#seeing people claim their sense of self and gender and go 'it doesn't matter. nothing makes me less of a man/woman/something'
You know, gendies and radfems can argue back and forth all day about whether gender dysphoria is a "real" mental disorder or not, but one thing that I refuse to argue is the utterly ridiculous notion that having it can somehow change your biological sex on it's own. A self-loathing man is still a man, and a self-loathing woman is still a woman; your personal sense of self-worth has zero impact on your DNA. The purpose of language is to enhance communication, and those words developed to describe people with specific reproductive typicalities. They didn't develop to make people feel good, because feeling good is not the purpose of language (that's what chocolate is for, jk, lol). Without a solid definition to words, the entire purpose of language dissolves, and no one will be able to understand one another. Think of the biblical "tower of Babel" story, but happening in real time, NOT mythical, and, obviously, induced by human stupidity instead of some presumably made-up, patriarchal angry god. Besides, biological women will still go on existing without a word to describe ourselves, regardless of whether men (trans-identified or otherwise) like it or not. We just won't be able to organize politically, since the law requires clear and concise language in order to work. And I'm pretty sure that barring half the human race from the right to political organization and redress violates several international human rights laws. But then, I guess it shouldn't surprise us that TiMs don't want us to have the same basic human rights that they do, because they really don't make any bones about their misogynistic hatred of women. Want to prove otherwise, TiMs? Stop claiming that having gender dysphoria makes you a woman. It makes you a man with gender dysphoria, full stop.
Also, it goes against the laws of science to claim that feelings change your sex, and also should probably be noted that it doesn't seem to apply to any other mental health disorders. Anorexics, Bullimics, and Orthorexics all think themselves fat; that doesn't mean they are. People with Cotard's Syndrome may believe that parts of their bodies are missing, or that they're dying, dead, or don't exist; that doesn't mean that any of that is true. Schizophrenics can suffer auditory and sometimes visual hallucinations and experience delusions of grandeur and and acute paranoia. I once met a mostly recovered schizophrenic guy who told me about an episode he once had at a family picnic in the park wherein he hallucinated that he saw aliens land from outer space in a flying saucer, and no one else could see them. News flash: aliens didn't land; they were all in his mind. I am quite short (five feet tall exactly, to be precise). If I managed to delude myself that I was really eight feet tall and told everyone else that I was such, that would not magically make me eight feet tall, nor would it change the fact that I am the shortest person in my immediate family. Hell, I can't even add mere inches to my height simply by claiming a different one, let alone feet. And being short can really suck. Not being able to reach stuff, being frequently condescended to, predatory men choosing me precisely because they want someone weak and vulnerable. I don't like it. But, hey, it's genetics. There is nothing I can do about it. No matter how much I may wish I was 5'6", I'm not. And if wishing I was taller won't actually make me taller, why would wishing you weren't your sex make you the opposite one?
The point is, although wishy-washy New Agers and intellectually dishonest postmodernists alike may violently disagree with me, the truth is that feelings don't change facts and our thoughts really don't do anything to shape our physical and biological realities. The words we use to describe our biology, our political categories, and everything else around us are based on physical realities that absolutely anyone can physically observe in the real world. Turning the world upside down and calling things perpetually the opposite of what they are will not actually change what they are IRL, and you at least secretly know that. If you find yourself unable to cope, that is, shockingly, not the rest of society's problem. You need to learn how to deal with that yourself.
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fairymint · 8 months
♢ Has anyone ever tried to steal your blog? Your headcanons? Icons? All that jazz
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No, no, and no, by virtue of the things involved makes this a strange concept of question. So the layers-
Felix himself is a self insert, so stealing him is a non-thing in the sense that a self insert blog....would be a different person entirely. Like this is inherent, no matter how similar you may be. Not that I've had anyone try to 'steal' his character itself either. It's a non-issue.
Headcanons are an odd thing to me, as they are meant to be shared in the first place sort of deal? but, if someone takes my headcanon, I consider that a compliment of sorts. I can see how some could consider their plotlines and story sacred, as one might not want everybody inserting stuff into lore without proper knowledge, approval and consent, even if I don't share that same sentiment myself for the most part. But, most headcanons for me are either too basic to claim, or meant to be community involved, for me to object. Moving back on the basics thing, in the grandest scheme and sense of thing is that Originality Don't Real. somebody has done it, or done similar to it, in a sense. A bunch of basics collect to affect people in a unique way, depending on their tastes, needs, and how their day is going, etc.
i definitely give not a shit about icon use, these images are art that i did not make in the first place- only to the extent of editing, if i did even that much. i make no claim on them, use the same ones to your heart's delight. But also, icons are not the end-all be all- I love them, and they can tell a lot, but on the flipside feel that you should be able to do your reading and writing outside of them as well!!! they should be supplemental. faceclaim/icon doesn't tell you everything about a muse. if the faceclaim has blue eyes, and the rp reply directly describes purple eyes, you fail if your response to that reply references their muse having blue eyes. if you misgender a muse whose pronouns are used directly under based on what gender you 'think' the muse looks like-or describe the wrong skin tone for manga iconed characters- yeah same thing, you get the gist. There is nothing stopping you from taking icons of a canon character and making an oc like Maverick the destroyer with a pokemon team of a subversive theme, and rping like that. if anything, it's interesting seeing how muses of a shared faceclaim can differ or not! if you really need to, playing with hues and other color edits in photoscape x's batch editor can give you an edge in options, but don't be afraid of that shit with me. not counting the fact that felix himself 'swaps' faceclaims constantly, shhh shhhh, it's the aquarius and adhd in me-
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