#seisub kisses
jimekki · 10 months
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Kiss on the shoulder 😘
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noa-ciharu · 2 years
I'd soooo want to see seisub AU where Bet year happens in X and Subaru knows from the very start who Seishirou is and all about the Bet. Like on eve of 31th of Dec 1998 he catches Seishirou mid-kill in same manner he did when he was 8. Seishirou murmurs something really cryptic about fate repeating and bet, thinking he'd be able to erase Subaru's memories and start Bet year on 'regular' terms. Except he didn't take into account Subaru is omnyoji of his caliber and he won't be able to make repeat of first time he and Subaru met. So all cards are out open.
Subaru would be reluctant to let assassin into his life but he'd realize it's for the best because otherwise he'd be killed for sure on 31th of Dec 1999. Plus, he'd be lying if he claimed he's completely disinterested. Hokuto finds out (not about Sakurazukamori part, Subaru doesn't want to tell her for her own safety) and instantly befrends Seishirou TB-style. The first time she sees Seishirou and her brother interacting (with loads and loads of tension tho), she instantly knows.
Their meetings mostly consist of philosophy talk and jabs; dates where Seishirou picks him up from work and drives to another place, without Subaru even giving him info. Subaru being riddled up for once in his life and Subaru feeling understood for once in his life. Then X plot kicks in and suddenly they meet on a battlefield where Seishirou is bound by Bet rules to not harm Subaru anyhow. Subaru sees World as worth saving and people as valuable whereas Seishirou is complete opposite. More debates ensure. Still, Subaru being Subaru, he has low self-worth, so he won't even think he's capable of winning the Bet. He believes 1999 is his last year of life and gradually starts coming with terms he'll die. So when he finally starts feeling something for Seishirou, it hurts him that he'd never be seen as worthy of loving back.
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gabbylyons · 2 years
2, 25, 30, 37 + seisub 👀
LET'S GO 👀❤️
2. Any sleep habits either had to get used to?
In the bet year, Seishirou sometimes had to work long hours at the clinic while Subaru was taking all the work that appeared, even the ones that he wasn't being paid for, so both were exhausted and overworked. Because of that, one day Subaru, innocent as he always was, fell asleep in seishirou's flat and 😎 in his good vet persona, slept next to him in the couch. Of course he did mental gymnastics and told himself how he liked how vunerable his prey was being close to him. Subaru was all flustered and apologies in the morning, but vet reassured him. This ended up becoming a habit, sleeping next to each other.
One of the worst tortures to Subaru after that year was being unable to sleep without Seishirou next to him.
25. Who's the most stubborn?
Seishirou made a bet that he couldn't catch feelings and when he fell in love he decided that dying was the only reasonable response to that because he just couldn't accept it. Stubborn, stupid and a dramatic bitch.
30. What is their favorite place to kiss the other?
Seishirou likes to fully make out, either kissing Subaru on mouth or his neck, claiming him as his, especially when other people are around. Subaru, on the other hand, likes tender kisses on face or hands, especially the one where he's marked.
37. What do they like the least about each other.
Subaru's need to constantly please and be kind to others drive Seishirou insane when said gentleness is not directed towards him. And Subaru hates how Seishirou just can't admit his feelings and deal with them like someone with common sense (which, let's né honest, none of them have)
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angela132132 · 3 years
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My favourite problematic ship (⑅˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈ )
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cjelskerlink · 5 years
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guiltyscarlet · 4 years
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clampattherite · 5 years
Subaru kissing the marks Seishiro gave him invented romanticism
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flaggermousseart · 5 years
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Belated Xmas SeiSub where they melt into each other, starting with kisses. First time trying painterly style on procreate + Apple Pencil, it’s quite fun!
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riotarttherite · 7 years
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Never listen to this while thinking about your trash tragic otp
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jimekki · 2 years
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Read left -> right
We should’ve had some domestic silly situations like this one in manga. 😗❤️
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noa-ciharu · 1 year
What’s your favorite headcanon of Fuukam?
What’s your favorite canon moment of Seisub?
Fave fuukam headcanon?
I always liked the "I'll go unhealthy miles to save you" type of trope thus I'm a fan of idea that Kamui was meant to die sacrificing himself for earth and Fuuma wants to destroy the earth before Kamui gets a chance to (and maybe along the way he'd trigger the same fate he's been trying to avoid because X is all about fate being cruel). This is probably meant to be canon anyways, but I love the idea that Fuuma and doe!Kamui share the same wish: to protect Kamui and have him live. Now, why does he hurt Kamui then, that's sort of tricky. But I guess in X love comes in all shape and sizes and just cuz Fuuma's love for Kamui is strong it doesn't mean it's healthy
So yea - maybe Fuuma is somehow destroying the world for Kamui's sake (or maybe even that's Kamui's subconscious wish) cuz to him Kamui matter much more than world itself 😭💔
Fave canon seisub moment?
Ugh just one? 🥺😭 can I say bet end scene cuz that's what made me ship seisub to begin with? 😂 my masochistic self fell in love with pain and suffering
Oke jokes aside in TB I'd say ending scene in 'crime' chap where emotionally vulnerable Subaru goes to Seishirou's place to seek comfort. It's just, extent of how much Subaru trusted him and was in dire need of someone who simply understands him that gets to me 😭😭😭 the thing with Seishirou is that at some moments he understands Subaru oh so amazingly well but at others he fails completely. I'd say latter ones are mostly about Subaru's emotions for him since Seishirou could never wrap his mind around how he's truly special to Subaru
As for X if we got a scene where we see Seishirou upset about Subaru's injury or generally less than composed about what Subaru means to him then that'll easily be my fave scene. Cuz angst. Cuz yearning. Cuz 😎 angsting 🥺🙏 but aside that I love all scenes where Subaru is thinking and obsessing over Seishirou: his yearning expression after Seishirou leaves Nakano plaza, that one extra chap, hospital scene when Yuzuriha gave him a bunny plushie, vol16 scene when he kisses marks on hands that engraved into my mind 😭😭😭
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noa-ciharu · 2 years
any headcanon about the past of trc!seisub? (p.s. your fanfics are sooooo good)
Awwww thank you so much! 🥰 also what coincidence because I am just in process of writing trc!seisub fanfic. I say in process because I'm a student who barely has time to sleep normally, let alone write fics. So I don't expect to finish it until March ;-;
p.s: ofc it'll be a sin fic :D how to miss out on ust and angst of sinful!priest/pure!vampire dynamic 😈
I do have some headcanons about trc!seisub and their past in general
First thing first, I doubt original world vampire twins were living in was 'safe' for them. There's official art of Syaoran and Fai posing with guns in what appears to be world similar to Victorian gothic times. Clothes they wear are very similar to ones twin wear on other official art (one where they're standing cuddled together). Also, I don't think guns are seen in trc except in acid Tokyo arc. More precisely - Fuuma's crew. Fuuma himself used a gun during fight with Kamui (more in 'shoo shoo go away' manner). So all of that led me to believe that maybe vampires can be harmed by guns in serious ways. If twins' original world had some specialized guns used for vampire hunting then damage could be even more severe.
Why would humans want to get rid of vampires? There could be countless reasons really, starting from fear to wanting superiority over creatures superior by birth. So being hunted in their original world could be one half of reasons why twins were forced to leave in the first place. Other half of reasons probably has to do with Seishirou.
One thing I'm certain of is that some sort of betrayal happened between Seishirou and Subaru. It's very likely that Seishirou was a vampire hunter in disguise that befriended Subaru for whatever reason. Who knows, maybe their relationship went past platonic bonds, maybe they really were lovers back then. Anyhow, I doubt Subaru had any clue Seishirou is a vampire hunter (maybe he really was a priest in his original world, aka just like in TB where he has a kind and noble job of being a vet, being a priest can be just as eye-masking facade), but it's also possible Seishirou didn't know right off the bat Subaru was a vampire. Still I doubt that part, Seishirou is perceptive and cunning, maybe he didn't know immediately but certainly did figure out in due time.
Betrayal from Seishirou-> Subaru side would be clear as day: Seishirou reveals his true nature and tries to kill him. I always headcanoned that something there went terribly wrong and Seishirou ended up being fatally wounded. Maybe Kamui got involved, who knows. Or it's possible something Rainbow Bridge style happened, Seishirou realized he could kill others with ease yet there's this one vampire he's emotionally unable to kill and was unable to accept he cared about someone. It's possible he realized on his deathbed he truly cared about Subaru.
Just like in X where Subaru was weeping over Seishirou's soon-to-be corpse and was unable to let him go, trc!Subaru would be a similar wreck. Just he has something X!Subaru doesn't: ability to grant life but at heify price. So he gave Seishirou his blood to save his life (if Subaru didn't bite insides of own mouth then kissed Seishirou and gave him blood then what's the point?). Somehow I'm inclined to think the turning into vampire part happened against Seishirou's will, that he was more than content dying in Subaru's arms in that moment.
I see Seishirou's reaction being either 'hehehe I got OP now, thank you Subaru-kun for being so kind, now I can chase prey that continues to elude me' or being angry. I don't think Seishirou would be pissed off about vampirism itself, but the fact Subaru imposed decision for him. That he had no control over what happened to himself. Hence it won't be too farfetched to me if Seishirou started dimension hopping for sake of revenge (also eye as price got roped into all of this, either half of his magic was stored in eye just like with Fai (so by giving up half of magic, Seishirou would have to rely more on vampire abilities) or there's some other special meaning).
I say started because keep in mind this is man with lack of emotional self-awareness we're talking about. Who knows for how long Seishirou was searching for twins. It's very likely he realized after some time he's actually searching for Subaru not for revenge or harming agenda, but simply because he wants Subaru.
For example, look at expressions Seishirou makes when talking about twins:
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For a man that's allegedly devoid of emotions these expressions are loaded with emotions. That led me to believe he knows deep down he's not searching for Subaru solely out of malicious intention. Whether Seishirou actually knows why precisely he's searching for Subaru is also debatable. It could be an impulse at this point, something he feels deep down is right. Now what lies Seishirou possibly convinces himself into believing are his true goals, who knows.
Also Seishirou constantly says he's searching for twins, but I doubt he's intrested in Kamui anyhow. Of course, unless his goal is to really kill the twins because of their vampirism but I serious doubt he'd make such, dare I say, despondent expression while thinking about someone he wants to kill. Perhaps he wants people to think he wants to kill them hence he claims he's searching for vampire twins (accent on pair of them, neither is special by their personality but by species) rather than just Subaru (accent on bond they share, implication that Subaru must matter to him). Way of keeping facade for others and not showing 'weakness' I'd say.
And yet:
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Apparently Seishirou shared this piece of information (a vulnerability) with Fuuma. Perhaps trc!Seishirou is a bit different from his TB/X counterpart and can accept his attachment to Subaru. If he did that then he'd truly not care for who he harms in process of fulfilling his wish. If he has to destroy a whole universe just to find Subaru (ahem, Outo), so be it.
As for Kamui, he probably hates Seishirou on his, well, bastard personality. He's not a good man, hides behind facade and is completely amoral and selfish. Of course Kamui would be wary of person like that, especially if Seishirou tried to harm him or Subaru in the past. I guess one of reasons why twins are on the run is because if three of them were to meet someone wouldn't make it out alive. So twins running for a lifetime would be status quo, sort of 'happy' ending for all 3 of them.
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Okay, maybe not for Kamui, he'd be hissing for eternity
But ofc that's just my opinion and it's very likely clamp had something totally different in mind
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noa-ciharu · 1 year
2, 7, 26 seisub
2 - do they like each other friends? Do said friends like them?
Does Seishirou even have someone to introduce Subaru to?? No?? As for Subaru introducing Seishirou to Seals: lmaoo they sure would ""adore"" the Sakurazukamori. Arashi, Sorata and Aoki would begrudgingly accept it but not be too delighted nor bond with 😎. I think Yuzuriha would try to be polite but would be slightly afraid of Seishirou (reasonable). Kamui would be worried for Subaru and might even disapprove initially but would accept Subaru's decision pretty soon (after all, he ain't in any better position). Karen is only one I can imagine getting along with Seishirou to some shallow degree
7 - least and most favorite thing about one another?
I think it's canon Seishirou has a thing for Subaru's kindness and hands. Tbf I'd say Seishirou would like alot of things regarding Subaru. Only ones he'd really dislike but never actually say a thing about is Subaru's self-destructiveness and melancholia. Subaru's part is alot trickier lol. There are buncha things he dislikes about Seishirou, mostly centered around their bloody past and Seishirou's purposely cruel behavior and apathy. Aside all of those things, I think it'd bother Subaru deep down that he knows he can never actually mean a thing to Seishirou; that love, obsession, devotion and all complex emotions he feels for him are all one-sided. Ofc that's far from the case but Subaru isn't aware if that. As for fave thing, since comforting touch is Subaru's love language pretty much, I'd say he loves being by Seishirou's side in peace and cuddled beside him. Or simply whenever Seishirou touches him, be it in passing, fleeting kisses, embraces in public or during sex - he loves all sort of touches
26 - how are they with PDA?
PDA is more deliberate with them. Seishirou can keep hands of Subaru in public, he prides himself on iron self-control after all. But when he wants to tease Subaru he sure would wrap arm around his waist or even give him a passionate kiss (along with a grope) in middle of busy street. Also being a possessive bastard, if he senses someone is checking Subaru out or just subconsciously senses Subaru is drifting away from him he'd put hands on Subaru just to show who Subaru belongs to. As for Subaru, unless he's pissed off cuz of something he'd gladly yield into the touch and accept being claimed
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noa-ciharu · 2 years
OTP-Relationship: 30 Seisub ✨
30 - which places do they mostly kiss?
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I really
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do wonder
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where precisely?
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Alright, jokes aside, Subaru kissing same marks on his hand Seishirou did 16 years ago left me with permanent mental damage. My therapist should be hearing all Subaru's didn't
Kisses to Subaru's hands hold a special meaning for them both. In Seishirou's case he's reaffirming his possession and in Subaru's he's being reassured he'll always belong to Seishirou; that their bond is still unbroken. Because at the end of the day, all Subaru wanted was for Seishirou to acknowledge his existence and worth, even if as 'prey' of his. Basically possessiveness + possession kink taking on emotional value beside just sexual/sensual gratification. Ownership really
Beside hands and obviously lips Seishirou would have a thing for kissing Subaru on vulnerable spots, such as neck. It shows how much power he had over Subaru and how despite knowing who he is, what he's done and what he's capable off - Subaru still trusts him enough (or takes a risk) to let Seishirou touch him there; when he could snap Subaru's neck in a heartbeat. On more steamy side Seishirou would probably love placing kisses, sucks and bites inside Subaru's thighs, especially if Subaru is arching and moaning underneath him, wishing to be kisses somewhere else. Bonus of Subaru is tied up 👀🔥
If Subaru is one placing kisses, then he'd like doing them fleetingly and tenderly. Like brief kiss over forehead if position (laying cuddled on bed or sofa :'D) allows it or brief peck on lips/cheek. Ofc that's all if they're licking their best dysfunctional domestic bliss post X 😭
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noa-ciharu · 2 years
Thinking bout sub kissing seishiro's hands has me frothing at the mouth
It had me frothing at the mouth too so I went ahead and wrote small(1.2k) fic about that. It's the forbidden AU: X!Seisub fluff. But also with Seishirou's mental gymnastic added to the mix. Imagine some Bible level miracle happened and they're living domestically dysfunctionally together :D
Fic is under-cut
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From corner of the eye Seishirou noticed Subaru approaching the couch. Before Subaru could discern him staring, Seishirou lowered head and resumed with reading; alas with divided attention. Even after years of living together Seishirou couldn’t help being on guard around Subaru; biology in motion, second nature to stay on slight guard around anyone.
Once Subaru closed enough proximity for not being aware of his presence being too unnatural, Seishirou gazed up and regarded him with brief look; acknowledged presence. Meek smile from Subaru in return, almost shy; perhaps fondness was also there, something Seishirou had to admit to still not being able to fathom entirely. Oh well, leastwise his over-sized pyjamas looked adorable on Subaru; he didn’t even suggest Subaru uses it, he wore it on own initiative. That fact made gesture more endearing.
Without saying a word Subaru lounged on couch to his left; always on side he could be noticed on, Seishirou realized shortly after they’ve got back together; kind but pointless. If he wanted to sleep Subaru ought to have went straight to bed, not nap here on couch. It was almost December, certainly not advisable to lay down without any sort of blanket. Plus Subaru was likelier to catch all sorts of nasty cold as self-care simply wasn’t his strongest suit; add magical backlash into mix. Cold would be Subaru’s problem to deal with however by extension also his; therefore Seishirou would rather avoid what is avoidable.
Perhaps Subaru was silently urging him to take a shower so they can both go to sleep? Cute but I’m afraid you don’t hold that sort of control over me Subaru-kun.
Subaru yawned beside him and bent legs at knees. Seishirou had ti suppress yawn on his own; instead he flipped next page. Eye hastily scanned text up and down, then left to right. Maybe Subaru did have a point; certainly warm bed sounded like far better idea than forcing himself to concentrate on book he lost interested in; especially when half of his focus was on person laying beside him. Nevertheless he refused to give in to any will other than very own and for those reasons Seishirou decided to spend couple minutes more in somewhat soothing silence before calling it a day.
Soft rustle to the left; just as soft hair strands brushing over trousers. Seishirou glanced down; realized Subaru cuddled closer to him. Maybe it’s attention he wants? Oh well, even if not in the mood for anything too serious nor ardent, how could he pass the opportunity of playing the role of devoted lover? Permitting corner of lips to curve into knowing smirk, Seishirou brought free hand down and combed through Subaru’s bangs. Instant puff, but there was no mistaking shy smile on Subaru’s lips.
How absurd. Fundamentally you’re not that different from naive boy you once were, yet were far easier to read when you were so desperate to hide what you’re feeling. Seishirou returned attention to his book; just in name. As on autopilot continued stroking Subaru’s hair and cheeks; caress was accepted, even welcomed. The advantages of having docile lover, irrefutably worth one’s time. Still, Seishirou was no fool. Said yielding extended only to surface things; ones that failed to matter in long shot. Inane to even assume tension between them would ever be resolved, that Subaru didn’t have volition on his own and -
Subaru’s fingertips grazed over his wrist. That captured Seishirou’s undivided attention; alarms went off within psyche; he silenced them with ease. As well as whetted appetite. Seishirou remained motionless, simply waited to see what Subaru had in mind. Oh so slowly, like he was avoiding raising up any further alarms, Subaru encircled hand around his wrist; then just as gradually lowered it down. Seishirou allowed the maneuvering. What he didn’t expect was for Subaru to kiss back of his hand.
Touch, for being mundane and chaste as it was, felt oddly intimate. As if slipping into uncharted territory, instinct nudged at him to retreat into safety. Refusing to yield into own irrationality, Seishirou stilled his hand; allowed Subaru to place kisses over palm and back. With eyes closed and expression serene, Subaru appeared deeply engrossed in such trivial touch. They had to hold some meaning to Subaru he failed to comprehend at the moment.
I’ll reach into your soul eventually. There won’t be a thing about you concealed from me. I'll own your every thought.
Seishirou envisioned inverted pentagrams on Subaru’s hands; moment later marks came to life. In reality, situation tended to be reversed, he’s usually one placing kisses over Subaru’s hands; over where marks of his ownership were craved. In split second it flashed through Seishirou’s mind that this was ritual of reverse ownership; those apprehension diminished as no chants from Subaru were detected; no hints of omnyojitsu.
Perhaps symbolically then? Of no account, for time being he’ll settle on observing tenderness of Subaru’s expression; even if odd intimacy threw him off loop in ways he couldn’t pinpoint. Quite peculiar of himself to pose an enigma to no other than himself, nonetheless such uncanny moments intensified in frequency whenever Subaru was added it mix. Seishirou would be lying if he claimed he was delighted with that prospect but sometimes one needn’t probe too deep; mustn't as some things were better left unanswered; unlabeled.
Longer kiss was placed right on back of palm. Subaru finally opened eyes and their gazes met. No flinch, no pause. Seishirou made sure his expression betrayed none of inner conflict; let subtle smile reach lips, neither too flat to be closer to frown, nor too plastic to be obviously fake. Subaru and melancholia went hand in hand, better for both of them if Subaru remained in somewhat normal spirits rather than one of his blues; after all, he’d be one reaping the benefits of keeping his lover content.
Eventually Subaru let go; let hand slide down and lowered head back on his thigh. Silence stretched on, like nothing happened in the first place. Curiosity weakness of his, even more when something piped his interest. Seishirou decided to press the matter, but play it off as triviality.
“Cute of you Subaru-kun but what was that for?”, he asked while raking through Subaru’s hair once more.
Soft groan; Subaru appeared to be enjoying the tenderness. At that moment he appeared as if he hasn’t aged a day past sixteen; timid and sentimental. Yet unguarded eyes let out nothing of inner thoughts and wishes; no less of an enigma than night they reunited couple months ago.
“I’m not sure…”, Subaru began indeterminately. Paused briefly, gazed shyly to side before finally answering with more assurance.
“I just felt like it”
That answered absolutely nothing, Seishirou through privately. Howbeit typical of Subaru to act upon emotions. In retrospect he probably projected own inclination towards deceptiveness onto Subaru; habit of his, but also innate instinct to always stay ten steps ahead of everyone; especially someone as enigmatic and magically powerful as this grown up version of Subaru is.
All of that apparently unnecessary scrutiny evoke hunter in him; looks like he was in the mood actually. Seishirou slid hand down to Subaru’s chin and coaxed him into lounging position. Subaru didn’t appear startled, if anything he seemed receptive to anything Seishirou had in mind. Good. Distraction more then desirable; perhaps he needed it more than Subaru did.
“Let me show you then what proper kiss looks like”, Seishirou teased and brought Subaru up into real kiss.
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