sinisteryuri · 2 months
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sinisteryuri · 2 months
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fizzfangs nation has been winning a lot lately
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sinisteryuri · 2 months
lush chap 3 notes please! 🤩 i am loving lush so far
hi rowan 👋👋👋
lush chapter 3 is the first time in the fic where we get into the real mental anguish of chigiri coming to blue lock soccer program to give up on her dream of playing soccer, instead gaining a new determination to become the best at soccer and put everything into it, and then losing it all over again. yay!
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this ^^ little segment of introspection touches on some characterization i feel is important for this fic which is that, chigiri places a lot of her worth in soccer, so reckoning with a disability that makes soccer painful and dangerous to play is scary and life-changing. for her, this is the realization that she’s pushed herself too far and she probably won’t be able to come back from this injury again, even before that information is actually confirmed to her by anyone.
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sinisteryuri · 2 months
your drawings belong in the ouv
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one day we’re performing a reverse heist and installing soccer fanart in there🔥🔥🔥
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sinisteryuri · 9 days
Who’s your favorite mutual and why is it me
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sinisteryuri · 20 days
Love ya seabirds lets read each others writing forever. sorry we havent really talked in a while but I'm so busy w exams 😭 you got me to care about fictional football players which is very impressive. Idk if youve heard of Match Attax in the USA but they should release panini sticker books for the blue lock guys fr
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sinisteryuri · 1 month
29 for anybody you want ? :3
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i think it would have been like. some church guy at the annual easter picnic. tbh.
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sinisteryuri · 1 month
5 and 19 for the character ask game? :D
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i’ll answer these for kiyo :-]
i think he’d have wanted to be in a band as a kid! now pursuing soccer (the blue locker…)
HIS LAST SOCCER GAME OUTSIDE OF BLUE LOCK!!!!!!! it was against nakano asami’s team (other oc!!!) who is her Lesbian Situationship. and she hadn’t told her that she was going to blue lock🙁. bad. and she only found out like ages later.
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sinisteryuri · 1 month
Also 17 for kiyo!!!!
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kiyo’s brother is like a sports guy jock type and they’ve got a mega rivalry going on. a lot of kiyo’s ego involves proving she’s better than him out of spite, to the point that she hurts a lot of people in her life. kiyo is like pretty aware of the fact that him and his brother are on equal footing with soccer but that blue lock centers cis men, as sports tend to do with cis people, and that fuels a lot of his actions (ie going to bllk when he gets a second choice invite even though it feels insulting and leaves ppl in his life feeling like theyve been left in the dust).
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sinisteryuri · 2 months
HII FOR THE TAG GAME. please do elaborate on #girl???
sickos: HAHA YESSS.
i actually answered with a little excerpt already so im going to talk about my characters from this general universe because. i love them.
cw for suicide and abuse under there
MOLLY my best friend molly. here is some older art of her !!!
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so molly is 18, she lives in a world where some people have superpowers. kind of dc style. she’s an up and coming vigilante in the Big City (which is ILLEGAL but public opinion is mixed bc the government is like. not the best). she ran away from her suburban home after her older sister, angel, attempted to ritually give her superpowers for a plan to turn her into an Actual angel (not a real thing in universe). the powers thing worked but was traumatic and destroyed their relationship. molly is really self-sufficient, reckless, and attributes her continued, lucky survival to the existence of a higher power of angel’s creation. she has a grudge against the government because of the way angel was harmed by the government’s systems. her reckless but effective methods quickly get a lot of attention, both positive and negative, from the media and other heroes and vigilantes like lyov and lyra.
ANGEL the worst ever.
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i don’t have a picture of herSORRY.
angel, got into like a sidekick training program really young and was considered a prodigy. she would spend winters in the city with the big shots and summers at bible camp with molly. her and molly’s parents commit a religious double suicide when she’s 17 and she walks in on it and develops a sun-centric religious belief system to deal with her grief. she keeps making increasingly dangerous mistakes at her internship under her manipulative mentor and returns home full of a justified but incredibly misdirected anger that she unleashes on molly, and molly’s friends, darcy and elise, over the next few years, culminating in grievous injury to all of them. she believes herself to be chosen as a divine being and her goal is to get revenge on the ex-mentor who scarred her face and also become an Actual angel with molly so they can meet their parents.
LYRA my best friend
lyra is a career hero following in her brother’s footsteps by day, a masked vigilante doing gritty rescue work by night. she doesn’t want the flashy fights and advertisements of her brother’s career, and instead she’s drawn to disaster work, holding up fallen buildings, pulling people out of fire, the hands on help people need. their parents want her doing magazine spreads and pr interviews, something primarily rescue heroes are notoriously not offered due to the lack of glamour in their work. so she takes things into her own hands in the mean time and does double the work, because anything is worth it for helping real people outside of publicly hunting down individual criminals. and as a bonus, she gets to meetup with this mysterious other vigilante who is really cool (it’s molly).
ORFEAS my best friend
child actor of hero work. he is actually a pretty normal dude. he wants to retire early and go to college for med school and his and lyra's parents are pushing him to wait longer, which he doesn't want to do. he's worried about his fame affecting how people treat him because he doesn't want an advantage. he briefly trained with angel. they had a little teen romance going on but she also scared him because he didn’t know how to help her.
old man yaoi. it's them. they knew angel fairly well when she was in training because at the time they were working as a hero. since, they've learned of corruption and separated themselves from the industry, working alone as a vigilante figure, though lucille helps them with tech behind the scenes. they come from a big family that they don't feel they can talk to after the death of an estranged brother who almost killed them when they were a child in a drowning, and they still feel the guilt of tearing the family apart, as they feel their family members took sides after the incident. they want to help molly out because she reminds them of angel who they still worry about as they never found out what happened to her. she just disappeared. they live with lucille and rowen and their kid and have a sad old man yaoi self-pity desire to date them and help them parent their kid.
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sinisteryuri · 2 months
tell me about #girl??? please
#girl??? is . i dont know why its named that. its an older oc story that i still tweak every time i get a little better at writing so i consider it a wip LOL. ive been meaning to go back in and edit it again.
it’s about this vigilante in the Big City named molly whose sister, angel, is trying to track her down. there’s a lot more to it and a lot more characters but that’s the gist.
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i could honestly talk about these characters for hours and hours.
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sinisteryuri · 2 months
your drawings are shitty. never post again until you get good
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sinisteryuri · 2 months
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help me. helpyoure tormenting me with your scary images.LUKAS. WHATTSTS HAPPENING.
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sinisteryuri · 2 months
hai. How are u today
haiii i’m on the train!!!!!! so awesome!!! my fav type of amtrak train (siemens acs-64)!!! visiting with my BEST FRIEND AND MY GAYTHING. LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL. i’ve been working on plotting chapter 3 for lush + weighing the pros and cons of writing a bottoms fic while i wait to get to my stop!
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sinisteryuri · 20 days
you're fun to talk to & i love your writing!! youre cool🫶🫶🫶
Yayyyyy thank youu 🫶🫶
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sinisteryuri · 20 days
This is for that reblog post thing but we’re glad we met you even if it was pretty much EXTREMELY on a whim. You’re cool and have super talented art and the way you think about media and analyze media is awesome and we love getting to talk about character analysis together. Always awesome meeting more systems out there that are open minded too it really reminds us that maybe someday we can be way more open publicly about stuff. We like hearing about your life and what you get up to. You’re cool. I don’t know what else to add. Collect my friendships
HAII thankk you you are so awesome!! i’m super glad we met :-)
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