#second of all baby i have headcanons of izumi taking him in as an apprentice when young and treating him like a son that you wouldnt believe
say gay izumi and no one bats an eye. say straight izumi and society goes wild. say aroace izumi and nobody even hears me
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ourimpavidheroine · 6 years
My own headcanons (that I will probably never write because there are only so many hours in the day and also, one of these days I do actually plan on finishing I Do Not Ask The Night For Explanations, I swear to god I do):
Huan would want to get dressed up like Qi and Qi would roll up their sleeves with relish and go for it. It would involve an unholy amount of eyeliner, an elaborate hairdo, plenty of jewelry, blood red fingernails and an embroidered cheongsam, all of which would delight Huan to no end and would cause Ikki to stalk him all night. 
Now that Mako feels secure in Qi’s affections, he wouldn’t really get much in the way of jealous any longer. However, I am pretty damn sure that Wu would not appreciate Desna flirting with his Qi at the wedding. At all. As in, there is nearly an international incident, which is only avoided because Korra steps in and tells her cousin to fuck off.
Sitiak, realizing that Wei is doing his best to stay off the bottle and how his loneliness contributes to that, will gift him with an especially fluffy and very imperious blue-eyed white kitten. Wei will name her Blossom (so he has his own little flower, you see) and she will have a pink collar and a pink cushion and a little pink bow on top of her head that he painstakingly ties on for her and he will carry her around everywhere in a little pink purse kitty bag, like he is Paris Hilton or something. His family will find this fucking hysterical but of course will never say so in front of him (well, except for Huan, of course, because Huan) and will give her gifts on her birthday, etc. Wu will protest strongly at Blossom coming to dinner with Wei, but will be overridden by Qi. The kitten, of course, will immediately throw herself all over Lin, as all cats do when they find the one person in the room that loathes cats. 
I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned it, but Cork (remember Cork? one of the original street kids?) worked with LoLo for years in the kitchen and went on to apprentice at several of the best restaurants in town. He works at the homeless shelter for the kids and eventually will start to take over for LoLo in the kitchen as LoLo gets closer to retirement age. He will be the one to take LoLo’s place and will be Sayuri’s majordomo in the (far) future. 
I do know who Meelo marries, and you have already met her.
I think I mentioned this? I don’t remember. But Naoki eventually buys the Sato estate and makes that into her bending school. It’s also her residence when she is in Republic City and one of her grandchildren - Prince Lozan’s second oldest child, a daughter - will take over the school eventually.
Sozui attends Republic City University for four years when he turns sixteen, studying philosophy and history. After that he serves three years in the United Nations’ Navy under his uncle. Both are very good experiences for him, and he eventually becomes quite the diplomat for his sister when Izumi abdicates and she takes the throne. 
Bora and Yung will end up having nine children, mostly airbenders (with two earthbenders and one nonbender thrown in there). They never get married. They never really go about declaring their love for each other. There is no great romance or anything like that. They just have a great time in bed and settle into each other and she gets pregnant and there’s the first baby and then eventually there are more, so Bora stays up there (because who the hell else is going to keep that place running, Ikki?) and Yung stays up there and their kids - like all of the other kids up there - are communally raised and neither one of them ever strays from the other and Bora eventually dies peacefully in her sleep, a very old lady, and Yung follows four days later. They are happy together until the end.
The next Avatar - the earthbending Avatar - is San Beifong’s great-grandchild. Somewhere, Toph is cackling.
Sayuri’s granddaughter will get access to Wu’s dairies when she is 15, after Wu dies and leaves them to her in his will. She will be the Progeny who reads them all. 
Huan will become a very famous artist and this will baffle him entirely, since he just makes the art he likes and doesn’t actually care if anyone else likes it or not. He has zero desire to have any kind of public face, and will get a reputation for being mysterious, which only makes people try harder to commission him (he never takes them) or interview him, etc. This leads to people coming to the mountain to try and approach him; he refuses to talk to any of them and people learn to be very wary of his brother, who will toss them (literally, not figuratively) out on their asses.
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