#season 3? quite bad as far as i saw and i’m sooooo sad to say that
felixcatton · 1 year
oh just spoiled ted lasso for myself and i fear i’m never gonna catch up on it now
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rantceratops · 7 years
It’s been a while since I did one of my rewatch posts, and what better episode to hop back into the swing of things than Secrets? I remember the morning after this episode aired, I got my mom to sit down and watch it with me over breakfast because Artemis and Zee kicked so much ass and I figured she’d appreciate that (as well as the Marvin the Martian reference, hehe).
Nothing bad ever happens on Halloween, amiright?
I like how that museum curator guy just happens to decide that he REALLY needs to say the Beowulf sword incantation for that cop, you know, just in case some wacko in a cut up trench coat is crouching up in the rafters nearby and might need it or something. How considerate! (dude, you could have prevented this ENTIRE episode from happening if you had not said that. YOU HAD ONE JOB.)
“Mediocrity such as this is never far from Harm.” Is Harm insinuating that he attracts mediocrity? I know he means that as a compliment to himself but I just can’t help but see it as he’s a loser so he attracts other losers.
Harm reminds me of a guy that I went to high school with, that always had really long hair and wore all black and a trench coat like all the fucking time. I shit you not I think of that guy every time I watch this episode, the resemblance is uncanny.
In fact now I’m just imagining that Harm was some fucking edgelord that was like obsessed with old legends and creepy shit and then somehow got stuck on the Beowulf legend and the sword and started taking things too far. 
LOL, Museum Curator is like okay see you guys, we’re fucked.
“The legends say the heart must be pure, they never said pure good.” You know, he really does have a point. 
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“Really, you’re not going to join in? What kind of wolf are you?” The kind that doesn’t respond to what arguably sounds like an actual dying dog, Wally.
Leave it to Conner to get Megan to wrap some toilet paper all over him and call himself a mummy. (I’m just kidding it’s probably not toilet paper but still)
Wally please stop with your face
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Awww, poor Billy! He wants to hang out with the Team! He’s so precious <3
AW YEAH AND HERE ARE THE LADIES OF THE HOUR. (well actually of the half hour but)
Okay, I really do not fucking have a clue as to why, but for some reason whenever I see Artemis in that vampire get-up my brain likens her to one of those uh... ugh, that Scooby-Doo movie with the three sisters that sang in it? Were they humans or vampires? I don’t remember but for some odd ass reason I get vibes of one of those chicks (or all of them?) from Artemis the vampire. IT’S WEIRD.
Also why didn’t they give Artemis fangs. LOST. OPPORTUNITY.
On a shippers note I find it interesting that Wally is a werewolf and Artemis is a vampire. Obviously those two creatures of the night are often heavily entwined, be it as star-crossed lovers a la Underworld, or something more like Van Helsing. I wonder if the choice was intentional, or perhaps coincidental... considering there is 0 Wally and Artemis interaction in this episode. (kind of a shame, tbh, I feel there might have been some funny potential in at least having them comment on each other’s costumes or something at the beginning) Not to mention the fact that Artemis’s angry attitude in this episode has a whole lot to do with Wally, despite no interaction.
The Justice League didn’t have a Halloween Party!? WHAT A BUNCH OF LOSERS.
You know, I don’t believe that Wally or Artemis were really 100% oblivious to Conner and M’gann being a thing. I think for both of their parts it was something more along the lines of wishful thinking, or perhaps shrugging off certain blatant signs of affection as nothing more than friendship. Considering that Greg said neither Wally nor Artemis took the revelation as hard as they appear to (moreso in Artemis’s case, as Wally gets over it pretty much immediately compared to her) I think that deep down they were both kidding themselves. As has been said many times before, Conner and M’gann were merely distractions for both of them, somewhere to focus their affections when they were too scared to admit they liked the other, or when the other seemed unobtainable to them. Crutch crushes, if you will. For Artemis, Wally seemed out of reach, so she went back to hot, beefy Conner; for Wally, his intense and undeniable feelings for Artemis began to scare him, so he went back to safe, sweet Megan instead of confronting those feelings.
“You are so making this up to me later.” I think we all know what that means...
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“Girl’s night out.”
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“I know Artemis isn’t shooting straight. For starter’s she isn’t Green Arrow’s niece.” “What?” “Well, yeah, in fact she’s related to--”  Awww, Dick was just so unconcerned about it and I love that. Like, he KNOWS and he doesn’t even consider for two seconds that Artemis is the Team mole. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: DICK AND ARTEMIS’S FRIENDSHIP IS SO IMPORTANT. (if you don’t think that Dick hacked into the Bat-computer and looked up info on Artemis pretty much the night she joined then you’re wrong)
Four for you, YJ Bats, sticking up for Artemis’s right to have a secret identity! See, this is the kind of times that I like Batman.
Why does Dick almost seem sad about there not being a traitor? I never could quite figure out what that expression of his is supposed to mean, unless it’s just a kind of like “I’m stumped” kind of sad/deflated thing. IDK
I was sooooo glad we got an episode of Zee and Artemis being badasses on motorcycles, considering those two were absent for the brief motorcycle fun times in Schooled.
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I also liked the headcanon that Zatanna was borrowing Robin’s motorcycle in this episode, huehue. (too bad it uh... blew up)
I fucking love that Artemis has this kind of... like, attitude of being pissed off and just wanting to pummel the shit out of something instead of actually talk about it, especially considering it’s a matter of the heart. I don’t think Artemis follows the closed off trope per se, but she’s just so convinced that Wally doesn’t want her and that the Team would shun her if they found out about her family that she’s closing herself off where she normally wouldn’t.  Like, I love that Zatanna tries to be a good friend and let her talk it out, but Artemis is only interested and venting some of her pent up anger on some hapless bastards. Her feelings and her secrets are eating her up from the inside out at this point.
“What I need is something to beat up.”
God Artemis is such a badass, can we just appreciate the fact that she’s a badass enough archer to fucking nail very precise targets from a moving vehicle? And then like, punches some guy as she’s driving past and finishes him off? 
Harm is a fucking creeper.
“You know, there were easier ways to take them.” “Pfft, they had it coming, no harm done.” THAT’S RIGHT ARTEMIS YOU KICK BITCHES IN THE FACE. (especially considering the implications of what they were going to do when circling that blonde girl... they definitely deserved the punishment Artemis dished out)
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“We get it, your name is Harm!” 
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“Their ridiculous garb--” Excuse me? Coming from the guy with no shirt on and a ripped up trench coat thing? Come on brah, who’s really ridiculous here? My ladies have style!
Let’s just take a moment to appreciate Zatanna’s awesome flip thing while saving Artemis, shall we?
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Oh my god I forever love that Zatanna changes her fucking boots mid chase sequence because they’re impractical. XD
I’m always just a little bit disappointed that the dagger that slices Artemis’s mask didn’t leave a bloody scratch. Like, they could have gotten away with a red line on her cheek to represent it being a scratch. Idk, I’ve seen fics where she does have one and Wally asks about it and stuff like that, I choose to headcanon it nicked her skin.
I also kind of like that Zatanna lasts about two seconds against Harm but Artemis holds her own for a good minute or so. My point being that there’s an obvious contrast in each of their training, that Zatanna probably doesn’t physically fight very much due to her spells, where as Artemis is quite proficiently trained in melee as well as her bow and arrows. It’s also an interesting contrast in that they’re both technically “ranged” heroes if you will, but one of them is still more melee inclined than the other. This is in no way saying Zatanna is weak, I’m sure she at least knows some basic fighting/defense, I’m sure Zatara would’ve taught her something, but Artemis is clearly the winner here, especially with her upbringing (god knows all the shit Lawrence taught her). And in general I greatly appreciate that Artemis could have very easily just been the stereotypical “girl’s are ranged” trope with no combat prowess at all, but instead she’s inclined to both ways of fighting and in fact spends the majority of season 2 fighting melee with a sword. 
Appreciation time for the rooftop fight, as the choreography for it is particularly top-notch!
Also, Artemis is fierce!
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“You wanna play without the toys?”
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Artemis, please, stop, you can’t just unleash that much of your badassery at once, it’s bad for my health!
Shipper goggles: When Harm hits Artemis in the face I’m always just like wondering how Wally would have reacted to that. For no other reason than shipper reasons. I would’ve just loved to see him be all like AW HELL NAW and just rush Harm recklessly and probably get his ass whooped.
“The martians are coming, the martians are coming!” Oh my fucking GOD this part cracks me the fuck up every time.
“Watch out! They have disintegration rays!” Conner, honey, I can tell you that you’re not getting an Oscar for that line delivery anytime soon.
Wally is so silent this whole episode, though, tbh. He has like two lines at the beginning and then yells about martians, but other than that he’s completely silent, it’s weird.
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Oh, man, Artemis getting so... just absolutely fucking livid when she finds out that Harm murdered his sister. “You did this! To your own sister! And you had the gall to write beloved!” Like, she can’t even imagine doing that to Jade, or Jade doing that to her. They are very obviously on the opposite sides of the law, but when it comes down to it Jade nor Artemis would ever do anything that would kill the other, they love each other, and the idea that someone could do that to their own sibling just fucking appalls her.
“It can’t fight us while it fights itself!” FUCK HIM UP, ART!
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How does that boot taste, mother fucker?!
“I still can’t believe someone could do that to his own sister... I mean if my...”
:((( Artemis you hurt me.
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survivorkilimanjaro · 6 years
Pre-Jury Rites of Passage
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A little mood music...
As a reminder, this is only the rites of passage for those not in the jury. The jury rites of passage will be released on winner reveal day in the afternoon, once all the jury members have voted, as a final teaser leading to the winner!
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Benj - We were voted out together but I guess since we have similar names one of us had to go so the other could live…
Dennis - Why the hell do you have a santa-johnny pic as your pfp?
Lily - hi Ben! I remember talking to you when we were all on the beach together. I wasn’t’t sure if I could trust you but definitely didn’t see you as the first person to go. Good luck to you!
Madison - I wish we talked more, but someone had to go first so yeet
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Benj - You gave me one hell of a fight in the redemption challenge, it was sooo close coming down to a tiebreaker
Dennis - I would’ve loved to draft you onto my tribe, but the moment you asked me not to do that and Regan wanted to draft you I kinda had a sad feeling that this might be a short Havana-Reunion :(
Lily - well, I’ve heard of you and people were always talking about how you really played hard and could be very dangerous to go. I was just glad it was me and not you. I was honestly scared to see if we would ever be on the same tribe. Good luck in everything!
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Benj - I think you were the 12 year old? Thanks for switching places with me on Makonde!
Dennis - We never interacted, sorry that you went so early :(
Lily - We didn’t get to talk much while on the beach. I hope for the best for you and hope you continue to play these crazy things!
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Benj - Don’t remember anything about you sorry!
Dennis - Sorry that you got voted out so early!
Lily - hi jaiden! We never really had a chance to talk and I heard a lot about how you are a crazy player. I was glad that you were gone before I would meet up with you because I have no clue how much you could have changed the game. I believe we played a game briefly together on a side season or something but honestly idk. I hope for the best for you and everything you do!
Madison - you were iconic as heck and you really deserved better but the numbers just didn't roll that way
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Benj - Brian!! You did amazing on Mount Olympus, so I understand why you were inactive in this game. But I thank you since it gave me a chance to keep playing
Dennis - Sorry that you got voted out so early!
Lily - OMGGGG BRIANNNN. I almost died when I saw we were in a game together again. You are quite the strategist and comp beast, I was personally shocked to see you go this early. I seriously don’t think this game would be the same if you would have made it to merge. I really don’t know what I would have done. I probably would have been running around like a mad woman and I know you would have messed with my plans. Nothing but the best of luck to you.
Madison - ugh i wish we actually got to meet because you went out with such class and i respect it
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Benj - Can’t believe you decided you wanted to quit a day after I was voted off smh
Dennis - Oh boy oh boy. I was properly sad when u asked Nick to be voted out. We had interacted pregame quite a bit and it is always refreshing to have someone in your pm’s who speaks the same language as you. I hope your life is going good and may we meet again!
Lily - well Geri. Thanks for sticking it out as long as you did. Quite the time it was. I think losing the flag challenge was kinda the right timing. I wondered if we won that challenge and made it to the tribe swap if you would have played harder and formed strategies. Or you were just done. I don’t know. But best of luck to you!
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Benj - We were on a tribe but didn’t talk much or at all lol. I think you complained about leaving over an inactive aka me after results so lol. Good luck representing Kilimanjaro in France though!
Dennis - I know that one day you will make merge in a survivor <3 I hope we get to play together again soon!
Lily - hi Jacob! I don’t believe we talked? But if we did, I’m sorry. Best of luck to you!
Madison - it sucks that you go out early all the time but let me just say that you shouldn't give up because your time is coming
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Benj - Also left in a 5-3 vote against me and continued my streak of getting votes every single tribal so yay
Dennis - I still can not believe that you never knew I played your Circle game. I even got quite far..
Lily - KAGE. Wow. So. I wasn’t shocked to see you go but I was also pretty sad. I was really hoping for a redemption for us this season but that didn’t happen. You are a legend and never forget.
Madison - it makes me so sad every day that you're not still in the game and I will always feel bad about it, you deserved sooooo much better
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Benj - One of the only 2 people I knew of before coming into this, and it was fun playing with you just sucks we lost so many times. I’m sorry it ended on a bad note between us ☹
Dennis - You are always entertaining to watch and play with, sorry that it ended for you so early.
Lily - Regan, I always love to hear about how you play and what happened. I’ve still never really gotten the chance to play with you but I’m always interested to see how the story of your game. Always keep fighting girl!
Madison - we have had so many ups and so many downs and sometimes i can never tell how you and i are gonna get along but us working together in the game and stuff was a big step forward for us
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Benj - The other person I knew before this game! When I saw you on the cast I was so relieved cuz as a complete noob to tumblr survivor I literally haven’t heard of any of these people before in my life so to see someone I’ve known since 2013 was great but it sucks we were never on a tribe together and that you got blindsided ☹ I hope I made you proud!
Dennis - I was truly bummed when I saw that you got voted out. I was hoping that after the connection we made on Makonde 2.0, we could reunite at a later point and play this game together..
Lily - I really loved seeing how dedicated you were to challenges. You were one of the reasons our tribe could stay afloat. I also really enjoyed our conversations about school and literature. Thank you for everything and keep doing you. Best of luck!
Madison - sooo um sorry about the blindside, but it'll make sense later, you are such a good survivor player and i always respect how you play and also how you treat people
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Benj - Blake!! My king you were one of the people who welcomed me onto Makonde once I returned and I was devastated when you left right before merge
Dennis - I don’t think anyone has ever made me feel this uncomfortable in a game like you did. I know your back was against the wall and you tried everything to survive that vote. If there is one thing you have going for you its dedication!
Lily - Oh Blake, we have had some times. I love how you play cause it’s exciting to see how you will react to situations. You make the game more interesting. Best of luck to you and I’ll always be interested to follow your seasons.
Madison - A KING UGH i wish we ended up playing together in this game, i was so excited for it but you certainly made an impact in the game just by being iconic
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Benj - Exact same as Blake, you were awesome to meet, and I was so sad to miss out on merge with you and to see more of your antics!! Hope you return in a future season king
Dennis - I was actually pretty sad that you got voted out right before merge. Even though you seem like a complete wildcard you are definitely a really interesting player and I would’ve wanted to see where the merge would’ve led us!
Lily - Keaton, I so badly wanted to see things work out for you but in a lot of challenges you had a negative attitude. I know you were in a tough spot at times but everyone has their own stuff going on and you have to do the best with what you got. I wish you would have tried a little harder. It’s hard to keep someone around who doesn’t want to give it their all. I wasn’t involved in your vote in any way but I thought it would happen based on what was going on when we were on tribes together previously. I really hope to see you grow because I enjoyed the conversations we had. Best of luck to you in everything you do!
Madison - my first words to you were asking if you were hot and we've truly come so far from that moment, you've become one of my favorite people that i've ever met and there's so much that I could say about you but we don't have enough time for that
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Benj - We met on the last tribe swap and it was super fun getting points in the live challenge with you when all the Americans were asleep! Sad that you went inactive at merge ☹
Dennis - You probably know yourself if you weren’t as busy as you were and had put at least half of the effort into this season that you put into HoS, you would’ve gone way further. You are super likeable and relatable and I am sorry that you went as a mergeboot, BUT atleast you are in the epic 12th-placer chat now!
Lily - You are so sweet and I was completely impressed with how you left. I know you were busy and that’s how things go. I felt you needed to go that vote because you weren’t dedicating the time that was necessary for the game and I would have hated to see someone go who was putting forth a valiant effort. I really hope you play again and that you love your new place. I love that you added me on Pokémon go cause that meant a lot to me. Haha. Best of luck in all you do!
Madison - you are such an iconic British king!!! You went out with class and it just shows what kind of a person you are irl
0 notes
festivebb4-blog · 6 years
Jury Questions and Answers, and Closing Statements:
Jury question from Owen - Why don't the other two people you're sitting next to deserve to win, and why do you deserve it more?
Timmy: Hi Owen! I don’t think Amanda deserves to win because she did not make moves during this game. It was easy for her to get this far because she wasn’t seen as a threat and while that can be seen as a good way to play, I think in this situation I played a better game. I deserve to win over Amanda because I always put in the effort to make moves that would benefit my game even if it risked me being a target. Even when I was a target for some people I was able to use my social game to stay over others. Ali does not deserve to win because I was in control of the moves Ali made. Ali was an amazing ally to have and he is a great friend but the things he did in this game were things that I told him to do. I deserve to win over Ali because I helped him get this far. From a different standpoint, I won more competitions than both of them and made moves out in the open, which some disagreed with, and I was still able to make it this far.
 Amanda: Why do i deserve it more- Do you know the vine thats like "Im a bad bitch you cant kill me" thats me in this game lolol i should have been booted sooooo long ago but i kept weaseling my way through. You Rhone and I got seen as a very known trio and i made sure you guys looked scarier than me and once you left i played the "poor me i have nothing" card and it gained me allies with people who should have been getting me out and obviously it worked because im here :)
Ali: ajkhfdakskjfdas owen making me be mean, I hate. Amanda doesn't deserve to win because while she seems like a lovely person, I don't think was especially committed to this game and I don't think she has done all that much. Her and Rhone would consistently vote together, and I don't think she has been a threat for a long time. Additionally, she has consistently just kind of voted with the same people and been in the minority, just sticking to her friends (which she must have good choice in, since you two are friends). Compared to me, I would try and make connections on all sides of the house, I was in a huge variety of alliance chats, with Dana and Zach, with Timmy and John, with you and Ruthie, with Madison, I was always working to make sure I had connections everywhere, which solidified my spot in the majority for literally every vote. Timmy has played a phenomenal challenge game, he won many many comps. With that said, while he was nominated many times (which potentially stems from his weaker social game), it would be my vote that would save him. We have worked quite closely together, but it was my social game that meant that unlike him I never received an eviction vote and was only a final nominee once . When he made unpopular (and surprising) decisions like in the live night, I would do damage control with people like Zach to ensure people I trusted I could balance between. I didn't need to rely on competitions to get here, I used a strong social game as the foundation to a strategic game which allowed me to make it this far. I deserve your vote Owen because I played hard. I was consistently a swing vote and made some hard strategic decisions (like voting out Dana) to ensure my safety going forwards. You once again were terrifying to play with, but I feel like this time (more than last time) I should have earned your respect and thus your vote.
Jury question from Madison: I have the flu so can you ask them how I've impacted them in the community
Amanda: Madison we've gotten through so much trash over the time ive known you and we're still alive. Like girl we got through hell and so much random ass shit here you're so fun and i love you you'll always be my meme queen
Timmy: Hi Madison! I hope you feel better soon!!! You have impacted me in many ways in the community. You are always someone who I am happy to talk to and I know I can have a good laugh with. There are a lot of people who I only talk to because we are in a game together and that’s just how it works out, but we talk outside of games and I enjoy that. You have added me to some random chats, and while I have still yet to take advantage of jackbox nights, I appreciate that you invited me into that. Also, I would have applied to Alcatraz because you’re hosting it but 4 games is already a lot (even though this one is about to end).
Ali: Madison, you have impacted me in the community in that you've become a friend. I remember in Festive 3 when I had to do that satanic slide puzzle for that veto comp and I was so sad and disappointed in myself and you were being so supportive and great. This sounds so incredibly corny, but from there I knew you were a friend and thats why I play these games, to meet new iconic people. Since then, it's been my pleasure to know you and call you a friend and root for you in VLs for games, and I'm so happy we got to play together too, even though it cut short (still sorry about that!)!
Jury question from Ruthie - What are three reasons you deserve my jury vote over the other two in the final 3?
Timmy: Hi Ruthie! I hope you’re having a great time in Disney!! The first reason is that I made moves that I believe changed the game. These moves were in the weeks that John stayed over Chrissa, when I stayed over John, and during the live double. In the week where John stayed, I made multiple calls that day to keep him safe. I was able to convince Zach and Dana to talk to him since they had no prior relationship with him and did not see the original benefit of keeping him. I see this as a move that changed the game because many sides and alliances were exposed under the surface, especially those surrounding Amanda, Owen, and Rhone and I knew I was still able to trust John, so it was in my best interest to keep him. In the week that I stay over John, I knew I was the target, so I could have easily laid down and accept my fate, but I had to fight. Owen had kept nominating me and therefore he wanted me out, but I was able to convince people to look past the “I need to know what others are doing” mentality and show that they all had that and keep me because I am more beneficial. With that move I was able to get Owen out the next week during the double and if I had not done that then the trio of Amanda, Owen, and Rhone would probably have outlasted all of us. The second reason is that I won competitions when I needed to. I won 3 HoHs and 2 vetos. I was able to save myself with both of those vetos, the more important of the two being at F5 when I knew if I had not won I would have left. With the HoHs, at least the 2nd and 3rd, since the first was in week 1, I was able to get rid of people who would have or were already targeting me, Owen and Zach. I think this is important to note as one of the reasons because collectively between Ali and Amanda they only won 2 competitions. The third reason is that I was on the block at the end of the week 4 times and people still did not get rid of me. I never saw myself as a background player in this game because I was always telling people what I wanted to happen and making the right moves to allow those things to happen and somehow people kept me. I always made sure that there was at least one person who looked more threatening than me. I will say though that the situation was different in the Josh vote because he was inactive so I did not put much effort into that vote since it was obvious that he was leaving. Because of those reasons, I believe that I deserve your jury vote over the other time. Sorry, I know you’re on vacation and this is a lot to read, but have fun with the rest of your trip!!
Ali: Hey Ruthie! I'd say three reasons I deserve your vote are:
1. I have never received a vote to evict this season nor have I been in the minority for a vote (the other two have been at least one of those). Timmy was nominated many times,but it was always my votes saving him 2. I played super hard this season, you were my number one and you saw that we were with Dana and Zach, Owen, Madison and Zach, basically I made sure I had connections everywhere, and I think the other two just stuck with who they were close to only. I was also in an alliance with John and Timmy, so it's clear I was working to find numbers all the time everywhere. 3. Other than our BOTB win (so iconic) I haven't needed to win a comp till F4 to evict the biggest threat in the game (Zach). My social and strategic game got me here,while I think Timmy's game was very comp dependent.
Amanda: Lets be honest i shouldve been right out the door after owen and rhone but im here i might not have won comps but 1- i made deals with people i needed to to stay safe and 2- made sure people liked me enough to not want me to leave
And 3- The Disney Gods want you to vote for me
Jury Question from John: Hi final 3! I love you all dearly first off, and this is going to be a very difficult decision. 1. Write me an essay on why you love me 2. If you could compare your gameplay to an animal, what would it be and why?
Amanda: HI BABYYYYY!! You're my John Coffeycakes and I love you so so much. Your BGC snaps are my faves and you always make me laugh. You're literally one of the most genuine and sweet people I know and you honestly brighten up my day everytime we talk! I cried when you left this game and ive missed you so much. I could get even more mushy but i think you already know how much i love you.
2- A monkey because I keep my babies on my back and take care of them picking all the little bugs from their hair. I also sit around eating a banana while everyone else crashed and burned but now Ali and Timmy are trying to TAKE THE BIGGEST BANANA IVE EVER SEEN AND I WANNA EAT IT IM ABOUT TO GO KING KONG ON THIS SHIT.
Ali: 1. John, I love you because while I knew a fair amount of the players before this season, you were one of the few who I only know very loosely (I'd seen you met up with Cameron so knew you already had great taste in friends!). It's been such a real pleasure to get to know and play with you this season, and to become friends afterwards! You are so sweet and so nice, and you don't take these games even remotely personally. My game highlight was the night when like 10 different game calls happening but our one was really fun because we got the game out of the way pretty quickly and then were just able to have fun! You are truly winning crossroads and can add it to all the other things you've won (i.e. festive and everyone hearts). One of the best things to come out of this game is I can now call you friend! 2. I'd compare my gameplay to an octopus in thats my key strength were all the connections and links I made in the house (like an octopus' tentacles). I voted in the majority every single round, and that came from me using my social connections to ensure what I wanted to happen happened and that my votes counted. Like the little squishy suction cups on an octopus' tentacles I would keep attached to everyone which is why I didnt receive a single eviction vote this entire season! Finally I'm an octopus in that.... well you can't play flash games with squishy tentacles which explains why they weren't my friend.
Timmy: Hi John! I’m going to let you know right now, I suck at essays, so this will be shorter than one and will not have the appropriate structure of an essay (also, I’m still on break for the next 24 hours so the thought of an academic style answer is not in me). But to at least answer your question, you were easily one of my favorite people in this game, both on a game level and on a personal level. The first reason was because you were easy to talk to. I am a very awkward person, especially just talking online just because things could come off in a different way than intended but I didn’t find myself having that issue talking to you. Also, in your intro one of the first things you said was that you like being drunk and my first thought was “relatable, me, same” and I knew you would be someone I could get along with. For a large portion of this game you were my number 1 ally and I knew I could trust you which was always important to me since I could just openly talk to you about what I was thinking which is not easy to do in games. I was always able to freak out to you about different things happening and we were always on the same page with what was going on and what we wanted to do about it. To kind of conclude this brief essay, you are a great person who is funny and was always there when I was freaking out and that’s why I love you. To answer the second question, I would simply say that my gameplay could be compared to a cat. Some people like cats, some don’t, which is kind of what my gameplay was like, some people agreed with my moves while others thought I was stupid at times. Another reason is that a cat can be soft and warm up to people and then at any point switch and be angry and I had my moments with that, sometimes turning my targets very quickly based on what was going on around me. Thanks for the questions. 😊
Zach’s Jury Question: Name some fun facts about me and tell me why u should win thanks
- Zach is the king of geckos - Zach has a great pride tattoo - Zach has played 100 days in Athena because he is iconic - Zach has a concerning effect on how I speak, in that I've started saying "I lav it" and "hort" which I'm definitely subconsciously copying from himI deserve to win, because while I've undersold it, I've had a lot of control over this game. I am the only player who hasn't received a single vote to evict this season (or ever) and I was in the majority for every.single.vote. I would make moves to benefit my game, ensuring that threats were going home, and who would benefit my game. I didn't rely on competition wins, until I absolutely needed to, which was ensuring that you didn't win veto and potentially evict me, and so that I could vote to evict you from the game. You were truly the biggest threat in this game, you had such an underdog story and it wasn't something I felt I could rival, so I needed to see you go. Compared to Timmy, while he has had an on point challenge game and has survived many evictions, my votes would consistently be what saved him and I feel like my social game with my strategy gave me a lot of control. I had connections with everyone, alliances all over the shop, and yet I managed to navigate them and ensure my spot at F3. Amanda is a queen, but hasn't been especially committed to this game and I don't feel like has played in a way that deserves to win? (I love her though)
Amanda: You come from a long line of furbies and ilysm. I should win because i'm cute and everyone loves a female winner :*
Timmy: Hi Zach! Some fun facts about you: You live in Canada, you hate mayo, you’re very good at keeping a snap streak going when I’m really bad at it. I should win this game because I played my hardest at all stages during this game. We had conversations about how people were not using their full potential and only a few people deserve to win in the end and I think I am one of those people (who should win). I actively used my social game to stay each week. Some might argue that it was not good because I kept getting nominated, but most of those times I was only nominated by Owen. I got my way during a lot of hard times. Specifically noting the weeks that Chrissa and John left. During the day of the Chrissa vote I spent a big chunk of the day on calls convincing people to keep John because that was a lot better for my game. I got a lot of information from you and Dana and got you guys to talk to John and vote to keep him. John and I were able to convince Ali because of the relationship we had already built with him. When John left, it sucked because I was up against him and he was my number 1 at that point. I knew I was the target and I could have laid down and accepted that but instead I decided to fight and flip the vote. Most people were telling me that day that they would only vote to keep me if others did, so I had to work hard to let everyone know that that was a majority consensus so just vote to keep me and you will be fine. And I stayed. I won competitions when I needed to and got targets out, specifically in the live double. Owen had nominated me many times at that point and I knew I had to get rid of him, so I had like 12 tabs open to try and win HoH which I did. I’m still sorry that I nominated you but my only plan going into that night was to try and get Owen evicted. Two of the times I was nominated I won veto and was able to save myself; the more important of the two being in F5 when I definitely would have gone home if I had not won. I think I should win because I played the game to the best of my ability and thrived, especially after coming in 2nd the season before. This is really one of the first games where I was not afraid to say what my plans were and who I wanted to go and there was only a handful of times during the game where I did not know what was happening (mainly when Owen played the Spook d’état). I hope this answers your question.
Closing Statements:
Amanda: Hi everybodyyyyyy! I know i'm probably the last choice on all of your lists right now but i'm here and i'm having fun! I aligned with the people i needed to and placed myself in the middle of two alliances which kept me in a safe spot for the first half of this game. When we got to Rhones hoh/ the week after everything went to shit and i had to rethink things. I was stuck between two allinces and people were catching onto Rhone Owen and I being a trio. That got completely exposed and everyone was coming at us so i laid low so the two of them ended up looking like the bigger targets and they got taken out before me. After they left i felt alone as fuck and put myself out to zach and made the deal i needed to move forward. I always made sure i had backup relationships for when one crashed and I managed to weasel myself here. Even if I dont win i beat my placement and had a fun ass time doing it and I love you all <3 #FEMINISM
Ali: Hey Jurors! Thank you for an iconic season, it’s been a pleasure to play again with some of you, or meet some faces I’ve seen floating around various VLs. Thank you also to the hosts for hosting an iconic season, it was a pleasure to be invited back to festive and I’m so glad I’ve done myself justice by playing so much better.
When I played my first game, the main critique I got at FTC was that I made friends with everyone but I did nothing with those bonds. Thus, in this game, my philosophy has been to weaponize my social game ; make these social connections but actually do something with them. Consistently in votes, I would be a swing vote determining who would go home, to the point where I was in the majority for every single vote this season. I would use my connections all across the house with my web of alliances (Dana/Zach, Zach/Ruthie/Madison, Ruthie/Dana/Zach, Ruthie/Owen & John/Timmy) to not only keep myself safe but to ensure who I wanted to see go home went home (indicated by how I was in the majority for literally every single vote this season). Additionally, I would position myself so that it was in everyone’s best interest to keep me in the game, hence why I received no votes to evict this season. Social game is hard to quantify, but me winning MVP, which was voted for by players in the game, showed that my social game was universal and I was on average the most liked/supported player in the game.
Thank you everyone for playing, its been an iconic season and I'm looking forward to the reunion chat.
Timmy:  Hi everyone! Thank you for the questions, I hope I answered them to your satisfaction. If I did not, hopefully I can highlight a few things in this statement. I came into this game thinking I would have a huge target on my back because I got 2nd place last season, and granted I did not do much then, it was my ultimate goal to beat that placement here. I think that through the moves I made and the competitions I won to make those moves, I deserve to win this game. I already explained certain moves in some of the jury questions and I just want to briefly mention them again. In the week Chrissa left, I spent a lot of time messaging people and on calls to make sure that John would stay and was even able to convince people like Zach and Dana, who had no prior working relationship with John, to keep him. I even used my vote replacement on Owen and Ruthie just to make sure that he would stay in case something happened. I thought this was smart because I knew it was a safe backup since I had not talked to either of them about the vote. When I was on the block against John, I felt extremely defeated since Owen had hinted using the veto on me and then he nominated John, who was basically my number 1 at that point. I could have laid down and died in this game, but I made people aware of reasons why they should keep me and used my social game to keep me in a 4-2 vote when people all day were saying “maybe, but it depends on what other people are doing”. Then that next week I was able to get Owen out in the live double and, granted I made a few mistakes that night, I was able to put myself in a good spot heading into the rest of the game because the main person who was targeting me was evicted. I was on the block at the end of the week 4 times during this game and was able to stay each time which says something because there were chances to get rid of me, but people did not take those. I think I should win this game because I worked extremely hard to get to this point, harder than I have in any other game, and I made moves both behind the scenes and out in the open and was able to get to this point. Thank you!
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