing could go wrong in the world.
You followed you usual routine, cooked dinner, started writing those assignments. You decided to take a break around seven o'clock.
You started checking the messages on your phone, when you noticed the violin case kept beside the table.
Your grandmother gifted you, this violin on your 5th birthday. You went to the violin case, picked it up gently, and then you set it on the table.
You opened your manuscript notebook and started playing some notes. " I haven't, practiced in a long time." you sighed.
There was a time, when you used to stay up late at night and practice, to the point where your fingers were sore. You violin teacher was proud of you. You smiled ruefully to yourself, thinking about your childhood.
You have stopped playing the violin from the past 6 months, because your father wanted you to focus on your studies.
You still had one hour to play , so you decided to make the most of it.
Lost in your own world, you played on; a world in which you were just a young girl with your violin, no school, no job, and no worries. In your own little world, you were content.
You thought, "When was the last time I felt so content with my life?"
You closed your eyes and continued to play, until you heard a soft sound. You turned around and saw Scorpio leaning against the door frame. His eyes were closed, he had a calm expression on his face.
Your eyes met, when he opened his eyes. His eyes were filled with admiration. " It was beautiful." he said with a soft smile. " Can you play once more? "
You nodded your head and smiled. Scorpio sat on the chair next to you, while you carried on playing the violin. Little did you know that this was only the beginning of your friendship with each other.
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A/N: Thank you for reading. The ask box is always open, so feel free to drop some ideas there. Because my brain doesn't work when it comes to fic ideas (lol) . I hope you have a wonderful day or night. 🙂
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berry-hwa · 2 years
my upcoming genshin impact comparison issssss
star crossed myth MC and nahida!!!
[MAJOR spoilers here][be warned]
When I woke up, I was riding in a flower carriage. I'd just had a dream...I dreamed it was my birthday.
In the dream, the Knight of Flowers and his retainers found me, "Oh Archon, we've finally found you! The people can't wait to meet you."
In the end, I'm just the Moon. The real Sun is long gone.
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to be frank i dont remember much of mcs personality because its been so long since i played it lol so this comparison might not be very accurate but idrc because this has been my brainrot for weeks and i love these characters a lot so lets begin
theyre both incredibly compassionate, caring and wonderful in their own way — mc as the former goddess of fate and nahida (lesser lord kusanali) as the god of wisdom. funnily enough the aranara that are considered to be nahidas friends and the children of the forest can be considered as the zodiac gods bc theyre all very silly silly😍
to start with, the goddess of fate chose to sacrifice herself by offering the stars in her eyes to save the earth(even this information is a bit fuzzy im sorry💀 scm fans will know) and became a mortal in her next life. greator lord rukkhadevata chose to sacrifice her power in helping the scarlet king eradicate forbidden knowledge, causing her to exhaust her powers and her form to turn into that of a child's.
by being there for irminsul as the cataclysm happened in khaenriah, she knew irminsul was plagued by the forbidden knowledge because she too, was infected by it. being connected to irminsul meant that unless she herself was removed from it, forbidden knowledge would continuously flow into the world in forms of eleazar and the withering. so - she chose the healthiest branch on irminsul and broke it off, creating a new form of life with it — now known as nahida. the message and clue she left all the way back, amidst khaenriah's destruction, explained how she full heartedly knew that she would have to disappear from this world and from irminsul to save it.
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mc's selflessness i feel would lead her to do this exact thing before choosing to disappear, "let the world completely forget me". though she knew it would be heartbreaking for everyone who knew and loved the goddess of fate - especially for the new form of herself that she would've created, she would stay until the very last moment, comforting the new goddess and reassuring her, (rukkhadevata telling nahida that nobody can know what kind of archon she would grow up to be, telling her that she might just become even greater than she was because nahida looked up to the greater lord so much...it just screams goddess of fate for me) telling her that she's found her own answer and can lead her nation with great power and kindness ("I'm the one who posed this question, yet also the one who sought a solution...saving the world with the dreams of the people used to be my answer, and now, you've also found your own answer, and I shall return all the dreams to the people"), it's all so...mc to me. both as lesser lord kusanali and greater lord rukkhadevata.
if you read through that all THANK YOU idk what came over me this is so long 💀probably because ive been so in love with this lore dump aNd because its about one of the major characters im talking about lol
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sunmoonjune · 1 year
I found your content yesterday and i really really like it. And i realized that i haven’t update my bio in a loooong time and maybe i was blocked because of that😭😭
I'm glad you enjoyed them! I am sorry for blocking you tho :(( recently I've been blocking more ppl for not having an age indicator in their bio if they interacted with moonlit inferno or scm since they're much more mature content than anything else I have,, tho I also do block blank blogs (or just blogs that don't have any content -- like just a pfp but nothing else?? if that makes sense) I get paranoid about bots and such :((
also I can unblock you if you message me your user if you'd like :) I totally understand if you forgot to update your bio, I forgot to change mine until like six months after my birthday xD
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scribblesoul-20 · 2 months
Job title: Associate Manager-Internal Communications | Office of Strategic Communications and Marketing Company: American University of Sharjah Job description: The Associate Manager-Internal Communications is responsible for developing and disseminating newsworthy messages to internal stakeholders (staff and faculty). Working closely with SCM and HR, they will understand AUS's environment and craft messages and campaigns that build and enhance that narrative.Job Responsibilities Develop and oversee internal communications content calendar. Develop campaigns that build our narrative and engage our audience. Responsible for disseminating AUS messages internally in a creative way. Responsible to moderating internal content and messaging. Develop campaigns and initiatives that build AUS's employee engagement and reputation. Oversee content and visual development of internal newsletter. Organize internal events, town hall meetings and other internal engagements. Qualifications and Skills Required Bachelor's degree. Minimum of 10 years relevant experience with industry background. Awareness of HR policies. Computer literacy Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English (Arabic Language is preferred). Ability to work independently in a collaborative setting and under tight deadlines. Positive, outgoing, detail-oriented, and capable of managing multiple priorities and projects simultaneously and across various stakeholder groups in a dynamic academic setting. Preferred Qualifications and Skills Master's degree or higher Experience in an academic environment, especially higher education administration. How to Apply Interested applicants should fill out this . * AUS alumni are encouraged to apply. Applicants who do not meet specified requirements will not be shortlisted. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. AUS is an equal opportunity employer. We adhere to a policy of making employment decisions without regard to race, color, age, gender, religion, national origin, disability or marital status. Opportunities for employment are based solely upon one's qualifications. Expected salary: Location: United Arab Emirates Job date: Wed, 10 Jul 2024 06:15:52 GMT Apply for the job now!
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unholyverse · 4 months
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MYSPACE 1.0 THEME REFRESH (originally by conkersradfurday, refreshed by unholyverse)
live previews: 1, 2 / download (pastebin)
hi! i've been using this old theme for years now because other myspace themes don't hit the same, but i've been tweaking a lot of it for personal use. i think it's been long enough since this theme has been abandoned that i can upload something that can handle itself better on modern tumblr.
main features
asks are formatted to look like myspace comments. fun!
four custom links
myspace buttons to follow, message, or block the blog owner
a bunch of info spaces so the world can know what you're about
extra font options
functional search bar (but this is tumblr so...semi functional?)
that web 2.0 ugly goodness
other features + info below the cut
new features
friend space - ever wanna show off your friends? now you can with the friend space to show off your top 8 9 friends on your blog. don't have enough friends? no worries, you can always toggle it off
image space - wanna put a bunch of blinkies somewhere? you'll need to have a bit of html and css knowledge for it, but you can go into the code and add as many images as you'd like. just look for the section and start pasting those images. it's a little tedious but tbh that's just the authentic myspace experience isn't it? but if that's not your thing, you can also toggle it off too.
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tweaked/deleted features
had to delete the music player :( sorry but it used flash and i'm not really sure how to make a music player in javascript yet
added username input because it was annoying me that your title could be your name and it didn't make sense in most cases
deleted infinite scroll because the script was super outdated
added the ability to change the "online now!" gif. the original gif will always be in the defaults of the code.
changed the text post header font to verdana because it was impact and you could not fucking read that and it wasn't accurate to a myspace bulletin anyways
deleted the feature that force showed all the pages you made on your blog. so annoying. it will look a little weird if you have asks/submissions deactivated, but i doubt many of you using the theme will have them closed anyways
changed the dead links to redirect to the actual myspace site
extra recommended add-ons
scm music player: a customizable music player with tons of different skins and tons of songs you're able to add
unblue polls by @glenthemes: what it says basically; allows you to customize the colors of tumblr polls on your blog
cursors-4u.com: i love these dinky little cursors they're so fun. great if you really wanna lean into the 2000s aspect of the theme
cursor sparkles: what else is there to say about this they're just fun
i plan on updating the theme semi-regularly if bugs are brought up and stuff (which you can tell me through my inbox)
hopefully i can work on extra tweaks as time goes on (such as figuring out how to add a footer image to videos, toggle tags, etc)
don't repost/claim as your own because it already isn't mine in the first place
like/reblog if you use!
update log
added a tags toggle + tweaked the video post sizes
made the "is in your extended network" status customizable to add different text. feel free to tell the world how many gas station boner pills you took
added an official theme link
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techwave1 · 6 months
Revolutionizing Business Efficiency: How Enterprise Application Services are Streamlining Operations
In today's fast-paced business landscape, efficiency is the name of the game. Every business, whether big or small, strives to optimize its operations to stay competitive and meet the ever-growing demands of customers. One of the most powerful tools in achieving this goal is through the implementation of enterprise application services.
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1. Understanding Enterprise Application Services
Enterprise application services refer to the suite of software solutions designed to support complex business processes, workflows, and functions within an organization. These services encompass a wide range of applications, including Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Supply Chain Management (SCM), and more.
2. Benefits of Enterprise Application Services
Efficiency: By automating various tasks and processes, enterprise application services streamline operations, reducing manual errors and saving time.
Cost-Effectiveness: Implementing these services can lead to cost savings in the long run by optimizing resource allocation and improving productivity.
Scalability: As businesses grow, enterprise application services can scale up to accommodate increased workload and demands.
Competitive Advantage: Organizations that leverage these services gain a competitive edge by responding swiftly to market changes and customer needs.
3. Streamlining Communication and Collaboration
Enterprise application services facilitate seamless communication and collaboration among employees, regardless of their geographical locations. With features such as instant messaging, video conferencing, and document sharing, teams can work together efficiently, leading to faster decision-making and project completion.
4. Enhancing Data Management and Analysis
In today's data-driven world, managing and analyzing vast amounts of data is crucial for making informed business decisions. Enterprise application services offer robust tools for data storage, retrieval, and analysis, enabling organizations to gain valuable insights into their operations, customers, and market trends.
5. Improving Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
A satisfied customer is the cornerstone of any successful business. Enterprise application services include CRM software that helps businesses manage interactions with existing and potential customers, track sales leads, and provide personalized services. By understanding customer needs and preferences, organizations can build lasting relationships and foster loyalty.
6. Automating Repetitive Tasks
Many routine tasks within an organization can be automated using enterprise application services. From invoice processing to inventory management, automation reduces manual effort, minimizes errors, and frees up employees to focus on more strategic initiatives.
7. Increasing Scalability and Flexibility
As businesses evolve, they need software solutions that can adapt to changing requirements and scale seamlessly. Enterprise application services offer flexible deployment options, including cloud-based solutions, that can grow with the organization and accommodate fluctuations in demand.
8. Ensuring Security and Compliance
Data security and compliance with regulatory requirements are paramount concerns for businesses, especially in industries such as finance and healthcare. Enterprise application services incorporate robust security measures and compliance features to safeguard sensitive information and mitigate risks.
9. Integration with Emerging Technologies
To stay ahead of the curve, businesses need to embrace emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and Internet of Things (IoT). Enterprise application services often integrate these technologies, enabling organizations to leverage automation, predictive analytics, and smart devices to enhance efficiency and innovation.
10. Case Studies: Real-World Examples
Illustrating the impact of enterprise application services through real-world case studies can provide valuable insights for businesses considering adoption. These case studies highlight success stories, challenges overcome, and tangible benefits achieved, offering inspiration and guidance for organizations embarking on their efficiency journey.
11. Challenges and Considerations
While enterprise application services offer numerous benefits, they also present challenges and considerations for organizations. Factors such as implementation costs, user adoption, data migration, and system integration require careful planning and execution to ensure a successful deployment.
12. Future Trends in Enterprise Application Services
The landscape of enterprise application services continues to evolve, driven by advancements in technology and shifting market dynamics. Future trends may include greater emphasis on AI-driven automation, enhanced interoperability between different systems, and a focus on user experience and mobility.
13. Conclusion
In conclusion, enterprise application services play a pivotal role in revolutionizing business efficiency by streamlining operations, enhancing communication and collaboration, and empowering organizations to make data-driven decisions. By embracing these services, businesses can gain a competitive edge, drive innovation, and thrive in today's digital era.
1. What are enterprise application services? Enterprise application services encompass a suite of software solutions designed to support complex business processes and functions within an organization, including ERP, CRM, and SCM.
2. How do enterprise application services benefit businesses? Enterprise application services offer benefits such as improved efficiency, cost-effectiveness, scalability, and competitive advantage.
3. What challenges do organizations face when implementing enterprise application services? Organizations may encounter challenges such as implementation costs, user adoption, data migration, and system integration during the deployment of enterprise application services.
4. What emerging technologies are integrated into enterprise application services? Enterprise application services often integrate emerging technologies such as AI, ML, and IoT to enhance automation, analytics, and innovation.
5. What are some future trends in enterprise application services? Future trends in enterprise application services may include AI-driven automation, enhanced interoperability, and a focus on user experience and mobility.
By addressing these FAQs, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of enterprise application services and their potential impact on organizational efficiency and success.
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acefaun · 1 year
Hi faun! I'm the anon who sent ask to imhereforscm and reading your reply warmed my heart ❤️, so thank you! I know the leon hate has been going on since the early days, and after seeing fanwars and discourse, I thought that it's better for me to leave.
So really, I thank you and imhereforscm for being a welcoming and positive blog ❤️. Also, I absolutely adore your works!! You have such a cute artstyle and you write lovely fics! I'm amazed at the amount of energy you have; it's always inspiring when you people being passionate about things XD
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I like all of the SCM characters, even the side characters! And I am in a big poly relationship with our pantheon of 12, so your boyfriends are safe in my hands. 💕
I just hate when people feel like they can't be apart of a fandom just because of a character they like. But I also feel like a lot of people get peer pressured into liking and disliking certain characters. We might harass some gods for fun, but there's no peer pressure or bullying around here.
And I think the dark gods and dark king are off their rockers... But I don't hate them. 😚
Honestly, if anyone came up to me with a request for one of the side characters, I'd be willing to write about them too! You can't really force anyone to like or not like a character and I don't think fandoms are fair when it comes to things like that.
I actually abandoned a fandom once because of a horrible experience I had with another creator. I'd asked an innocent question about this person's OC and their relationship with another canon character and it didn't go very well... My sensitive heart couldn't handle a brutal rejection, so I dropped out of there. Lucky I did, I ran into this fandom! 😌
And ever since I found the sweet and small SCM fandom, I personally try to make it as welcoming as possible so no one has to go through fandom heart break(unless I'm writing angst... Then my goal is to shed tears and hit people in the feels.😙) So anyone and everyone are welcome with their different likes and dislikes and preferences!
The only energy I'm capable of having is fandom energy! And I have too much of it! That's why I get my creative ADHD. I have so many ideas and not enough time, even though I find myself writing almost 24/7! I'll be writing fics on my phone everywhere I go and people are giving me these looks like "oh shit, who's she sending a long ass message to?!"
Writing and drawing are seriously my reasons to live and breathe. So I come to Tumblr every so often with an explosion of ideas that sometimes get completed quickly and sometimes really really slowly. It all depends on my inspiration at the time.
BUT THANK YOU! 💖💖 I love when my favorite things make other people happy too! I get all warm and fuzzy inside. So I got my husband pantheon and my fandom wives. 🥰 I've never been happier in any other fandom and I hope more people can enjoy it!
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writeyoururlher · 6 months
Leveraging Technology: Tools for Efficient China Sourcing Operations
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In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, technology plays a pivotal role in driving efficiency, innovation, and competitiveness across industries. For businesses engaged in sourcing from China, leveraging advanced technology tools and solutions can significantly enhance sourcing operations, streamline processes, and maximize productivity. In this guide, we explore the latest technology tools and platforms that importers can leverage to optimize their China sourcing operations effectively.
Supply Chain Management Software: Supply chain management (SCM) software provides importers with comprehensive tools to manage and optimize their sourcing operations from end to end. These platforms offer functionalities such as order management, supplier management, inventory tracking, demand forecasting, and logistics coordination. By centralizing sourcing activities and data on a single platform, SCM software enables importers to improve visibility, traceability, and collaboration across the supply chain, leading to greater efficiency and agility in sourcing operations.
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Systems: Product lifecycle management (PLM) systems are powerful tools for managing the entire lifecycle of products, from concept and design to manufacturing and distribution. PLM software facilitates collaboration between stakeholders, streamlines product development processes, and ensures consistency and compliance with quality standards and specifications. Importers can use PLM systems to track product iterations, manage revisions, and communicate design changes effectively with suppliers, resulting in faster time to market and improved product quality.
Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) Platforms: Supplier relationship management (SRM) platforms enable importers to effectively manage and collaborate with their suppliers throughout the sourcing process. These platforms provide features such as supplier performance tracking, contract management, communication tools, and risk assessment capabilities. By centralizing supplier data and interactions, SRM platforms help importers build stronger relationships, monitor supplier performance, and mitigate risks effectively, leading to improved sourcing outcomes and supplier partnerships.
Data Analytics and Business Intelligence Tools: Data analytics and business intelligence (BI) tools empower importers to gain actionable insights from their sourcing data, enabling informed decision-making and strategic planning. These tools enable importers to analyze sourcing trends, identify cost-saving opportunities, forecast demand, and track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as supplier performance, lead times, and inventory levels. By harnessing the power of data analytics, importers can optimize their sourcing strategies, mitigate risks, and drive continuous improvement in sourcing operations.
E-Commerce Platforms and Online Marketplaces: E-commerce platforms and online marketplaces provide importers with access to a vast network of suppliers, products, and services, facilitating product discovery, procurement, and transaction processing. Platforms such as Alibaba, Global Sources, and Made-in-China.com offer tools and features for sourcing products, comparing prices, negotiating with suppliers, and managing orders. By leveraging e-commerce platforms, importers can streamline sourcing processes, expand supplier networks, and access a wider range of products and suppliers. Source sourcing GPT
Collaboration and Communication Tools: Effective communication and collaboration are essential for successful sourcing operations from China. Collaboration and communication tools such as project management software, video conferencing platforms, and messaging apps enable importers to communicate seamlessly with suppliers, share documents, track progress, and coordinate activities in real-time. These tools facilitate efficient communication and collaboration across geographical boundaries, time zones, and organizational silos, fostering stronger relationships and improving sourcing outcomes.
Quality Control and Inspection Apps: Quality control and inspection apps provide importers with tools to conduct inspections, monitor product quality, and ensure compliance with specifications and standards. These apps enable importers to create custom inspection checklists, capture photos and videos, record measurements, and generate inspection reports on-site. By digitizing the inspection process, importers can streamline quality control processes, improve accuracy, and reduce manual errors, leading to higher product quality and customer satisfaction.
In conclusion, leveraging advanced technology tools and solutions is essential for importers to optimize their China sourcing operations effectively. By harnessing the power of supply chain management software, product lifecycle management systems, supplier relationship management platforms, data analytics tools, e-commerce platforms, collaboration and communication tools, and quality control and inspection apps, importers can streamline processes, enhance visibility, and drive efficiency in their sourcing operations. Embracing technology enables importers to stay ahead of the curve, adapt to market changes, and achieve sustainable success in the dynamic and competitive landscape of global sourcing.
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fateinthestars · 5 months
Star-Crossed Myth Fluffbruary Fanfic April Catch-up (14th Feb Prompt): Bubbles (Huedhaut/MC)
Title: Bubbles
Fandom: Star-Crossed Myth
Genre: Fluff
Rating: M (For implied sexual talk and taking a bath together)
Pairing: Huedhaut/MC (MC’s name left blank so you can fill it in with whatever you wish in your head)
Word Count: 1362
Written for Prompt:  phone | bubble bath | doll for @fluffbruary
A/N: I guess a bath scene in an SCM Fanfic was gonna be inevitable eventually!
Bubbles (Huedhaut/MC)
Yawning a little, ___ tried to concentrate on throwing together a quick evening meal. The latest event at work might have gone even better than she had hoped but they had been really busy the past week. Perhaps she would just eat this and then get an early night.
It was at that point her phone beeped. Pausing to pick it up, her eyes widened a little as she noticed it had no number attached. She had been expecting it to be Hiyori but when she saw what it actually was she wasn’t sure whether she should be excited or worried. The message read:
‘Could you come over to the mansion tonight? I have connected the door already. Oh, but please have your dinner first, I know what you are like if you have not eaten. ~ Hue.’
___ rolled her eyes a little at the end of the message. She could almost feel Huedhaut smirking through the text. However it was also making her smile. Perhaps the last bit of the message was reassurance that there wasn’t anything wrong and she did really want to see the other.
The idea of an early night now mostly forgotten, she quickly finished the cooking and sat down to eat.
A little while later, ___ headed to the mansion as Huedhaut had requested. 
“Evening, ___,” Teorus greeted her brightly. 
“Evening,” ___ muttered back. “Um… where’s Hue?”
Teorus sighed. “Can’t you spend some time with the rest of us first?”
“He’s in his room,” Teorus relented. He then smirked teasingly at her. “Actually I would get going. I wouldn’t want to keep you from him any longer.”
___ blinked, a little puzzled, but didn’t question Teorus’ further. Instead she mumbled a thank you to him, before heading to her boyfriend’s room.
Knocking on the door, ___ hesitantly opened it as there was no reply. “Hue?” She called out, stepping into the room. It was then that she realised the lighting in the room was slightly dimmer than usual, but the pool in the middle of Huedhaut’s room was shimmering and filled with bubbles. Moving over to it, she crouched down and ran a hand through the water, the bubble bath mixture feeling nice against her hand.
“Usually people get into baths to enjoy them…” 
___ turned sharply as Huedhaut let out a chuckle after that comment. “... Was this what you called me here for?”
“No, I thought I would see how long bubbles would float for before disappearing.”
“Hue,” ___ snapped, but then reddened slightly as she looked back at the pool.
Huedhaut wrapped an arm around her from behind, his hair tickling her cheek as he leant over her shoulder. “Are you not going to get in? I thought you could do with a relaxing evening.”
“How ever did you…” ___ trailed off, recalling the odd way Teorus had been acting when she spoke to him. “You were keeping an eye on me in the reflecting pool weren’t you?”
“That is your own fault,” Huedhaut retorted, holding her close. “After all you spent all of today wishing you could go to bed.”
___ tilted her head upwards to look at him, smirking a little. “You’re supposed to be a Wishes God. You do realise by calling me here, you’ve stopped that from being fulfilled as I was going to go to bed once I’d eaten?”
“I’ve merely delayed it,” Huedhaut responded with a glint in his eyes. “We will get to bed eventually.”
“Hue!” ___ blushed profusely, knowing what he meant by that.
“Oh? Would you rather go back to your smaller bed? I thought you wanted to recharge after your long work week.”
“... I can never win with you,” ___ mumbled. Truth was she was really touched by all the effort the other had gone to, although now she was looking warily at the water once more. “If I’m going to get in, are you going to turn away?”
Huedhaut let go of her and took a step back, but did no more than that. He smirked at her as she turned around. “It is not as though any of you is unfamiliar to me at this point.”
“But, I…” ___ trailed off as she saw Huedhaut raise his hand. “Don’t you dare snap your fingers!”
“... Pfft.” Huedhaut beamed with amusement. His eyes glinted mischievously. “What’s it to be then? Are you going to get undressed yourself or shall I do it for you?”
“If those are the only options, maybe I’ll just go home,” ___ grumbled, heading towards the door.
Huedhaut sighed, looking down at the floor. “We have not seen each other for over a week and you are leaving already?”
___ paused and reached out to him. “Hue, I’m sorry, I…” she trailed off as he looked back up at her, a familiar smirk back on his face. “You’re being really mean tonight!”
“... Forgive me. I missed you.”
Hearing that frank admission, combined with the intense loving gaze the other was now giving her, ___ relaxed into a soft smile of her own. Hugging him tightly now, she stood on tiptoe to kiss the other.
Huedhaut bent down and met her halfway, sharing a kiss so intense anyone else would think they had not seen each other for months, not less than two weeks.
“I missed you too,” ___ admitted quietly as she pulled away from the other. “I would not really have left yet, it’s just…”
“You’re tired,” Huedhaut murmured in understanding. “If I got carried away I apologise.”
“Not at all,” ___ reassured. “But if you want to make it  up to me, you can turn round whilst I get into the pool.”
Huedhaut sighed but smiled wryly at her. “Fine, but you better make it up to me later.”
Once he had turned away as promised, ___ got out of her clothes and quickly into the pool, sinking down into the bubbles so that she was completely covered apart from her face. 
A few minutes later there was the sound of footsteps approaching her, and Huedhaut held out a cocktail drink for her.
Taking it from him, ___ took a sip of it, her eyes closing a little as she enjoyed the sweet taste of the alcohol it contained. “Mmm, this is an oddly relaxing drink…”
“Good, it is supposed to be,” Huedhaut murmured softly. 
“... You not getting in?” ___ asked hesitantly as she looked up at him, her face reddening a little at the suggestion.
Huedhaut smirked at her. “You insist I turn around for you to get in and now you are inviting me in anyway.”
“Well… the bubbles do make this less…”
The other chuckled lightly. “Maybe I should fill this with bubbles more often then,” he teased. He snapped his fingers to get rid of his uniform, before quickly slipping into the water beside her.
Trying to stay relaxed, ___ took another sip of her drink, watching her boyfriend as he summoned a drink for himself. Looking around the room now, she murmured, “You know in such a lavish pool with all these bubbles and a custom cocktail in my hand, I feel like I’m in some kind of Hollywood romance movie.”
“If you want me to start calling you ‘Doll’ I’m sure I could oblige,” Huedhaut responded, his expression unreadable.
“... What makes you think I would like something like that?!” ___ responded, feeling a little flustered at even the suggestion of pet names. However she then splashed some of the water in Huedhaut’s direction as the other closed his eyes and beamed at her. “Hue! I thought you were going to lay off the sarcasm!”
“... I’m sorry but your expressions are just too amusing.”
___ sighed softly, unable to stop smiling despite her slight frustration at his teasing. However, they both knew that neither of them would have it any other way. Hesitantly she moved nearer to him in the water.
Huedhaut hesitantly wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “___ ?”
“Thank you for tonight, this is much nicer than just going straight to bed would have been.”
Huedhaut turned and kissed her briefly, before leaning his forehead against her own. “Anytime.”
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star-crossed-mid · 1 year
A little ramble
Jokes aside from the bad writing and artwork from scm, I really enjoy just the concept of being. It's such a cozy game and its relaxing to play idc if its a powerpoint. The story is entertaining enough to keep the reader captivated most of the time.
I think why i resonate so much with it is despite me liking a lot of edgier and more mature media, scm is simple. It keeps the hint of eldritch gods and antiquity of mythology/studying the humanities and keeping it fun with the anime otome approach. Like I love scm because of the personalities of the gods interacting. The implication of growth, healing, and learning (which is funny bcuz a lot of the chars don't show growth but its hinted as they did)
Sure the s1 and s2 gods are assholes at the beginning but regardless of the route it's a journey of healing. I played scm when i was just a kid (and forgot about it but as all kids do they hurt) and now as an adult i can play it again and see characters also struggle and suceed with the concept of doing self inventory.
Characters who want to better themselves and be humbled of the reality of it. Healing is not a linear process, its super up and down. It's refreshing to see in some routes (not teo, teo is the exact opposite of this entire post) healthily heal like: Leon learning to control his power and learning to loving the little things just because. Huedhaut realizing that spending the rest of eternity in grief is not ideal, and that he has to learn to move on, Scorpio learning to be nicer? to people and importantly himself, Ichthys's approach of getting rises out of people because he knows he'll be gone and realizing that he went too far, Zyglavis forgiving himself and learning a healthy way of conducting punishments, Tauxolouve learning to enjoy his life despite being a demigod, MC learning to be kind but take no shit. Aigo realizing he can't just ignore his problems and grief. Teo just needs to be entirely rewritten can't defend him here. Karno. Krioff also accepting his powers and grief. Partheno realizing that he can trust people and not to be ashamed of himself for being a demon, Dui learning to communicate as a system with the alters in his body and going forward. Like I would pay for a story of Dui having 1 good day bro. Let him go to a cafe in the morning and just enjoy a piece of cherry pie PLEASE
don't get me wrong the game communicates the story and message poorly but i'd like to think it's still there for people to enjoy the smaller and subtle things of 'things are bad but they get better' with the mass of different characters
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evoldir · 9 months
Fwd: Postdoc: ArizonaStateU.MicrobiomeArizonaSkyIslands
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Postdoc: ArizonaStateU.MicrobiomeArizonaSkyIslands > Date: 13 December 2023 at 06:49:53 GMT > To: [email protected] > > > *Research topic: > > Coevolution, Microbiome, Wild rodents, and Bioinformatics > > *Location: > > Suzuki lab > Biodesign Center for Health Through Microbiomes > Arizona State University > > *Description: > The Suzuki lab is currently looking for a postdoctoral researcher > interested in the ecology and evolution of host-microbial interactions > with expertise in metagenomics, phylogenetics, and/or microbial > ecology. > > Understanding the origins and transmission patterns of complex > mammalian microbiomes is a fundamental question in microbial ecology > and evolution. It has been reported that some gut microbial species > are passed from parents to offspring across multiple generations, > a phenomenon known as host-microbial codiversification, in primates, > including humans (https://ift.tt/Ymo9PFf). > However, outside of primates, mammal-microbial codiversification > has not been explored, and the mechanisms that maintain such > evolutionary stable associations remain unknown. The goal of this > project is to test host-microbial codiversification in five species > of deer mice (genus Peromyscus) in the Santa Catalina Mountains > (SCM) east of Tucson, Arizona. While different species of Peromyscus > have been found to harbor species-specific microbial communities, > it is unclear whether these animals exhibit codiversification. > Additionally, SCM offers a unique opportunity to investigate natural > variations in the microbiome across an elevational gradient, > encompassing desert to forest environments. These diverse habitats > are inhabited by various rodent species that co-occur with Peromyscus. > By collecting feces from other rodent species that share these > habitats with Peromyscus, we can characterize transmission patterns > within and between rodent species. SCM serves as a natural experiment > that allows us to disentangle the effects of host genetics from > shared environments on codiversification. > > The postdoc is expected to directly engage in projects within the > scope of my research program or use the system and samples to ask > independent questions on the ecology and evolution of animal hosts, > microbes, or their interactions. > > *Qualifications: > > -       A Ph.D. with a background in Computational Biology, >        Bioinformatics, Phylogenetics, Metagenomics, Microbial Ecology, >        Population Genetics, Evolutionary Biology, or a related field. > > -       Research experience with metagenomics, microbial genomics, and >        host-microbe interactions. > > -       Strong publication record and excellent communication skills > > -       Independence, creativity, and passion. > > *How to apply: > > Please send your CV and a brief description of your research interests > in English or Japanese to Taichi Suzuki ([email protected]) > > *Deadline: > > Applications will be reviewed until the position is filled. > > *Contact: > > Taichi Suzuki, PhD > College of Health Solutions and Biodesign Center for Health Through > Microbiomes Arizona State University Tempe, AZ, USA > > Email: [email protected] > > Website: https://ift.tt/Mw5BYXg > > > > Taichi Suzuki
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