#seattle thunderbirds
rempesluck · 14 days
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Bedhead. 02/22/22.
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ahoneybeing · 26 days
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barzy and rempe in the back lol
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halliewriteshockey · 1 year
The Seattle Thunderbirds have Luke Prokop, the only openly gay hockey player in pro or semi-pro hockey right now, but they chose not to hold a Pride Night this year. So fans said fine, we’ll hold our own.
Luke promoted it on Instagram but because it was unofficial, I didn’t expect anything from the players.
Every. Single. Player used Pride tape in some way for warmups. ALL OF THEM, stepping up in a way grown-ass men are afraid to do.
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(Yes, that’s Dylan Guenther)
Several of them kept the tape on either their stick or socks for the entire game, including their goalie, Thomas Milic (who grinned at my kids shaking a huge Pride flag at him and flashed them a peace sign)
A couple more pictures under the cut, including Luke himself
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wildaboutmnhockey · 7 months
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Luke Prokop on his Pride Night experiences
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pyotrkochetkov · 1 year
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Mat Barzal drops the ceremonial first puck at the Seattle Thunderbirds game (12.31.22)
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stuckinnet · 1 year
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he is beloved 🥺
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hughschiers · 1 year
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prettyboywoll · 10 months
How Colton Dach is as a boyfriend
a/n: hi guys! Just wanted to post this to practice my writing and get feedback. So lmk if you guys like it<3 thank you 😊
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- is an absolute sweetheart
- would do anything for you
- his love languages is physical touch
- into PDA
- has you sit on his lap 24/7
- needs to have his hands on your thighs or around your waist
- squeezes your thigh when he wants you to touch him
- loves to cuddle but always be the little spoon
- skin to skin when he’s sad
- rests his head on your shoulders
- is very clingy in a cute way
- like after being away for so long he’ll wanna spend his time being around you
- follows you around like a lost puppy
- helps you with anything just to be close by
- when he’s away for games he has flowers delivered to your apartment with a cute little note that he’s very proud of
- FaceTimes you whenever he’s free
- he’ll tell you about his day, wants to hear about yours, his friends will be in the background trying to talk to you as well
- the FT is mostly them fighting over who gets to talk to you while Colton is whining about wanting his phone back
- loves to talk about you to his friends and family
- after dating for about 6 months he wants you to meet his family
- his family adores you
-always invite you anywhere they go
- hockey games? Oh you’ll drop everything your doing just to go to them
- is the type to get jealous
- also possessive just a little
- finds a guy flirting with you? He’s immediately pulling you close to him and cursing the guy out
- a girl flirts with him? your making out with him and secretly throwing up the middle finger at her
- seeing him skate around the rink with a huge smile on his face cause he saw you in his jersey just makes your day
-he’s blushing
- so distracted that he doesn’t even hear when his friends are teasing him about being so whipped
- is the same when you wear his clothes
- absolutely loves it and encourages you to wear more
- if you have any oversized hoodies he’ll take them cause they smell like you
- on his days off he’ll fly you out to Chicago and show you his favorite places
- takes you shopping and pays for everything
- when you did try to pay for your items he took your card and didn’t give it back until you left the mall
- adores neck kisses
- hates getting into arguments
- if you guys are fighting and there’s lots of yelling he suggests that you separate for a few hours until you both have calm down
- you’ll both apologize to each other and make up
- calls you baby, sweetheart and Princess
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onmytape · 1 year
“Everybody in this organization supports Luke and hockey should be for everybody. Hockey’s been the thing that brought the most joy to my life so taking that away from somebody for any matter shouldn’t be right. Any way we can support, that’s what we want to do as a team.” 
Dach, Korchinski, and Allan on using pride tape to show support for teammate Luke Prokop
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rempesluck · 23 days
Here is Matt scoring a goal on his fathers 4th year death anniversary and then pointing to the sky.
His billet mom previously shared some artwork that featured that moment!
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nightshadehasblorbos · 3 months
Leave a like and positive comment on the YouTube video💜
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snekjin · 1 year
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iamidentical · 4 months
met some dear friends from seattle today who very generously gave me this 2024 seattle thunderbirds pride t-shirt, signed by my favourite players (and the equipment manager lol) !!
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hockey has led me to so many wonderful people and experiences during some tough times. i could not be more grateful
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hughschiers · 3 months
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onmytape · 1 year
Colton Dach on the Showbound Podcast
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spending the summer doing shoulder rehab from his injury and working on getting “stronger” and “faster”. and went back to kelowna after the mem cup to pack up his stuff because he didn’t have a chance after being traded to seattle at the wjc 
his grade 9 bantam team only lost two games all year (with zellweger, guenther, savoie?) he and some of his teammates skipped school on 2018 whl draft day because they knew they were getting picked high
on playing with kirby in saskatoon: “it would’ve been nice if he didn’t make the show at 18 so i could’ve played with him there [longer]”
took him 30 games to score his first whl goal. “wasn’t very positive” with himself
names Tristen Robins ("offensive weapon”) and Kyle Crnkovic as memorable players on the blades
When asked if he thinks the dub is the toughest league in the chl: “i played against the other two [at the mem cup] and going into it we’re like okay we’re just going to bully these kids, we’re just going to run them out of the rink and i’ll give it to the quebec team. Was probably the hardest, toughest guys to play against.” 
One of his teammates tried to look up the fights of the ohl players before the mem cup and (because of the limits of fighting in the league) couldn’t find anything to study and gave up. 
“Growing up I was always a feisty kid and I always thought when I get to the dub I'll be able to handle myself” first dub fight at 16 against a 20 year old. lost horribly.
Kirby spoiled that colton was getting drafted by chicago because he told one of their friends to grab the hawks hat after getting a text from someone in chicago’s management before the pick was announced.
Thought he was going to st. louis because he had the most conversations with them before the draft 
Montreal asked him which animal he’d be and he answered grizzly bear “bigger guy, not so fast but physical” and at the end of the conversation one of the montreal guys said “i don’t think you’re a bear” Guenther and Zellweger were present at the zoom call. “Zellweger said he’d be a wolf or a predator or something like that” 
Colton found out he was traded to kelowna while he was in chicago with kirby driving to the rink and duncan keith called kirby and told them colton was traded to kel before either of them knew
About kelowna: “they were great guys. It was awesome. Still best friends with a lot of them.” 
Kirby’s trying to sell colton his car so he can buy a new one. Colton doesn’t want to show up to camp without having played a single pro game with a g wagon. 
He was roommates with reid schaefer at the world juniors. Their room faced the hotel exit so they anxiously watched guys leave as they didn’t make the cut. Schaefer got a call that his car was being towed in seattle and Colton’s dad kept calling to ask if he had made the team yet. The phone calls made them think they were getting cut. 
Didn’t have high expectations because he was told during a meeting “just to let you know you're not here because of your play this season so far, you're here because what you did in the summer at our camp”
When asked what happens when they cut one roommate and keep the other - during the 2022 summer wjc zack ostapchuk and his roommate were told to pack their stuff and it wasn’t until the roommate had already left and ostapchuk was about to leave that they told him he wasn’t actually cut 
After losing to czechia nobody on the team talked until the next afternoon. Captain shane wright didn't let the team play sewer ball before the next game so they would focus better
About bedard: good ping pong player. Colton mentions coach chippy’s videos about bedard’s wrist curls 
Almost got kicked out of the media box during bedard’s ot winner vs slovakia because he was being too loud and banging on the desk while the staff was trying to work 
On the playoffs: played kelowna first, says his ex teammates knew how to trigger him on the ice and chirped him with inside stuff when he skated by the bench 
Calls guenther the “powerhouse” during playoffs 
After guenther met crosby he texted colton on instagram and colton was like “i hate you so much right now” 
After being drafted to chicago colton got a text from kane to congratulate him and made some comment about getting the “better dach” 
Calls seattle thunderbirds fans “unreal” 
“one funny story actually after we won, you know, boys did their laps with the trophy and take the team photos, two of the guys went out to the parking lot to get the coolers of beer and drinks so you know the guys can have some fun in the dressing room and they get locked out and because we're in the states it's 21 you know like you can't - they're not supposed to drink - right yeah, everyone's under 20. the commissioner is walking by and he's the one who told everyone that we can't drink or something like that in the room. the commissioner walks by outside these guys are stuck outside sitting on the cooler drinking beer. in full gear as well. just sitting there and he comes up shakes her hands says congrats and walks away. it was pretty funny”
“Partied friday night, saturday, sunday, skated monday/tuesday” after winning the whl champs
After they got back on the bus after losing the mem cup, the team was dejected and crnkovic stood up and yelled “we’re still champs” to rile the boys up again
considers himself “grumpy in the mornings” 
crnkovic is the funniest guy on the thunderbirds but the worst chirper. colton considers himself the biggest chirper.
Saunders is best dressed, crnkovic is the worst and can’t tie a tie.
says Ciona is most likely to be a coach when they’re done playing “lot of patience” “good leader” 
"Stranded on an island for a month with three seattle thunderbirds?" “Bryce pickford for sure. He would know how to handle a situation out there. Maybe Milic. You know if he brings his guitar he can sing some songs out there so that’d be nice. Maybe gunner (Guenther). Just get some laughs out there. Create some chaos. He was my roommate so it was pretty funny.”
“Any funny coach stories?” “I wouldn’t say it’s really funny it’s kind of awkward. So in kelowna last year we had to put one of our dogs down and my mom called me and told me that the night before and I go to practice the next day and I told one guy on the team and everyone's skating around it's kind of, everyone's not talking, just a quiet day and the coach comes in he's like what? what the hell? like did someone's dog die last night? and oh you know I just I sat there I'm like oh no wiping my eyes. one of the guys comes up to me gives me a hug and he's like, "yeah Colton's dog.”'
about bedard and media: “I always went behind him on the bus [at wj] so I can get a little extra air time on TV” “no he’s definitely, he does really good with that stuff. He’s very well media trained” 
On seeing kirby: they call after every game, don’t always talk about hockey. Call each other on off days to play video games. Colton went to montreal for kirby’s bday for a week while his shoulder was separated. “That was pretty special. I haven’t really got to watch him play since he’s been in Saskatoon.” 
(jun 25th, 2023)
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