#see see cause babycorns grandma hails from.... ahahaha
hqmillioncorn · 2 years
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‘It’s you who we celebrate! So welcome home!’
in another attempt to find her family tree, babycorn takes off with tilika to ishgard to find out more about her grandma  unfortunately ishgard is a very big place and its not very easy to find people...
Babycorn grabbed a pile of snow from the ground and rolled it around her gloved hands. “Heh heh heh…” Babycorn laughed to herself as she rolled the snow into a perfectly spherical snowball. Her aim was on Tilika as she was currently busy looking past a high balcony to the rest of Ishgard around them.
Babycorn had already taken four snowballs from Tilika since getting to Coerthas. There was just something about the region that brought out the instinct in both of them to destroy each other in a snowball fight. As of now Babycorn had gotten zero hits in but that was about to change with just one little snowball.
She aimed carefully, making sure that Tilika was in her sights. “Hyaa!” Babycorn shouted as she threw the snowball directly at her cousin.
The snowball went over Tilika and fell down into the ravine below. “Oh wow!” Tilika watched it closely as it fell, “That one almost got me! Did it go right between my ears? They did feel kind of cold!” Tilika turned around to reveal her own snowball in her hands.
Babycorn gulped, looking around for any place to duck down and hide. Ultimately she would choose to just run but just as she began to run in place to build up speed, she was hit square in the face with a snowball.
“And that’s five! That’s game!” There had been no points decided ahead of time but Tilika was starting to feel bad about Babycorn’s zero points.
“Fiddlesticks!” Babycorn sat up and picked up a pile of snow from the ground with full intention of angrily biting into it. She was stopped when Tilika ran over and lowered her arm down while she shook her head.
Tilika and Babycorn were not in Ishgard for no reason.
They had been planning the trip here for a few days now after Tilika had figured out that part of Babycorn’s family actually had come from Ishgard. Her grandma on her papa’s side was actually from Ishgard! 
Unfortunately Tilika still couldn’t figure out where exactly Babycorn’s grandma was but a lead was still a lead.
“Do you think my grandma lives somewhere here?” Babycorn was taping her hands in rhythm on a table in the Forgotten Knight. The pair decided they would stop to eat the food they packed for the day. Babycorn suggested they eat it here and not in the bitter cold outside.
Babycorn’s eyes trailed over to the corner where she usually ran into Sidguru and Rielle. She was hoping they would be here so they could meet Tilika but both of them were mysteriously absent. Oh well… But she was really hoping Tilika would be able to meet more of her friends.
“Well…She could…?” Tilika wasn’t too confident that they would run into Babycorn’s grandma or other relatives just out of the blue. Given that Babycorn was the famous Warrior of Light, any relatives that did know she was related to them would probably have made themselves known a long time ago. Unless there was some bad blood between them and given that Babycorn’s father was raised in Gridania there was a chance that was the case.
“Your father grew up in Gridania so chances are that she’s still living there.” Tilika explained.
Babycorn almost spilled her juice in surprise, “What?! Then what are we doing here?! Shouldn’t we be looking over there?!”
“I just wanted to get a feel for where she used to live! I used to do things like this all the time back when I was looking for your mama!”
“Really?!” Babycorn couldn’t argue with the results. It was only a horrible twist of fate that Tilika had discovered Aleria’s location far too late for her to help.
Babycorn picked up her juice and took a loud slurp of it. It was orange juice! Her favorite! “I never would have thought me and Cherry had family in Ishgard! I could have talked to any of them back when we first got here and I wouldn’t even have known!” Not that Babycorn really talked to anyone back then. She mostly spent her days back then dealing with dragons or fighting the church.
At first Babycorn understood Tilika’s explanation of her having family in Ishgard as her being from Ishgard. Which sent her spiraling down into believing that she was born in Ishgard. It was only after bragging to all of her friends about how she could be getting her Elezen growth spurt at any time did Babycorn find out she was born somewhere not in Ishgard.
Which meant no growth spurt.
Unless the Elezen part of her family tree suddenly decided to grant her a miracle.
Tilika took a bite of her sandwich that Babycorn had prepared for her herself. After taking out the lollipop chunks from the ham it (no surprise) tasted better. “That’s probably the case! It could really be anyone…” None of the people Tilika passed by really screamed Babycorn’s family to her. If anyone would recognize more of Babycorn’s cousins it would be her coolest and greatest cousin number #1!
(title given to her personally by cherrypit. Tilika cried for an hour after cherrypit granted her a handmade certificate with that title written on it)
“That’s really scary Tilika!”
“Huh?” Tilika was caught off guard. What Babycorn said sounded bad but for some reason she was smiling.
“I remember Alphinaud had to explain some things that we learned. I didn’t really know why it was really bad for Ishgardians to drink dragon blood until he did!”
“Uhhh…Why was it bad….?” Tilika was almost afraid to ask. She would assume that drinking blood of any kind would be bad but what made drinking dragon blood really bad?
“If they drink it-some of them turn into dragons!” Babycorn demonstrated this as best as she could by raising her arms in the air and baring her teeth.
Tilika was at a loss for words.
Babycorn noticed that Tilika had gone eerily quiet. “What’s wrong? I didn’t scare you did I? I didn’t mean to! I’m so sorry!” Having been victim to too many scary stories in her lifetime, the last thing Babycorn ever wanted to do was scare someone else with her own story.
“No! I mean-! I’m fine just…Thinking about something.”
That something was about the rumors of a young Lalatov going around and joking he could turn into a dragon. There couldn’t be any sort of truth to that…could there…?
“Now that I know that I’m a little part Ishgardian I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t drink that cup of dragon blood me and Cherry found huh?” Babycorn laughed. It was back during their investigations of finding more about Ysayle. Babycorn raised a glass of it to her mouth until Estinien knocked it out of her hands in blind fury.
It was scary at the time but now it was kind of funny.
Tilika’s eyes were wide with fear.
Babycorn and Tilika were walking through some more of Ishgard again. None of them were really looking for anything, so much as just taking in the sights.
It was Tilika’s first time in Ishgard so Babycorn was doing her best to point out the most interesting sights to her. Babycorn pulled on Tilika’s coat and pointed at a fountain, “That’s the fountain me and Cherry always played in!” Memories of splashing together and running around the fountain water floated around in Babycorn’s mind.
“Wasn’t it cold?” Tilika couldn’t imagine the fountain would be warm in this weather.
“Oh totally! But it was way funner than it was cold!”
“Ah…” Tilika was on her way to joining the club of Wondering how the hell Babycorn and Cherrypit had managed to survive living the way they did. Given what they got up to sometimes it was almost a miracle they made it this far.
Babycorn’s attention was suddenly drawn to someone coming out of a building she frequented. She never could remember the names of buildings, just what was in it. She recognized this building as being where Aymeric usually was.
And who else could it be...but Aymeric! Out and about for a rare stroll around Ishgard.
“Oh! Aymeric! Hi! Hi! It’s me!” Babycorn suddenly stopped, “Tilika! That’s Aymeric over there! We adventured together for a little! We’re friends!” Babycorn still wasn’t sure what Aymeric’s new job was but she felt really bad for him. He always sounded sad that his job never seemed to give him any free time.
Tilika looked up from the fountain to see who Babycorn was talking about. Her heart skipped a beat and her face was overcome with a warm blush. The guy Babycorn was talking about looked…really cute?!
Who was he?! Oh, right Babycorn had said his name was Aymeric. And now Aymeric was waving this way!? Was he waving to her or Babycorn?? Wait, probably both of them! Of course! Tilika slowly waved back and laughed in embarrassment. She turned her head to try and hide in the fluff of her coat.
The next thing Tilika knew there was a snowball on her face.
“Gottem!!” Babycorn was standing on top of the fountain, she was almost standing right in front of Tilika. How Tilika hadn’t noticed that was most likely due to Aymeric. “That’s one point for Babycorn! Woohoo!” Babycorn then slipped on some water and fell back into the fountain, knocking herself out.
Tilika looked down, snowball still on her face, and sighed.
Aymeric walked back the way he came from to call for help.
From a dark corner, a young Elezen peeked at the scene in front of them.
“That couldn’t be her…could it?” they whispered to themselves. They picked up their dress and began their run back home. They technically were still forbidden to talk to her, even if most of her family had no idea their cousin was the Savior of Ishgard.
Their family probably wouldn’t take it as well as they did.
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