#see the other posts in this set for wise words from Sandy McDonald
mizgnomer · 1 year
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Behind the Scenes of The Unicorn and the Wasp (Part Six)
Excerpts from Jason Arnopp’s article in DWM 396:
DWM: How did you like working with Christopher Benjamin [who played Lord Eddison] David Tennant: It's glorious. Although I have to say, it's one of those casts where you're delighted with everybody. I've worked with Fenella [Woolgar, who plays Agatha Christie] a couple of times, and I'm proud to announce to the world that her casting here was my idea! I think it's the first time a casting suggestion of mine has ever been taken up. And Tom Goodman-Hill [who plays Reverend Golightly] is a fantastic actor. He was buzzing brilliantly in the readthrough. DWM: You auditioned for the part: were you sitting in a waiting room with a bunch of Christie-alikes? Fenella Woolgar (Agatha Christie): Yes, that was hilarious. And even funnier, because there was another audition going on next door which couldn't have been more different: some guy was shouting, "I'm gonna kill your effing mother!" So I was standing there, thinking, "No, no, it's 1926! Focus!" DWM: You've known David Tennant for a while, right? Tom Goodman-Hill (Reverand Golightly): Since drama school days, so we've got lots of mutual friends. I remember talking to him, just after he got the Doctor Who job, about how we grew up on Tom Baker and Peter Davison's Doctors. Although I'm a little older than David, so I also remember a bit of Pertwee.
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