#seinor seinor Junior
casp1an-sea · 5 months
Picrew is not mine: sushicore!
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Atlas: Based on Attina
Male, He/him
(29)Atlas is the heir to the throne of the Coralsea so he’s never left the Coralsea. He has an Orangey-Red tail and orange fins. He’s the oldest most mature and kind of a mom for all the siblings.
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Antoinette: Based on Alana
Female, She/Her
(26)Antoinette also lives in the Coralsea and has never left. She has a knack for fashion and always puts in great care to looking her best. She has a purple tail and pink fins.
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Allegra: Based on Adella
Female, She/Her
Age: 24
Height: 5’8”/173 cm
Birthday: July 2nd (Cancer)
Likes: scrapbooking about attractive land dwellers
Dislikes: not getting to finish her dreams or her day dreams being interrupted
Favorite Food: Sashimi
Least Favorite Food: Clam Chowder
Talent: match making (self proclaimed)
Allegra decided to go to land after graduating from school she got a job cohosting for reality shows on the TV show network “Once Upon A Dream” so she’s somewhat of a celebrity. She has a crush on her costar Alceé Bordelon. She’s bubbly and outgoing totally obsessed with romance. She’s a hopeless romantic. Her hair is naturally curly. She has a yellow tail. Her favorite color is lime green.
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Aaliyah: Based on Aquata
Female, She/Her
(20) She is recently graduated from RSA. She’s doing a part time teaching job there while she figures out what she wants to do in life. She’s quite shy and sweet. She likes staying in and reading books. She secretly likes going out and dancing but she’s notably very bad at it even in the water. She’s quite close to her younger brother. She still sleeps with her pink stuffed seahorse Mr. Fuzzyfinkel (when alabaster doesn’t steal it) she has a blue tail.
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Alabaster: Based on Arista
Trans Male, He/him
(disclaimer I have an Alabaster bias because Arista is my fav and I also played her in a musical 👉👈)
(19)Alabaster is a Seinor at RSA he’s adventurous and silly, and he loves music. He’s very similar in personality to Riel but he doesn’t get away with as much because he’s not his dad’s favorite and he’s kind of intimidated by him. He breaks the rules when he thinks he can, but at the same time, is very anxious about it. When he came to RSA he wanted to learn a whole bunch of instruments and is currently working on the saxophone. He’s very close with Aaliyah and is constantly stealing her stuff much to her frustration. He’s also really the only sibling Reil hangs around. Riel hangs out more with his friends than his siblings. He has a red tail and rose colored fins.
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Aria: Based on Andrina
(FYI I am the head of the Aria hate club so you are very welcome and expected to hate her)
Female, She/Her
(18) Aria is a Junior. She tried to get into both RSA and NRC but didn’t make it into either so she goes to Somercrest Academy instead. She was one of Azul’s Bullies through Elementary and Middle school. Still picks at him if they ever cross paths. She also is obsessed with Floyd and Quite in love with him. He despises her. In middle school she made a deal to give up her good voice to Azul in exchange for a pretty fin to impress a boy. After the contracts were sanded in book 3 she likewise got her voice and old fin back. She’s also a total gossip and kinda sucks at magic.
she doesn’t really have a reason for bullying people, other than she can. As a princess, she feels really entitled, and it really gets to her head.
as you can see, some of them are far more flushed out than others. You’re welcome to suggest things to me for ones that aren’t complete, which is basically all of them, except for Allegra cause I used her in a story lol
Reply if your part of the Aria hate club <3
@xen-blank @thehollowwriter @ferris-the-wheel @fizzydreamz @hyperfixation-or-death
@ravenwing0110 @keii-starz @distant-velleity
@krenenbaker @elenauaurs @the-banana-0verlord @edith-is-a-cat @dove-da-birb
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officermaddie23 · 1 year
How to tell if a mutant works for the dragon master
Mutants that are loyal to dragon master's technology will usually have 2 swords and a dragon face tattooed on their arm. As ordered the mutant will show the tattoo at a runaway subject to let them know that they are under the protection of the dragon master. Tattoos come in different colors per rank
Seinor or General is a gold tattoo
Captain or Junior officer is a silver tattoo
Experienced or Rookie is a bronze tattoo
Recruit is a lapis tattoo
Durning spy missions however it is important for them keep those tattoos covered at all times because if an employee of the enemy sees it that means certain death as spies have been killed because of their tattoo
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elizobyss · 1 year
FINALS ARE DONE! my junior year in college is over. NOW I'M FINALLY A SEINOR!!! i do feel a little like a failure since i'm graduating at 25 and i've been in college for 6 years now but that's because i did gen eds in the beginning and transferred to two different art schools. it also sucks because at the first art school, i totally got screwed over and it was during the start of the pandemic which really fucked things up. i'm finally glad i get to be free in a year.
ALSO THANKS FOR 1,000+ FOLLOWERS! holy moly! ya'll the best!
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64-jungle-planks · 2 years
I think these sketches are cool!
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I did this one during the school day. I play a character based off of Goodtimeswithscar, called Scaps- a tall Halfling Bard who’s chaotic neutral!
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Then I made these three pages during the campaign. I was told what to draw and given notes with the first two characters (and I gave the pages away so I can’t take good photos of them Unfortunately) but the bottom one is mainly about Scaps again and him just messing with everyone. I ate soap like Ren from Ren and Stimpy, and I accused every NPC that we encountered of working for the (This is a quote from Alice,) “Working for the sexy dragon lady”. I got in a verbal fight with the town mayor too, for not believing that the gem he gave us was worth 350 gold coins. I still don’t believe him tbh.
This is only our second campaign and someone’s already dead from the main party. I don’t remember his name because I have a horrible memory but we had to go undercover into a cult and the nickname I gave him was “Hugh Jass” because he rolled I think a 5 on deception and I rolled a 23. If your wondering, I called myself Mayo Joe :).
I brought a rubber band shooter to the campaign and the half-orc wizard kept shooting our Elf (If I remember correctly). We broke the band compartment and that’s when we discovered that it makes the EXACT same sound as the Lego StarWars brick breaking sound. It was funny because we were in middle of an interaction and when the NPC walked away we dropped the band compartment and laughed like maniacs. The laughing also happened whenever our Dm said: “Among” “Bend over” and many other words that I cannot think of right now.
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solarwriting · 4 years
Soulmate au 2 with Nini pls?
if your soulmate is singing, you get that song stuck in your head
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y/n loved high school musical, and she thought it the musical would be fun but she soon realized it wasn't going to be, whoever her soulmate was really loved that musical or had a big part because those were the only songs in her head. she also realized the musical wasn't as fun as it seemed on the outside, they call it drama for a reason and that reason was east high's new love triangle between seinor ej caswell and juniors nini sazar-roberts and ricky bowen, all of which seemed to have pretty big parts, though y/n wasn't sure was exactly.
after a few weeks of hearing what i've been looking for on repeat in her head, y/n was getting real tired of the high school musical soundtrack. she tried to combat it by listening to some of her favorite songs listening to the new 5 seconds of summer album about five times in a row just to drown the high school musical soundtrack out. she groaned when she heard another song begin to play, ready to put earbuds in but stopped herself when she realized it wasn't a song from the musical, at leas one that she had heard before.
and there's one more boy, he's from my past
we fell in love but it didn't last
y/n soon found herself humming the lyrics, she realized whoever her soulmate was, they might have written the song.
"'cause the second i figure it out he pushes me away," y/n quietly sang to herself as she walked the halls, she didn't even realize she was singing until she was stopped.
"hey, where'd you get those lyrics?" nini askes, stopping y/n in the now empty hall.
"oh, m-my soulmate was singing it, i'm guessing they wrote it. i'm not really sure but it's a really nice song." y/n rambled, rubbing the back of her neck with a light chuckle.
"y/n." nini said sharply, snapping her out of her dazed rambles.
the girl blinked looking at the brunette in front of her, "y-yeah?"
"i wrote that song." nini said pointedly.
y/n smiled, not really getting it, "do you know who my soulmate it then? you must have showed them to song and they sang it or so-."
nini interrupted the ramblings of her soulmate again, "y/n. i'm your soulmate." she laughed putting her hands on her shoulders to keep her focused on one thing.
"uh- oh." she said slowly, all of the pieces falling into place, "i haven't really been following the musical that much but i'm guessing you play gabriella?"
nini laughed, "yeah, and you really like 5 seconds of summer, huh?"
"i, yeah. hearing the same few songs over and over kinda got to me after a while." y/n said sheepishly.
nini smiled at her and grabbed her hand, "want to come watch rehearsals?"
y/n nodded, "um, i like your song by the way."
nini chuckled as they continued to walk, "thanks." she bumped her shoulder into y/n's as they made their way to the auditorium.
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wolf-pearl · 4 years
So I just binged all the hyrule warriors age of calamity trailers, and I wanna ramble about my thoughts.
1) ... bruh does this mean hyrule warriors (the original) is cannon now???
3) ... Link has the sheikah slate bombs. That means he can use the sheikah slate. I thought the reason no one could activate the shrines was because Link was never given the slate?????? Also that in it of itself is a rant for another time
4) excuse me all of the champions can use the sheikah slate's runes?? Does that mean there was more than just one sheikah slate?
5) oh sh%# the ending is gonna h u r t
6) it apears that Link isn't the only champion with the time slow ability, interesting...
7) will I get to punch the king?? Please tell me I'll get to punch the king.
8) what is this smol eggy child? And is it just me or does it look like it has a cork in it, meaning it can hold stuff inside it?
9) ... I, uh, koga?? It's... it's a different koga surely? Maybe it's a seinor/junior kinda thing??
10) OH SHIT WAS THAT YUGA???? Could also be vaati with that eye circlet... but damn that looked like yuga or am I just crazy?
11) I was not expecting Impa to look so much like her granddaughter... or to act like her.
And for something only like, 2 people who know me will get:
*deep inhale* sheikah text sheikah text sheikah text SHEIKAH TEXT SHEIKAH TEXT SHEIKAH TEXT SHEIKAH TE-
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can i get a high school au for ciel, sebastian, undertaker, alois, and claude, like what they would be like, who they'd hang out with etc. thank you!
Interest request, never really thought about it, but here it goes:
Ciel- Junior student
- The smartest kid in the class, gets A+ effortlessly 
- the quiet and unfriendly kid, but once you get to know him he opens up and can be actually nice
- In the school chess club, can beat the senior students too
- He finds Alois really annoying 
- Likes to hang out alone, but Lizzy insist he sits with her, he sometimes sits with a senior student named Sebastian 
Sebastian- Seinor student
- School heart throb (duh), just wait till you see the week before prom!
- Generally friendly and flirtatious (fuk boi)
- Once best friends with Claude, but now on bad terms 
- Plays the violin (the girls go crazy)
- He doesn’t really hang out with anyone in particular, he kind of moves from here to here most of the time he sits with his super dorky friends (Meyrin and Bard) sometimes let’s Ciel join him for lunch.
- Brings the best lunches to school 
Undertaker- Senior student (graduated)
- The biggest nerd you will meet
- Is one of those kids where puberty did them well (try comparing his first grade picture with his final grade)
- Decided to bring a micro chipped-cocoroach for his science fair project and pranked all the girls in his class (they were not happy)
- Everyone called him creepy (they regretted though, once he it puberty)
- Literally live’s in the school library
Alois- Junior student
- ALWAYS talks in class
- Rarely does his homework 
- His parent’s are super rich, so he is kind of spoilt 
- LOVES to annoy Ciel just for fun
- Admires a senior student named Claude, nobody know’s why
- Popular kid, everyone is his ‘friends’ (except Ciel)
Claude- Senior student
- Everyone is secretly scared of him (get on his nerves and he would probably beat you up)
- Like Sebastian he is considered very hansom, but is just to intimidating to talk to
- Once best friend’s with Sebastian, but now on bad terms
- Really find’s Alois annoying 
- Athletic 
- Recently got dumped by his girlfriend Hannah, all the girls don’t understand why because they would gladly take her place
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Senior là gì ? Cách hiểu cho đúng về từ Senior
Khi đi làm chắc bạn đã nghe qua một vài lần khái niệm  Seior hoặc ứng viên ứng tuyển và công ty bạn họ nhận mình là Senior. Vậy seior là gì và hiểu như thế nào cho đúng. Chúng ta cùng giải thích ý nghĩa của từ này nhé
Senior chỉ người dày dặn kinh nghiệm 
Một người được gọi là senior khi bản thân họ có hiểu biết và giày dặn kinh nghiệm. Họ giải quyết được những công việc khó , có khả năng làm việc độc lập và hiệu quả cao . Tuy nhiên ở trong công ty Senior cũng được chia ra nhiều cấp độ tùy vào năng lực của mỗi người . Năng lực của một người quyết định cấp độ seinor cao hay thấp
Xem thêm :
Nigga là gì 
wps là gì
ft là gì
kw là gì
xd là gì
kimochi là gì
mvp là gì
Senior dịch nghĩa là : Nhiều tuổi hơn; cao hơn về cấp bậc (chức quyền..); lâu năm hơn
Senior manager là gì ?
Senior là người dày dặn kinh nghiệm nên Senior manager chỉ người có mức độ cao hơn họ đã lên đến quản lí, sau nhiều năm cống hiến thì họ được quản lí một số nhân viên nhất định trong công ty . Ví trí của Senior manager bằng cấp với Manager bình thường và công việc của họ cũng tương tự nhau
Junior là gì?
  Những người có ít kinh nghiệm thì được gọi là Junior, họ vẫn làm việc độc lập và giải quyết các công việc đơn giản, tuy nhiên khi gặp vấn đề khó khăn họ cần có sự trợ giúp từ người khác hoặc một senior để hoàn thành công việc
Trên đây là giải đáp đinh nghĩ Senior là gì ?, hi vọng sẽ đem đến kiến thức bổ ích cho các bạn . Chúc các bạn một ngày làm việc hiệu quả nhé
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365movieonline · 6 years
Senior là gì ? Cách hiểu cho đúng về từ Senior
Khi đi làm chắc bạn đã nghe qua một vài lần khái niệm  Seior hoặc ứng viên ứng tuyển và công ty bạn họ nhận mình là Senior. Vậy seior là gì và hiểu như thế nào cho đúng. Chúng ta cùng giải thích ý nghĩa của từ này nhé
Senior chỉ người dày dặn kinh nghiệm 
Một người được gọi là senior khi bản thân họ có hiểu biết và giày dặn kinh nghiệm. Họ giải quyết được những công việc khó , có khả năng làm việc độc lập và hiệu quả cao . Tuy nhiên ở trong công ty Senior cũng được chia ra nhiều cấp độ tùy vào năng lực của mỗi người . Năng lực của một người quyết định cấp độ seinor cao hay thấp
Xem thêm :
Nigga là gì 
wps là gì
ft là gì
kw là gì
xd là gì
kimochi là gì
mvp là gì
Senior dịch nghĩa là : Nhiều tuổi hơn; cao hơn về cấp bậc (chức quyền..); lâu năm hơn
Senior manager là gì ?
Senior là người dày dặn kinh nghiệm nên Senior manager chỉ người có mức độ cao hơn họ đã lên đến quản lí, sau nhiều năm cống hiến thì họ được quản lí một số nhân viên nhất định trong công ty . Ví trí của Senior manager bằng cấp với Manager bình thường và công việc của họ cũng tương tự nhau
Junior là gì?
  Những người có ít kinh nghiệm thì được gọi là Junior, họ vẫn làm việc độc lập và giải quyết các công việc đơn giản, tuy nhiên khi gặp vấn đề khó khăn họ cần có sự trợ giúp từ người khác hoặc một senior để hoàn thành công việc
Trên đây là giải đáp đinh nghĩ Senior là gì ?, hi vọng sẽ đem đến kiến thức bổ ích cho các bạn . Chúc các bạn một ngày làm việc hiệu quả nhé
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