hellameyers · 6 months
I'm really sick and tired of the Scott McCall worshippers who think he did no wrong. He never apologized to Derek for digging up his sister's body. For repeatedly throwing him under the bus with the law, just because it was easy because he thought Derek was a bad guy. He even created this whole plot against Gerard and stole Derek's bodily autonomy without his consent, when, if asked, I'm sure Derek would have agreed without being physically forced. Whether he knew what Kate had done to Derek or not, it was still majorly fucked up. I don't remember him once apologizing for it, or taking any kind of accountability.
I don't hate Scott. He was a kid and he fucked up. The problem is he expected people to get back on his side after the dust settled like nothing happened. I can't stand this comparison between him and Derek, or him and Stiles, as if Scott is some kind of saint. Fuck outta here with your purity test bullshit.
Derek and Stiles are just more interesting characters with better growth and redemption arcs.
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hellameyers · 6 months
The absolute GALL to say that Sterek shippers are reaching for something that isn't there, and then turning around and REACHING to say that I'm racist for not supporting Scott.
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