#scmare ttieer
j-t-k-moved · 7 years
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I decided to redo my Trollsona cause there's stuff I wanted to add and fix. I also added more detail (as best as I could) and more stuff to describe my personality better.
Warning: Long ass post ahead.
  Name: Scmare Ttieer  [Seh-mare Tear] (Origin of name is unknown)
Age: 7.85 Alternian Sweeps [17 Human Earth Years]
Gender: Bigender [She/Her/He/Him]
Status: Alive
Blood Colour: Sapphire (Blue Blood, Landdweller)
Lusus: I don't fully know what it is. It's a strange creature that doesn't resemble any Alternian creatures. [See Picture: 7]
Theme: Space
Symbol: [See picture: 9]
Weapon: Double Ended Scythe [See picture: 8]  (Weapon is around 4 feet long, rarely ever used)
Power: Aura reading, The ability to perceive energy fields surrounding people, places and things. If I focus hard enough on person/object I can see colours surrounding their body. These colours can mean multiple things, from how they’re feeling to if that person is inherently evil or good.
Typing Quirk: Capitalizes letters that are in my first name (Except when actually typing my name). When useing the word 'neutral' I cap the whole thing. Uses & in place of the word 'and'
Speaking Quirk: Very quiet around people I don't know or when I'm feeling negative emotions. Very loud when around people I'm comfortable with or when feeling positive emotions.
Troll Tag: dysfunctionalCosmos
Quote: "id rather StAy NEUTRAL on thE SituAtion. lEss ChAnCE of a ConfRontAtion."
Hive: A very simple Hive, even if a bit futuristic looking. Made of a white metal, the whole hive in a circular shape. An observatory located right in the middle of the building on the roof. Used for my interest in studying space. Doors open by touching a surface near them (like touch screen)
Respiteblock: Messy room with clothes and tools on the floor. Posters of movies and videogames on the walls, along with some of my shitty drawings. Husktop located on a desk in the back of the room. Recuperacoon is located in a far right corner by a window.
Interests: Fiduspawn, Singing, Reading, Drawing, Crafting, Astronomy, Video Games, Cooking and Dancing  
Dislikes: Confrontation, Needles, Large groups of people, Loud noises, Heights, Myself
Bad Habits: Biting my lip until it bleeds, Chewing on matches, Biting my nails,
Hemoloyalty: I do not treat trolls of lower blood caste any different than I would treat a troll of a high blood caste. Though, I do understand my place on the hemospectrum and that unless I want to get culled I need to show some amount of respect to highbloods. Describes it as being neutral, even though I don't approve of the way low bloods are viewed.  
Clothing: Black tank top coated in small white specs representing stars, my symbol located on the front of my shirt. Sapphire blue button up short sleeve shirt (usually unbuttoned). Black mid-thigh shorts with ankle high black boots.
Hair: Short thick black hair [See Picture: 6]
Horns: (Horns are 1 foot long) [See Picture: 2]
Teeth/Mouth: [See Picture: 3] Bottom fangs are long and poke out a bit
Eyes: Not fully my blood colour yet [See Picture: 5] 
Ears: [See Picture: 4]
Skin: Pale grey [See Picture: 4]
Face: Round in shape. Scar across the bridge of my nose. Square thick glasses covering my eyes. Only make up being some black eye liner. [See Picture: 5]
Body: Chubby, thicker for my height. Around 198 pounds. No tattoos or other body modifications.
Mutations: None 
Height: 5'6 [Not including horns]
Ancestor: Anwara Tteeir
Dancestor: Urania Ttieer
Quadrants: [Self insert shipping list for me]
God Tier: Rogue Of Life
Knowledge: 7/10 Conceptualization Power: 6/10 Motivation: 4/10 Will to Act: 4/10 Agility: 2/10 Power Control: 10/10 Swordsmanship: 7/10 Hand-to-Hand Combat: 5/10 Long Range Accuracy: 0/10 Offense: 5/10 Defense: 5/10 Social Skills: 3/10
=============================================================Basic Personality Questions: Link To The Questions
1. Are you a leader or a follower?
i'M MoRE of A followER. i don't SEE MySElf AS A good lEAdER.
 2.  What's your faveourite colour?
dARk bluE & REd
 3. Are you more intoverted or extroverted?
ExtRovERtEd. vERy ExtRovERtEd.
 4. Do you tend to argue or avoid conflict?
i Avoid ConfliCt MoRE oftEn thAn not, but At tiMES i gEt into SMAll ARguMEntS.
 5. Are you a listener or a talker?
liStEnER. i ENjoy liStEnEing to pEoplE tAlk moRE thAn ACtuAlly tAlking MySElf.
 6. How long is you attention span
it dEpEndS on whAt i'M doing. if itS SomEthing i likE i'll foCuS on it moRE but if i dont likE it i tEnd to loSE intERESt vERy EASy.
  7. Do you laugh a lot? What's funny to you?
itS vERy EASy to MAkE ME lAugh so yEs & A lot of thingS ARE funny to ME. My SEnSE of humoR iS wERid...
  8. Are you more Athletic, Artistic, or Intellectual?
i would hAvE to SAy ArtiStiC.
 9. What would you do if someone attacked you for no reason?
wEll i would bE foRCEd to dEfEnd MySElf thEn. i would MAkE A AttEMpt to rEAson with thEM but thAt doESn't AlwAyS woRk.
 10 . Any fears?
A fEw likE, nEEdlES and A SmAll fEAR of thE dARk.
 11. What would happen if your greatest fear manifested itself?
i....honEStly wouldn't know how to dEAl with it.
  12. Do you make desicions based on emotions or logic?
i hAtE to AdMit it but EmotionS SEEM to ContRol A lot of whAt i do.
Backstory Questions:
1. What is your earliest memory?
My EARliESt MEMoRy wAS whEn i wAS ChoSEn by My luSuS AS A gRub.
 2. Embarrasing Story - Go!
i oNCE tRiEd to intRoduCE MySElf to AnothER tRoll whEn i wAS youngER but i tRippEd ovER My own fEEt & lAndEd fACE fiRSt in fRont of thEm...
3. Tell the story of a scar you have
thE SCAR on My noSE cAME fRoM thE fiRSt Robot i EvER built. it wAS vERy AgRESSivE & punChEd ME So hARd in thE noSE thAt it MAdE A lARgE gASh. i wAS Still pRoud of My CREAtion though.
4. Has someone close to you died?
no onE CloSE to ME hAS diEd yEt, thAnkfully
   5. What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?  
i CAn't think of Anything vERy iMpoRtAnt thAt hAS hAppEnEd to ME yEt. i dont think i'vE livEd long Enough. ==============================================
 Opinion and Interest Questions:
1. How do you feel about where you stand on the Hemospectrum?
honEStly i wiSh i Could foRm A bEttER opinion on it & ChooSE A SidE.
2. When you look at somone, how much does their blood colour have to do with your opionion of them?
it hAS no AffECt on whAt i think of thE pERSon. i judgE by ACtionS.
3. Do you like to read? If so, what genre?
i likE to REAd SomEtiMES. fAntASy iS MAinly whAt i go foR but MyStERy iS prEtty good too.
4. What about TV/Moives. What genre do you like?
i dont whAtCh MoivES or tv ShowS offtEn but whEn i do i go foR hoRRoR & RomAnCES
5. Do you believe in magic?
yES i do! i'vE SEEn MAgiC bEFoRE
 6. What is your greatest fear?
thAt EvERyonE i CARE About will lEAvE ME...
 7. How religious are you?
not vERy, i CAn't pRovE or diSpRovE Any REligionS so i pREfER to StAy NEUTRAL About it.
 8. Do you believe in soulmates/true love?
yES i bEliEvE EvERyonE hAS A SoulMAtE, EvEn thE woRST of pEoplE.
 9. What would you die (or otherwise go to extremes) for?
pEoplE i CARE About.
10. What do you believe makes a successful life?
wEll....living it thE wAy you wAnt to i SuppoSE.
11. Would you rather talk to someone over Trollian or face to face?
tRolliAN, it'S MuCh EASiER bECAuSE you hAvE MoRE timE to think About whAt you ARE sAying & thERES lESS StRESS.
 12. Do you know how to dance?
i likE to dAnCE but i wouldn't SAy i know how to SinCE i'M not good At it.
 13. What type of music do you like?
i don't hAvE A fAvouRitE typE, i likE All kindS of MuSiC.
 14. Hobbies?
wRiting, dAnCing, CRAFting...And SoMEtiMES i Sing.
  15. What's your most treasured possession? Why?  
i hAvE thESE bluE & SilvER MEtAL bRAClEtS i wEAR, i liKE the jingling Sound thEy MAkE.
A day in the life of Scmare Ttieer
1. You've got nothing to do. Who do you talk to?
pRobAbly My MoiRAil, oR SoMEonE ElSE CloSE to ME.
2. The sun is already high in the sky and you're still awake. What do you do to entertain yourself?
thiS hAppEnS A lot ACtuAlly, i uSuAlly plAy A vidEo gAME to pASS tiME.
3. Describe the routine of a normal day for you. How do you feel when this routine is disrupted?
i wAkE up, wASh off, tRAin A bit thEn juSt pASS tiME by doing ACtiviES i likE. & it dEpEndS on whAt thE diSRuption iS.
 4. Would you leap at the call to adventure, or would you have to be dragged along?
dRAggEd. advEntuRE iSn't My thing.
5. It's raining and the power is out, how do you spend the day?
i would REAd oR woRk on SoME CRAfting pRojECtS. MAybE pRACtiCE dRAwing.
  6.  Favourite food?  
i'M vERy fond of thE huMAn food, MAShEd potAtoES
Self Image Questions:  
1. What is your greatest strength?
My ACtuAl StREngth. oR MAybE how i CAn SEE thE bRight SidE of thingS.
 2. Greatest Weakness
how Shy i CAn bE.
3. What three words would you use to best describe your personality?
Shy, NEUTRAL, kind?
4. Do you think you're attractive?
not REAlly no
 5. Name two things you like about yourself. Two things you don't?
i likE My EyES & My hAiR, but i diSlikE My body & how Shy i CAn bE.
Backstory: Link to backstory cause this post doesn't need to be longer
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gayboyselfinserts · 7 years
Question: Does your trollsona have bangs? And it the hair straight or kinda curly?
No she doesn’t have bangs and her hair is a little wavy but not too much.
Her hair is mainly kept in a high pony tail with all the hair pulled back out of her face.
But when its down it goes just a little past her shoulders and is flipped to the side.
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These two random ass model pics i found on google are as close as i could find to her main hair styles.
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j-t-k-moved · 7 years
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I've finally done it. I've finished my Trollsona. Me as a Troll. This took much more effort than I thought it would be tbh. Anyway this is gonna be a long post tbh. Also if you wanna like draw my trollsona pls do
Name: Scmare Ttieer [Seh-mar Tear] Origin of her name is unknown.
Age: 7.85 Alternian Sweeps [17 Human Earth Years]
Height: 5'6 feet tall. [Not including horns which are around a foot long]
Eyes: |See picture 5|
Gender: Female
BloodColour: Sapphire Blue |See picture 2|
Theme: Space
Quote From Her: "id rather StAy NEUTRAL on thE SituAtion. lEss ChAnCE of ConfRontAtion."
Symbol: |See picture 6|
Lusus: She didn't fully know what it was. It was a strange creature, not related to any of her interest or any creatures located on Alternia. She cared for it all the same.
Weapon: Double ended scythe |See picture 4| [Weapon is around 4 feet long]
Clothing: Black tank top coated in small white specs (represents stars), her symbol on the shirt in her blood colour. Sapphire blue button up over shirt. Black mid thigh shorts. Black boots.
Hair: Thick black hair. Rests just on her shoulders. Usually up in a high ponytail with a Sapphire blue bow.
Interest: Fiduspawn, singing, reading, drawing, crafting, astronomy and dancing
Dislikes: Confrontation, large groups of people, loud noises, herself
Face: Round in shape. Scar across the bridge of her nose. Square thick glasses covering her eyes. Only make up being some black eye liner |See in picture 5|
Body: Chubby body. Muffin top stomach with thick thighs and arms. Stretch marks on stomach and thighs. Weight is probably around 195 pounds.
Horns: |See picture 3|
Teeth: |See picture 1|
Powers: Aura reading, The ability to perceive energy fields surrounding people, places and things. If she focuses hard enough on person she can see colours surrounding their body. These colours can mean multiple things, from how they're feeling to if that person is inherently evil or good.
Troll Tag: dysfunctionalCosmos
Typing Quirk: Capitalizes letters that are in her first name (except when she types her actual name). But when it comes to the word "Neutral" she caps the whole word. Uses & instead of the word 'And' [Sample of a message she has sent. To whom is unknown:
gREEtingS & SAlutAtionS, My nAME iS Scmare Ttieer. It'S niCE to MEEt you. So uM...i dont hAvE MuCh tiME i nEEd to go finiSh SoME tRAining todAy. My LuSuS will SquAwk At ME if i dont, MAinly bEcAuSE i fEEd hiM AftER & will foRgEt to if i dont tRAin. I hopE wE cAn MEEt AgAin... ]
Hemoloyalty: She does not treat trolls of lower blood caste any worse than she would treat a troll of a high blood caste. Though, she does understand her place on the hemospectrum and that unless she wants to get culled she needs to show respect to highbloods. Describes it as being neutral, even though she doesnt approve of the way low bloods are viewed.
Hive: A very simple Hive, even if a bit futuristic looking.. Made of metal, the whole hive in a circular shape. An observatory located right in the middle of the building on the roof. Used for her interest in studying space.
Respiteblock: Messy room with clothes and tools on the floor. Posters of movies and videogames on the walls, along with some of her shitty drawings. Husktop located on a desk in the back of the room. Recuperacoon is located in a far right corner by a window.
Quadrants: None of hers are filled [Unless you count my self shipping, which can be explained elsewhere]
Ancestor: WIP |Will add link when she is finished|
Dancestor: WIP |Will add link when she is finished|
Basic Personality: [For this I have answered 20 questions to help you understand her personality. Hopefully this helps everyone get a clear grasp on what she's like. Since she is me anyway]
1: Is the character generally approachable or does she keep to herself? Why? A: She usually keeps to herself though she's not completely unapproachable. She finds approaching others to be difficult and usually waits for someone else to make the first move.
2: Is the character a hard-worker, or does she take it easy? Does this nature vary for any particular activity? A: Despite being a blueblood she more of a take it easy kinda troll. Though when she puts her mind to something she can work hard and get it done. Of course if she likes the activity, she is more likely to finish it quickly.
3: Does the character give plain answers to others or is she mysterious? A: Plain answers. She prefers to get to the point of what she means.
4: How does the character feel about pets? How about wild animals? Does she have a favorite animal/pet? A: She loves animals. Though she's afraid to go around them due to her strength. Being a blue blood she had a great amount of strength and hasn't learned to control it well. She worries she will hurt the animals and admires them from afar. She doesn't have a favourite as of now.
5: What is the character's religion? Is the character very religious? How does she show it/observe his religion? A: She is questioning her religious beliefs. She cant decide if she believes in a higher being, or if she thinks that too far fetched.
6: How does the character feel about the local ruler? A: She prefers not to take a stance, she doesn't love or hate them.
7: Does the character have any off-putting habits? A: She has a habit of biting her nails as well as biting skin off her lip. Only does this when nervous or bored.
8: What does the character do to relax? A: To relax she will read or sing. These activities calm her nerves the most.
9: Does the character have any unusual voice or speech pattern? A: Besides her typing quirk she doesn't have much trouble speaking clearly. Sometimes she can be too loud when excited about something, or too quiet when upset. She also tends to ramble when talking online and in person.
10: Why was the character given the name she has? A: She doesn't know where her name comes from or what it means. She believes there is no definition for her name, and that it is just a name unlike how other trolls names have meaning. She quit looking for a answer to it long ago.
11: Does the character have a nickname? What is the source of the nickname? Is it flattering or not? How does she react to it? A: Not being the most social Troll in public, she doesn't have many friends to give her nicknames. She was once called Krem online before and found it cute. So if she were to want to be called anything besides her name it would be Krem.
12: Has the character had issues with the law? A: She has never gone against the law. She doesn't like confrontation. Though she might end up having to.
13: Was there something unusual about her childhood? A: Besides her strange Lusus nothing was too weird for her at least.
14: Does the character have a mentor? A: She would consider her mentor her Lusus.
15: Does the character have a scar or some mark? What was the cause? A: The most obvious scar Is the one she has across the bridge of her nose. She got it when she built her first robot that ended up attacking her and cutting her nose. Smaller scars litter her body from accidents when building.
16: What does she consider her greatest achievement? A: Even though the robot attacked her, she considered it her greatest achievement. It was strong, hard to destroy and packed a punch. She was young when she made it, 4 sweeps, and to build something so sturdy at a young age surprised her.
17: Is she able to kill? Under what circumstances does she find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable? A: She is very much able to kill. But she only sees it fit if it is in self defense. She will not attack unless attacked first.
18: Does she believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love? A: She does, she believes even the most evil people have one.
19: How honest is she about her thoughts and feelings A: She tries to keep a lot of her feelings to herself in fear of being judged. Opening up emotionally like that is hard for her.
20: Does she care what others think of her? A: She does, she finds herself getting nervous out in public. Thinking other Trolls are judging her.
The next part is a story the explains her background leading to present time.  Backstory Time.
[BS] You: Be the strange girls Trollsona  ======>
 You are now, Scmare Ttieer
You enjoy SINGING, DANCING, ASTRONOMY, CRAFTING, READING, DRAWING and a Alternia game called FIDUSPAWN. You are a quiet Troll, even if sometimes you enjoy BREAKING things loudly, who keeps your nose in your own business but opening up when you become close friends with someone. Close enough to fill the Moirail quadrant at the least.
You were hatched on the 9th bilunar perigee of the 1st dark season. Skipping your blurry wiggler days, you were chosen by a strange Lusus after passing your trials. You and your custodian then proceeded to build a secluded hive made of metal in a circular shape.
 You spent most of your younger days learning to build and studying outer space. Your fascination with planets and beings outside of your world was never disturbed by your Lusus, so you learned quickly that there was other life forms out there besides Trolls. You vaguely know of a Alien species called 'Humans' but have not gotten far in your studies.
 Next to that, You tried to learn how to control your strength and violent thoughts. As a blue blood, you has a incredible amount of strength even if your body doesn't look like it. You once busted a hole in the wall of your Hive that took you days to fix (your repair skill were still in development). Being in your blood caste, these things were expected of you, you were to become a solider after all.
 You don't know if you wants that though.
 You always had a strange opinion on the hemospecturm. After studying the history of your Dancestor and Ancestor you learned of the ways they reacted to it. You try to incorporate both of their ways into you view, in hopes of doing what they failed at, which was not dying because you have a opinion. Because of this you remain what you call 'Neutral'
 This means you are trying not to pick a side, in hopes of avoiding confrontation which could end in death on either side. You don't like treating low bloods like they are lesser than you, you never even called another troll a low blood. You also understands that going against a high blood could end in a culling, so you don't speak against them.
 The whole thing is confusing, even for you. Why can't you just make up your mind and fight for what you believe in! Well that's the thing you don't want to fight. Maybe one day you'll figure it all out, you are only 7 sweeps old after all.
  At  4 sweeps though, you made a robot. Your first one. You don't remember what its exact purpose was, but it definitely wasn't to attack you like it did. Which is how you got the scar across your nose. You had won the fight with a bit of damage, your Lusii didn't seem Impressed though.
 That was basically all of your past, building, training to control violent tendencies, doing activities you liked. Your Lusus was your only friend for a while, before you got into the online world one sweep ago. Talking to other Trolls is a lot easier when your behind a husktop. You mainly just play games and maybe have a conversation or two with some others playing with you.
 Even gained the nickname 'Krem' from someone you once talked with. You can't remember who it was or where the name came from, but ...you liked it.
 Now a days you haven't been online much. You'll be a adult soon, become a solider like your supposed you. You might skip out on that though.
 In case of the inevitable to try to go out more, to make friends but its not working. Its not just that you're shy and have anxiety (it mainly is though), its also becase of your Aura reading abilities. Because of this hard to explain power you can tell if a person if bad or good. Angry or happy. You tend to stay away from the Trolls with bad auras.
 Its also takes a lot of focus (since you have trouble focusing on anything for a long time in the first place) to see someone's Aura. So when they catch you starring at them its hard to talk to them after wards and explain why you were looking at them like you were trying not to explode.
 Anyway that's all there really is to say about you. Not too special you see. You live a simple life which is what you wanted. You hope it can stay simple.
 [BS] You: Quit being the Trollsona and go back to scrolling
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j-t-k-moved · 7 years
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I made a shitty Aesthetic for Me/My Trollsona
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j-t-k-moved · 7 years
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This is as far as ive gotten with my Trollsona. I'm kinda bad at making characters but I used this guide to help me. Basic personality isn't filled out yet cause im working on answering character interview questions to make it easier to explain. But yeah im trying not to be horrible at this. Also I cant draw. I like how im having trouble making a character that's just me.
 Name: Scmare ttieer [Seh-mar Tier] Origin of her name is unknown (I used a post on here that had a way to make troll names but I cant find it right now) Age: 7.85 Alternian Solar Sweeps [ 17 Earth Human Years] Gender: Female
Height: 5'6 Bloodcolour: Sapphire Blue See picture 2 Theme: Space. Symbol: See picture 4 Weapon: Double ended Scythe See picture 5 Clothing: Black tank top with her symbol on it. Black mid-thigh shorts. Dark blue button up overshirt. Simple black sneakers. Hair: Thick black hair down to her shoulders. Keeps it up in a high pony tail. Interest: Singing, Writing, Drawing, Crafting, Astronomy. (going to add more) Basic Personality: WIP Face: Round in shape. Scar going across her nose. No makeup. Square Glasses. Horns: See picture 1 Teeth: See picture 3 Body: Chubby. (I'm having trouble describing my own body since hers is the same in shape as mine so ill update this when I figure out how to fucking write) Powers: N/A Troll Tag: dysfunctionalCosmos Typing Quirk: Capitalizes letters that are in her first name. Uses & instead of the word 'And' Hemoloyalty: She does not treat trolls of lower blood caste any worse than she would treat a troll of a high blood caste. Though, she does understand her place on the hemospectrum and that unless she wants to get culled she needs to show respect to highbloods. Describes it as being neutral Hive: Simple hive made of metal. Most impressive part is the Observatory she uses to study space. (Don't know how to describe homes either lmao) Ancestor: WIP Dancestor: WIP
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j-t-k-moved · 7 years
How accurate is your trollsona to yourself? (I love asking questions about people trollsonas and yours is great btw!)
I thought long and hard about how I would be in situations like dealing with the hemospectrum and just living like a troll, and how I describe her is exactly it.
and not much is different than real life like, I try to stand up for what I believe in but I usually end up staying in my lane cause imma lil bitch.
Also thank you for the compliment I work really hard on that Trollsona and im proud of it.
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gayboyselfinserts · 7 years
So you're up for people drawing your Trollsona right?
I…would cry real happy tears™. I wish I could draw my Trollsona but I get frustrated when it doesn’t come out right, that’s why drawing is so hard for me.
Honestly you could draw me a damn stick figure and id be happy. Yes please draw her for me, idk if I described her enough for someone to draw but I tried in the post I made.  
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gayboyselfinserts · 7 years
Okay i know this sounds weird but i really love your blog could you tell me your basic physical characteristic so i can draw you with you f/o I swear i ship it
//Clutches chest//
This…this doesn’t sound weird at all this is actually very nice of you thank you so much.
By F/O I’m gonna assume you mean Tavros since he’s like my obvious main. I hope you dont mind this but when im drawn with any of my Homestuck F/Os i prefer to be drawn as my trollsona 
Heres a link to the ref for my Trollsona that will give you all the characteristics  you need
Seriously I didn’t think anyone would want to draw me & my self ships this is so nice?? Bless you?? & im sorry if you cant use the link cause i know for some mobile users it wont work if thats the case then just search scmare ttieer on my blog & youll find the same ref
I’m glad you enjoy my blog!
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