noneedtofearorhope · 6 months
I saw your post about dam removal. I know.
Dams can have quite a significant environmental impact But aren't they also one of the Best forms of clean power generation. Is there not a way to make dams with very little Environmental impact but still have good power. It's just that removing the dam Doesn't seem like something that would be immediately good especially when we're trying to prevent Climate change.
bottom line is that i believe the primary way to combat climate change is to drastically reduce energy use. without doing research, my first thought would be to use water mills rather than dams. because another advantage there would be the use of sustainable materials. wood can be grown locally and sustainably in a way that would reduce co2, whereas conk crete is like... not that.
oh, one way to make dams with very little environmental impact did just come to mind. beavers! 🤭
but yeah, i think it's better to start with the assumption that electricity will be a thing of the past, and then find ways to work it back in when and where you can do so sustainably (tbh im not sure that's possible, what with the needing of various metals, but im open to the possibility)
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Do you know who this guy could be? This is in nova Scotia , by the way
this fellow looks like an American eel (Anguilla rostrata)!
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