#scott pilgrim vs. theworld
twiixr4kidz · 2 years
ok one final one….. Scott and da evil exes x reader…. Making out/falling asleep together headcanons!!! Thanks -💀🎀
ooh i like this idea!! i think it's funny that i said i'll write stuff about making out and i got like 5 requests LMAO feel free to keep em coming!!
scott pilgrim
he's an amateur, so you might have to guide him a little bit
tell him where you want him to touch you, what you're okay with, how you want him to kiss you
if need be, take the lead and show him exactly what you want
bite his ear and it's like he loses control
you'll pull away and he'll flop back, completely breathless
and then he'll crack a corny joke about how you "take his breath away" to which you'll lightly punch him and throw the covers over him
he'll get the hint and the two of you fall asleep to whatever movie you spent the entire time making out to
matthew patel
he's so playful and so teasing
he'll make little comments hear and there, tickling your sides making you squeal, right before taking your lips back in his and making you gasp into his mouth
he runs his fingers up and down your sides
one hand is always resting on your upper thigh
he won't ask for it that often, but sometimes he'll take you by the hand and drag you into an alley just to make out with you
his kisses will make you weak in the knees, but when you're in bed, that's not so much an issue
he'll place one final, long kiss on your lips before letting you rest
and he makes sure to tuck you in so you're all nice and comfy
lucas lee
expect heated makeouts on set whenever he gets a break
he yearns to feel you on his body, taste you on his tongue, even when it's the last thing he should be thinking of
one arm is pinned above your head and the other caresses your waist
they're a must on the days that he's home, and he'll take you far into the night just kissing all over your face
he kisses a line from your neck all the way back up to your lips, and then down your neck, chest, and stomach
rubs your back but not too hard, but enough to make them nice and warm
rubs your back while you fall asleep too; you're clutch to his chest while his hands wander up and down your back, waiting to see who falls asleep first
todd ingram
he's actually really gentle
soft, sweet kisses and blushing cheeks
his knees with buckle if you run your fingers through his hair
one hand is clutching your thigh and the other tucked around your waist
occasionally his hands will stray, and he'll draw little shapes on your legs and tummy as you pull away from each other
tucks his head into the crook of your neck and pulls you close to him, wishing for nothing more than to absorb you into his body and forever be as one
you fall asleep at the same time, drifting off with thoughts of one another as the only thing on your minds
roxie richter
so much tongue you're going to drown, but it's kinda hot
she's grabs at whatever naked skin you have, indenting it with his finger nails as a way to mark you up
hickeys are splattered across your neck and chest, maybe even your jaw
her leg is sprawled over yours and nudges you
just a little touch to the back of her knee and she loses it
you've unlocked a new side to roxie
she'll completely devouring you, taking in everything you give her and enjoying every minute of it
you're her's forever, and she's going to make sure of it
but when she's done, she's going to curl up into a ball like a cat, completely exhausted
kyle katayanagi
loves having you on top of him
smiling into kisses, chuckling at your advances, teasing you and the things you're doing
annoying but in a good way
makeout sesh every night he's over right before bed (and honestly, if you're dating him you should expect them all the time)
always tickles you when you're done, it's like a ritual or something
he's big spooning you as you fall asleep, and you're going to wake up with him on top of you
ken katayanagi
make out sessions with ken are something to savor
leaning into his gentle touches, he'll drive you up a wall
warm hands plastered on your stomach, your thighs, your chest if you so desire
kisses on your cheeks and neck, fingers holding tight onto whatever he's grabbing
expect to fall asleep in that position; ken sleeps like a rock and you're not going to move him
gideon graves
one word: rough
hands tugging on hair, tightening grips around your limbs, nails faintly digging into your flesh
his lips are on your neck, licking and sucking every possible spot just to make you flustered
yearns to hear you make at least a little noise
he isn't content until you do
he leaves lingering kisses on your lips as you curl into his body and fall asleep
it'll take him a while, so he'll just hold you and play with your hair until you're out like a light
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kirastudio2 · 7 years
#scott #pilgrim #vs #theworld #ramona #flowers #kim #pine #envy #adams #wallace #wells #knives #chau #traditionalart #pintura @radiomaru gracias :D
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