#screwed up the format in 001 but who cares
fadingemeralds · 8 years
Imma do all three for the ask thing. Can I? Should I? I don't know. But RWBY for fandom, Arkos for ship, and Pyrrha for character.
This was a lot of work let me tell you but I’m still glad you gave me an opportunity to gush about my Arkos feels.
001 | RWBY
Favorite character: I love all the RWBY girls but Blake is who I identify most with. And Jaune is my son. 
Least Favorite character: Prepare your pitchforks, you’re not going to like this. I’m not a fan of Nora - she annoyed me greatly through volumes 1-3 and it’s only recently that I’ve started warming up to her. Idk she’s fine as a part of Team JNPR I guess? Apart from that, Adam can go choke on a knife lmao.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Character I find most attractive: I’ll just casually link you to the post that adresses this issue in detail.
Character I would marry: Waiting for Yang to propose any day now.
Character I would be best friends with: I’d try and fail to befriend Weiss but in the end, Ren would be my best buddy.
A random thought: How many fanfiction tropes can you destroy by telling everyone that the citizens of Remnant can’t get hickeys unless for some reason, their aura breaks before making out? 
An unpopular opinion: Jaune deserves better than all the unjustified hate he gets from the fandom ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
My canon OTP: Arkos!!
Non-canon OTP: All my ships are good ships. Quality OTPs. Many true pairings. Although I’m honestly obsessed with Emerald/Weiss and Black Torch atm.
Most badass character: Probably Neo. She’s scary.
Pairing I am not a fan of: I don’t really care for the whole Bl*ck Sun vs. Bumb//leby feud? I don’t necessarily dislike either and personally I’d like to see the latter become canon for representation reasons, but in terms of shipping I can’t be bothered. Also cutesy Tauradonna can stay 5000ft away from me tbh.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Cinder?? is such a bland??? villain???? She had so much potential and I’m bitter.
Favourite friendship: Team RWBY, especially Yang and Blake!
002 | Jaune Arc & Pyrrha Nikos
Arkos just kind of sneaked up on me tbh, but when Pyrrha started to train Jaune and fell for him hard, I was head over heels.
my thoughts: This is such a tragic and angsty ship?? Volume 3 was a rollercoaster honestly and just when I thought they would end up happy and cute, RT decided to rip my heart out. I’m still upset and I just.. I can’t handle all the feelings I have for these two, it’s not fair.
What makes me happy about them: How proud Pyrrha is of Jaune. How well they understand each other. Jaune listening to her and Pyrrha having none of his self-conscious bullshit. The dance. The way they fight together like it was meant to be. Their awkwardness. Jaune looking at Pyrrha as if she’s his entire world. Pyrrha protecting him when it was necessary.
What makes me sad about them: hahahaha :)) Pyrrha kissed Jaune and they were not aware it would be the last time they’d ever see each other :))) Pyrrha thinking of Jaune in her last moments :))) Jaune’s raw grief and anger as he’s playing the video of her :))) Him always carrying a part of her with him ever since he upgraded his armor :))) The fact that they did not have enough time together :))) I just made myself cry :)))))))))))))
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: I’ve yet to read a truly horrific Arkos fanfiction, but people reducing Pyrrha to a lovesick puppy exposed to Jaune’s whims? That makes me mad. Sure she loves him but she can also kick his ass when he deserves it.
Things I look for in fanfic: Angst. Give me the angst.
My kinks: Pyrrha being Jaune’s first. Pyrrha teaching him where and how to touch her.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I love Martial Arcs and Ren comforting Jaune (and vice versa) after Pyrrha’s death will never not get to me. Pain and suffering is a lifestyle.
My happily ever after for them: Pyrrha lives!AU
003 | Pyrrha
How I feel about this character: I love Pyrrha so much, I don’t even have words. She was honestly one of the most compelling characters overall and had a super interesting arc and background! The whole maiden thing?? God damn. I would’ve payed real money to see that play out, but alas.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Jaune Arc and Cinder but in a low-key way. I’ve seen some cool stuff for this ship.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Pyrrha x all the girls. That’s the friendship I’d like to see.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Despite being upset about Pyrrha’s death, I felt like it was well executed (lmao). Unlike many female characters, she wasn’t fridged. Her death concluded her own character arc and within the narrative, it just made sense for her to die. Doesn’t mean I can’t be bitter about it though.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Leaving out the obvious “She could’ve survived”, I would’ve liked to see more of the cereal commercials she was in? And they could’ve extended the fighting scene with Mercury, that was neat.
My OTP: Obviously Arkos. Who would’ve thought.
My OT3 OT4: Team JNPR, happy and in love.
Send me a ship or a character!
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