#screw what the haters say about the over hollywood aspect
brewed-pangolin · 8 months
Gaaaaaah!!!!! I forgot how much fun Black Ops is!!!!
Totally not me crankin the volume up to 11 for the music...
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soul-music-is-life · 5 years
Did you see that Marlene retweeted a ship poll with the Emison tag? Woman please, why you playing like this.
Note: see edit below
I didn’t see that. Can’t say I’m surprised. I don’t know the content of whatever was published…but I am absolutely certain she’s using Emison fans for views (despite how much she loves the ship). And as much as I try to defend her as a person (and still do), I disagree with that tactic…so fucking much. She needs to nut up and just be honest about the fact that she has no plans for Emison and that she’s making it up as she goes along.
She’s never going to bring Emison back (despite promises of their journey). Shay is done. Emison is done. If you’re watching for their happy ending it’ll never happen (at least not on screen).
I’m not telling you to give up, but…I’m a realist. I’m also a writer who knows BS when I see it.
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I saw this coming a mile away.
Edit 5/5: According to one of my followers, apparently this has caused some controversy with someone on Twitter (which I don’t tend to get on Twitter for that very reason).
The fact that I even have to address this is another reason I’m not giving my time to this show. People get too heated, too conflicted, and take things way too personally. This post was an ask that I gave my opinion on, backed by actual facts.
1) Shay has no interest in the show. And if you follow her at all you know that she’s been busy with several other projects and has not given any indication whatsoever she has plans to do a cameo to resolve anything on screen. It’s pretty clear to anyone who knows how to read people that she’s moved on from PLL. “Never say never” is Hollywood speak for “I don’t want to disappoint people and say no, but the truth is that I’ve moved on.” And if people want to believe that it’s all been top secret and that she’s secretly filmed something, more power to you, but given that she’s pretty much been out of the country AND the personal things she was dealing with last year…I just don’t see it.
2) Marlene said in an interview that she knew about “The Perfectionists” and who was on board when she was filming season 6 of PLL (Sasha said the exact same thing). That would mean that Marlene had plenty of time to figure out the creative aspects of the whole Emison thing without the added off-screen drama. Why bring off-screen drama when you know ½ of the party of the couple is not game for the show? For ratings. That’s Marketing 101. It unfortunately backfired, and I really honestly hate that, because a lot of people seem to be enjoying the show and now they’re caught up in this whirlwind when they’re just trying to chill and talk about the show. They’ve been screwed the most, because here is a show that has characters they really like getting low ratings because people are spreading negativity about it because of this.
3) Before the show even aired Marlene repeatedly assured fans that Emison was solid. She painted a picture of positivity. She used vague terms like “journey” and “growth” instead of admitting that they were having problems. She knew if she was honest her fanbase wouldn’t tune in, which I get. But if you go back and look at the interviews you can clearly tell that everything that was said in the press was a way to invite Emison shippers in. The truth is, she can’t possibly have any plans for Emison when she doesn’t even know how many seasons are in line. She has to change her ideas accordingly to adjust to that. That’s part of screenwriting. Storyboarding constantly changes depending upon who is available, where the plot is at, ect.
All of these things are facts. Those are all credible things that can be looked up. I literally said in this post that you don’t have to give up, but that I personally am realistic about the situation. If there are people out there who want to believe otherwise, that’s fine, but I prefer to read between the lines, so I know what to expect and I don’t create unrealistic scenarios in my head. That way I’m not disappointed.
By all means, be optimistic if you like. I very well could be wrong. And if I am, I’ll be fine with being wrong. But I’d rather be wrong and not disappointed than right and upset. All I’m saying is that you should go into it with realistic expectations, especially if you are only watching for a ship (this doesn’t apply to most people). And when/if this all comes to fruition with Emison not being a thing anymore, don’t be pissed or upset or angry. Because the writing is on the wall. In big fucking letters. And anyone who believed otherwise has no right to scream and yell at Marlene about it. (note: no one should scream and yell at her, period).
In terms of Emison being over, perhaps whoever is upset with me hasn’t seen my previous opinions on the show in which I explain that Emison is never going to get a concrete resolution with Shay not being interested. What that means is that there is a possibility that when the show ends there will be a line thrown in there where Alison says she’s going back to be with her family and to Emily (or there is a deleted scene from PLL that has whatever is needed to show them together again). But that’s not a “plan” or a “journey”. That’s fan-service. She’s never going to bring Emison back in a way that will make sense, and she’ll never get them back to the status they were once at without the resolution on screen, which is not happening, because this isn’t and never was an Emison spin-off. That’s the problem with this storyline (which should not have been a storyline in the first place). The drama that has been created that can’t possibly be written and fixed realistically.
For what it’s worth, I do hope that she has a plan for them, but I also know that a lot of the tactics she’s using are for marketing. She has to sell it some way. And that’s the route she went. If you want to trust in her, that’s fine. I never said Marlene was lying (in fact, if you know me you’d know that I support her and I always have). I said she was using marketing ploys. When she says something in an interview I tend to remember it’s a calculated response (aka, BS, which is what writing essentially is). But if you look at her track record she’s been on camera saying things that are proven to be false in the future.
Both her and Sasha have been quoted in saying things that have proven to be false (on Sasha’s part, that’s part of her contract and I do not have any animosity about any of it, again, because I get it). Sasha literally said that there was no separation. No split. Then all of a sudden they’re divorced. There’s not a lot of backtracking you can do on that. Marlene has said similar things. She said in one interview that she hoped Alison would “earn the right to love again” (aka, love interest), and then said “I never said that”. And here we are with a divorced Alison and a completely open plot for her to receive a love interest. And when she gets a love interest, well, there’s your proof that it’s all a dog and pony show.
If you think all of this is not a way to try and keep the Emison fans watching then you need to take a Marketing class.
I have respect for people watching. I want to make that very clear. I’ve never said “don’t watch the show”. I’ve simply given opinions, oftentimes backed by facts. I’m a diplomatic person. I think everyone is entitled to their beliefs.
This original post was not anti-Emison. I am very much an Emison fan. Just because I’m not rooting for Emison in a show that’s not about them does not mean I’m a hater. This post was me telling other Emison fans to tread carefully when it comes to hoping for positivity for Emison. I never once said that people should not have their own beliefs. But people are allowed to have a difference of opinion without the dissent. If you have a problem with my opinion, that’s fine. I respect that. However, trying to bad-mouth someone without having all the facts is not the right approach to anything.
Emison attacking other Emison fans is fucking ludicrous. Believe what you want to believe and get on with your life.
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