#seeing all these differences feel like im being gaslighhted (?) or having berenstein bear effect(?)
chipsncookies · 3 months
Bravern ep 9 spoilers)
I've been dumpster diving on twitter in search for supe fanart (I didn't find many) but i came across an interesting analysis. Ep9 has shown that the popular theory was right, there are multiple timelines, and this user claimed that we've seen multiple timelines in past episodes. There are some evidence that look really convincing.
In ep 2 smith busted the door to the torture room open, but after that the door looks completely fine
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In the scene where they changed lulu's hairstyle, the background changed drastically (seaside + runway turned into buildings, with isami watching) they shouldn't have walked that far for the place to change so much
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In japan, the command people were first shown observing the events outside by binoculars, but then changed to monitor. Why go inside? If it's safe to observe in the beginning why bother going inside
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Also, remember the risque scene of smith with lulu? It seems the bg also changed between what seemingly looks like seamless scenes. The green duvet is messy in the first scene, but neat and undisturbed in second scene?
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Also, this is my own observation, but the place where superbia meditated also changed. In the beginning the place is completely clear, but in ep9, there are many dead trees very close around him.
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You could argue he moved, but if you look closely he's on top of a rather tall hill(?) and there's no other place with the same height in immediate vicinity. He'd also made the decision to sit there and think, plus (from what i understood) he could get a good grasp of the situation with bravern vs deathdrives so it's not like he changed place to get a better view
There's a post by another user pointing out that hibiki's injury has changed from head to hand (or vice versa? I don't remember) but I couldn't verify this yet.
There are many more things pointed out in the thread, but they're non visual stuff that require checking and might be affected by subs. Please check it out yourself. I think bravern really needs rewatching after all the revelation.
I think it makes sense that there are different timelines. Because these different timelines could be based on smith/bravern's memories (before and after transformation). But I wonder if we'll continue seeing these in ep10 and so on because starting from knuth's explosion, he can't possibly see what happens in the future
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