#second one: reyna and annabeth are queens of kingdoms that have been at war for like eons and only recently became at peace w each other so
lizzibennet · 5 years
fics i’ve written that you all should be sad over the fact you’re never reading
percabeth royalty/magic au (started out inspired by historical fiction as a royalty au only but really, the only way to make it work was to add magic, so it became kinda high fantasy? there’s balls and pretty dresses and fake dating (yes, i did) and people controlling elements and pining over each other and it’s gr8)
reynabeth royalty au (kinda same concept as the last one, except it’s set in a world where the magic aspect is more prevalent, and it’s more focused on a political story (cause the percabeth one is totally self indulgent romance, lol). LOTS OF PINING i love this one sm it’s like the older sister of the first one. it’s also the first multi chaptered fic i ever finished so like. yeah)
percabeth new girl au BECAUSE NO ONE WOULD WRITE IT? LIKE??? THE CONCEPT IS THERE!!!!!!! IT’S SO OBVIOUS JUST PUT THEM IN A ROMCOM SITUATION IT’S NOT THAT FREAKING HARD. anyway human au, annabeth, percy, grover and juniper all live together basically when i started this i just really wanted to give juniper a personality and kinda started revolving around that and evolving into this MONSTER, it has like 50 chapters, i have a problem, i’ve been writing this for like 5 years)
jasiper/percabeth pride and prejudice au because SERIOUSLY! IT! IS! RIGHT! THERE! DO I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING AROUND HERE I JUST WANTED TO READ SOME P&P PERCABETH AM I ASKING FOR TOO MUCH NO I REALLY AM NOT. also it’s jasiper/percabeth because i’ve written two versions (please stop looking at me weird) jasiper is classic and percabeth is modern times. yh babey
#for more context if you're interested#first one: annabeth has a life debt to hera which means sometimes hera is like 'yo m8 gotta do this favor 4 me' annabeth is the stranged#daughter of athena which means she is ANGERY all the time. percy is the prince of pposeidon's land (which surprise is rivals with athena's)#and hera is like i want his kingdom. but she can't manipulate him with her EvIL MaGiC bc he's a cinnamon roll to good for this world#so she's like annabeth! distract him! make him fall in love w/ you so you weaken his mind! and annabeth's done worse things for hera so#she's like yh whatever i'll do it#you know what happens next lmao i love fake relationship So Much#why does annabeth have a life debt to hera??? why can't hera influence percy (or thalia...)??? why does athena hate annabeth???#GUESS U ALL WILL NEVER KNOW!#second one: reyna and annabeth are queens of kingdoms that have been at war for like eons and only recently became at peace w each other so#they try to navigate that#i did so much research for this one because i had no actual idea of what monarchies are like#anyway it's the slowest burn of slow burns. it's gr8 and it's kinda game of thronesy#which i didnt know cause i wrote it before i ever watched got#third one: ugh this one is too funny i loved writing it#i steal my friend's jokes for it all the time lmaoooo#basically: theyre all childhood friends who have to share a flat for reASONS (there are reasons but they're MSTERIOUS)#annabeth's a photographer percy and jason are part time models (i swear this has an explanation) grover is a teacher and juniper is reach#i lied this might be the slowest burn of all slow burns#AND THEY WERE ROOMATES! OH MY GOD THEY WERE ROOMATES#p&p au is pretty self explanatory#pjo
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theolympusfiles · 5 years
percy jackson - royalty au
there are three main kingdoms. the north is ruled by king zeus and queen hera, a couple who rule with an iron fist and have rumors surrounding them. zeus is always running off having affairs and many seem to think that his children are illegitimate. they have good reason to believe so
the king and queen had two children. a spitfire of a girl named thalia and jason, who was basically as perfect as can be. thalia was the heiress to the throne, though she gave it up in favor of joining the huntresses. not much is known about her, seeing as she gave up her throne when she was merely fourteen
jason proved to be a better fit to be the kingdom’s heir. he was quick to learn on the kingdom’s long history and had a talent for pleasing people. he’s always keeping up with the country’s economy and the people just adore him
the south is ruled by king hades and his queen, the lovely persephone. they have two children, a doll-like daughter by the name of bianca and a brooding son named nico. bianca is the heiress to the throne and her brother is a soldier in the north’s army, slowly moving up the ranks. they’re famous for their coal and jewels, though they’re also known for their crops. not to mention that they have a large population of elders due to the advanced types of medicine in the kingdom
the east is most powerful kingdom, ruled by queen athena. the east wasn’t always ruled by the queen. rumors say that it was once ruled by a kind man named poseidon but something went down and queen athena took over the throne. the east is known for their inventions and advanced technology and they have the best army in the land
the heiress is princess annabeth, an intelligent young woman with the typical looks of a princess. but her eyes, a stormy gray, throw the image off. she has no recollection of her father but she doesn’t really care. her mother is more than enough
the forests are ruled by the amazons. a tribe of women ruled by queen hylla and her sister. they’re strong and not to be trifled with. the amazons had promised reyna, queen hylla’s sister, to prince jason in an act to try and save their tribe. everything was going well until reyna ran off with one of the north’s bodyguards, a slim girl with queen hera’s features and storm-like eyes
once king zeus found out, he was enraged. he sent out his best soliders in search of the two girls, nico in the lead. the king swore vengeance. soon the north was in turmoil with the amazons. a war was brewing
desperate, the king turns to the east kingdom. athena sees it as an oppurtunity and the two arrange a deal. in exchange for some of athena’s army, the north will give the east some better means of travelling. athena is skeptical and says she’ll only sign if their two heirs are to be married, bringing a strong union between the two kingdoms. zeus agrees
when annabeth catches news of this, she screams. while jason was pleasant young man, she had no wishes to marry him. annabeth and athena argue about this and athena accidentally lets a key bit of information out. hazel, the kingdom’s sorceress, had predicted that annabeth will fall in love with someone who will bring the kingdom to ruins. athena saw the marriage between jason and annabeth as a way to prevent this
angry, annabeth storms to the tower where hazel resides and demands to know what the prediction was. hazel tells her what she can, though it isn’t much as she had made the prediction years ago, when she was first hired by the queen. annabeth is walking away when she gets an idea. hazel is not only known for her predictions but for her potions as well. annabeth asks if there’s some kind of potion that will help get her out of this mess
hazel’s a bit hesitant but she says that she may be able to brew some kind of potion that will help sway athena. annabeth agrees and walks off, promising to visit hazel everyday to see how the potion’s going
meanwhile, jason is against the marriage but stays quiet, his blue eyes dull as his father proposes a trip to the east so jason can get to know annabeth better. the wink zeus throws his way tells jasoj that he means it in a more physical way and jason feels sick
when jason arrives at the east’s palace, a ball is thrown in honor of the engagement. he meets annabeth for the first time and is quite frankly scared. she didn’t even speak a word to him, her gray eyes set in a glare the whole time. the two of them only shared one dance and hardly exchanged glances
while annabeth was hostile towards him, a girl with kaleidoscope eyes gives him a smile and the two talk throughout the ball. her name is piper and she’s the daughter of the kingdom’s matchmaker. he has to admit she’s pretty, but not in the way most girls are. her beauty is more rough with her choppy hair and crooked smile. but her personality is what wins jason over. she’s funny and has a wicked sharp tongue. jason’s smitten before the ball even ends and he asks if the two of them could hang out. piper agrees, though she does mention that her best friend would like to tag along. he doesn’t mind
the following day, jason and annabeth share an awkward breakfast together. annabeth seems to have melted a little bit as she talks to him. but her words are clipped and she hardly smiles. he can see that she’s a wonderful girl but she just has her guard up. they finish their meal and went on their separate ways, annabeth to the tower and jason to the forge
annabeth is surprised to see a guard standing tall by the tower. he introduces himself as frank and she makes polite conversation with him. he lets her into the tower, shutting the door behind her with a small smile on his face as he catches a glimpse of hazel, who is leaning over a thick book. she jumps to her feet when she realizes annabeth is there, quickly shutting her book
annabeth had seen the way frank smiled when he spotted hazel and her curiosity lead to her asking hazel what was that about. the small girl blushes and she quietly explains that she and frank had a small friendship. she was lonely up in her tower and frank was often her only companion and she was his. the two had grown close, exchanging conversation over the thick doors
annabeth has to admit it’s sweet but she has no time to think about this. she steers the conversation back to the potion and the disappointed glint in hazel’s eyes tell her enough. there’s no such potion. annabeth knew it was a long shot but she was still disappointed. all hazel could offer was a potion that would help annabeth destress, which the blonde princess took without a second thought
after receiving the news, annabeth decided to head down to the kitchens for a snack. she grabs some of her scrolls from her room and is so engrossed in her scroll that she doesn’t notice the person heading her way. the two of them collide and fall to the floor, annabeth’s scrolls falling to the floor 
the two start to apologize to the other profusely and annabeth offers him to come along with her to the kitchens. he nods, surprised at her offer. the two talk over their food and annabeth finds herself having more fun than she had with any of her suitors. who knew the cook’s son would be such a blast to be with? percy feels the same way towards her and the two form a quick friendship. they start to meet up everyday after lunch and one thing leads to another and soon their little friendship turns into something more
annabeth and jason still eat breakfast together but the two of them started to loosen up more. they grow comfortable with one another and one day, jason asks where annabeth always goes to after lunch. she admits that she has a slight interest in the cook’s son and jason laughs, admitting that he has a crush on the matchmaker’s daughter. the two promise to keep each other’s secret 
meanwhile, nico is still on the hunt for reyna and the female guard (who he believes to be thalia). they’re skilled when it comes to living in the wild and it takes him weeks before he finds his first clue. a merchant has a circlet that reyna is known to wear. he explains that two girls had given it to him in exchange of supplies. nico asks if he knows the direction they went and the merchant tells him to ask will solace, a hunter who most likely would have seen the girls while he’s out in the woods
he hunts out will and the two have a rough meeting but the blond hunter agrees to join nico on his hunt. it takes a week for them to find another clue, a purple fabric that could belong to reyna’s dress. the two celebrate by stopping by a nearby town and buying dinner at a local pub. when the two set up camp, will suddenly gives nico a kiss that leads to something more
nico wakes up to a note from will that says he’s sorry. the blond’s horse and things are gone. all he left was one of his arrows
back in the castle, annabeth’s getting ready for her wedding day. once she’s alone in her room, she sneaks off to meet up with percy. the two of them had been planning this for months, with the help of jason and piper. the only other person to know about their plan is sally and she fully supported them. annabeth doesn’t even look back as the two of them ride away
jason stands at the altar for exactly two hours before athena grows cross and looks for annabeth. all she finds is a hastily-scrawn note from annabeth that said she was sorry
the grace family leave for their kingdom an hour later. not even a few days later, nico returns to the north with only a golden circlet and a purple fabric. the search is called off and the two are declared dead
percy and annabeth are nowhere to be found 
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