#see also: Unwelcome Guests by Narcissist Cookbook
inkylizard · 1 year
Ghost stories. cw: death of a friend My partner runs a Blades in the Dark game in a homebrew setting, which shares with the core setting the storytelling element of ghosts. They’re  prominent in our campaign specifically; our gang sells drugs to ghosts, and as such we have a number of ghost friends and associates  They hang out in our base and show up to our parties. The campaign has had sporadic play, whenever we can manage to get a group together. We’ve been running for about two years and have had a mostly consistent group. We’ve discussed bringing in a few more people off and on since the beginning, partly so we might be able to get a quorum and play more often. One time our friend Sam joined us for a session. Sam has struggled with his mental health, going through periods of stability punctuated with delusional episodes; this night he was on new medication, and he was drinking. He got confrontational and disruptive and we ended the session early. The next day he was so apologetic, and we understood, and said we’d all been there. I certainly have. We debated about whether or not to give him another try. Some of us said we’d be less likely to show up if we invited Sam again, and we decided in favor of keeping the original group. It was an honest decision. it wasn’t the kindest. We play on Discord and Roll20, because we started during the late stages of quarantine, and kept the format.
And Sam just... never logged out of the Roll20 game. It would have felt like adding insult to injury to ask him to exit out. His icon has been there every session, ever since.
On the 23rd of December, Sam died. A digital and uncomfortably real ghost in the Street Spectres’ home base. I imagine he’ll remain logged in indefinitely. I hope so. I don’t want him to leave.
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trenchcoatsbi · 1 year
yoo could i ask for a playlist for a tallulah qsmp fictive mayhaps? she has an insatiable hunger for music it's frightening (/silly) ,, she likes soundtracks (child of light is her current fav), stuff like the oh hellos/cavetown/bears in trees, and generally cozy sorta feeling songs, plus anything lullaby-ey if that makes sense :] hope u guys are well! sorry this is a tad long or vague hhaha -–🔉🌠
hello! Admittedly I rushed this a bit I’m not as sure about these as I was about 🌾🪶 Phil’s but I took a swing we’ll see if I missed later I guess. I tried to include as many artists as possible so you have plenty of people to look through since you said she was a bit insatiable when it came to music! I did phone in the last few songs like the lullaby-eque ones. yeah again this was a bit of a mess on my end. Though I have been writing down songs for this for a while I didn't have an easy time narrowing down things as to what I wanted to include so at this point I've just thrown my hands in the air and declared it done now. Sorry if the playlist is messy or unsatisfactory.
Art used is by @/sallomezz on tumblr and can be found here!
Hope you find something to enjoy on the playlist or in my bonus ramblings below! -phil
okay so I kinda cheated my self imposed rule of one song per artist but in my defense I couldn’t choose between Moonlight and Paperwork… They’re my two favorite Fish in a Birdcage songs and I thought both were kinda fitting so oh well both of them are there.
Anywho I could go on and on and on about how I was this close to fighting myself to the death (<- hyperbolic) over this. Let's just get to other recommendations I didn't put on for one reason or another.
Starting with musicians I put on there but didn't include a song from for whatever reason:
Myxrite! My personal favorite song Now and Again doesn't look like its on Spotify at all so uh yeah I'm linking it here because I like it a lot.
Bug Hunter is on there too but he's currently in the top ten of my favorite musicians so yeah here's more suggestions! Go With The Flow and Listen to Your Mom pretty high up there in terms of my favorite songs. Making Up Words is one of my favorites lyrically (though I must say that Disco in the Panic Room is up there too), and of course I have to mention Try My Best and Slow Burn because I keep using lyrics from them to inspire drawings (that I'll never post anywhere online). Okay fuck I need to move on before I link literally every single one of his songs lol
Same as Bug Hunter, The Narcissist Cookbook is up there in terms of my favorite musician + he put the MOTH album (one of his old ones that wasn't on on youtube yet) on youtube recently so he's been in my head a lot. Ghost Stories and UNWELCOME GUESTS (warning: unwelcome guests starts with a phone ringing noise idk my friends always get surprised by it so I'm just gonna mention it in case) are rahgjagh they are so good they exist in my head rent free
Madilyn Mei has been on loop in my head cause a friend of mine. Anyway Six Legs (tippy tappy toes) and Sleeping in the Kitchen. just live in my brain now because of them lol
The actual recommendations that aren't just more songs from folk on the playlist already:
I Fight Dragons! I fucking love them! Their music tends to have techy/8-bit noises and they're a bit more on the rock side of things but their stuff is really good! Good Morning Sunlight and Oh The Places You'll Go... They are the most <3 to me forever... Sunny Afternoon too... God I love IFD I need to make my friends listen to them with me more
If you like IFD you may also like Jonathan Coulton or the portal song guy as my friends know him lol. Nobody Loves You Like Me or Now I Am an Arsonist or really anything from the Artificial Heart Album is always my go to for showing people besides the songs from Portal (Still Alive and Want You Gone) that my friends know.
Similar to IFD, a lot of Going Spaceward's songs have techy noise in the like proper releases, but his youtube has a lot of acoustic versions of his songs that don't have those. His covers are good but really most of his music is just funky. Uh since I will absolutely not narrow this down in any timely fashion I'm just going to link the entire Can You Hear It Album and uh Count Past 23.
Joseph Dubay is a musician I only got into like a few months ago but I really like his stuff, kinda similar vibes to what i was going for with this playlist but a lot of his songs just didnt fit the vibe so I didn't feel like adding them. That being said I am obliged to tell absolutely everyone I talk about music with to listen to Pastel Goth and 4evr so yeah.
Completely different vibe but San Fermin may be of interest to y'all! Astronaut and The Woods are the ones I listen to most from them but everything about their music just scratches the brain itch for me. Their stuff is indie rock which is kinda in the genres of the bands you mentioned!
A bit of a different suggestion but since you mentioned her liking soundtracks AZALI might be a cool youtube channel to check out! They make short songs in FL Studio and idk I'll be honest I don't listen to soundtracks or things like you mentioned in that part of your ask but I do listen to every upload AZALI makes and I think they're all pretty neat. The songs are all like a minute or two long but I like to just put them on loop when I'm writing. Truth, Violence, Warmth is my go to for writing for this specific project, but Mechanical God was how I found their channel and I'm just fond of City of Shattered Glass so there those three are my suggestions.
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saphushia · 1 year
Oh if you like farewell wanderlust i highly reccomend "The Old Witch Sleep and The Good Man Grace" by the same artist, brother got me into them a bit ago and their music is really cool!
3 other offers because i Love sharing music are Cheeseburger family by jack stauber's micropop (or really any song by that artist), Goat's milk by ezra bell (also the pride of N. Summer by them if you enjoy goats milk, diff vibes a bit but good in its own way), and Someone Great by LCD Soundsystem (this ones fucks heavily imo)
ok ngl i was immediately intimidated seeing it's nearly 9 minutes but. this fucks. shout out to one of the few songs that really uses the whole 9 minutes well holy damn. can't keep track of the narrative going on because i'm so entranced by just how hard the tune is going. also jack stauber hallooooo <3 i think my favorite song of his is probably milk. I also really like goats milk!! not so much pride of n summer but i'll probably go and look at more of the artist's stuff in a bit. someone great is really nice too! honestly props to you for recommending all songs that aren't my usual genres but are still really nice.
giving you in return; UNWELCOME GUESTS by Narcissist Cookbook Curses by Food House Somedays by Puppet For the Wicked by Friday Pilots Club Dream Boy by Waterparks
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