#scw4 faq
supercatweek · 5 years
Supercat Week 4 FAQ
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*drum roll* It’s time for another Supercat Week!
It’s been ages, so let us refresh you (or introduce you) to what that involves.
From the 29th of September through the 6th of October, we’ll be asking you to post Supercat content that you’ve created especially for this week of celebrating our lovely little ship.
To give you inspiration, we’ll suggest some broad themes for each day. While there will be examples provided that you’re welcome to use, please also go wild and interpret the prompts any way you like.
How does it work?
You don’t have to sign up or pledge. Anyone who wants to join, just take a look at the themes and start creating. And this event isn’t just for writers either!
Fanfiction, fanart, graphics, gifs, vids, fanmixes, meta, wallpapers, icons, etc. are all welcome. If it’s about Kara and Cat, and you made it, we wanna see it!
But don’t post them right away!
As you’ll see from the information below, there are certain dates for certain prompts. All content for the prompts should be posted starting at midnight EDT for the date listed. Tag your work with #supercatweek (within your first 5 tags), so that we can reblog it!
You can also add it to the AO3 collection, so everyone can revel in the goodies.
We’ll compile masterlists for each day and the whole week, so nobody misses out on great new Supercat stuff.
Are there rules?
Not many! We ask that you create something new or specifically for Supercat week. So no reposting or updating your WIPs here please. 
Make sure to use the tag on tumblr and/or the collection on AO3 so that we can make sure all works are counted and shared with the Supercat fandom to enjoy. There’s no limit on size, length, or rating. Crossovers and AUs are perfectly acceptable. You can post just to Tumblr (with the tag), just to AO3 (add it to the collection) or to both. 
Okay, so what are the themes and when are we posting?
You can see them in the explanatory gifset here, but just to recap in plain text:
Days 1 & 2 - September 29th and 30th - Hello and Goodbye 
Days 3 & 4 - October 1st and 2nd - Give or Take
Days 5 & 6 - October 3rd and 4th - Before and After
Days 7 & 8 - October 5th and 6th - Do or Don’t
As you can see, the themes this year all fall into the broader idea of “Balance”, with four individual themes each paired for two days.Think two sides of a coin - both prompts complement each other, making it easy to choose one, both, or tie them together.
Post your work on the day that matches your theme, or if you’re a bit late, throw it up on the last day, which is creator’s choice.
And don’t feel like you need to make a fanwork for all eight days.You can pick and choose for which ones you’re inspired by, or you can do all eight. And if you’re considering making more than one a day, hell yeah!
If you’re just now reading this and Supercat Week has already started, feel free to jump right in! And don’t stress too much about the deadline. We will always accept late submissions!
I don’t have a tumblr. Can I still participate?
Absolutely! Feel free to spread this event around to other sites and maybe have some of your friends signal boost. If you want to make things but don’t have a blog, just use the submission or ask boxes to give us a link to your creation, and it will absolutely be added to the site. Anon is always enabled on both, so please don’t feel like this is only for tumblr.
We can’t wait to see what you guys come up with!
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