bbyquokka · 1 year
I'm glad to hear from you again bae, hope ur having a nice day<3 I noticed your requests are open now and it's not exactly a request but I wanted to share this dream I had and if u could write a small drabble based on it I would be the happiest. So turns out I was in college (i think) with stray kids, they were like super popular and we were not exactly close but ofc I had a crush on Minho. and then one day he got sick and passed out in the middle of campus, for some reason I was there w chan and jisung and a friend of mine, and they asked me to call an ambulance and I did but started crying while on call because I was triggered (IN MY OWN DREAM 😭 and the next is sadly 100% true) and remembered a time when my mom had a pretty bad fall and I had to call an ambulance for her bc i was alone. so the ambulance took him and chan was there comforting me bc i told him why I started to cry and also confessed my crush. my dream leapt to me visiting Minho in his hospital room days after and we talked, and then he was discharged and we started hanging out but life hates me and I that's where my dream ended so, maybe a simple soft happy ending in which he had a crush on me too?
— the feelings mutual
→ PAIRING: Lee Minho x gn!reader
→ GENRE: College!au | fluff
→ SYNOPSIS: After crushing on Minho, you both confess in an unexpected place.
→ WARNINGS: passing out/fainting from exhaustion | hospital setting at the end
→ WORDS: 1.3k
→ requests are currently closed!
Feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated!
→ m.list
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“You’re drooling, y/n.” Your friend giggles as they nudge you. 
“Huh?” You snap out of your daze, focusing back on your task of eating your lunch.
“If you keep staring at him so much, you’re going to burn holes into him.” Your friend laughs, causing you to flush an embarrassing shade of red.
“Oh, shut up.” You mumble as you pick at your food.
“Why don't you just go over there and talk to him?” You choke on your food, eyes widening at the ludicrous thought
“Absolutely not!” You finally manage to say once you have calmed down. Your friend frowns, a distinct pinch between their brows.
“Why not? You stare at him at any chance you get, y/n! Just go over and talk to him. What are you afraid of?”
“Rejection.” You state. Your friend sighs once again, shrugging their shoulders and resuming their task of eating. They start talking about classes and how boring it is and that they cannot wait to go home. You listened for a while, occasionally nodding to show that you are listening, however, your attention soon turns to the table where your crush is currently situated. A loud “YOH!” and laughter erupting from the group.
The table currently holds a group of 8. They’re the talk of campus. You cannot walk the corridors without hearing the name “Chan.” or “Jeongin”. It's not surprising that they're popular, they all have a range of special talents as well radiating with charism and looks. People either want to be with them or be them; there’s no inbetween. 
You too, also think they’re a charismatic bunch, however, only one captures your eyes. Lee Minho. You can't quite put your finger on it, but there is something about him that just draws you to him. Is it his looks? His talent? How he teases his members? Or is it his cute little bunny teeth? Or they way his eyes scrunch up whilst laughing. Whatever it may be, your crushing on Minho and your crushing hard.
You notice someone approaches them, handing Minho a letter; most likely a confession of their love for him. You watch Minho politely take it, smiling warmly before the girl rushes away, squealing and blushing pink. You sigh. Sometimes you wish you had the balls to do something like that. Some days you think about just doing it, just confess to him. But when you pluck up the courage to do so, all of it disappears in a second. 
“Why is he so cute?” You mumblem thinking out loud.
“Huh?” Your friend looks up at you before looking in the direction you're looking at before rolling their eyes and sighing. 
Minho can feel someone staring at him, burning holes into his back. He frowns, looking behind him and making instant eye contact with you. He gives you a small wave and friendly smile, causing your heart to thump erratically against your ribcage. You give him a shy wave, feeling your cheeks go red.
“You look like a tomato.” Your friend laughs. You huff and pout.
“Oh, shut up!”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Hey!” You turn in the direction of the voices, blinking before smiling as you see Chan and Jisung running towards you and your friend. “Have you seen Lino?”
You think for a second before shaking your head no slowly. ”No, sorry.”
Chan sighs frustratedly and Jisung chews his lip worriedly. They start talking between themselves, stress and frustration rising between them both. Jisung checks his phone several times, hoping for a message or a call for Lino
“Has something happened?” You ask carefully.
“We can't find him.” Chan states
“I'm sure he hasn't gone far. There can't be that many places to hide on campus.” You laugh softly, hoping it would lighten the mood a little. Chan smiles softly, nodding in agreement.
“We need to go! Lino passed out in the library. Changbin just told me!” Jisung states, worry evident in his voice. You all rush to Minho and true to changbins words, Minho is currently passed out on the floor, the remaining members surrounding him, giving him aid. 
You swallow thickly, memories and panic rising to the surface. It feels all too familiar to you. Your friend soothes your back gently, Chan asking you to phone an ambulance. You nod slowly, feeling yourself go into autopilot mode; flight or fight responses slowly kicking in.
You call the emergence services, putting your phone to your ear as you stare at Minho. Your eyes fill with tears due to worry for him but also because it feels familiar to you. Your friend understood straight away, soothing you the best they could. Chan notices, claiming you've gone pale. Your friend explains why Chan nods and gives a sympathetic smile. He, too, also soothes you, rubbing your back gently whilst thanking you.
“Ambulance please.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
2 days have passed since then. Once you got off the phone to the emergency services, you broke down in tears. You confessed everything to chan, told him about your crush on Minho. It made sense to Chan why you became so worried for Minho. Chan advised you to tell Minho how you truly feel. Told you to go visit him so it's just the two of you. You thought about it and decided to just go for it.
What's the worst that could happen?
You knock on the door, opening it slowly. Minho looks up at you from his hospital bed, currently sitting cross legged whilst watching tv. He smiles softly at you, a small that feels so warm and tender.
“Hi” He greets
“Hey.” You say shyly, walking inside and closing the door. “How are you feeling?”
“Oh y’know.” Minho holds up his hand that currently has a cannula inserted, a tube attached as it drip feeds him liquid. “Could be better.” He gives a light chuckle. You laugh softly, shifting your weight from one foot to the other.
Minho frowns, pointing to a chair that's situated beside the bed. You smile, feeling a little awkward as you walk and sit down. 
“Do you know why you passed out?”
“Exhaustion.” Minho looks at your shocked face, laughing softly. “Let's just say I wasn't taking care of myself. Late nights, bad diet, etc.”
“ Minho! It's important that you take care of yourself. You're important to many.”
“Oh yeah?” He asks, “Like who?” You swallow, biting your lip gently.
“Well, your friend and uhm–” You pause, playing with your fingers. Your heart thumping hard against your chests, nerves getting the better of you. You want to tell him so badly, but the words are lodged in your throat. You swallow several times to wet your sudden dry throat, licking your dry lips. You squeeze your eyes shut, opening your mouth to speak only for you to feel lips against yours before pulling away.
You open your eyes. You're instantly met with a flush looking Minho, nervously messing with the skin around his fingers.
“Did you–” You start off, too shocked to understand what just happened. Minho nods slowly.
“I like you. I like you a lot, y/n.” Your brain refuses to understand his words. Heart leaping a thousand beats as butterflies fill your stomach.
Lee Minho. The man whom you've been crushing on since forever, has just kissed you and to top it all off, he likes you too!
“I like you too, Lino.” You whisper shyly. Minho giggles, reaching out to hold your hand.
“I know, Chan told me. He told me to tell you my true feelings and that it may be mutual. So, yeah. I guess it was very ballsy of me to suddenly kiss you too. Sorry if you didn't like it.”
“No! I loved it!” You say, too eagerly.
“Then, once I get discharged from here, will you go on a date with me? That way, I guess I can kiss you some more.” Minho squeezes your hands gently, blushing. You laugh softly, stroking his pink cheeks.
“I’d love that Minho. More than anything in this world!”
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→ note: thank you for the cute request and for being patient! enjoy!
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→ TAGS [open]: @fluffylino | @chaneomma | @sstarryoong | @laylasbunbunny | @dilucpegg3r | @chanssmiles | @meltheninja13
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lxstcinderella-blog · 6 years
hey guys! there's no updates on the electricity situation but we finally have running water. if you've sent me any messages I'm not ghosting you! my connection is ridiculously slow so they don't load half the time and when they do it's 4am so either way it suck tbh
if you ever want to message me about anything feel free to @/dm me in twitter: yananpng or discord: scoupsbae#5385 and i'll shower you with kpop memes 💙
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bbyquokka · 2 years
Teach me •°. *࿐
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➥ pairing: Lee Minho x fem!reader
➥ genre: fluff, smut. MDNI
➥ synopsis: your parents want to meet Minho, however they speak English. You decide to teach minho to lessen his anxieties when one thing leads to another
➥ warnings: smut, unprotected sex, oral [f received], clit play, explicit language pet names [babe, kitten, love], anxiety, grinding, rutting, nipple play
➥ words: 1.8k
➥ requested by: @scoupsbae tysm for the request and for waiting! let me know your thoughts and opinions!
➥ have a request? send it to me here. pls read my rules to learn about my guidelines before submitting requests
Feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated!
➥ m.list – ➥ you can also read it on my ao3
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"Babe, I don't know about this." Minho chews his bottom lip nervously.
"Don't worry, baby. You'll be fine, I promise you." You sat next to Minho on the sofa. The TV playing in the background. Minho was watching a cooking show to get new ideas whilst you were speaking to your parents.
You and Minho are a fresh couple, having only been together for 4 months, however, it felt longer with the way you both instantly connected. Your parents are eager to meet Minho, the only problem being that they speak English.
"You know I'm not super confident in speaking English, love. What if I fuck up or say something wrong without meaning to?"
"They understand, lino. My parents are down to earth people. They understand that English isn't your first language so of course there's going to be bumps along the way." You placed a hand on Minho's thigh, stroking it gently to reassure him.
"(Y/N) I don't know. Just, let me think about it, okay?" You furrowed your brows together.
"What is there to think about? I told you, you'll be okay. Trust me." Minho let out a frustrated sigh, turning the tv off before standing up off the sofa.
"It's not about trusting you, it's about my abilities. I'm not confident enough to speak English openly."
"You do with Chan and Felix."
"That's because they understand English well enough, especially Felix seeing as it's his mother tongue." You sighed softly feeling Minho's frustrations as well as his anxiety
"I'll be there with you, lino. Every step of the way. As I said, my family are understanding people so you have nothing to worry about."
"You don't understand. I wouldn't expect you to understand." Minho mumbled. You ignored him, refusing to make a remark as you saw that he was frustrated. "I'm going to take a walk, clear my head."
You nodded and hummed as Minho left the building. You sighed softly, leaning back against the sofa. You understand Minho's frustration. It's not easy speaking a language you're not so used to.
An hour later, Minho came home from his walk. You learnt that when Minho gets like this, it's best to leave him be – he will come back regardless. Hanging his coat up and placing his shoes neatly next to yours, he walked to the living area, expecting you to be there.
"(Y/N)?!" He called out.
"I'm in the office." Minho walked to the office, opening the door slowly. You was sat on the floor, arts and crafts scattered around you
"Hey baby." Minho whispered, rubbing the back of his neck. He felt guilty for projecting his frustrations onto you. He knew you were only trying to help him.
"Hey love. Nice walk?" You looked up at him, your eyes following him as he sat beside you.
"Uh, yeah. Look, I'm sorry about that. I know you were only trying to help me. I'm just worried and anxious. I want to make a good first impression for your family, so I feel pressured." You placed a reassuring hand on Minho, smiling lovingly at him
"It's okay baby. I understand." Minho nodded before looking around the room
"What are you doing?"
"Making flashcards."
"Well, to help you learn English of course! I thought, why don't I teach you English. We go see my family in a few days so we have some time. I thought I could teach you a few of the basics."
"Okay, that sounds like fun, kitten!"
"(Y/N)! this isn't working. I don't remember anything plus it's too complicated." Minho groaned, kicking his head back as he ran his fingers through his silky hair. "There's too many meanings for the same words!"
"You're doing great, baby! It doesn't have to be perfect!"
"But I want it to be perfect! You mean so much to me that I want to make a good first impression to your parents." Minho's bottom lip quivered, tears filling his honey eyes making them glossy. You cooed softly, placing down the flashcard by your side.
You crawled over to Minho, straddling his lap. You cupped his cheeks in your hands, forcing him to look at you.
"My sweet sweet baby. Don't cry. You have absolutely nothing to worry about. My parents will love you regardless of your English skills. You know why?" Minho shook his head no "because they will see how much you love and adore me
You wrapped your arms around Minho's neck as he held onto your hips gently. "You'll be fine, baby." You whispered before kissing him gently. The kiss was slow and passionate, lips moving in perfect harmony with each other. Minho stroked your waist gently, a soft hum ripped from his chest to the back of his throat.
Minho deepened the kiss, his tongue licking your lower lip wanting permission. You gladly granted it by parting your lips. His tongue snaked its way inside your mouth, meeting your own tongue.
The wet muscles battled for dominance, a soft whine escaped your lips in which Minho swallowed it up. Saliva pooled at the corner of your lips, fingers tangled in Minho's silky hair as your body slowly started to heat up, lust pooling at your core.
"Maybe we need a different teaching method." Minho whispered against your lips, smirking slightly.
"Oh really? Like what?" You asked breathlessly.
"Stimulation." Minho pulled your hips towards him so you were sitting on his hard cock. You hummed softly, slowly rocking your hips back and forth. Minho grunted at the friction, his grip tightening on your hips.
You stripped yourself of your t-shirt, Minho skilfully unclasping your bra from behind, letting it fall down your arms and onto the floor. Minho hummed and licked his lips at the sight of your exposed breasts
"Beautiful." He mumbled before leaning in, capturing your hardened nipple in his mouth. You groaned softly, his tongue flat against your bud as he licked. He sucked and kissed your sensitive nipple, occasionally capturing it between his teeth.
You groaned softly, pleasure pooling in the pit of your stomach. You moved your hips fast, grinding down harder on Minho. He groaned against your breasts, squeezing your hips roughly in his hands.
Gently placing you down on the floor, he knelt between your legs, lifting his t-shirt up and over his head. You hummed at the sight of his toned body, squealing softly as he stripped you of the rest of your clothing before doing the same to himself.
He hooked your legs over his arms, bringing your cunt closer to his face. He hummed in contentment, licking his lips as he saw your slick coating your pussy.
"You're so wet and it's all for me?' He spoke, this time, in English. You lifted yourself up, resting your weight on your forearms as you looked down at him
"Always baby." You purred. His tongue licked your entrance, collecting your essence on his tongue before licking a long, wet strip up to your clit. He circled his tongue around the sensitive bud, alternating between clockwise and anticlockwise. You kicked your head back, groaning softly at the feeling.
"L-Lino." Your thighs shaking, daring to close around Minho's head. His tongue went back to your entrance whilst his thumb pressed against your clit firmly as he rubbed fast circles
You bucked your hips against his face, ultimately riding it. Your slick coating his chin as he lapped at your essence. You gripped onto his hair, tugging at the roots as soft moans left your lips, eyes closing slowly.
"I love the way you taste, babe. So sweet and delicious." You whimpered, Minho's words ringing in your ears.
"I don't think you need any practice, lino." Minho looked up at you through his lashes, mouth preoccupied with your cunt. "You're really good at English! Why do you think you need practice??"
Minho pulled away before leaning over you. You rested your head back on the floor as Minho rested on his forearms beside your head. Your slick coated his lips and chin, a devilish look in his eyes.
"To freshen up. As I said, I want to make a good impression on your parents, kitten. I think this is a perfect opportunity to learn, don't you?" He smirked, reaching down between your body's to grab his hard cock. He stroked himself a couple times, groaning at the pleasure before pushing his tip inside your entrance.
"And this is a way of you learning and remembering?" Minho nodded, the smirk still plastered across his face "How?"
"Because, kitten–" Minho paused as he pushed his length deep inside, bottoming out. You groaned at the feeling of fullness, hands reaching up to grip Minho's biceps "Every time I speak English, I will always remember this scene. it'll spur me on even more."
You swallowed at his words. You know Minho understood English and could speak it, even though it was broken at times, but you didn't think he was this good. The way he was acting before, being all frustrated and anxiety ridden, made you believe he had little to no knowledge about English.
Minho thrusted fast and powerful in you, your cunt clenching and welcoming him. Your walls felt warm and wet around Minho's cock. The sides of his cock stroking your walls with each thrust. You opened your legs wider, planting your feet firmly on the floor as you bent your legs at the knees.
Your body tingled with pleasure. You felt it coursing through your veins and into your bloodstream. Minho's cock was hitting the deepest parts of you, making you feel dizzy with lust. Your body jolted with each smack of Minho's hips, a look of satisfaction plastered on his face as he looked down at you.
"Such a cute, little kitten. Behaving so well for me." He cooed. You replied with nothing but a loud moan, gripping his biceps. You felt them tensing beneath your fingers. Minho's lips found the skin of your neck, sucking harshly to create deep purple marks. The taste of salt faint on his lips due to your body coating in a thin layer of sweat.
"S-So good. You feel so good inside me, lino." You whimpered in Korean. Minho smirked against your neck before lifting himself up onto his knees.
You maintained eye contact on his as he ran his fingers through his sweaty hair, pushing it back to expose his forehead. He grabbed the back of your thighs, pushing them against your chest as your lower half raised up off the floor slightly.
The new position allowed Minho to drive his cock deeper inside you, hitting your g-spot at full force. You withered beneath him, hands flailing around to grip onto something. You pressed your lips in a thin line as Minho shook his head slowly as he tuts, smirking.
"Nuh-uh babe. English only, remember? it's important that I practise."
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