#scott try not to get eaten by mutants challenge!!!
kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Soulmate/Lovecraft au (part3?)
N/A: Now, I´ve so many ideas for this au…I´ll try to cram everything nicely. Terry does believe in faes and Kitty does not think is that far fetch.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @sailorstar9 @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
Terry Pryde is a woman that was told how dangerous faes can be, in fact, her own parents hammer how dangerous faes can be and Terry carries their beliefs and make sure Kitty knows how to fend against a fae. One day, after Kitty return from her museum trip, Kitty told about “Jennifer” and Terry reply with one word.
“ fea!” Terry knows Kitty´s soulmate is a shapeshifter and is linked to Egypt, and faes can live anywhere, but, are bound to the language of said place. “Maybe your soulmate is a neutral part of their clan if your soulmate was an enemy…Oh, Kitty” she hugs her only child tightly and even cries, Kitty is hugging her mother and promising no fae will catch her “Kitty, this is important, you must leave candy in the willow of our home and be polite always, I´m afraid this Jennifer may show up again, for that…you must be ready”
Kitty nods vigorously and promised to study hard to not fall for any fae´s tactics. Kitty was so busy talking with her mother, who is giving a special type of sugar, to notice how her shadow has eyes and a mouth and is looking at her.
Kitty is a grown up woman, sadly, still a petite, and is a famous X-men. Shadowcat has a good reputation under her belt with other groups of hero(even the Avengers) and with the public and she often is used as the speak-voice between public-mutant. Her fighting skills are good, but, the woman is more used to defences tactics than anything else.
Today, Storm received a call from an old friend, an enemy is attacking and Storm asked Kitty to join her in the mission, after all, is always good to have a good defence and a good attack. Sadly, the enemy proved to be more than Kitty was imaging.
“Shadow King!” Kitty speaks as the monster have infected Ororo and is now in her body, Ororo is always a beautiful woman, but, the shadow King manages to make her smile look ugly. Even her laughter is horrible, inhuman “You heard about me? I´m flatter, Oh, how cute and you plan to fight against me? I’ve got the body of Storm…would you dare to hurt you beloved friend?” and using Storm´s power a thunder fall nearby Kitty, who, by Shadow King´s surprise, didn´t flinch.
“Got to admit, you´ve courage, yet, that´s nothing little Kitten I´ll…” Whatever Shadow! Storm would say is cut short as something is amiss, no, a telltale is present…Kitty can feel, but, can´t see, oh, unlike Kitty, Shadow can see it.
Shadow! Storm is on her/his knee muttering in Egyptian(Kitty take classes) something about great one, pharaoh and forgive me. Kitty´s eyes look at what Shadow was looking, there´s nothing there(using only her eyes), yet, she can feel there´s something there. Something different.
The fae!. Kitty thought impressed. You have been following me still?
Shadow! Storm stops speaking as the thing makes the Shadow!Storm squirm in pain and Kitty screams for the fae to stop, and, to prove her point she throws salt at the “presence” and this stops the pain for shadow.
“Storm is my teacher, my friend and the leader of the X-men, please, don´t hurt her…cause if you do, I shall fight you” her hand has a blue glow, Wanda did believe in faes and saw no problem in teaching some spells and hexes against those creatures.
Shadow King is silent and looking at Kitty in horror. The presence is just…looking at Kitty(she can´t see IT, but can feel IT) and she adds “Make him leave Storm NOW” and to her surprise IT makes Shadow King leaves Storm(not in a painless way for the small deity) and Storm is heaving as she slowly comes to her right mind.
Kitty goes to Storm(feeling IT until IT is not there…for now) and the woman asked what´s wrong. “Kitten, I was fighting Sandra and then…I don´t recall what happened, what happened to me?” and Kitty won´t lie “a deity called Shadow King possessed your body, but, it leaves you” Storm thanks Kitty and the woman shakes her head “No, it was my fae who help you”
Ororo thought for a moment, she too have meet faes and vampires in her youth, but, something is not right. “I know Shadow King, a deity that possessed minds and bodies, but, how come a fae can get rid of him?”
“Well, I´ve no clue, maybe, Shadow King is more talk than action? Let´s be honest, it wouldn´t be the first time” Kitty offers an explanation and Ororo agrees and both discuss what happened to the people in this city.
They are all safe and that´s what matters. Kitty thought.
Fighting Apocalypse is going to prove to be a major challenge. Scott and Logan were defeated easily and that´s not a good signal, Storm uses her powers and it was enough to retreat and think on a new plan, right now, all the X-men wonder on their next step.
Well, they won´t have to think too much as Apocalypse found out their spot and is ready to fight, except, he notices Kitty and bowls to her much to everyone surprise. Scott and Logan, in a rare moment of friendship, crack a joke if Apocalypse is her soulmate.
Apocalypse has now shapeshifting abilities and is from Egypt. The mutant goes to Kitty and shows respect as if she´s the goodness. “Miss Pryde is an honour meet you, a great honour, your command is my wish, Miss Pryde” and Kitty got an extremely pale thinking if he´s her soulmate(well, he did beat up Piotr when he was trying to force Kitty into a relationship in the middle of a battle so he has one good point)
“Raise, Apocalypse, I’ve got a question to you” Kitty speaks playing with the solemn tone he is using with her “Are you my soulmate?” Kitty asked and Logan and Scott did throw some comments about that(Ororo is trying to be supportive in the case is the truth, but, she´s not doing a good job)
“Miss Pryde, I’m flattered you think I´m worth your time, but, no, I´m now IT, I´m not the worthy one, I shall not lie to you, Miss Pryde, ask me anything else, Miss Pryde” Apocalypse required and Kitty then sighs and speaks “could you please go back to your coffin and not start the apocalypse?”
“If is what you desire” Apocalypse then rose from the ground and is walking to his coffin in his pyramid without making a fuss and as soon he enters…the pyramid is gone. Scott asked one thing that every X-men was thinking “What the hell? Kitty, who is your soulmate?”
“Scott, I have no clue!”
Morph joins the X-men by accident, the man just return from Egypt and an excellent shapeshift that manages to save Wolverine and earn his trust and a spot on the team, in fact, his talents as shapeshift are so good that people forget he has a real name(maybe he prefers to use his mutant´s name more)
Kitty finds out he´s from Egypt and is a shapeshifter and she can put all that insanity behind as she goes to Morph to a mission in Germany, Jaime Braddock asked for a favour and the X-men always pay back their debts(such a Lannister thing to think)
“So, pretty Kitty” Morph speaks playfully “how come a pretty woman like you haven´t met your soulmate yet?” Kitty´s is fidgeting with her curly locks and forced a smile(as natural as no one can notice the difference, Kitty is a real good actress) and answers “Well, my soulmate is a shapeshifter and from Egypt”
Morph smiles and comes closer to Kitty, too close(wasn´t the whole thing of soulmates to give a sense of security?) and speaks rather amused “I´m a shapeshifter and I´m from Egypt, well, I was born in the US, but, I spend my whole life in Cairo” Morph explained and certainly Morph isn´t opposed to a kiss.
Well, her fae is. As the fae shows a more “visibly” look that certainly breaks the mood. A monstrosity of tentacles with one red eye and one gold. It was too fast and before Kitty could make sense of what´s going on the creature is using IT´s tentacle to take Kitty out of the way as Morph is absorbed by the creature.
No, he´s being eaten. Kitty inwardly scream. Please, don´t eat him. Don´t kill him.
Why not? Someone replies bemused. He´s not your soulmate, Katzchen, and not a real Egyptian.
Please! She tries again and to her surprise, the thing seems to agree.
Ok. I won´t kill him as you agree he´s not your soulmate. The thing replies and in a blink of eye Morph is gone, no blood, no bone, no tentacles or shadows are present, except, Kitty´s who are showing the monstrosity of earlier.
The X-men arrives and when asked about Morph…Kitty told what happened. Meanwhile, Dr Sinister gets a new rat for his experiments.
Kitty Pryde is a grown up. A beautiful woman who enjoys robotic enjoys talk about politic, enjoy talk about her career and her future and loves to talk about magic(a bonding moment among Wanda, Magik and Kitty)
Kitty Pryde is brushing her hair gently, internally, thinking maybe she could cut her hair a little, when she put the brush down and realizes something. “This is not real!” she speaks as now her room changes into something different.
Beautiful and haunting at the same time. “Where Am I?” Kitty still has her magic and she believes her fae has decided to kill her or kidnap or both. A man with a blue fur, golden eyes and a white tuxedo comes out of the shadow with a malicious smile. “Fae, where am I?” she tries again.
The man chuckles amused. “Oh my, you still think I´m a fae? You dear, mein Katzchen, I´m worse than a fae” his smile is far too wild and full of teeth, Kitty is not showing fear, funny, she feels safe with him…even if is against logic.
“What do you want non-fae?” Her glowing hand is still aiming at him, not that the non-fae is caring, in fact, he´s even more amused.
“To see you, well, I´m ALWAYS watching you. Tonight, I think I got tired to just watch, Katzchen, oh, my manners, come sit” he gestures and a table just like her mother used to make when Kitty was little materialized for her with all her favourite sweets. “You often feed me those candies…I enjoy, while, I admit I prefer more meat, still, it was sweet”
Kitty didn´t say anything as the non-fae is eating a hand…yet, she´s not scared.  “What do you want?” speaks in a straightforward fashion and IT smiles. “To speak with you and said…I´m not a fae, no, Katzchen, I´m far above, think about the elder gods” this was enough to make her clap her mouth in horror and the non-fae found that extremely cute, to the point he uses those words exactly, “and I´m your soulmate. Hi, my name is Nyarlathotep, but you can call me Kurt Wagner or Nightcrawler if you prefer, and now we´ll spend more time together”
Kitty blinked at that and looks at the deity. “It was you all along? The Jennifer and Billie Jean?” Kurt nods amused and Kitty is peeved “I want to say many things here, but, you have the elder god card…so, I can only say this: NOT COOL, DUDE, NOT COOL” and she wakes up leaving Kurt behind.
Or so she thought as Kurt Wagner is knocking on her door with an arrogant smile “Katzchen, I was serious. We´ll be together forever now”
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gokinjeespot · 6 years
off the rack #1208
Monday, April 16, 2018
 Today is going to be challenging here in Ottawa. Freezing rain overnight has left thick ice on everything. It's going to take a lot of muscle and time to scrape off any cars parked outside overnight. Penny has been going at hers for half and hour and she still hasn't left for work. I would normally go out and help her but I caught a bad cold and I feel like poop. I probably got the bug on the flight home from Cuba last Tuesday. My immune system let me down this trip.
 Our week at the Brisas Guardalavaca resort in Cuba was near perfect. Beautiful sun every day. I took one of the resort bikes out for a ride on one of the only cloudy mornings, got rained on a little but made it back to the resort unscathed. I donned mask, snorkel and fins every afternoon but one to swim out to look for tropical fish on what remained of the reefs after last year's hurricanes. I'm happy to be home but I wish winter would finally leave the area. Just going to stay in today and try to get better.
 Domino #1 - Gail Simone (writer) David Baldeon (art) Jesus Aburtov (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). Killer Instinct part 1. It's my lucky day. The merc with the facial tattoo is back on the racks and she's being take care of by a writer and artist team that I like a lot. This story starts off with Neena Thurman's birthday but may end in her death day. If I didn't like this whole issue and the many guest stars so much, that last page guarantees that I will be reading the next issue.
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 Xerxes #1 - Frank Miller (story & art) Alex Sinclair (colours). I really liked 300 when it hit the racks 20 years ago. This new 5-issue mini promises to be just as good. This time the Greeks and the Persians go at each others' throats in 490 BC. I have an interest in ancient history so I'm going to follow this story to see what happens.
 Exiles #1 - Saladin Ahmed (writer) Javier Rodriguez (pencils & colours page 4) Javier Rodriguez (pencils) Jordie Bellaire (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Here we go again with Blink leading a team of heroes to save the multiverse. This first issue introduces two team members and the big bad guy that they'll be facing. I liked this debut. It reminded me of the Unstoppable Wasp book with young Nadia. I really enjoyed Javier's art in Spider-Woman so I'm giving this new book a chance.
 Batman #44 - Tom King (writer) Mikel Janin & Joelle Jones (art) June Chung & Jordie Bellaire (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). I loved the silent scenes where Selina picks out her wedding dress. Those pages are interspersed with flashbacks showing different times in Batman and Catwoman's tumultuous relationship. The lead up to the wedding has been amazing. I'm starting to get a bad feeling about the blessed event however. The "'til death do us part" part may be a nasty surprise that the creative team are going to spring on us. I really hope not.
 Oblivion Song #2 - Robert Kirkman (writer) Lorenzo De Felici (art) Annalisa Leoni (colours) Russ Wooton (letters). Still liking this adventures in monster land series.
 Runaways #8 - Rainbow Rowell (writer) Kris Anka (art) Triona Tree Farrell (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Julie Power/Lightspeed is all grown up. I remember reading Louise Simonson and June Brigman's book when it first hit the racks in 1984 and loving the Power Pack kids. I never would have thought that Julie would mature into the woman she is now and would be dating Karolina. Julie's visit to her girlfriend's is interrupted by a surprise villain who wants Victor's head. I was surprised because I thought he was a good guy now.
 Superman #44 - Patrick Gleason & Peter J. Tomasi (writers) Doug Mahnke (pencils) Jaime Mendoza & Doug Mahnke (inks) Wil Quintana (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). Bizarroverse part 3. Thank Darkseid this story is over. This climax had more Bizarro characters so the confusion I felt while reading this issue was increased exponentially. Even the sound effects were Bizarro. I hope we get back to normal next issue.
 American Gods: My Ainsel #2 - Neil Gaiman (writer) P. Craig Russell (script & layouts) Scott Hampton (art) Rick Parker (letters). Find out why this arc is called My Ainsel.
 Spider-Man #239 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Oscar Bazaldua (art) Brian Reber (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). The Sinister Six deliver their stolen S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier to the buyer. A special guest star team helps Miles to stop the handover. Somebody is going to die I bet.
 Detective Comics #978 - James Tynion IV (writer) Javier Fernandez (art) John Kalisz (colours) Sal Cipriano (letters). The villain tips his hand this issue. I just noticed that all the ad pages were in the back of this book so that reading the story was a lot smoother. I wish every comic book was printed that way.
 Avengers #687 - Mark Waid, Al Ewing & Jim Zub (writers) Paco Medina (pencils) Juan Vlasco (inks) Jesus Aburtov & Frederico Blee (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). No Surrender part 13. The Avengers find out what they're involved in as Voyager confesses to her duplicitousness just in time for the bad guy to ratchet up his threat to destroy the planet. The scene between Jarvis and Bruce Banner bodes well for the return of the Hulk.
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 Old Man Hawkeye #3 - Ethan Sacks (writer) Marco Checchetto (art) Andres Mossa (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Clint is hunting Thunderbolts and Bullseye is hunting Clint. We all know that Clint doesn't die in this story because he still has to go on a road trip with Old Man Logan. I'm curious to see how he survives Bullseye.
 New Mutants #2 - Matthew Rosenberg (writer) Adam Gorham (art) Michael Garland (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). The team gets sent to the Arctic to deal with a giant problem. Meanwhile a new New Mutant makes a surprise appearance on the last page. Maybe Doug Ramsey will show up too.
 Amazing Spider-Man #798 - Dan Slott (writer) Stuart Immonen (pencils) Wade von Grawbadger (inks) Marte Gracia (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Go Down Swinging part 2. I love the design of the new Red Goblin. The sacrifice that Peter has to make to keep himself and everyone he loves safe is huge. Now we'll see if he can come up with a way to beat the Red Goblin without his web shooters.
 Marvel 2 in One #5 - Chip Zdarsky (writer) Valerio Schiti (art) Frank Martin (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Ben and Johnny find themselves in a universe where GalacDoom has eaten everything except Earth. Now he's going to eat it too. Then what? There's nothing left to eat. Not very bright, GalacDoom. Seeing the Silver Surfer and Emma Frost doing the Smallville thing was cool though.
 All-New Wolverine #33 - Tom Taylor (writer) Ramon Rosanas (art) Nolan Woodard (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Old Woman Laura part 1. We jump into the future where Laura is queen of Madripoor after the good guys win Doom World War. Wait until you see who the POTUS is. Laura has only months to live due to a genetic glitch and one of the items on her bucket list is to kill Victor Von Doom. Someone shows up in the last panel and April 25, when the next issue hits the racks, can't come soon enough for me.
 Astonishing X-Men #10 - Charles Soule (writer) Aco (pencils) David Lorenzo (inks) Rachelle Rosenberg (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). A Man Called X part 4. As much as I liked Aco's art in the Nick Fury mini, I didn't think it suited that spy versus spy story. It's perfect for this reality warping story though. The team tries to save the villagers of Fetters Hill in the Scottish Highlands from the villain Proteus before he can spread his madness even further. I'm interested to see how they do that.
 X-Men Red #3 - Tom Taylor (writer) Mahmud Asrar (art) Ive Svorcina (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). The Hate Machine part 3. I don't remember much about the villain Cassandra Nova but it's clear she's one very nasty person in the first three pages. I'm not usually a fan of super hero teams but Tom Taylor writes the All-New Wolverine and Gabby and Laura are on this team so this book stays on my "must read" list.
 Star Wars: Darth Vader #14 - Charles Soule (writer) Giuseppe Camuncoli (pencils) Daniele Orlandini (inks) David Curiel (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Burning Seas part 3. Vader is sent to the oceanic planet of Mon Cala to hunt down some surviving Jedi that slipped through the Empire's clutches when Order 66 was executed. The defiant Mon Calamari are thwarting his efforts. Mmm…calamari is yummy.
 Captain America #700 - Mark Waid (writer) Chris Samnee (art) Matthew Wilson (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). So disappointed that a time paradox was used to beat the bad guy. All that matters to Cap fans is that Steve is back in the "present" and the series continues.
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