#second time in one winter?? urghhhh ><
julik0vatay · 4 months
Some old toys moved in current display
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Doll furniture from times I had big dollhouse isnt in best condition but its still useful for storing rarely used items and getting rid of some visual clutter (cant say it isnt cluttered now, just slightly better)
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Red dragon plush from my childhood recieved much needed maintenance (loose threads and loose fabric that took less than an hour and more than two decades to fix (this year of the dragon is this lil guy's 3rd!)) and joined much younger company
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Plain pink bear from old playset got details painted, loosely inspired by care bears design. Watermelon flavor!
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Also got cheap halloween blindbox candy and was amused to find green zombie doll inside >.< hilarous considering Im currently stuck thinking about green dolls out of my reach >_>
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