#scrotal erosion
putridintercourse · 6 months
scrotal erosion - smells like something that died a while ago
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hatebush · 2 months
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doctorfoxtor · 3 years
post ain't long it's wrong, can't study till dawn? yawn
100 days of productivity
day 44 + 45
rheumatoid pleural effusions closely mimic complicated parapneumonic effusion on analysis, w/ ph <7.2, marked ↑LDH and notably glucose <30 (in fact glucose >30 almost rules out rheumatoid effusion)
in afib, digoxin will slow ventricular rate but is unlikely to cardiovert the rhythm
itraconazole in ABPA causes a 50% reduction in steroid dose and 25% reduction in anti-aspergillus IgE, and either partial or complete resolution of CXR infiltrates or improvement in PFTs/exercise tolerance
TRALI can happen as early as 15 minutes into the transfusion apparently?????
mesothelioma is an abject death sentence. The most you can do for patients beyond stage 1 is chemotherapy (limited survival benefit with platinics), radiotherapy to biopsy/thoracoscopy tracts only and surgery (lung-sparing debulking ± pleurodesis for recurrent effusions; radical surgery has shown no survival benefit)
mild tachy + broad qRs in haemodynamically stable pt s/p PCI for MI → likely to be LBBB developing; watch and wait
PSP looks similar to parkinson's bc it affects the opposite pathway as parkinsons (striatonigral vs nigrostriatal)
the best response you can get from deep brain stimulation for parkinsons = the best response you got from medication; DBS will NOT add a greater response compared to maximum medical therapy
without any other information, parkinson's ssx w/ dementia WITHIN 1 year of onset, it's Lewy body dementia; if it's more than 1 year, it's parkinson's w/ 2° dementia
choroidal neovascularisation with NO OTHER fundal signs: wet mac degen > diabetic retinopathy
focal dystonias are better treated with botox than with medication
SAH is unlikely to cause cranial nerve palsies other than III and maybe VI; pituitary apoplexy presents similarly with very severe headache/projectile vomiting/AMS, while affecting nerves III, IV, V-1 and VI
MS relapse: 500 mg PO or 1 g IV methylpred x5 days
there is no difference in risk of progression to Korsakoff when Wernicke is treated w/ glucose first vs w/ thiamine first
hyperaldosteronism: hyperplasia > adenoma
acute alcohol consumption can trigger hypoglycaemic events as the liver uses up NAD+ for each step of the alcohol detox pathway, where NAD+ is an important cofactor for the malate-oxalate shuttle used in gluconeogenesis
cinacalcet's major indication is hyperparathyroidism taht can't be corrected w/ surgery (eg, unfit pts)
topical steroid potency: hydrocortisone < clobetasol butyrate, betamethasone valerate low-dose < betamethasone valerate high-dose, fluticasone propionate < clobetasol propionate
onycholysis: trauma, tinea (infections), thyrotoxicosis, tetracyclines
pseudoxanthoma elasticum is assoc w/ mitral prolapse, renovascular htn, PVD, CAD, GIT bleeds and retinal vessel abnormalities
IgE values are normally distributed, so about 2.5% of the pop has raised IgE and 2.5% has reduced
s/p parathyroidectomy → acute drop in PTH → bones that are used to high levels of PTH experience a relative hypoPTHism → ↑blastic ↓clastic activity → acute bony uptake of calcium, PO4 and importantly magnesium = hungry bone syndrome (replace calcium and magnesium!)
carpal tunnel pain can radiate retrogradely to the forearm and sometimes even the arm
periarticular osteoporosis → RA
punched out erosions in juxtaarticular bone → gout
Peutz-Jeghers: small bowel hamartomas → intussusception, colorectal cancer, pigmented lesions (classically perioral/mucosal, but also palms/soles)
pernicious anaemia: parietal cell Abs (common) > intrinsic factor Abs (specific)
haemochromatosis: venesection → keep ferritin <50 and transferrin sat <50%
passing stools frequently, elevated inflammatory markers, ↑faecal calprotectin, PPI but not in demographic for IBD → take a colonoscopy and biopsy, this is probably microscopic colitis (and PPIs can trigger at any age)
liver biopsy is not indicated for Gilbert's—it is sufficient to do routine CBCs/LFTs w/ bilirubin analysis
pancreolauryl (fluorescein dilaurate) is quite nonspecific and will not pinpoint the exact pancreatic disease
hep A can be precided by short diarrhoeal illness`
in an IBD (esp UC) pt who comes >10 yrs after initial symptoms with recent change in bowel habits, offer urgent colonoscopy to r/o ca colon BEFORE starting on treatment
MTX + antifolate antibiotics: makes sense not to give them together—they can cause fulminant marrow failure
leukaemia can very rarely lead to acute painful scrotal swelling
5q- syndrome = myelodysplasia, but with thrombocytosis; diff from essential thrombocythaemia by anaemia with normal reticulocyte count and leukopaenia in the former
radiotherapy is a primary modality of tx in retinal, CNS, skin, oesophageal, cervical, vaginal and prostatic tumours; it is adjuvant in all other tumours
the commonest presentations of CMV s/p txp are pneumonia or pulmonary infiltrates
SIADH causing drugs - SIADH Causes Poor Voiding: Sedatives (barbiturates), Indomethacin (NSAIDs), Antidepressants (TCAs/SSRIs), thiazide Diuretics, 1st gen antiHistamines, Cyclophosphamide/antiConvulsants, 1st gen antiPsychotics, Vinca alkaloids
malaria: irreversible nephrosis (esp memb or FSGS) > nephritis
2° syphilis: reversible nephritis > nephrosis
even if the patient doesn't qualify for ACEis/ARBs for HTN, give them first-line anyway if concomitant renal disease
kidney size difference >1 cm is significant
for drugs that will be dialysed out on dialysis days, dose them immediately after dialysis on those days
only urge incontinence is not primarily managed with pelvic floor exercises
valproate ADRs - VALPROATE: Vomiting, Alopecia/Anorexia, Liver tox, Pancreatitis/PCOS, Redistributed fat (weight gain/lipodystrophy), Oedema, hyperAmmonaemia/Ataxia, Tremor/Thrombocytopaenia, Enzyme inhibitor
opioid withdrawal: methadone is the best single tx and avoids needing to give multiple drugs to cover ssx (eg, clonidine + dextromethorphan + loperamide)
aminoglycosides preferentially affect proximal tubular cells
the classic pattern of symptoms in both cotton workers and workers at factories that process nitrates is that of 'Monday disease'
toxicities for which measuring the blood levels is indicated - SLIME TiPP: Salicylates, Lithium, Iron, Methanol, Ethylene glycol, Theophylline, Paraquat, Paracetamol
amphetamine tox → hyponatraemia due to water retention, worsened by the excessive thirst; hyperkalaemia → rhabdo; hypokalaemia not seen because amphetamines tho sympathetomimetic do not have affinity for the β2 receptor like cocaine does
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